齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18 邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

2020年10月16日11:40:06其他揭露齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18 邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等已关闭评论7765字数 22488阅读74分57秒阅读模式

Mail-in Ballot Fraud


Is President Trump correct that universal mail-in balloting is fraught with opportunity for fraud?This is well known,and well documented.At the polls,voter ID and signature verification are done,and the person is certainly not dead or out of state if they present at the polls.Absentee ballots likewise have verification,as the voter must make the request and provide verification in order to get a ballot.The Zetas have stated that universal mail-in ballots,which are mailed to every voter in the voter rolls,can be defrauded by bribing poll workers to get voter signatures and bribing postal workers to accept mass collections from the fraudsters.


齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

Confessions of a Voter Fraud:I was a Master at Fixing Mail-in Ballots




A top Democratic operative says voter fraud,especially with mail-in ballots,is no myth.And he knows this because he's been doing it,on a grand scale,for decades.Fraud is more the rule than the exception.A blank mail-in ballot delivered to a registered voter in a large envelope.Inside the packet is a return envelope,a"certificate of mail in voter"which the voter must sign,and the ballot itself.The ballot has no specific security features—like a stamp or a watermark.He would just make his own ballots."I just put the ballot through the copy machine and it comes out the same way".He would have his operatives fan out,going house to house,convincing voters to let them mail completed ballots on their behalf as a public service.The fraudster and his minions would then take the sealed envelopes home and hold them over boiling water.He then would remove the real ballot,place the counterfeit ballot inside the signed certificate,and reseal the envelope.


28 Million Mail-In Ballots Went Missing in Last Four Elections




Between 2012 and 2018,28.3 million mail-in ballots remain unaccounted for.This figure does not include ballots that were spoiled,undeliverable,or came back for any reason.


Brooklyn Voters Report Mislabeled Absentee Ballots:'It's a Major Problem'




Voters across Brooklyn are reporting widespread issues with mislabeled absentee ballots—a problem the city Board of Elections has blamed on an outside vendor.


ZetaTalk Argument 8/31/2020:The argument over mail-in ballots will be settled in the courts,with the desperate Democrats claiming that the polls are dangerous and willy-nilly mailing out ballots to every potential voter on their rolls.Signatures on the voter rolls have already been purchased from corrupt poll workers.Postal delivery clerks have likewise already been bribed and are standing at the ready.


The evidence that mail-in ballot fraud is already in process is beginning to emerge.By August,there were reports from Nevada that 200,000 ballots were mailed to wrong addresses and from Virginia that 500,000 dead people received ballots.Now in late September there are reports that Ilhan Oman has been caught in a ballot harvesting scheme and the Biden campaign caught in a Texas scheme.This is certainly just the tip of the iceberg.The Democrats were surely expecting a supportive 5/4 decision by SCOTUS,but suddenly,with the announced death of Ginsburg,the odds have changed.The Zetas explain.

邮寄投票欺诈的证据已经开始出现。到8月份,内华达州有报道称20万张选票被邮寄到错误的地址,弗吉尼亚州有报道称50万死者收到了选票。现在在九月底,有报道说 Ilhan Oman 被发现参与了一个选票收集计划,拜登竞选团队也被发现参与了德克萨斯州的一个计划。这当然只是冰山一角。民主党人肯定期待着 SCOTUS 支持5/4的决定,但是突然之间,随着金斯伯格的死讯被宣布,胜算发生了变化。齐塔人解释道。

齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

Minneapolis Police say they Will Look into Allegations of Ballot Harvesting Connected to Ilhan Omar




After shocking video was released by Project Veritas showing that Minnesota Representative Ilhan Omar may be connected to a ballot harvesting scheme,the Minneapolis Police Department announced that they are looking into the"allegations of voter harvesting."Omar's campaign deputy district director Ali Isse Gainey is accused of harvesting ballots from Charles Horn Towers,a residence with many elderly voters,prior to the Aug.8 primary,according to an anonymous source.That source also said that some people,primarily women and young people,were given money in exchange for their ballots.

"真理计划"(Project Veritas)公布了一段令人震惊的视频,显示明尼苏达州众议员伊尔汉奥马尔(Ilhan Omar)可能与一个选票收集计划有关后,明尼阿波利斯警察局宣布,他们正在调查"有关收集选票的指控"据匿名消息人士透露,奥马尔的竞选区副主任阿里·伊斯·盖尼被指控在88日初选前从查尔斯·霍恩大厦收集选票,该大厦有许多老年选民。该消息人士还说,一些人,主要是妇女和年轻人,被给钱来换取他们的选票。

Biden's Texas Political Director Implicated in Massive Mail-In Ballot Harvesting Scheme in Harris County




With the help of mass mail-in ballots,the illegal ballot harvesting operation could harvest 700,000 ballots.The investigators—a former FBI agent and former police officer—claim that Biden's Texas Political Director Dallas Jones and his cohorts have been"hoarding mail-in and absentee ballots"and ordering operatives to them fill out for people in Harris County illegally,"including dead people,homeless people,and nursing home residents in the 2020 presidential election."


GOP asks Supreme Court to Halt Mail Voting Extension in Pennsylvania




The Pennsylvania court's decision earlier this month requires election officials to accept ballots postmarked by Election Day,as long as they arrive within three days.


ZetaTalk Comment 9/30/2020:The Ginsburg Double has always been a White Hat Double,under the control of the US Junta,so why was the timing of her"death"chosen to be just ahead of the 2020 election?In that the Junta also has control of the Biden campaign,with both the Biden and Harris Doubles being White Hat Doubles,a withdrawal by Biden at the last minutes to spoil the fraudulent mail-in ballots can be arranged.What is not under the control of the Junta is the liberal media and public perception.Whatever the outcome of the 2020 election,the public should conclude that it was a lawful process.


What is the situation now where Ginsburg has been announced as dead and SCOTUS has 8 votes rather than the 5/4 tie breaker that would have been present if Ginsburg were alive?Any challenge to the mail-in ballot scheme that reaches SCOTUS would thus be deadlocked,and the public would accept this situation.Existing law states that should Biden withdraw the DNC must nominate a replacement,so any early ballot already mailed in has been spoiled and cannot assume the write-in of another candidate.Only a write-in at the polls would be legal.Trump wins.


Debate Reveals


What did the 1st debate between President Trump and Joe Biden reveal?Reliable sources state that Biden had been slipped the debate questions ahead of time,which should not be a surprise as Donna Brazil admitted having done this for Hillary in the past.CNN fears that Biden will have to drop and admitted that in a Freudian Slip in a tweet,saying the"former Democratic nominee Joe Biden".Oops.This tweet was quickly corrected by CNN.Pressuring Biden to take a drug test or allow a third party to check the candidates for whisper devices to assist them with answers during the debate rattled the Biden campaign so much they begged for breaks every 30 minutes.

特朗普总统和拜登之间的第一场辩论揭示了什么?可靠消息来源称,拜登已经提前逃脱了辩论的问题,这并不令人惊讶,因为唐娜巴西承认过去曾为希拉里这样做过。美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)担心拜登将不得不放弃,并在一条推文中承认了这一点,称拜登为"前民主党候选人乔·拜登"。哎呀。这条推特很快被 CNN 更正。在辩论期间,拜登向拜登施压,要求他接受药物测试,或者允许第三方检查候选人的耳语设备,以帮助他们回答问题,这让拜登的竞选团队非常不安,以至于他们每隔30分钟就乞求休息一次。

齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

Joe Biden has been Given Tonight's Debate Questions in Advance




Presidential candidate Joe Biden has been given tonight's debate questions in advance,according to radio host Todd Starnes.If true,this wouldn't be the first instance of questions being provided to a Democratic candidate before a crucial debate.In 2017,Democratic operative Donna Brazile admitted that she had exploited her role as a CNN commentator to feed debate questions to Hillary Clinton beforehand.

根据电台主持人 Todd Starnes 的报道,总统候选人 Joe Biden 已经提前收到了今晚的辩论题。如果这是真的,这将不会是第一次民主党候选人在关键的辩论前被提问。2017年,民主党特工 Donna Brazile 承认,她利用自己作为 CNN 评论员的身份,事先将辩论问题提供给希拉里·克林顿。

Trump Camp seeks extra Debate Rule:Third Party Inspectors to look for Electronic Devices in Candidates'Ears


September 29,2020



The president's re-election campaign wants the Biden campaign to allow a third party to inspect the ears of each debater for electronic devices or transmitters.The president has consented to this kind of inspection,but a source said the Biden campaign has declined the ear check.The Trump campaign,in the hours ahead of the debate,claimed Biden's campaign had agreed to such an inspection before reversing themselves.


Bear in mind that the Biden persona is a White Hat Double under the control of the Junta,so that we are watching a movie at present re the 2020 elections.The announcement that the long dead Ginsburg had died was timed to occur at this time.This now puts SCOTUS at a 4/4 split during any mail-in ballot decisions.And the Zetas have confirmed that the Biden persona will likely withdraw for health reasons just ahead of November 3,thereby spoiling all the fraudulent mail-in ballots.Meanwhile,per the Zetas,to avoid being embarrassed,those in the media claiming Biden is ahead in the manipulated polls will gradually admit Trump is winning.

请记住,拜登的角色是一个由军政府控制的白帽替身,所以我们现在看的是一部关于2020年大选的电影。金斯伯格去世的消息是在这个时候发布的。这使得 SCOTUS 在任何邮寄投票决定中都处于4/4的分裂状态。齐塔人已经确认,拜登的身份可能会在113日之前因健康原因退出,从而破坏了所有欺诈性的邮寄投票。与此同时,根据齐塔人的说法,为了避免尴尬,那些在媒体上声称拜登在被操纵的民调中领先的人将逐渐承认特朗普正在赢得选举。

齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

Part of the movie script includes the constant theme that Biden needs enhancement drugs in order to be coherent.Having confirmed this by refusing a drug test before the debate and refusing to have an inspection for a mic hidden in his ear or elsewhere so that debate answers could be whispered to him,and having been denied a break every 30 minutes so he could be doped up in his room and rehearsed before the next debate segment,the Biden campaign appears to have found workarounds.He had a mic in his lapel,not his ear,and motion activated heplock needles in his wrist.All very visible to the world on live TV.


齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

President Trump Positive


Seemingly losing on all fronts and furious at their inability to generate enthusiasm for their Democrat candidates,what will the Satanists do next?Defund the Police to encourage the need for mail-in ballots.Riot in the Democrat controlled cities to force mail-in ballots.Certainly cancel the remaining debates.Attempting to poison President Trump in 2019 did not work,but what about infecting him with Covid-19?Many White House staffers have become infected of late.There are lots of contact points.


齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

Live Updates:President Trump,First Lady test Positive for Coronavirus




President Trump announced early Friday that both he and first lady Melania Trump tested positive for COVID-19 and will quarantine at the White House."This evening I received confirmation that both President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump have tested positive for the SARS-coV-2-virus,"Conley said."The President and First Lady are both well at this time,and they plan to remain at home within the White House during their convalescence."

特朗普总统星期五早上宣布,他和第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普的2019冠状病毒疾病检测呈阳性,将在白宫进行隔离。康利说:"今天晚上我得到确认,特朗普总统和第一夫人梅拉尼娅·特朗普的 sars 冠状病毒检测呈阳性。""总统和第一夫人目前身体状况良好,他们计划在康复期间留在白宫的家中。"

Viral Loads in COVID-19 Infected Patients Drop,Along with Death Rate,Study Finds




A new study has found signs that the severity of COVID-19—and the viral loads those infected carry—may be fading.Researchers at Wayne State University say that viral loads,which is the amount of the virus in a patient's system,continue to drop,which could explain why the death rate is falling.


Up To 90%of People Who Test Positive for COVID-19 No Longer Contagious,'Don't Need to Isolate'




It's known as the"viral load."The most used test to determine if someone has COVID-19,known as a PCR test,is either positive or negative,that's it.But the test does not identify the viral load—the greater the amount of virus,the more likely it is that the patient is contagious.

这被称为"病毒载量"2019冠状病毒毒疾病最常用的 PCR 检测方法是阳性或阴性,仅此而已。但是这种测试并不能确定病毒载量——病毒数量越大,病人越有可能具有传染性。

ZetaTalk Insight 10/31/2020:There are many tests for Covid-19,some registering false positives and some that register a positive when few viruses are found.The viral load,as epidemiologists call it,is not sufficient to cause a full-blown infection.The virus can be present on the person,yet only cause a mild immune system reaction.Test kits are designed to register any physical response,and thus a vaccinated individual will register a response to the virus.That said,yes both President Trump and Melania have registered an immune system response to the Covid-19 virus,but due to prior assistance by ourselves,the Service-to-Others Zetas,they have protective immunity to this virus.

齐塔人之声洞察10/31/2019冠状病毒疾病:有许多检测 covid-19的方法,有些检测出假阳性,有些检测出少量病毒时呈阳性。正如流行病学家所称,病毒载量不足以引起全面感染。病毒可以出现在人体上,但只会引起轻微的免疫系统反应。测试试剂盒被设计用来记录任何生理反应,因此接种疫苗的个体会记录对病毒的反应。也就是说,是的,特朗普总统和梅拉尼娅都注册了对2019冠状病毒疾病的免疫系统反应,但是由于我们的事先协助,为他人服务的齐塔人,他们对这种病毒有保护性免疫力。

What will this mean for the 2020 election campaign?Other than canceled rallies,the public will hardly notice that President Trump and Melania are in quarantine in the White House.Daily broadcasts on live TV will continue.If anything,sympathy for President Trump who has exposed himself to the virus.He maintains a grueling work schedule which includes direct contact with the public and politicians and Heads of State from other countries.Contrast this with the Biden persona,who hides in his basement or maintains extreme social distancing.


In that the Satanists and their Democrat allies are under extreme duress at present,desperate to destabilize the Junta hunting them down,there are likely to be attempts to create more distractions to force mail-in ballot harvesting opportunities.The Junta will be very busy,and the Secret Service much overstretched.This quarantine allows the President to be protected,yet able to function as before,and bodes well for the 2020 campaign and the administration of the US in this regard.No hospitalizations or deaths will result from this latest spate of White House infections,many of which were deliberate attempts to assassinate President Trump.


齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

Liberal Ghouls React to Trump Coronavirus Diagnosis




World leaders and Joe and Jill Biden sent their condolences to President Trump–but the pundit class was too busy dancing with glee to do anything of that sort.Former Obama White House Staffer and Clinton National Spokeswoman Zara Rahim tweeted that she hopes Trump dies.It's clear that Discernment Dies in the Daylight over at The Washington Post,who also tweeted then deleted fantasies about Trump's death.

世界各国领导人以及乔拜登(Joe Biden)和吉尔拜登(Jill Biden)向特朗普总统表示了哀悼——但专家们忙着高兴地跳舞,没有时间做任何类似的事情。前奥巴马白宫工作人员和克林顿国家发言人 Zara Rahim 在推特上表示,她希望特朗普死掉。很明显,《华盛顿邮报》的"洞察力"在白天就会消失,她也发推特,然后删除了关于特朗普死亡的幻想。

New York Times Slammed for Suggesting Trump might Not Remain on Ballot after Coronavirus Diagnosis




The New York Times was slammed for suggesting that President Trump might not be able to remain on the ballot following his positive coronavirus test."If he becomes sick,it could raise questions about whether he should remain on the ballot at all,"Times reporters Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman wrote after noting that Trump's positive test throws"the nation's leadership into uncertainty."

《纽约时报》因暗示特朗普总统在冠状病毒检测呈阳性后可能无法继续留在选票上而遭到猛烈抨击。《纽约时报》记者彼得贝克(Peter Baker)和玛吉哈伯曼(Maggie Haberman)写道:"如果他生病了,这可能会引发人们对他是否应该继续留在选票上的疑问。"此前,他们指出,特朗普的积极测试将"国家领导力置于不确定之中"

Nibiru Magnetics

Nibiru 磁力

Nibiru is a magnetic planet,just as the Earth is a magnetic planet.It has a magnetic field,and attempts to align with the Sun when it passes through the Solar System every 3,600 years.The Zetas have detailed the twists and turns that Nibiru must take during this passage in order to accommodate the big magnet in the Solar System,i.e.the Sun.The planets close to the Sun–Mercury,Venus,Earth,and Mars–align side by side.But magnets prefer to align end to end.Thus,during its passage,Nibiru on occasion will twist and tilt.

Nibiru 是一颗有磁性的行星,就像地球是一颗有磁性的行星一样。它有一个磁场,当它每3600年穿过太阳系时,它试图与太阳保持一致。齐塔人详细描述了 Nibiru 在这个过程中为了适应太阳系中的大磁铁,也就是太阳而必须经历的曲折。靠近太阳的行星——水星、金星、地球和火星并排排列。但是磁铁更倾向于两端对齐。因此,在它通过的过程中,Nibiru 偶尔会发生扭曲和倾斜。

齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

ZetaTalk Description 2/8/2004:How else does a magnet move from being an end-to-end magnet,to becoming a side-by-side magnet,thence returning to an end-to-end posture?It tilts.Temporarily.


ZetaTalk Description 9/30/2004:These flow lines become tighter at the Sun's middle,so Nibiru almost aligns horizontally just under the Ecliptic.

齐塔人之声2004930日描述:这些流线在太阳中部变得更加紧密,所以 Nibiru 几乎水平地排列在黄道之下。

齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

ZetaTalk Description 9/11/2004:Coming in at a 32°angle toward the Sun from the direction of Orion,it slings its S.Pole away from the Sun's S.Pole,positioned along the strong Magnetic Flow Lines that surround the Sun,first at an angle that puts it almost in an end-to-end alignment,but increasingly into an almost horizontal alignment as it approaches the Sun's middle,the Ecliptic.


We were certainly warned by the Zetas that Nibiru would fall onto its side–tilt–as it rose to the ecliptic in preparation for piercing the ecliptic during its passage of the Sun.These were described as a temporarily tilt.Could this have been the reason a bizarre eclipse of the Sun occurred recently,seen and captured on film in Texas,California,Hawaii,Iowa and elsewhere?Mr MBB333 featured this phenomenon on a recent video.This position produced a criss-cross of magnetic field lines around the Sun and around Nibiru,allowing a dense magnetic attraction for the charged red dust in the tail of Nibiru.The result?A distinct outline of Nibiru's magnetic field lines.

齐塔人当然警告过我们,当 Nibiru 上升到黄道,准备在它经过太阳时穿过黄道时,它会倾斜着落下。它们被描述为暂时的倾斜。这是否可能是最近在德克萨斯州、加利福尼亚州、夏威夷、爱荷华州和其他地方发生奇异日食的原因?MBB333先生在最近的一个视频中描述了这一现象。这个位置产生了围绕太阳和 Nibiru 周围的交叉磁场线,使 Nibiru 尾部带电的红色尘埃产生了密集的磁吸引力。结果呢?Nibiru 磁场线的清晰轮廓。

齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

ZetaTalk Explanation 9/30/2020:Photos of the Sun have begun appearing with what looks like an eclipse from an orange orb,approximately the size of the Sun itself.The eclipse can come from the right or left,where the poles of the Sun are located in mankind's view from Earth at the latitude of these photos.This illusion is not caused by the dust from the West Coast fires,though they exacerbate the illusion.This illusion is caused by the red dust in the tail of Nibiru,which has been wafting the Earth since Nibiru arrived in the inner Solar System in 2003.How can dust in the lower atmosphere create the illusion of an eclipse?

齐塔人之声解释9/30/2020:太阳的照片开始出现,看起来像是一个橙色球体的日食,大小与太阳差不多。日食可以来自右边或左边,在这些照片的纬度,太阳的两极位于人类从地球的视野。这种错觉不是由西海岸火灾的尘埃造成的,尽管它们加剧了这种错觉。这种错觉是由 Nibiru 尾部的红色尘埃造成的,自从2003 Nibiru 到达内太阳系以来,它一直在地球上飘荡。低层大气中的尘埃怎么会产生日食的错觉呢?

As is known by man,light rays bend easily.Thus the spread of the spectrum in a rainbow or the appearance of a foot under water being distorted and disconnected from the body.Light rays are pulled by gravity or by a magnetic field,and thus during this time when Nibiru is hovering between the Earth and Sun near the orbit of Venus,the magnetic field of Nibiru casts its influence.This has distorted the Schumann Resonance and caused EMP disasters in mankind's electronic infrastructure.The red dust in the tail of Nibiru is iron oxide dust,is charged,and thus encouraged to line up along magnetic flow lines.

众所周知,光线容易弯曲。因此,光谱在彩虹中的扩展,或者水下脚的出现,都会被扭曲,与身体分离。光线受到引力或磁场的牵引,因此当 Nibiru 在金星轨道附近的地球和太阳之间盘旋时,Nibiru 的磁场施加了影响。这扭曲了舒曼共振,给人类的电子基础设施带来了电磁脉冲灾难。Nibiru 尾部的红色尘埃是氧化铁尘埃,带有电荷,因此被鼓励沿着磁流线排列。

In terms of magnetic field dominance,we have the Sun,then the Earth which aligns with the Sun,and finally Nibiru as an interloper.As Nibiru rises to the Ecliptic,it tends to align in a T formation with the Sun's magnetic field.These alignments are temporary,but would affect the charged dust that lies between Nibiru and the Earth.What is being seen in these photos is the charged red dust in the vast tail of Nibiru aligning with the tilted magnetic field of Nibiru,averse the normal alignment with the Sun's dominant field.

在磁场优势方面,我们有太阳,然后地球与太阳排列,最后 Nibiru 作为一个闯入者。当 Nibiru 上升到黄道面时,它倾向于与太阳的磁场成 t 型排列。这些排列是暂时的,但会影响 Nibiru 和地球之间的带电尘埃。在这些照片中我们看到的是 Nibiru 巨大尾巴上带电的红色尘埃,它与 Nibiru 倾斜的磁场对齐,与太阳主磁场的正常对齐相反。

Magnetic field lines surrounding Nibiru or its Moon Swirls are regularly captured on images by Alberto and Manuel.They first appeared as waffles in 2017,surrounding Moon Swirl clusters.Now in 2020,as Nibiru and its vast dust cloud have come closer to the Earth,more detail emerges.Alberto has captured a close up of the magnetic lines,which are very odd looking at first glance but the Zetas,as usual,explain.

阿尔贝托和曼努埃尔定期在图像中捕捉到尼比鲁或其卫星漩涡周围的磁场线。它们在2017年首次以华夫饼的形式出现,环绕着月球漩涡星团。现在到了2020年,随着 Nibiru 及其巨大的尘埃云离地球越来越近,更多的细节浮出水面。Alberto 捕捉到了磁力线的特写镜头,乍看上去非常奇怪,但齐塔人像往常一样解释道。

ZetaTalk Explanation 8/31/2017:The waffle is magnetic field lines that have formed around the dominant moon in a Moon Swirl.Just as a magnetic field is identifiable on mankind's electronic equipment as lines,due to clumping of the magnetons,the waffle has lines.


齐塔人之声通讯第733期|2020/10/18  邮寄投票诈骗,辩论揭示,特朗普总统阳性等

ZetaTalk Explanation 9/30/2020:Alberto's close up of the petrol bubbles has captured what appears to be a line of white in the red dust clusters.What does the white represent?Light that encompasses all photons in whatever spectrum appears to be white.The light rays in amidst this petrol and red dust image capture has clustered along a magnetic field line.Alberto and Manuel have regularly captured these white lines along the magnetic fields that form around Nibiru and its Moon Swirls,but this is a close up.

齐塔人之声2020930日解说:阿尔贝托对汽油泡的特写捕捉到了红色尘埃团中的一条白线。白色代表什么?包含所有光子的光,在任何光谱中看起来都是白色的。在这些汽油和红色尘埃图像捕捉中,光线沿着一条磁场线聚集。Alberto Manuel 定期捕捉到这些白线沿着 Nibiru 及其卫星漩涡周围形成的磁场,但这是一个特写镜头。


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