通过 GCR 恢复共和国报告|2023年10月18日星期三更新

2023年10月18日19:46:20大揭露通过 GCR 恢复共和国报告|2023年10月18日星期三更新已关闭评论74字数 45311阅读151分2秒阅读模式

“上帝保佑美国”既是一首赞美诗,也是一种祈祷——一种祈求上帝保佑这个国家的请愿书——它再次确认了一个神圣的真理: 我们需要上帝的祝福来帮助我们度过未来的日子。

通过 GCR 恢复共和国报告|2023年10月18日星期三更新

Compiled Wed. 18 Oct. 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities"

编辑: 美国东部时间10月18日星期三上午12:01作者: 朱迪 · 拜因顿,MSW,LCSW,治疗师雷特,记者,作者: 《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔和她的二十二个多重人格的非凡生活》


Just When You Think It's Over, God Almighty Sends You a Miracle


But You Have To Open Your Heart to Receive It.



Pray For The Children


Six Million Enslaved


Please Donate to Operation Underground Railroad – They're Saving The Children


End Child Trafficking | Operation Underground Railroad (ourrescue.org)

终结贩卖儿童行为 | 地下铁路行动(oursave e.org)



"God Bless America"


Independence Day Special (July 5, 2015)- #4477 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

独立日特辑(2015年7月5日)-# 4477音乐与口语( thetabernaclechoir.org )

"God Bless America" is both an anthem and a prayer – a petition for God's blessings upon the nation – a reaffirmation of the sacred truth that we need Heaven's Blessings to see us through the days ahead.

“上帝保佑美国”既是一首赞美诗,也是一种祈祷——一种祈求上帝保佑这个国家的请愿书——它再次确认了一个神圣的真理: 我们需要上帝的祝福来帮助我们度过未来的日子。

"When storms clouds gather," as it seems they always do, we surely need that Light from above. With hearts stirred in humble gratitude for this land that we love, let us join in joyful prayer, "God Bless America."



It's only wise to be prepared for disasters and store at least a month's worth of cash, water, food and essential items for yourself and to help others.



Judy Note: It is my personal opinion that:


  • Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) will be notified of our currency exchange and Zim redemption appointments right after Biden left office – which could easily happen this week.
  • 4b 层(我们,互联网集团)将在拜登离任后立即被通知我们的货币兑换和 Zim 赎回约定——这很可能在本周发生。
  • Biden would likely soon be gone as a result of 459 criminal indictments set to be filed against him and his associates. On Tues. 17 Oct. a 634 page report was released that showed Biden and his associates may have committed 140 business crimes, 191 sex crimes and 128 drug crimes. The 634-page report on Hunter Biden's laptop (nypost.com)
  • 由于将对拜登及其同伙提出459项刑事起诉,他可能很快就会离职。10月17日星期二,一份634页的报告公布,显示拜登及其同伙可能犯下了140起商业犯罪、191起性犯罪和128起毒品犯罪。关于亨特 · 拜登笔记本电脑的634页报告(nypost.com)
  • Implementation of the Global Currency Reset would likely occur within the above time frame, where Sovereign Nations of the World, including the new USA Republic, would be functioning on their own gold/asset-backed currencies at a 1:1 with each other.
  • 全球货币重置可能会在上述时间框架内实施,届时包括新美利坚共和国在内的世界主权国家将依靠各自的黄金/资产支持货币以1:1的比例运作。
  • Rumor was that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas was set to declare that the 2020 Election was invalid due to Election Fraud – a result of the Brunson Petition that claimed Congress refused to investigate 350 formally filed allegations of Election Fraud before certifying the vote.
  • 有传言称,最高法院大法官克拉伦斯 · 托马斯(Clarence Thomas)将宣布2020年大选因选举舞弊而无效——这是布伦森请愿书的结果,该请愿书声称国会拒绝调查350项正式提交的选举舞弊指控,然后才对选举进行认证。
  • That voter certification should have never taken place because of a more important issue: Way back on Sun. 8 Nov. 2020 an official count by the Military of Watermarked Ballots confirmed that Donald Trump actually won that 2020 Election by an over 80% vote in almost every state. https://beforeitsnews.com/politics/2020/11/trump-win-validated-by-quantum-blockchain-system-recount-of-votes-3217468.html
    Trump Win Validated by Quantum Blockchain System Recount of Votes | Politics | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 选民认证不应该发生,因为一个更重要的问题: 回到太阳报。2020年11月8日,水印选票军方的一项官方统计证实,唐纳德 · 特朗普实际上在几乎所有州都以超过80% 的选票赢得了2020年大选。量子区块链系统验证的 https://beforeitsnews.com/Politics/2020/11/trump-Win-Validated-by-Quantum-Blockchain-System-Recount-of-Votes-3217468.htmltrump 胜利选票统计 | 政治 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • The White Hats might possibly activate the EBS around Sun. 22 Oct. according to a Q post that said that the Internet would go down at that time.
  • 白帽子可能会星期日10月22日前后启动 EBS。据 Q 帖子称,届时互联网将瘫痪。
  • After the EBS was active, it could safely be revealed that Trump was the Commander-in-Chief of the US Military, as well as President of the new USA Republic, with JFK Jr. as his Vice President. (That inauguration took place at Mount Rushmore on 4 July 2021).
  • 在电子商务系统激活后,可以有把握地说,特朗普是美国军方的总司令,也是新美利坚共和国的总统,小肯尼迪是他的副总统。(就职典礼于2021年7月4日在 Mount Rushmore 举行)。
  • The fiat US Federal Dollar of the Cabal will be worth nothing and have no place in the future of the World's economy.
  • 阴谋集团的法定美元将一文不值,在世界经济的未来也没有立足之地。
  • It was believed that after Sun. 22 Oct. NESARA/GESARA would activate across the Globe.
  • 据信,在10月22日星期日之后,NESARA/GESARa 将在全球范围内启动。
  • According to GESARA's own regulations new elections would be scheduled within the next 120 days after it was announced, but those elections would not be for US Inc. – they would be held across the Globe for positions in the new USA Republic as well as other Sovereign nations that were a part of BRICS.
  • 根据 GESARA 自己的规定,新的选举将在宣布后的120天内进行,但这些选举将不适用于美国公司。他们将在全球各地举行的立场,在新的美国共和国以及其他主权国家的金砖五国的一部分。
  • The well known Whistleblower Edward Snowden has been helping the White Hats in their Plan to Save the World.
  • 众所周知的告密者爱德华 · 斯诺登一直在帮助白帽子组织实施拯救世界的计划。
  • Roughly one half of the over 500,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation since 2006 have charged Elites involved in large Banks and running of the Stock Market, with Treason or other serious crimes.
  • 自2006年以来,美国联邦法院收到的50多万份密封起诉书中,大约有一半指控精英分子参与大型银行和股票市场运营,犯有叛国罪或其他严重罪行。
  • Q was hinting of a date that those new Elections would be held by posting an image of a Mickey Mouse Clock with his fingers pointing to 10 and 2 (think mirror).
  • Q 暗示这些新的选举将通过张贴一个米老鼠时钟的图片,他的手指指向10和2(认为镜子)举行的日期。

Judy Note: If you were reading this Update
on, or from Operation Disclosure Official, be aware that the information has been redacted. For a complete un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at the end of the Update on Operation Disclosure Official, or read an un-redacted version on the Rumor Mill Website.

朱迪注: 如果您正在阅读本更新,或从行动披露,请注意,该信息已被编辑。对于一个完整的未编辑版本,见 PDF 副本在最后的操作披露官方更新,或阅读一个未编辑版本的谣言磨坊网站。

A. Rumored Timeline:


  • The 20 or so days of Disclosure was believed to have begun around Sun. 1 Oct.
  • 20天左右的大揭露被认为是从周日开始的。10月1日。
  • EBS Activation on Sun. 22 Oct? Q says that "After Argentina's election on Sun. 22 Oct. everything would change. The World would soon have no Internet for a while. We are approaching that Timeline. Get Ready for it." …Q
  • 星期日的 EBS 激活。10月22日?Q 说“在阿根廷大选之后。10月22日一切都将改变。世界很快就会有一段时间没有互联网。我们正在接近时间线。做好准备”Q
  • The Quantum Financial System (QFS) relies on XRPL, or the XRP Ledger, to be a digital highway upon which financial transactions are conducted securely and at warp speed.
    The Quantum Trinity: XRPL, XRP, and NESARA – The Financial Game Changer - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 量子金融系统(QFS)依赖于 XRPL 或 XRP 分类账,是一条数字高速公路,在这条高速公路上,金融交易安全地进行。量子三位一体: XRPL、 XRP 和 NESARA-金融游戏改变者-美国媒体集团(amg-news.com)
  • On Oct 24 - Nov 6th the Flare Finance Platform launches, changes everything for the banks and enables smart contracts for the XRPL.
  • 10月24日至11月6日,耀斑融资平台启动,改变了银行的一切,并为 XRPL 提供了智能合同。
  • Starting in this same fourth week of October Repatriation and Reclamation Allowances would be paid out. The amount of monies paid back will be based on federal taxes paid since the 1940s, interest on mortgages, bank loans, car loans and credit card interest – along with interest earned on those monies over the years. Those 60 and older will be paid in three equal monthly payments for Oct, Nov & Dec. Those 50-60 will get payments over the next 12 months and those younger will be paid out over 15 years, though they have to be employed in order to qualify.
  • 从10月份的同一第四周开始,遣返和填海津贴将发放。偿还的金额将基于自20世纪40年代以来缴纳的联邦税、抵押贷款利息、银行贷款、汽车贷款和信用卡利息——以及这些款项多年来的利息收入。这些60岁及以上的老人将在10月、11月和12月分三个月获得相等的报酬。这些50-60岁的人将在未来12个月内得到补偿,而那些年轻人将在15年内得到补偿,尽管他们必须有工作才能符合资格。
  • Starting sometime in October and continuing for three months Social Security benefits will be significantly higher, topping out at $5,200.
  • 从10月份开始,持续三个月的社会保障福利将大幅提高,最高达到5200美元。
  • Repatriation Allowances for 60 and older will begin the 18th or 25th of Oct. as the beginning of three equal payments over the next three months.
  • 60岁及以上人员的遣返津贴将从10月18日或25日开始,作为未来三个月三笔同等款项的开始。
  • Wed. 1 Nov. was the goal to have Currency Exchanges and Zim Bond Redemptions completed, although that date could vary.
  • 11月1日星期三的目标是完成货币交易所和 Zim 债券的赎回,尽管这个日期可能会有所不同。
  • On Sun. 19 Nov. XRP gold/asset-backed digital currency would be official.
  • 11月19日周日,XRP 黄金/资产支持的数字货币将正式发行。
  • Starting 1 Jan. 2024 the fiat US Dollar will be worthless,
    all currencies across the Globe will be on par 1:1 with each other, Social Security benefits will be much higher and the SS R&R payments start on a monthly basis.
  • 从2024年1月1日起,法定美元将一文不值,全球所有货币的比例将达到1:1,社会保障福利将大幅提高,社会保障补贴将按月开始发放。
  • In the next three to six months the Rodriguez Trust will begin to administer "universal basic income" for citizens of all GESARA-compliant countries. The amount per individual or family will depend on the status, needs, employment level and age of the person/family and will work to encourage people to work if they can.
  • 在接下来的三到六个月里,罗德里格斯信托基金会将开始为所有符合 GESARA 规定的国家的公民管理“普遍基本收入”。每个人或每个家庭的工资数额将取决于个人/家庭的地位、需要、就业水平和年龄,并将尽可能鼓励人们工作。

B. Global Currency Reset


  • By Mon. 16 Oct. the Dinar had revalued in Iraq, was fluctuating in value on the back screens of the Forex, though was mainly at $1.47 to the USD in-country. The in-country rate could climb higher, with the international rate being much higher and the Contract rate much higher than that.
  • 到10月16日星期一,第纳尔在伊拉克已经重新估值,在外汇的背面屏幕上价值波动,虽然主要是在1.47美元对美元的国内。国内税率可能会上升,国际税率会更高,合同税率会更高。
  • Tues. 17 Oct. Bruce: Redemption Centers would receive emails
    between 10-11 am EST on Wed. 18 to tell them about notifications. There was a possibility Tier4b could get notified on Wed. 18 Oct. and start appointments on Thurs. 19 Oct.
  • 10月17日星期二。布鲁斯: 救赎中心会在美国东部时间周三上午10点到11点之间收到电子邮件,告诉他们有关通知的事情。Tier4b 有可能在10月18日星期三得到通知,并在10月19日星期四开始预约。
  • Tues. 17 Oct. MarkZ: A certain regional bank president told me that they expect to be able to exchange within this week. The rest of my banking contacts say they are "on notice" and feel it could happen at any time….any hour…or any minute. Evergrande was the largest property owner in the World and they were liquidating all assets. This was what we have been waiting for. Others will follow. Bank runs started yesterday Mon. 16 Oct.
  • 10月17日星期二。MarkZ: 某个地区银行的总裁告诉我,他们希望能够在本周内进行兑换。我其他的银行联系人说,他们已经“接到通知”,觉得这可能在任何时候发生... ... 任何时间... ... 或任何分钟。恒大是全球最大的地产所有者,他们正在清算所有资产。这就是我们一直在等待的。其他人也会跟进。银行挤兑从10月16日星期一开始。
  • Mon. 16 Oct. TNT: Any minute, any time of the day between now and Thurs. 19 Oct. is the new window. The electronic cards were turned off in Iraq on Fri. 13 Oct, and the ATM machines that gave US dollars were shut off on Sat. 14 Oct.
  • 星期一10月16日。TNT: 从现在到10月19日的任何时间,任何时间都是新的窗口。10月13日星期五,伊拉克的电子卡被关闭,星期六,提供美元的自动取款机也被关闭。10月14日。
  • Tues. 17 Oct. Wolverine: My banker contact said he was expecting something by Wed. afternoon 18 Oct. or Thurs. morning 19 Oct. The launch algorithms were ready to go on Mon. 16 Oct.
    Dubai 1 has all been released and Dubai 2 is nearly finished. Banks completed the remaining layers of payments overnight Sun. 15 Oct.
  • 10月17日星期二。金刚狼: 我的银行联系人说,他预计在10月18日星期三下午或19日星期四上午之前有所收获。发射算法准备在10月16日星期一启动。迪拜1号已经全部发布,迪拜2号也接近完工。银行隔夜完成了剩余的支付层。10月15日。
  • The Iraqi Dinar has revalued
    and for the past week has been trading on the back screens of the Forex, putting itself in a position for the new exchange rate that was soon to be made public.
  • 伊拉克第纳尔已经升值,在过去的一周里,它一直在外汇的后屏幕上交易,使自己处于一个即将公布的新汇率的位置。
  • Iraqi Banks have been telling Iraqi citizens that the Iraqi Dinar Rate has been changing up in value on the back screens of the Forex and the new rate was about to be announced by the Central Bank of Iraq Board of Directors.
  • 伊拉克银行一直在告诉伊拉克公民,伊拉克第纳尔汇率在外汇的背面屏幕上一直在变动,新的汇率即将由伊拉克中央银行董事会宣布。
  • The Central Bank of Iraq has suspended Western Union service for international money transfer: https://search4dinar.wordpress.com/2023/10/12/central-bank-of-iraq-suspends-western-union-service-for-international-money-transfer/
  • 伊拉克中央银行已经暂停了西联汇款的国际转账服务: 
  • Iraq has joined BRICS and banned cash withdrawals of US Dollars in Iraq: https://watcher.guru/news/iraq-join-brics-ban-cash-withdrawals-us-dollar
  • 伊拉克已加入金砖国家,并禁止在伊拉克提取美元 
  • On Sun. 15 Oct. the IMF and World Bank held their last meeting.
  • 10月15日星期日,国际货币基金组织和世界银行举行了最后一次会议。
  • Tues. 17 Oct. Iraq increasing interest rates to activate their banking system.
  • 10月17日星期二伊拉克提高利率以激活他们的银行系统。 https://iraqidinarchat.net/al-kadhimi-the-decision-to- 提高利率-will-active-the-banking-system-inside-Iraq/

C. Tues. 17 Oct. 2023C. 2023年10月17日星期二
Bruce, The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com)Bruce,The Big Call The Big Call Universe (ibize.com)
667-770-1866pin123456#667-770-1866,pin123456 #

  • On Mon. 16 Oct. they did five calls throughout the day for the Redemption Centers.
  • 10月16日星期一,他们一整天给赎回中心打了五个电话。
  • Redemption Centers would receive emails
    between 10-11 am EST on Wed. 18 to tell them about notifications.
  • 赎回中心将在美国东部时间18日上午10点至11点之间收到电子邮件,告知他们有关通知。
  • There was a possibility Tier4b could get notified on Wed. 18 Oct. and start appointments on Thurs. 19 Oct.
  • Tier4b 有可能在10月18日星期三得到通知,并在10月19日星期四开始预约。
  • The Shotgun Start for everyone could begin within 12 hours of each other.
  • 每个人都可以在12小时内开始。
  • Bond Holders still do not have access to their funds.
  • 债券持有人仍然无法动用他们的资金。
  • Appointments will last 30 min. each.
  • 预约时间为每次30分钟。

D. Global Financial Crisis


E. Restored Republics:


  • Tucker Carlson Warns of Cancelled Election and Martial Law: https://www.bitchute.com/video/LP9FGBPgkVzD/
    塔克卡尔森警告取消选举和戒严法: https://www.bitchute.com/video/lp9fgbpgkvzd/
  • Mon. 16 Oct. Fulford Report: As I see it, we are waiting for some public announcements to come forth including the following:
    星期一10月16日。富尔福德报告: 在我看来,我们正在等待一些公开声明的出现,其中包括:

1. Public announcement of the USN on the gold and asset standard

1. 美国国家标准局关于黄金和资产标准的公告

2. Public announcement of the new USN notes money supply

2. 新国家钞票货币供应量的公告

3. Public announcement of USN bills paid

3. 公布已支付的 USN 账单

a. Iraq has a trust problem with the US


b. They need to see items 1-2 and three above publicly announced So they can go forward


4. Public announcement of the new Iraq international Dinar rate

4. 公布新的伊拉克国际第纳尔汇率

5. Public announcement of the new Iraq international data rate published in The Gazette

5. 在《公报》上公布新的伊拉克国际数据率

6. Public announcement of Nesara

6. Nesara 的公布

7. Public announcement of Gesera

7. 格西拉的公告

8. Public announcement of Biden gone

8. 拜登下台的公告

9. Public announcement of trump's return

9. 特朗普回归的公告

10. Private announcement of RV notifications including 800 numbers and starlink

10. 包括800个号码和星际链接在内的房车通知的私人公布

a. Private announcement of tier 3 liquidity and spendable


b. Private announcement for liquidity of all tiers


11. Public announcement of the following

11. 以下公布:

a. Social Security increase and change of system


b. Reclamation monies


c. Debt forgiveness jubilee


d. Other funds as applicable


We should begin to see these flowing out in the soon coming immediate future.


  • There are other events that are important such as the stock market crash, EBS and the new financial system. I have chosen not to include them in the list, but those things are coming and we should pay attention to real events that are about to and very soon begin to unfold.
    还有其它重要事件,如股市崩盘、 EBS 和新的金融体系。我已经选择不把它们列入清单,但这些事情正在发生,我们应该关注即将发生并很快开始显现的真实事件。
  • Hold the line and stay steady. Lock your faith into the Word of God. What is about to happen is biblical and we should understand that. See you on the other side. The other side is the Promised Land. Are you truly ready? Locked and loaded !!!!!!!
    保持队形,稳住。把你的信心锁定在神的话语中。将要发生的事情是圣经上的,我们应该明白这一点。另一边见。另一边是应许之地。你真的准备好了吗?准备就绪! ! ! ! ! ! 

F. The Real News for Tues. 17 Oct. 2023:


G. Biden Crime Family:


  • Marco Polo released a 630-page Report on the Biden Laptop that thoroughly documents 459 crimes committed by the Bidens & their associates. 140 business crimes 191 sex crimes 128 drug crimes. The 634-page report on Hunter Biden's laptop (nypost.com)
  • 马可波罗公布了一份关于拜登笔记本电脑的630页的报告,其中详细记录了拜登及其同伙犯下的459项罪行。140起商业犯罪191起性犯罪128起毒品犯罪。关于亨特 · 拜登笔记本电脑的634页报告(nypost.com)
  • Initial reports released by a Ukrainian official show more than 1 Billion dollars of "Aid" money that has been sent to the Ukraine, has actually been laundered back into the pockets of US government officials on both sides of the aisle and across different US federal government branches of power.
  • 一位乌克兰官员公布的初步报告显示,超过10亿美元的“援助”资金已经送到乌克兰,实际上已经被清洗回美国政府官员的口袋里,这些官员分布在两党和美国联邦政府的不同权力机构。
  • Money laundering, shell companies, prostitution rings, foreign bribes, and influence peddling. All part of a day's work at Biden Inc.
  • 洗钱、空壳公司、卖淫团伙、外国贿赂、权力寻租,这些都是拜登公司一天工作的一部分。
  • Former Mo Governor Eric Greitens claims,"Joe Biden is the largest child trafficker in the world right now."
  • 莫桑比克前州长埃里克 · 格雷滕斯声称: “乔 · 拜登现在是世界上最大的儿童贩子。”

H.International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican and housed in China's Three Gorges Dam and in the 1500 mile tunnel that runs between the Vatican and Jerusalem:


  • Right now, over two months after the Maui Disaster on 8 Aug. 2023, nearly 2,000 Native Hawaiian children remain missing.
    Where Were Maui's Over 2,000 Missing Children? | Crime All-Stars | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 目前,在2023年8月8日毛伊岛灾难发生两个多月后,仍有近2000名夏威夷土著儿童失踪。毛伊岛的2000多名失踪儿童在哪里?犯罪全明星 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • So far this year more than 1,000 Children have disappeared from Northern Ohio: More than 1K kids reported missing in Ohio in 'extraordinary surge' (nypost.com)
  • 今年到目前为止,俄亥俄州北部已经有超过1000名儿童失踪: 俄亥俄州有超过1000名儿童在“特别激增”中失踪(nypost.com)
  • Wed. 22 Aug. 2018: CIA/Vatican Torturing and Trafficking of Children | Celebrities | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 2018年8月22日星期三: 美国中央情报局/梵蒂冈虐待和贩卖儿童 | 名人 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Wed. 1 Aug. 2018: Hanks, Streep, Spielberg, Lucus, Nicolson, Spacey Accused of Child Sex Trafficking Parties While Trump Cleans the Swamp | Celebrities | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 2018年8月1日星期三: 特朗普清理沼泽时,汉克斯、斯特里普、斯皮尔伯格、卢卡斯、尼科尔森、斯派西被指控参与儿童性交易党派 | 名人 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Mon. 16 July 2018:
    CIA, Vatican, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Soros, Royals Child Sex Trafficking | Celebrities | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 2018年7月16日星期一: 美国中央情报局、梵蒂冈、奥巴马、布什、克林顿、索罗斯、皇室儿童性交易 | 名人 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Tues. 17 June 2014:
    European Royals Killing Naked Children for Fun at Human Hunting Parties? | Celebrities | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 2014年6月17日星期二: 欧洲皇室成员在狩猎聚会上为了取乐而杀害裸体儿童?返回文章页面名人 beforeitsnews.com 译者:
  • "One of the most disturbing problems in our world today is human trafficking, and particularly, the trafficking of children. Our future is our children. Now, the first step in eradicating this crime is awareness. Go see Sound of Freedom." …Mel Gibson
  • “当今世界最令人不安的问题之一是人口贩卖,尤其是贩卖儿童。我们的未来就是我们的孩子。现在,根除这种犯罪的第一步是意识到。去看《自由之声》梅尔 · 吉布森

I. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:


  • Megyn Kelly
    on COVID Vaccines: "I Regret Getting the Vaccine. For the First Time I Tested Positive for an Auto Immune Issue. The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes & Installs DNA Into the Human Genome."
  • Megyn Kellyon 冠状病毒疫苗: “我后悔接种了疫苗。我第一次检测出自身免疫问题呈阳性。辉瑞公司的疫苗反向转录并将 DNA 安装到人类基因组中。”
  • Pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole, tells Dr. Drew about the strange, foot-long clots he's been finding in mRNA injected patients—both alive and deceased—and how they can be broken down and cleared from the body using a natural enzyme called 'Nattokinase'.
  • 病理学家瑞安 · 科尔(Ryan Cole)告诉德鲁医生,他在注射了 mRNA 的病人(无论是活人还是死人)身上发现了一种奇怪的、一英尺长的凝块,以及如何利用一种名为“纳豆激酶”的天然酶将这种凝块分解并清除出体外。
  • A legal activist group called "Interest of Justice" has achieved a Court-Ordered hearing date for Oral Arguments, in a case claiming the COVID-19 Bioweapon violates the 1947 Nuremburg Code, and is a premeditated mass murder device funded by the US DOD. The group is suing the Costa Rican government for complicity. The case could be the first recognition that the COVID vaccines were a coordinated, planned violation of both Nuremburg and the Geneva Convention on Biological Weapons, and could provide the basis for international courts to force the removal of the shots from all worldwide markets. https://therepublicansvoice.com/united-states/public-hearing-for-illegality-of-covid19/
  • 一个名为“正义利益”的法律活动组织已经获得了法院下令的“口头辩论”听证会的日期,该组织声称,2019冠状病毒疾病生化武器违反了1947年的纽伦堡法典,是一个由美国国防部资助的有预谋的大规模谋杀装置。该组织正在起诉哥斯达黎加政府共谋。这起案件可能首次承认,冠状病毒疾病疫苗是一种有组织、有计划的违反纽伦堡和《日内瓦生物武器公约》的行为,并可能为国际法庭强制从全球所有市场撤销疫苗提供依据。
  • Mike: Pfizer issued a press release Friday afternoon stating definitively that mRNA covid vaccines "show increased risks" of Myocarditis + Pericarditis. Highest risk = adolescent males. It's INEXCUSABLE that 1000s of college kids are STILL forced to get a shot w/these known risks. This is NOT a new admission by Pfizer. They have acknowledged the risk of Myocarditis and Pericarditis in past press releases and in the vaccine fact sheet. Yet college administrators and others who pushed these mandates seem to completely ignore the risk.
    周五下午,辉瑞公司发布了一份新闻稿,明确表示 mRNA 冠状病毒疾病疫苗“增加了心肌炎 + 心包炎的风险”。最高风险 = 青春期男性。这是不可原谅的,1000名大学生仍然被迫接受注射/这些已知的风险。这并不是辉瑞公司的新承认。他们在过去的新闻稿和疫苗概况介绍中承认了心肌炎和心包炎的风险。然而,大学管理者和其他推行这些命令的人似乎完全忽视了这种风险。


J. Israel is Last:


  • Tether freezes 32 addresses, containing $873 million that were found to be "linked to terrorism and warfare" in Israel and Ukraine.
  • Tether 冻结了32个地址,其中包含8.73亿美元,这些地址被发现与以色列和乌克兰的“恐怖主义和战争有关”。
  • The FBI director has issued a warning of terror attacks on US soil in relation to the Hamas terror attacks that took place in Israel.
  • 美国联邦调查局局长发出警告,称美国领土上的恐怖袭击与发生在以色列的哈马斯恐怖袭击有关。
  • Mon. 16 Oct. https://m.beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/10/new-derek-johnson-hamas-devolution-military-operation-with-nicholas-veniamin-2546039.html
  • 星期一10月16日 https://m.beforeitsnews.com/prophecy/2023/10/new-derek-johnson-hamas-devolution-military-operation-with-nicholas-veniamin-2546039.html
  • Israel's Iron Dome defenses and Hamas rockets are fake. There is no evidence for Israeli iron dome defense system. They're just rockets that blow up in the sky to brainwash Israelis into thinking their government is defending them. Hamas rockets are also fake. They have no explosive shill, only empty shells which cause no damage. They're designed to blame the enemy for starting the war to justify their true terrorist attacks.
  • 以色列的铁穹防御系统和哈马斯的火箭弹都是假的。没有证据表明以色列的铁穹防御系统。它们只是在空中爆炸的火箭,给以色列人洗脑,让他们认为他们的政府在保护他们。哈马斯的火箭也是假的。他们没有爆炸托,只有不会造成损害的空壳。他们被设计来指责发动战争的敌人来为他们真正的恐怖袭击辩护。
  • Tues. 17 Oct. Gaza Open Air Prison Pilot Program:
  • 10月17日星期二加沙露天监狱试点计划: https://beforeitsnews.com/opinion-conservative/2023/10/situation-update-oct-17-2023-the-Gaza-Open-Air-Prison-is-a-Pilot-Program-for-globalist-enslavement-extermination-of-us-all-mike-adams-3675644.html

K. White Hat Intel:


  • Scientists Unveil "Mummified Alien" Corpses At A Congressional Hearing In Mexico! Wait A Minute: Mexico's Congress Displays "Alien" Corpses Believed To Be 1,000-Years-Old! Mexican officials showed alleged nonhuman corpses which they claim are aliens during their first UFO hearing today. The two small alleged alien corpses, retrieved from Cusco, Peru, were presented in windowed boxes in Mexico City. "These specimen are not part of our terrestrial evolution…. These aren't beings that were found after a UFO wreckage. They were found in diatom (algae) mines, and were later fossilized."
  • 科学家在墨西哥国会听证会上揭开“外星人木乃伊”的神秘面纱!等一下: 墨西哥国会展示1000年前的“外星人”尸体!墨西哥官员在今天举行的第一次 UFO 听证会上展示了据称是外星人的非人类尸体。这两具据称来自库斯科的小型外星人尸体被放在墨西哥城的一个带窗户的盒子里。“这些标本不是我们地球进化的一部分... ..。这些不是在 UFO 残骸后发现的生物。它们是在硅藻矿中发现的,后来变成了化石。”

L. WARNING Amazon 5G Surveillance Tech Products Designed To Control You and Yours:

警告亚马逊5G 监控技术产品旨在控制你和你的人:

  • Whether or not you pay any attention to the lighting
    overhead, the lighting may be paying such close attention to you.
  • 不管你有没有注意到头顶的灯光,灯光可能正在密切关注着你。
  • Don't place any Amazon tech products in your home, they are operating as surveillance devices and communicating to each other via 5G technology.
  • 不要把任何亚马逊的科技产品放在家里,它们是作为监视设备运行的,并通过5G 技术相互通信。
  • The 21st century's "black gold" is data. This microwave radiation-emitting spider web will allow Big Data/Big Telecom and Big Brother to capture what happens inside and outside every person at every moment of life.
  • 21世纪的“黑金”是数据。这种微波辐射蜘蛛网将允许大数据、大电信和大哥哥捕捉每个人生命中每一刻内外发生的事情。
  • 5G has almost nothing to do with improving your lives; it's all about controlling your life, marketing products, and harvesting your data for Artificial Intelligence purposes.
  • 5G 几乎与改善你的生活毫无关系; 它只是关于控制你的生活,营销产品,以及为人工智能目的收集你的数据。
  • Next time you want to go and buy a "smart" device, remember the device is not the product, you are.
  • 下次你想去买一个“智能”设备,记住设备不是产品,你才是。

M. Ken and Barbie vs. Goliath IRS: https://beforeitsnews.com/press-releases/2023/10/doj-miscarriage-of-justice-through-smoke-mirrors-in-case-against-ken-cromar-3830847.html

肯和芭比诉歌利亚国税局 https://beforeitsnews.com/press-releases/2023/10/doj-miscarriage-of-justice-through-smoke-mirrors-in-case-against-Ken-cromar-3830847.html

  • For over five years Barbie and Ken Cromar have been battling for our right of Freedom from the privately owned US Inc.'s Goliath IRS that has stolen our US Taxpayer Dollars for their own use since 1913.
  • 五年多来,芭比娃娃和肯 · 克罗马尔一直在为我们的自由权而斗争,从私人所有的美国公司的歌利亚国税局那里窃取了我们的美国纳税人美元自1913年以来用于他们自己。
  • Even after the Cromars won their case in a federal tax court that ruled they owed no monies to the IRS, a 27 man SWAT took away their fully paid for home and threw away all their possessions including expensive camera equipment Ken used to make a living. https://beforeitsnews.com/press-releases/2023/09/day-31-of-ken-cromars-kidnapping-by-irsfbi-swat-team-on-false-charges-3828929.html
  • 即使在克罗马尔夫妇在联邦税务法院赢得了他们的案件,裁定他们没有欠国税局的钱,一个27人的特警队拿走了他们全部支付的家庭费用,扔掉了他们所有的财产,包括肯用来谋生的昂贵的摄像设备。Https://beforeitsnews.com/press-releases/2023/09/day-31-of-ken-cromars-kidnapping-by-irsfbi-swat-team-on-false-charges-3828929.html
  • They have now incarcerated Ken in the Utah Weber County Jail where Federal Prosecutor Kris Angelos was to provide Ken with Discovery as of 19 Sept. 2023 – which has not been done, leaving Angelos' potential violation of various federal statutes, including but not limited to: Title 18 sec. 241 – Conspiracy to Deny Rights, Title 18 sec. 242 – Denial of Constitutional Rights Under the Color of Law, plus Misprision of a Felony.
  • 他们现在已经在 Utah Weber County Jail 监禁了肯,联邦检察官克里斯 · 安吉洛斯将于2023年9月19日向肯提供“发现”——这一点还没有做到,这使得安吉洛斯可能违反了多项联邦法规,包括但不限于: 第18条第241款-阴谋否认权利,第18条第242款-以法律的名义否认宪法权利,以及错误监禁重罪。
  • There appeared to be a systematic and prejudicial effort to deny Cromar his right to due process in order to assure an outcome that would find him guilty of a fabricated crime he did not commit. Documented Fraud in Former Utah Movie Producer Indictment Leads To Another DOJ Criminal Complaint/Referral | Press Releases | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 似乎有人作出系统和有偏见的努力,剥夺 Cromar 获得正当程序的权利,以确保得出结果,判定他犯下了他没有犯下的捏造的罪行。犹他州前电影制片人欺诈指控记录导致司法部另一起刑事投诉/转介 | 新闻稿 | 新闻( beforeitsnews.com ) https://beforeitsnews.com/Press-Releases/2023/10/reappearance-of-judge-christine-johnson-who-was-mia-following-the-failed-cromar-sentencing-hearing-3829875.html 之前
  • The militarized privately owned IRS was using Maritime Law (where US citizens have no standing), not Constitutional Law, to make an example of the Cromars. This could happen to anyone, and very like has to many in the past.
  • 军事化的私有国税局使用海商法(美国公民没有立场) ,而不是宪法,以克罗马人的例子。这种情况可能发生在任何人身上,过去也发生过很多类似的情况。
  • It's time we stand behind the Cromars and fight for our Freedoms.
    Ken's mailing address (he can only receive white postcards): Paul Kenneth Cromar #655950 Weber County Jail P.O. Box 14000 Ogden, UT 84412
    是时候我们站在克罗马人身后为我们的自由而战了。肯的邮寄地址(他只能收到白色明信片) : 保罗 · 肯尼思 · 克罗马尔邮编: 655950韦伯县监狱邮政信箱: 14000奥格登,UT 84412

    DONATIONS may be mailed to Ken's son: Talmage Comar 130 W 5300 S Washington Terrace, Utah 84405 OR Venmo: @Talmage-Cromar

    捐款可邮寄给肯的儿子: 犹他州塔尔玛斯科马尔130w 5300s 华盛顿特勒斯84405

N. Maui Massacre


An Urgent Plea For Help: The capitol of the Sovereign Nation of Hawaii in Lahaina Maui has been destroyed. Hundreds of men, women and children were presumed dead. Over two thousand children were still missing. At least 4,500 displaced. Any aid you could give to help those suffering tremendous losses would be greatly appreciated.

紧急求助: 位于 Lahaina Maui 的夏威夷主权国家的首都已经被摧毁。数百名男女老少被认为已经死亡。仍有二千名儿童失踪。至少有4500人无家可归。如果您能提供任何帮助,帮助那些遭受巨大损失的人们,我们将不胜感激。

Be Careful Where You Donate: The Kingdom of Akua Foundation's Malama Lahaina Website was the only official and authorized site solely dedicated to and run by the Hawaiian Native PeoplesMalama Lahaina - Pūpūkahi i Holomua Donations (malamalahaina.org)

小心捐赠地点: 阿库阿王国基金会的马拉马拉哈伊纳网站是唯一的官方和授权网站,专门致力于夏威夷原住民: Malama Lahaina-P p kahi i Holomua 捐赠( malamalahaina.org )

O. Help Save Our Constitution – It's Hanging By A Thread:


P. Donations were Needed in these Battles for our Freedom  -  But you get COOL Liberty stuff! All try to help each other financially by sharing donations
pay for the printing, postage, travel, mailings and service of legal documents to the criminals and courts. Your donation can help to make miracles happen! See what cool stuff a Miracles donation can get you. Shopping page: https://393817.e-junkie.com/


在这些为我们的自由而战的战斗中需要捐款-但是你得到了很酷的自由的东西!所有人都试图通过分享捐款来互相帮助,这些捐款用于印刷、邮资、旅行、邮寄以及向罪犯和法院提供法律文件的服务。您的捐赠可以帮助创造奇迹!看看奇迹捐赠能给你带来什么好东西。购物页面: https://393817.e-junkie.com/http://www.cedarhillscitizens.org/got-miracles/

Q.Child Held Hostage By Organ Harvesting Stanford U Children's Hospital Who Are Actively Killing Her; Court Rules Against Parents


  • @patientadvocatebulldog has been contacted by a family whose 4 year old daughter is being held hostage by the law enforcement and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital I Stanford University. PAB reports that they are actively killing this child now.
  • 斯坦福大学执法部门和 Lucile Packard 儿童医院联系了一个家庭,他们4岁的女儿被绑架为人质。PAB 报告说他们现在正在杀害这个孩子。
  • The healthy child went in for prolonged diarrhea. The child was given these drugs Fentanyl, Dexamethasone, Precedex, Ativan, Amlodipine, Kepra, Nicardipine Ceftriaxone and has been intubated on a ventilator. These actions have caused renal and kidney failure.
  • 那个健康的孩子长期腹泻。患儿服用了芬太尼、地塞米松、普瑞塞德、安定、氨氯地平、 Kepra、尼卡地平头孢曲松等药物,并在呼吸机上进行了插管。这些行为导致了肾脏和肾脏衰竭。
  • "The children's hospitals are an organ harvesting child trafficking ring with CPS
    and the courts. Yesterday this family asked for a 2nd opinion and CPS was called. Court hearing today after the family was notified today by phone call and email. NO COURT ORDER.
  • “儿童医院是一个器官摘除贩卖儿童的团伙。昨天这个家庭要求第二意见,CPS 被叫来了。今天法庭听证会今天通过电话和电子邮件通知了他的家人。没有法院命令。
  • Judge Erika Ziegenhorn ruled that the parents have to consent to whatever the hospital deems necessary to prescribe or medical procedure.
  • 法官 Erika Ziegenhorn 裁定,父母必须同意医院认为必要的处方或医疗程序。
  • 只要你走进那些执法机构,你就会把你的孩子交给国家!
  • Doctor who turned the parents into CPS:
    Lindsey K Rasmussen, MD Lucile Packard Children's Hospital I Stanford University 650-498-6313.| lkrasmus@stanford.edu
  • 把父母变成儿童保护服务中心的医生: Lindsey K Rasmussen 医生 Lucile Packard 儿童医院斯坦福大学第一医院650-498-6313 | lkrasmus@Stanford.edu
  • Dr Ashley Wong Grossman essentially forced the intubation of this child. Leading the parents to believe that she would only need to be intubated so she would not move during an MRI…. After the MRI they said her numbers on the ventilator weren't safe enough to extubate her… Grossman is just as guilty in this as Rasmussen.
  • 阿什利 · 王 · 格罗斯曼医生实际上强迫这个孩子插管。让父母相信她只需要插管,这样她在做核磁共振时就不会动了。核磁共振后,他们说呼吸机上的数字不够安全,无法拔管... ... Grossman 和 Rasmussen 一样有罪。

R.The Cold War began in 1947 and ended in 1991 when the USSR collapsed, but in some ways the Cold War has never really ended.


  • The US alone produced over 70,000 nuclear warheads by 1990 and it's believed the USSR had around 45,000 when it crumbled in 1991 – more than enough nuclear power to destroy the world many times over.
  • 到1990年,仅美国就生产了超过70,000枚核弹头。据信,苏联在1991年解体时拥有约45,000枚核弹头——足以摧毁世界多次。
  • President John F. Kennedy was on the cusp of stopping all of that from happening when he was cut down at Dealey Plaza by our own Deep State Military Industrial Complex / CIA conglomeration.
  • 约翰 · 肯尼迪总统在 Dealey Plaza 被我们自己的深州军事工业综合体/中央情报局集团击落时,正处于阻止这一切发生的风口浪尖。
  • President Eisenhower had warned us about the Deep State Military Industrial Complex two and one half years earlier in his farewell address.
  • 两年半前,艾森豪威尔总统在他的告别演说中就深州军事工业综合体向我们发出了警告。

S. CIA Crime: Were we brainwashed by the CIA drugs with sex, drugs and Rock and Roll? Did you know that LSD and hippies were invented by the CIA in the 1960s? No? Well, the idea was to hook kids on sex, drugs and rock & roll (hey, it worked!), so the would hot overthrow the militarv industrial complex. Accomplices in this diabolical scheme were, in England, the Beatles and, in America, Jim Morrison, Frank Zappa and other residents of Laurel Canyon in L.A.

美国中央情报局犯罪: 我们是否被中央情报局用性、毒品和摇滚乐给洗脑了?你知道迷幻药和嬉皮士是中情局在60年代发明的吗?没有吗?我们的想法是让孩子们沉迷于性、毒品和摇滚乐(嘿,成功了!)因此,将热推翻军事工业综合体。在英格兰,甲壳虫乐队,在美国,吉姆 · 莫里森,弗兰克 · 扎帕和洛杉矶劳雷尔峡谷的其他居民都参与了这个恶魔般的阴谋。

T. Tues. 17 Oct. Fulford Report: ALL WARS are started by a False Flag. Pearl Harbor in WW2, Gulf of Tonkin in Vietnam, 9/11 in Iraq, etc. On 9/11, Building 7 fell without anything hitting it. Building WTC 7 was destroyed to prevent NESARA GESARA. 9/11 also stopped Nesara. What's happening in Israel is to STOP GESARA. The 'Revaluation' of all currencies is HERE. The fleeing Khazarians have lost control of the world financial system. ALL the major 'Oil-Producing' countries have joined BRICS+ & they are primarily Arab countries.

 星期二10月17日。福尔福德报道: 所有的战争都是由一面假旗引发的。二战中的珍珠港,越南的 Gulf of Tonkin,伊拉克的9/11等等。911那天,7号楼没有受到任何撞击就倒塌了。为了防止 NESARA GESARA,世贸中心7号楼被摧毁。911也阻止了 Nesara。在以色列发生的事情就是阻止盖萨拉。所有货币的“重估”在这里。逃亡的可萨人已经失去了对世界金融体系的控制。所有主要的产油国都加入了金砖国家联盟,他们主要是阿拉伯国家。

U. Tues. 17 Oct. David Wilcock Update:

10月17日,星期二,大卫 · 威尔科克更新:

  • The Attack on Israel was a False Flag Event.
  • 对以色列的攻击是假旗事件。
  • Israel with over 10,000 Spies in the military imbedded inside Iram, Saudi Arabia, World Militaries and Israel Intelligence Agencies including Mossad – which is deeply connected to CIA and MI6, all knew that Hamas was going to attack Israel several weeks before and months ago including several hours before the attack.
  • 以色列在 Iram、沙特阿拉伯、世界军事组织和以色列情报机构(包括摩萨德)都有超过10000名间谍——摩萨德与美国中央情报局和军情六处关系密切,所有人都知道哈马斯在袭击前几周和几个月就要袭击以色列,包括袭击前几个小时。
  • The United States knew the attack was coming as did Australia, UK, Canada and EU Intelligence. Several satellites were over Iran, Israel and Palestine. Nearly all captured thousands of troops moving towards Israel. All major intelligence agencies knew the attack was coming and news reporters (Israeli spies) in Palestine all knew the attack was coming and tried to warn Israel and the military.
  • 美国和澳大利亚、英国、加拿大以及欧盟情报部门都知道这次袭击即将发生。有几颗卫星在伊朗、以色列和巴勒斯坦上空。几乎所有人都俘虏了向以色列进军的数千名士兵。所有主要的情报机构都知道袭击即将来临,在巴勒斯坦的新闻记者(以色列间谍)都知道袭击即将来临,并试图警告以色列和军方。
  • Everyone knew the Attack was coming, including India Intelligence who tried to contact Israel (but Israel commanders and the President blocked all calls before the Attack.
  • 每个人都知道袭击即将来临,包括试图联系以色列的印度情报机构(但是以色列指挥官和总统在袭击前屏蔽了所有电话)。
  • WARNING: This attack on Israel was an inside Job, with the help of CIA, MOSSAD and MI6. A large part of the funding 6 billion $$$$$$$ from U.S. to Iran funded the operations.
  • 警告: 这次对以色列的袭击是在 CIA,摩萨德和军情六处的帮助下进行的。美国向伊朗提供的60亿美元资金中有很大一部分为这些行动提供了资金。
  • The weapons used came from the Ukraine Black market which came from NATO and the U.S.
  • 使用的武器来自乌克兰黑市来自北约和美国。
  • The ISRAELI President and Prime Minister
    Netanyahu ALL STOOD DOWN before the attacks began and told the Israeli INTEL and military commanders to stand down.
  • 以色列总统和总理内塔尼亚胡在袭击开始前全部退下,并告诉以色列情报局和军事指挥官退下。
  • There was no intelligence error. Israeli intentionally let the Attacks happen.
  • 没有情报错误,以色列故意让袭击发生。
  • Both the Deep State and the White Hats wanted these EVENTS to take place. Both were fighting for the future control of Israel.
  • 深层政府和白帽党都希望这些事件发生。双方都在为未来控制以色列而战。
  • Inside of Israel Banks, Intelligence Agencies and Underground Bases lay the World Information Data Servers on human trafficking World Operations connected to Pedophile Rings.
  • 在以色列银行内部,情报机构和地下基地设有世界信息数据服务器,这些服务器与恋童癖团伙的世界行动人口贩卖相连。
  • Epstein was created by the Mossad, along with the CIA and M16.
  • 爱泼斯坦是由摩萨德以及中情局和军情十六处创建的。
  • Epstein got his funding from the Mossad, who was Ghislaine Maxwell's father Israeli super spy Robert Maxwell, who worked for the CIA and M16.
  • 爱泼斯坦从摩萨德那里得到资金,摩萨德是吉斯兰麦克斯韦尔的父亲,以色列超级间谍罗伯特 · 麦克斯韦尔,曾为中央情报局和 M16工作。
  • The past two years in Israel the military has become divided, much like the U.S. military who are losing hope in the government leaders and sectors. Several Revolts have tried to start but were ended quickly.
  • 在过去的两年里,以色列的军队已经出现了分裂,就像美国军队一样,他们对政府领导人和部门失去了希望。几次起义试图发动,但很快就结束了。
  • Major PANIC has been hitting the Israeli INTEL, Prime minister and military commanders community as their corruption and crimes keep getting EXPOSED.
  • 由于以色列的腐败和犯罪行为不断暴露,“恐慌少校”袭击了以色列的英特尔、总理和军事指挥官。
  • Major PANIC was happening as the US was coming closer to dropping the Epstein Files, Epstein List and major countries who dealt with Epstein – especially Israel which created Epstein, CIA, M16.
  • 当美国接近放弃爱泼斯坦文件、爱泼斯坦名单以及与爱泼斯坦打交道的主要国家——尤其是创造了爱泼斯坦、美国中央情报局(CIA)和3 · 16恐怖分子的以色列——时,重大恐慌正在发生。
  • Before Epstein was arrested, he was apprehended several times by the military intelligence Alliance. He worked with the White Hats and gave information on the CIA, Mossad, JP Morgan, World Banks, Bill Gates, Israel, Big Tech, Google, Facebook, YouTube, Microsoft and their connections to the World Deep State Cabal Military Intelligence and World control by the Elites and Globalists.
  • 在爱泼斯坦被捕之前,他曾多次被军事情报联盟逮捕。他曾与白帽组织合作,提供有关中央情报局、摩萨德、摩根大通、世界银行、比尔盖茨、以色列、大型科技公司、谷歌、脸书、 YouTube、微软的信息,以及他们与“世界深层阴谋集团”的联系,即军事情报和精英和全球主义者对世界的控制。
  • This massive coming Storm was scaring the CIA, Mossad Kazharian Mafia and M16. They were trying to destroy all the Military Intelligence evidence of the World Human Trafficking Trade inside Israel and in the Underground Bunkers.
  • 这场即将到来的大规模风暴吓坏了中央情报局,摩萨德可萨黑手党和 M16。他们试图销毁以色列境内和地下掩体中世界人口贩卖贸易的所有军事情报证据。
  • The World Big Tech, Facebook, Google and YouTube control the World money laundering system – that is connected from Israel to Ukraine to the US, to NATO, UN, US Industrial Military Complex System.
  • 世界科技巨头、脸书、谷歌和 YouTube 控制着世界洗钱系统——从以色列到乌克兰再到美国,再到北约、联合国、美国工业军事复合系统。
  • Major panic was happening in Israel as the Military was planning a 2024 coup in Israel to overthrow the Deep State Military and regime that connected to the CIA, M16, Clintons and Rockefellers.
  • 当以色列军方计划在2024年发动政变,推翻与中央情报局(CIA)、 M16、克林顿(Clinton)和洛克菲勒(Rockefeller)有关联的“深层国家军队”(Deep State Military)和政权时,以色列国内出现了大规模恐慌。

V. Must Watch Videos:


W. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:


Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.

自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈流出。

There's certainly no
help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.


To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


X. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

X. 《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》 ,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔

Y. Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4

 珍妮. 希尔见证了撒旦的儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到了人类的祭祀—— YouTube http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=f626lsrdwg4

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."

警告: 珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁的时候如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看一场儿童献祭并被神圣介入拯救,几乎自杀——与其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没有什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈第九圈儿童祭祀教会,以及克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的少年巫师团。它们的资金来自于管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团——正是这个组织因启动全球货币重置和恢复共和国而正在走下坡路。难怪特朗普总统说“这些人都病了”

Z. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

全球货币重置、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的

It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.


The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.


Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

让我们禁食并为这些数百万的小孩祈祷,他们现在正从全球各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被解救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团折磨并杀害。让我们也为全世界那些冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷教义在这里被解释在10:30:32马克: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb9gu6dmks

ZZ. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

ZZ.朱迪注意: 我现在没有,也从来没有,收到钱写我的更新和文章。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童祭祀的真相来帮助拯救儿童组织。

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们在另一边共同努力,我们将使所有人的生活更加美好。

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy



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