To know the truth about the Notre Dame fire,we first need to go through the cathedral's history and understand the current political context in France. Don't worry,it won't be school-boring and you'll get a cool free tour of Paris.
Ready? Allons-y!
The current political context: the following image sums it all: Img1 It is well known Macron is a product of the Rothschild Cabal and his election number 66.06% was them clarifying that even if they lost the US with Trump's election,they still had their grip over France and most of Europe. Listen to how his former Rothschild Director contemptuously talks about him: video and how his masters terrorize him and humiliate him at dinners like this one on Feb 20 2019: video.
众所周知,马克龙是罗斯柴尔德阴谋集团的产物,66.06% 的支持率表明,即使他们在特朗普的选举中输掉了美国,他们仍然控制着法国和欧洲大部分地区。听听他的前罗斯柴尔德导演是如何轻蔑地谈论他的: 视频1和他的主人如何恐吓他,如何在晚餐上羞辱他,就像2019年2月20日这样: 视频2。
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视频2[dplayer url="" pic="" danmu=true /]
The construction of Notre-Dame began between March 24 and April 25 1163 with the laying of the cornerstone in the presence of King Louis VII and Pope Alexander III.
In this article,we learn about Biscornet's story. We are in the 1300's and the cathedral is almost completed. Biscornet was given the herculean task of producing the doors and it is rumored he sold his soul to the devil in exchange for his assistance in the production of a piece that contemporary artists consider to be a technical feat. When he completed his job,he was found dead and the doors mysteriously remained closed despite multiple efforts. They finally opened when they were sprinkled with holy water. Okay… If this story is true,kudos to Satan for signing his name on a door that millions of Catholics would go through to pray…
If it's not true,you still have these beautiful pieces to ponder upon: Img2
如果这不是真的,你还有这些美丽的片段可以思考: Img2
During the 1789 French Revolution a mob of angry democrats looted Notre Dame and decapitated the twenty-eight statues of the Kings of Judah located at the west façade. History books will tell you they mistook them for statues of French kings. Of course,as a Q researcher,you know the French Revolution was a masonic project that weaponized peasants to overthrow the King,crush the Church and kick it out of schools,empower the Tiers Etat and get the French bourgeoisie to rule. Have you ever asked yourself if Democracy was divinely inspired? Did you notice when Israel needed leaders after Moses,they were not advised by God to vote but were given Saul as their king? When Christ comes back,isn't it obvious voting him in will not make sense since we all accept he has a divine right to rule the world as the Messiah?
Now you know why it's critical for our enemies to sell us his bloodline is interrupted,why those from this bloodline live in secrecy,why State and Government are promoted almost like divinities and why freemasons decapitated these Kings of Judah statues and never tried to restore them. Quite the contrary,they proudly display what they consider to be trophies at the Cluny Museum: Img3
现在你知道为什么我们的敌人向我们出售他的血统被打断是至关重要的,为什么这个血统的人生活在秘密中,为什么国家和政府被提升的几乎像神一样,为什么共济会会员斩首这些国王的犹大雕像,从来没有试图恢复他们。恰恰相反,他们骄傲地在法国国立中世纪博物馆(Cluny Museum) 展示他们认为是奖杯的东西: Img3
Q354 Therefore,they openly showcase their symbolism.
Just to make sure everybody understood there was a new sheriff in town,the freemasons rededicated the cathedral in 1793 to the Cult of Reason,a state sponsored atheistic religion intended as a replacement for Roman Catholicism,and later to Robespierre's deist Cult of the Supreme Being.
In July 1801,the new ruler Napoleon Bonaparte restored the Cathedral to the church. Because he was cool? No: because he wanted the Pope to validate his coronation and that of his wife Josephine as Emperor and Empress of France,which Pope Pius VII reluctantly did on December 2,1804. video.
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In 1844,King Louis Philippe ordered the restoration of the Cathedral. Eugène Viollet-le-Duc was one of the two architects supervising the restoration and he took this opportunity to add the sculpture of very creepy creatures in the Galerie des Chimères and to replace the statue of Saint Thomas with a statue of himself! With this move,he entered the group of the 12 biblical apostles represented on the spire of the cathedral but with a twist: the other eleven statues are facing Paris when he is the only one facing the cathedral.
1844年,路易·菲利普国王下令修复大教堂。维欧勒·勒·杜克是监督修复工作的建筑师之一,他借此机会在奇梅尔美术馆(Galerie des Chimères)增加了一个令人毛骨悚然的生物雕塑,并用他自己的雕像取代了圣托马斯的雕塑!随着这一举动,他加入了12位圣经使徒的队伍,这12位使徒被描绘在大教堂的尖顶上,但有一个转折: 其他十一座雕像面向巴黎,而他是唯一一个面向大教堂的。
As you can see,this place which was supposed to be devoted to worshipping the Father has gone through a lot… layer after layer… darkness after darkness.
正如你们所看到的,这个本该用来敬拜天父的地方经历了很多... 一层又一层... 一片漆黑。
Now fast forward to 2017. In this article,we learn how Notre Dame is in desperate need for repairs and how a charity is seeking to raise $120 million for that purpose. The $2.4 million budget the French State allocates to the cathedral yearly is not enough to finance these repairs.
Now let's see what happened 5 days before the fire: video. Again,they beheaded the Apostles! Did you hear the reason given this time by the engineer in charge? He said he's going to restore them and that he needed to know the internal structure! He should have asked any 11th grade student. Supposing he does not know there is a science called chemistry,he could have cut the base or a finger but no: he needed the head. You know what's going on right? Yes: they applied the same fate as the one applied to the statues of the Kings of Judah during the 1789 French masonic revolution.
现在让我们看看火灾前5天发生了什么: 视频。又一次,他们砍下了使徒的头!你听到负责的工程师这次给你的理由了吗?他说他要修复它们,他需要知道它们的内部结构!他应该问任何一个11年级的学生。假如他不知道有一门叫做化学的科学,他可以切掉基座或一根手指,但是没有: 他需要的是头。你知道发生了什么,对吧?是的,他们的命运与1789年法国共济会大革命期间犹大国王雕像的命运相同。
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Let's recap: 5 days before the fire,Notre Dame needed money,all the Kings of Judah were out,beheaded and stored in the Cluny Museum,all the 11+1 Apostles were also out,beheaded and stored somewhere,all the demonic statues remained on site.
让我们回顾一下: 圣母院大火前5天,圣母院需要钱,所有的犹大国王都被带出去,斩首并存放在 Cluny Museum,所有的11 + 1使徒也被带出去,斩首并存放在某个地方,所有的魔鬼雕像都留在原地。
Next? We look at their satanic calendar to know if this place was not being prepped for a satanic ceremony. We go through this list and BINGO! We discover Easter Eve Day is celebrated by Satanists with adult human sacrifices.
So based on this calendar and these clues,something should have happened there around April 21 2019. Nothing happened. Instead,the fire took place on April 15 AND: nearly 300 people were killed in Sri Lanka on April 21 2019.
Do you see it?
The cathedral was being prepared for a secret mass sacrifice but the premature fire stopped their plan. Sri Lanka was their plan B.
大教堂正在为一次秘密的大规模牺牲做准备,但是过早的火灾阻止了他们的计划。斯里兰卡是他们的 B 计划。
How do I know?
First,you noticed Notre Dame was a cathedral and a touristic destination right? Well,this is why in plan B they translated the cathedral to multiple churches and met the touristic requirement by targeting hotels. Coincidence?
首先,你注意到巴黎圣母院是一个大教堂和旅游目的地,对不对?这就是为什么在B 计划中,他们把大教堂翻译成多个教堂,并通过定位酒店来满足旅游需求。巧合?
Second,I told you inthis post in this image about the number 74=A SACRIFICE and how the Maestro coded it in his tweet relative to 9/11. Now let's calculate the number of days between 9/11 and the day of the Notre Dame fire. Img4 We find 17 Years,7 Months and 4 Days. This 7 and 4 stands for 74=A SACRIFICE and 17 stands for Q! We are told the fire at Notre Dame is the White Hats' response for the 9/11 attacks! The White Hats had the intel they were preparing another satanic sacrifice for Easter Eve and they stopped it by advancing the date of the fire!
其次,我在这张图片中的帖子中告诉了你74=A SACRIFICE 这个数字,以及这位艺术大师是如何把它编码成与9/11相关的 tweet。现在让我们计算一下从9 / 11到圣母院大火那天之间的天数。Img4我们找到了17年7个月零4天。这个7和4代表74=A SACRIFICE,17代表 Q!我们被告知巴黎圣母院的火灾是白帽子对9 / 11袭击的回应!白帽子有情报,他们正在为复活节前夕准备另一个撒旦祭品,他们通过提前火的日期来阻止它!
If things had worked the way they planned,it would have been a political masterpiece: Macron's speech on the controversial French National Debate in the evening of April 15,media coverage and political reactions on April 16 and April 17 and yellow vest protest against the speech on April 20 overshadowed by the Notre Dame fire that would have happened sometime between April 20 and April 21. You get the political gain,the satanic sacrifice and more renovation money than you could have ever dreamed of.
如果事情按照他们的计划进行,这将是一部政治杰作: 4月15日晚上,马克龙就颇具争议的法国全国辩论(French National Debate)发表演讲;4月16日和17日,媒体报道和政治反应;4月20日的演讲遭到了黄色背心的抗议。巴黎圣母院(Notre Dame)的火灾本应在4月20日至4月21日之间发生。你得到的政治收益,撒旦的牺牲和更多的翻新资金超出你的梦想。
Now,is it me just speculating and selling you a plausible story with these coincidences? You know I have more than that. Of course,I got the confirmation from the Maestro!
It's all coded in his April 17 tweets.
Img5 The first tweet of the day refers to 11 payments. Now look at the last capital letter before this number 11: it's the I from FBI. Value for I? Yes: 9 and here is your 9/11! Coincidence? Go through the highlighted lines and read the decoded message.
Img5当天的第一条推特提到了11次付款。现在看看这个数字11之前的最后一个大写字母: 这是 FBI 的 I。I 的值?是的,9,这就是你的9/11!巧合?浏览突出显示的行并阅读解码后的信息。
Here are the other tweets with their respective decoded messages: Img6 – Img7 – Img8 – Img9 – Img10
以下是其他 tweets 及其各自的解码消息:Img6 – Img7 – Img8 – Img9 – Img10
img8:原文:DECODED MESSAGE What's below NOTRE DAME?
Answer: the Paris Catacombs with their secret doors, passages and rituals. Trump's National Security policies and his Executive Order on Child Abuse and Human Trafficking allowed to gather the information on what was REALLY going on underneath NOTRE DAME and other places worldwide. The Clinton Foundation investigations and intel like the one found in Anthony Weiner's laptop contribute to locate the units used for child abuse and atrocious satanic rituals.
Once they are located, in addition to the legal measures taken against bad actors, these places are attacked and shut down.
答案: 巴黎地下墓穴与他们的秘密门,通道和仪式。 特朗普的国家安全政策和他关于虐待儿童和虐待人口贩卖的行政命令使他得以收集圣母院和世界其他地方地下真实情况的信息。 克林顿基金会的调查和在 Anthony Weiner 笔记本电脑中发现的情报有助于找到虐待儿童和残忍的邪恶仪式使用的设备。
img9:原文:DECODED MESSAGE 5 days prior to the fire,"renovators"moved statues of angels and all major"non demonic"representations out of the cathedral. The statues of the Apostles were moved out after making sure they were decapitated on site.
They were adding darkness to the place in preparation of the Easter Eve bloody satanic human sacrifices.
译文:解码的信息 火灾发生前5天,翻修工人把天使雕像,和所有主要的非恶魔形象都搬出了大教堂。 使徒的雕像在现场被斩首后被搬出。
img10:原文:DECODED MESSAGE The Cabal is trying to bring back the days of Noah. In their effort to hybridize humanity, they have used places of worship and human sacrifice altars as portals for centuries to "re-import"the evil spirits that were expelled out of our dimension after the flood. Trump knows it and has a plan. He's closing their portals and is stopping their invasion. Trump is a threat to their very existence. Hence the current WAR.
译文:解码的信息 阴谋集团正试图恢复诺亚的时代。 在他们杂交人类的努力中,几个世纪以来,他们利用礼拜场所和人祭坛作为门户,"重新输入"洪水后从我们的维度驱逐出去的邪恶灵魂。 特朗普知道这一点,也有自己的计划。 他关闭了他们的传送门,阻止了他们的入侵。 特朗普对他们的生存构成了威胁。 因此才有了现在的战争。
Peruvian Coffee for those who noticed in the last image that the capital letters adding up to 86=NEPHILIM were also solved with ADAM LEVINE=86 because of Mark Levin's last name! Adam Levin is an artist and his real name is Adam Noah Levine. Noah? Nephilim? Coincidence? No,if we notice he's a coach on NBC's show The Voice,we deduce what the Maestro is telling us about their cult and rituals: they use vibrations to open portals and import dark spirits in our realm. Read the decoded message: Img11
那些在最后一张图片中注意到大写字母加起来等于86=NEPHILIM的人们,秘鲁咖啡也被 ADAM LEVINE=86解决了,亚当·莱文(Adam Levin)是一位艺术家,他的真名是亚当·诺亚·莱文(Adam Noah Levine)。诺亚?巨人?巧合?不,如果我们注意到他是NBC节目The Voice的教练,我们推断出大师告诉我们他们的邪教和仪式:他们使用振动来打开门户并在我们的领域中引入黑暗精神。阅读已解码的消息: Img11
原文:DECODED MESSAGE Entities trapped in the demonic dimension have found ways to manifest in the human dimension through their own physical shape or by partially or completely possessing the shape of a host. This inter dimensional travel is done through gates or portals that are opened by activating the vibrations corresponding to their nature. These vibrations are the result of the collective vibrational state
(thoughts, emotions, music, songs etc...) or the activation of targeted frequencies through rituals.
To these demonic entities, blood is like the' sea water' through which they travel and through whichthey nourish themselves to be able to live in our dimension. The vibrational state of the blood at itstime of collection determines the demonic hierarchyeligible for using it: bread for the peasants, caviar for the nobility. Adrenochrome is where the information of this vibrational state is stored.
Magicians use this knowledge to be willingly possessed and mutate progressively until their human soul departs from their biology for further collection and is replaced by a demonic entity. This is how they will ' import' the Antichrist in our realm when he's ready. For now, his followers are feeding him with blood as we are singing their songs..…
译文:陷入恶魔维度的实体已经找到了通过他们自己的物理形态或部分或完全拥有宿主形态在人类维度中显化的方法。 这种内在维度的旅行是通过大门或入口完成的,它们是通过激活与其本质相对应的振动而打开的。 这些振动是集体振动状态的结果(思想,情感,音乐,歌曲等等)。或者通过仪式激活目标频率。
对这些恶魔实体来说,血液就像海水一样,他们通过海水旅行,通过海水滋养自己,以便能够生活在我们的维度中。 血液在收集时的振动状态决定了恶魔等级可以使用它: 农民的面包,贵族的鱼子酱。 肾上腺素红是储存这种振动状态信息的地方。
魔术师使用这个知识逐渐地被欣然占有和变异,直到他们的人类灵魂离开他们的生物体进一步收集,并被一个恶魔实体所取代。 这就是当敌基督准备好的时候,他们将如何"输入"我们的王国。 现在,他的追随者正在用鲜血喂养他,而我们正在唱着他们的歌..。
Songs? Music? Vibrations? Voice? What are the odds Michel Obama tweeted this 3 days after the fire: link? What are the odds she was in Paris the day of the fire? And why does the version of how she learned about the fire change: Driverversion – Boat version. What are the odds the 5 capital letters of her tweet about Beyonce add up to 66=MOLOCH? Why the subtitles? Yes: the 19 capital letters. What are the odds they add up to 161,Jewish value for MOLOCH?
歌曲?音乐?震动?声音?火灾发生3天后,米歇尔·奥巴马在推特上写道: 链接?火灾那天她在巴黎的几率有多大?为什么她了解火灾的版本改变了: 驾驶员版本-船版本。她推特上关于碧昂丝的5个大写字母加起来有66 = MOLOCH的几率是多少?为什么是字幕?是的: 19个大写字母。他们加起来的值是161,MOLOCH的犹太值是多少?
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Q153 Perhaps he could not stomach the thought of mass murders occurring to satisfy Moloch?