独家新闻:FBI 最新公布的文件显示希拉里有两台 ipad,但只把一台交给了 FBI

2019年10月9日13:44:11其他揭露独家新闻:FBI 最新公布的文件显示希拉里有两台 ipad,但只把一台交给了 FBI已关闭评论6486字数 2532阅读8分26秒阅读模式

2015年,美国联邦调查局对希拉里·克林顿滥用电子邮件的案件展开调查,但希拉里·克林顿没有交出联邦调查局要求的 ipad。联邦调查局上周晚些时候公布的文件揭露了这一点。

独家新闻:FBI 最新公布的文件显示希拉里有两台 ipad,但只把一台交给了 FBI

Hillary Clinton did not hand over one of her iPads requested by the FBI in their investigation related to her email abuse in 2015.This was uncovered from documents released by the FBI late last week.

2015年,美国联邦调查局对希拉里·克林顿滥用电子邮件的案件展开调查,但希拉里·克林顿没有交出联邦调查局要求的 ipad。联邦调查局上周晚些时候公布的文件揭露了这一点。

FOX News reported late last month–


As extensively reported by Fox,Clinton would often task aides including Monica Hanley with finding and supplying the secretary of state's never-ending demand to use non-secure BlackBerrys for all her official government work.Some of Clinton's BlackBerrys wound up being pounded with hammers on orders by Huma Abedin after Clinton's homebrew servers went down or when news that Clinton confidant Sidney Blumenthal's email had been hacked in 2013 by the Romanian hacker known as"Guccifer"—Marcel Lehel Lazar.

正如福克斯(Fox)广泛报道的那样,克林顿经常责成包括莫妮卡汉利(Monica Hanley)在内的助手,寻找并满足国务卿无休止的要求,让她在所有政府工作中使用不安全的黑莓手机。克林顿的一些黑莓手机在克林顿的自酿啤酒服务器出现故障或者克林顿的密友西德尼·布卢门撒尔(Sidney Blumenthal)的电子邮件在2013年被罗马尼亚黑客"古奇费尔"(Guccifer)——马塞尔·莱赫尔·拉扎尔(marcel Lehel Lazar)——黑客攻击的消息传出后,受到了胡玛·阿贝丁。

The new documents offer a glimpse into the lawyering ballet inside the Beltway—as this surrendering of two BlackBerrys and one iPad by her private attorneys occurred just six days before Hillary Clinton,then the leading Democratic nominee for president,testified before Congress on Oct.22,2015 about the 2012 terrorist attack in Benghazi,Libya.

20151022日,当时的民主党总统候选人希拉里·克林顿(Hillary Clinton)2012年在利比亚班加西发生的恐怖袭击向国会作证时,她的私人律师交出了两部黑莓(blackberry)手机和一部 iPad 平板电脑。这些新文件让我们得以一窥华盛顿政府内部的律师行业。

But per a another document dump released late last week,we now know that one of Hillary's iPad's was not provided to the FBI.One document shows notes from an FBI agent during an apparent interview with former Hillary aid Monica Hanley.In the notes Monica Hanley was the recipient of Clinton's old iPad.She used it for a year.She'thinks'she wiped the iPad before she got it,but the iPad was still showing up as being Clinton's iPad–

但是根据上周晚些时候公布的另一份文件,我们现在知道希拉里的一台 iPad 并没有提供给联邦调查局。其中一份文件显示了一名联邦调查局特工在与前希拉里助手莫妮卡·汉利面谈时的笔记。在笔记中,莫妮卡·汉利是克林顿旧 iPad 的收件人。她用了一年。她"以为"自己在拿到 iPad 之前就已经把它删除了,但 iPad 仍然显示为克林顿的 iPad-

独家新闻:FBI 最新公布的文件显示希拉里有两台 ipad,但只把一台交给了 FBI

According to the notes,the iPad was requested and returned to Hillary in October 2015,the same time that Hillary was appearing before Congress regarding her(non)actions in Benghazi which resulted in the deaths of four Americans in 2012.But according to prior reports Hillary only handed over one iPad to the FBI.Where is the other and which iPad was turned over?

根据记录,iPad 201510月被要求并返还给希拉里,与此同时,希拉里就她在2012年造成4名美国人死亡的班加西事件出现在国会面前。但是根据之前的报道,希拉里只向联邦调查局交出了一台 iPad。另一个 iPad 在哪里,哪个 iPad 被翻转了?


Hat tip D.Manny



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