
2020年4月13日08:09:21其他揭露ECETI新闻:2020年4月9日—-詹姆斯•吉利兰已关闭评论85711字数 13302阅读44分20秒阅读模式



ECETI NEWS April 9th 49

When you are Authentic,a Red Pill that is hard to swallow.


There is a war of polarities ensuing between those who are self-serving and in service to others.


Those who are authentic and those who are posers.Those who act as if they are for the greater good,here to educate,inform,heal and empower yet they are maintaining a disempowering status quo,a controlled narrative.The only thing they are empowering is their fame and bank accounts.The alternative media is no longer the alternative.


The masks are all coming down.Some people who have been attacking Eceti actually leave their illuminati ritual masks in the back ground during radio shows for all to see.Is that by accident or a message to others?It is no secret that there has been a power play,big money coming into the UFO and spiritual community.Behind this money is an agenda.What is sad is people we once believed to be of integrity have fallen,talked themselves into taking this money rationalizing it in the mind not listening to their hearts and souls.There is an agenda behind this money,it has a price and eventually that price will have to be paid at the sake of one's soul.Many will turn a blind eye to the character and deeds of those providing this money some of which have direct ties to Satanic and Luciferian organizations.These organizations are directly and indirectly tied to child sacrificing,pedophilia,and other predatory activity.This funding is also tied to the war and disease profiteers.They will be screaming and accusing the loudest.Everything they accuse others of they themselves are doing.Especially the Satanic and Luciferian groups which have succumbed in a last ditch effort to accusing those who are authentic as being Satanic and Luciferian.This is the way they operate.Their symbolism will be their downfall and if one does their research they will connect the dots.


Many have fallen do to the promises of fame and fortune eventually doing the bidding of the dark hearts.They reach the top of the communities,they are the names everyone drops the who's who,the planned opposition which many believe are of noble character,champions of truth.The fact of the matter is they are controlled,they maintain the false narrative,they cannot step out of role they are given and if they do their careers,even their lives may be over.


Let's call this the network,the good old boys club,those funded by billion and millionaires.Those involved in the Rock a feller Initiative that brag about their connections to the Clintons,Podestas,the majority of the Hollywood crew,producers and directors.Some of these producers and directors have come to ECETI only to sanitize,censor,and twist the message.Watch the latest Ancient Alien episode where I was completely cut out of a show filmed at ECETI Ranch.The exact time and location of a massive ship that powered up went undocumented and ignored.Peter Slattery,John Vivanco and myself all gave them the time and location where the ship would appear.We have demonstrated direct contact for over 33 years.How do the Pleiadians,Orion Council of Light,Sirians,Andromedans,Arcturians,those who are here to assist in the awakening,healing and planetary liberation of Humanity and the Earth feel about those censoring and stifling their messages?They see them as very primitive,spiritually unevolved,a detriment to the evolution of Earth.They are also aware of the future they have created..

让我们称之为网络,好老男孩俱乐部,那些由亿万富翁资助的组织。那些参与摇滚计划的人吹嘘他们与 Podestas 的克林顿夫妇,大多数好莱坞工作人员,制片人和导演的关系。其中一些制片人和导演来到 ECETI 只是为了美化、审查和扭曲这些信息。观看最新一集《远古外星人》,在 ECETI 农场拍摄的一部电视剧中,我被完全剪掉了。一艘巨大的船启动的确切时间和地点没有记录,也被忽视了。彼得·斯莱特里、约翰·凡可和我都给了他们船出现的时间和地点。我们已经展示了超过33年的直接接触。昴宿星人、猎户座光之委员会、天狼星人、仙女座人、大角星人,那些在这里协助人类和地球的觉醒、疗愈和行星解放的人,对那些审查和扼杀他们的信息有什么感觉?他们认为它们非常原始,精神上没有进化,对地球的进化是一种损害。他们也意识到他们所创造的未来。

Many will name drop famous politicians and stars who are also part of the network to prop up their character giving their information a false sense of credibility.It is like saying I know Hitler therefore you should listen to me.What is sad is most will listen and follow blindly.There are also shills with military and other agency ties acting like champions of disclosure responsible for much of the disinformation in the UFO community.Major UFO reporting centers are funded and run by alphabet agencies or the network.Most of who refer to themselves as experts cannot even access the higher dimensional aspect to the phenomenon.This will all be revealed in the days to come.Those aware of the bigger picture who have not sold out are the biggest threat to the ignorant and integrity challenged.

许多人会点名道姓地说出一些著名的政治家和明星的名字,这些人也是网络的一部分,以此来支撑他们的人物形象,使他们的信息具有虚假的可信度。这就好比说我认识希特勒,所以你应该听我的。悲伤的是,大多数人都会盲目地听从和追随。还有一些与军方和其他机构有联系的人,他们的行为就像是揭露 UFO 团体中大部分虚假信息的拥护者。主要的不明飞行物报告中心由字母机构或网络资助和管理。大多数自称为专家的人甚至无法进入这一现象的更高维度层面。这一切将在未来的日子里揭示出来。对于无知和正直的挑战者来说,那些意识到更大前景的人还没有出卖自己是最大的威胁

If you think there is not a network and a controlled narrative I have two questions.


"Why have we not been contacted other than a few who rose to the occasion by off world and ultradimensional beings?""How many people have ascended within the spiritual community?""How many have demonstrated any abilities whatsoever other than elaborate stories with no evidence"?There are nonphysical events happening yet discernment needs to apply concerning any information."


One more question,"How many people have contact within the UFO community that can prove it?"We will go one better how many people have evidence of known Masters appearing to them,photos along with multiple witnesses?Contact comes with enlightenment.Something of which the nuts and bolts people are completely clueless.This is not a 60 year old story it is happening NOW.

还有一个问题," UFO 界有多少人能够证明这一点?"我们将更进一步,有多少人有证据证明已知的主人出现在他们面前,照片和多个证人?接触伴随着启迪。有些事情是人们完全不知道的。这不是一个发生在现在的60年前的故事

If someone had photos,videos,thousands of eye witnesses of UFOs and masters appearing to them would they receive top billing at events professing to cover the truth about these topics?How would they be received by main stream religions?What if they proved redundantly they had contact by giving the exact time and location the ships would appear,cameras rolling with major news networks?What if they went far beyond the controlled narrative trying to prove UFOs are real and knew the occupants of the craft on a first name basis as well as their cultures,why they are here,their motives and agendas.Would they be honored,respected,would major UFO and spiritual event coordinators,the History Channel,Ancient Aliens be pounding on their door.

如果有人有照片、视频、成千上万的 ufo 目击者和大师出现在他们面前,他们是否会在声称掩盖这些话题的真相的活动中获得头条位置?主流宗教会如何接受他们?如果他们通过提供飞船出现的准确时间和地点,通过主要新闻网络的摄像机来证明他们进行了冗余接触,那会怎么样?如果他们远远超越了试图证明不明飞行物是真实存在的可控叙述,知道飞行器上的乘客的名字,他们的文化,他们为什么在这里,他们的动机和议程。他们会感到荣幸,受到尊敬,主要的不明飞行物和精神事件协调员,历史频道,远古外星人会敲他们的门吗

NO they would NOT.


Why?Because those who are authentic do not fit within their controlled narrative,go far beyond nuts and bolts and cannot be corrupted.It would be a disaster to those that just want to entertain you,cash in by never answering the questions,are they real,who are they and why are they here.They have to keep you in suspense,tuned in to the next episode.If you are authentic the last thing the posers,those who are not authentic,those who took the money to keep the controlled narrative alive,the last thing they want is your success and message getting out.They are extremely threatened by your knowledge and very existence.There is also a lot of jealousy and competition in both the UFO and the Spiritual communities an oxymoron in itself.Those who operate with impeccable integrity are a reminder to those who have not.

为什么?因为那些真实的人并不符合他们可控制的叙述,远远超越了具体细节,也不会被腐化。对于那些只是想娱乐你的人来说,这将是一场灾难,他们从不回答这些问题,他们是真实的吗,他们是谁,他们为什么在这里。他们必须让你保持悬念,把电视调到下一集。如果你是真实的,那些装腔作势的人,那些不真实的人,那些拿钱来维持可控叙事的人,他们最不希望看到的就是你的成功和信息传播出去。他们被你的知识和存在所威胁。在 UFO 和精神团体中也有很多的嫉妒和竞争,这本身就是一种矛盾。那些以无可挑剔的正直操作的人会提醒那些没有做到的人

This brings us to what is unfolding within the UFO,spiritual even some of the conspiracy communities.There are constant ad-hominem attacks,character assassinations,the spreading of lies,gossip and rumors of no merit by those who are sponsored by these same nefarious people.These attacks are upon those who are authentic,have the photos,videos,multiple eyewitnesses to back their stories.Those who have a long track record of service to the awakening and healing of humanity and the earth are being attacked by those who are frauds,those seeking fame and fortune backed by funds coming from millionaires who in their own words profess an allegiance to Satan or Lucifer.They accuse you of everything they themselves are doing in an attempt to draw attention away from themselves and their own nefarious deeds and agendas.Unfortunately,they have an army of idiots and brainwashed victims trying to make a name for themselves at the expense of others.Those who in ignorance or willingly will do their bidding in the hopes of securing a place within their network.They can never come up with a name,an event,a witness to back their slanderous accusations.There are always two sides to a story and they will only take the side that serves their agenda.When one is truly enlightened they carry a frequency that mirrors back and amplifies everything one loves and hates about themselves.Karma also gets accelerated.It is referred to as the wake of a yogi.There are always those who do not take personal responsibility and fall into projection and blame.There are others who had to leave ECETI due to mismanagement of funds,theft,drug abuse which goes completely against our no alcohol and drug policy.There were those who succumbed to spiritual ego and narcissism to the point of creating a coup.These are the detractors from the ECETI mission that rather than face their own issues project and blame others.I have seen it all over the past 33 years and could write a very large novel on just that subject.

这就把我们带到了不明飞行物内部正在发生的事情,精神上甚至是一些阴谋团体。这些邪恶的人不断发动人身攻击、人格暗杀、散布谎言、流言蜚语和毫无价值的谣言。这些攻击是针对那些真实的,有照片,视频,多个目击者来支持他们的故事的人。那些长期为人类和地球的觉醒和治愈服务的人正在受到那些欺诈者的攻击,那些寻求名声和财富的人得到了来自百万富翁的资金的支持,他们用自己的话声称效忠于撒旦或路西法。他们指责你他们自己正在做的一切事情,企图把注意力从他们自己和他们自己邪恶的行为和议程上引开。不幸的是,他们有一支由白痴和被洗脑的受害者组成的军队,他们试图以牺牲他人为代价来为自己赢得名声。那些无知或愿意为了在自己的网络中获得一席之地而做出自己的选择的人。他们永远想不出一个名字,一个事件,一个证人来支持他们的诽谤指控。故事总是有两面性的,他们只会站在符合他们议程的那一边。当一个人真正开悟时,他们携带着一个频率,这个频率反射并放大一切你对自己的爱和恨。因果报应也会加速。这被称为瑜伽修行者的觉醒。总有些人不承担个人责任,陷入投射和指责。还有一些人由于资金管理不善、盗窃和滥用毒品而不得不离开 ECETI,这完全违反了我们的禁酒和禁毒政策。有些人屈服于精神上的自我和自恋,以至于要制造一场政变。这些是来自 ECETI 使命的批评者,他们宁愿面对自己的问题,也不愿指责他人。在过去的33年里,我一直在关注这个话题,并且可以写出一部很大的小说

The fraudulent and disingenuous will accuse others of abuse ignoring a long,documented history of their own abuse of others.This abuse has come up within their own ranks with infighting over money and predation on the young women,"something they accuse others of."Young women they hired to be their public assassins.In trying to assassinate others they assassinate their own character and wonder why they have such a small and dwindling listeners base.All you have to do is listen to their shows,their guests have histories of drug abuse,some even promote heroine on their shows along with hours of slanderous unfounded rumors.Some are so bold as to promote Lucifer as the true God while others actually profess in ignorance Jesus is guiding them?How can anyone take these characters seriously,especially their claims to be enlightened and of good character?They are the network,posers and frauds with hidden agendas tied to some very dark unseen negative influences.These are the people you have chosen to inform and educate you.


And that my friend is why we don't have contact.


That is why we are not an enlightened civilization and ascensions are very rare.The answer is within,do your own research.Follow the money and look at the fruits of their labor.Now you have the answer to why disclosure has stalled for 70 years.This is why you won't see ECETI at the major conferences or in Hollywood's controlled narratives.Time for a UFOexit movement,Awakexit movement.Time for new venues to come forward minus the integrity challenged.Time to shine a light on the self-serving hidden agendas.

这就是为什么我们不是一个开明的文明,而提升是非常罕见的。答案就在里面,你自己去研究吧。跟着钱走,看看他们的劳动成果。现在你知道为什么披露已经停滞了70年了。这就是为什么你不会在大型会议或好莱坞的控制叙事中看到 ECETI 的原因。是时候做一个不明飞行物出口移动,原子移动。是时候让新的场馆站出来减少诚信的挑战了。是时候揭露那些自私自利的隐藏议程了

The Spiritually and Technologically advanced off world visitors,Ultradimensionals,Ascended Masters are waiting for us to rise to the occasion.Rise above the muck and mire.Contact comes with enlightenment.When the time is right you will see the fueless energy,anti/countergravity,healing technology beyond your wildest dreams,the consciousness and technology to end poverty,disease,and restore the planet to its once pristine beauty.It will not come under the present circumstances.This will also not come through many professing to be ushering it in yet in truth all they care about is their lavish lifestyle.Some are even paid to shelve the technology.Now you know why we are still burning fossil fuels.


The good news is this will all change very rapidly.The Earth is ascending.These people are not frequency specific to this process.They are on the downward spiral and their karma will be accelerated.Those who resist the awakening,healing and planetary liberation will have some hard lessons in the days to come.Universal Law will prevail.The masks are coming down especially for those who hide behind them.The humble and authentic will prevail.


James Gilliland



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