



Compiled Mon. 26 June 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two Multiple Personalities"

美国东部时间6月26日上午12:01编辑: Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,治疗师 ret,记者,作者: “二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格”


Trust the Plan



Staged Fake Russian Nuclear Attack on the US


National Grid Failure


Fake Alien Invasion


New Virus Attack


Engineered Global Famine


Economic Implosion of Bonds, Stocks, Real Estate


Europe Officially in a Recession


US Well On The Way to a Recession


Nasty Recession/ Depression Until Late 2025



Emergency Broadcast System to Activate


The Time Has Come.


If You Know, You Know.


It's Happening For The First Time.


And It Will Go Down in History.


Prepare Backups


…SGAnon Sat. 24 June 2023


It's only wise to have at least a month's supply of food, cash, water and essential items on hand.



"My Home is Your Home"


"Mi Casa Es Tu Casa"


June 25, 2023 - #4893 Music & the Spoken Word (thetabernaclechoir.org)

2023年6月25日-# 4893音乐与口语( thetabernaclechoir.org )

Our souls need friendship just as a plant needs water and sunlight. We need to care about people and we need to know they care about us. We need a welcoming community where we draw others in rather than shutting them out, where people and relationships matter, where "my home, mi casa," as humble as it may be, is always "your home, Tu casa."


Sometimes that means welcoming new friends into our home. More often, it means welcoming them into our lives and hearts. It requires trust, but trust has always been the price of friendship.


Some would say those days are long gone, that it's old fashioned to think people can be so open and generous to their neighbors. The people of Mexico would never accept that, and we don't have to either. We can't let love and friendship go out of style because we face challenges – global and personal – that we can overcome only as we work together. This is why we always leave the door open to new friendships.


God's children were meant to be together – if not under one roof, then in one heart.



Judy Note: Expect Black Swan Events of a staged fake Russian Nuclear Attack on the US, a staged National Grid failure, a fake Alien Invasion, a new Virus attack and an economic implosion of bonds, Real Estate and the Stock Market that leads to engineered famine throughout the World in a nasty Recession until late 2025.

朱迪注: 预计黑天鹅事/件是:俄罗斯对美国发动假的核攻击,国家电网故障,假的外星人入侵,新的病毒攻击,以及债券、房地产和股票市场的经济内爆,导致整个世界在恶劣的经济衰退中发生人为的饥荒,直到2025年末。

Also expect a Supreme Court Announcement of the Brunson Case, which if positive would dissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress plus activate the Emergency Broadcast System and Martial Law, which would then in turn expose long hidden secrets of the Deep State, mass arrests and tribunals for Global Elite (who have committed Crimes Against Humanity and Treason including participation in an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring composed of rape, torture, murder and Adrenochrome and organ harvesting of children); no more wars, millions of Humanitarian Projects being funded through a revaluation of global currencies to gold/asset-backed and activation of NESARA/ GESARA that will lead to new found wealth and prosperity for The People who, as the Scriptures predict, will live in a thousand years of peace throughout the Globe.

同时,最高法院也将宣布布伦森事/件,如果这一消息属实,那么拜登政府和国会将被解散,紧急广播系统将被激活,戒严法也将被激活,从而揭露深层国家、大规模逮捕和全球精英法庭的长期隐藏秘密(这些人犯下了反人类罪和叛国罪,包括参与国际儿童性交易集团,该集团由强奸、酷刑、谋杀、肾上腺素和儿童器官摘除组成) ,不再有战争,数以百万计的人道主义项目将通过全球货币升值为黄金/资产支持和启动 NESARa/GESARa 来获得资金,这将为人们带来新发现的财富和繁荣,正如圣经所预言的那样。

Judy Note: If you were reading this Update as posted on Dinar Chronicles, be aware that some information has been redacted. For the complete un-redacted version, see the PDF copy at the end of the report on Dinar Chronicles.

朱迪注: 如果你正在阅读第纳尔编年史上张贴的这个更新,请注意,一些信息已被编辑。关于完整的未编辑版本,请参阅第纳尔编年史报告末尾的 PDF 副本。

A. Global Currency Revaluation:


  • Sat. 24 June Wolverine TNT Call: The Treasury is saying it could happen any minute now. The banks had told their staff that they wouldn't be working any more weekends until the RV happened, but they were working this weekend. Tony's contact in Iraq thinks it'll happen within the next 5 days.
  • 6月24日金刚狼 TNT 电话: 财政部说这随时可能发生。银行已经告诉他们的员工,在RV事/件发生之前,他们不会在周末继续工作,但他们这个周末还在工作。托尼在伊拉克的线人认为这会在五天内发生。
  • Fri. 23 June Wolverine: "We inform all the people involved in the Redemption that we are entering Radio Silence from 6:00 pm Fri. 23 June until 6:00 pm Tues. 27 June, there will be no communication of any kind regarding payment among the participants or comments on this matter with anyone."
  • 6月23日星期五金刚狼: “我们通知所有参与救赎计划的人,我们将从6月23日星期五下午6:00开始进入无线电静默,直到6月27日星期二下午6:00,参与者之间将不会有任何关于付款的沟通,也不会与任何人就此事发表评论。”
  • On Mon. 26 June New Dinar Rate Published in Iraqi Gazette: Ministry spokesman Kamel Amin said in a statement to the official agency, followed by "NAS" (June 25, 2023), that "the budget from 2023 to 2025 will be published tomorrow Mon. 26 June in the Iraqi Al-Waqa'i newspaper."
  • 6月26日,新的第纳尔汇率在伊拉克公报上公布: 伊拉克外交部发言人卡迈勒 · 阿明(Kamel Amin)在一份给官方机构的声明中说,“2023年至2025年的预算将于明天6月26日在伊拉克的 Al-Waqa‘ i 报上公布。”
  • Bruce: The new rate on the Iraqi Dinar of $3.81 came out on Thurs. 22 June and will be published in Gazette Sun. or Mon. 25, 26 June. The Iraqi Dinar will start trading on the Forex Sunday night
    25 June. Tier 4b will obtain notification to make redemption appointments within 48 hours of the announcement of the Brunson case by the Supreme Court. Tier 4b Appointments Mon or Tues. 26, 27 June.
  • 布鲁斯: 伊拉克第纳尔3.81美元的新汇率于6月22日星期四公布,并将在《星期日公报》上公布。或6月25日或26日(星期一)。伊拉克第纳尔将在周日晚上开始交易 6月25日。第4b 级将在最高法院宣布 Brunson 案件后48小时内获得预约赎回的通知。第4b 层预约6月26日(星期一)、27日(星期二)。
  • Goldilocks: The investment window of opportunity is rapidly coming to an end. It is getting time for us to prepare ourselves for the Great Transfer of Wealth to begin early next month. For some assets, immediate changes will begin to show up, but most all assets will be on the docket to change as new SOFR mechanisms and monetary policies on July the 15th will give guidance for them to do so.
  • 金发姑娘: 投资机会之窗正在迅速走向尽头。现在是我们为下个月初开始的财富大转移做准备的时候了。对于一些资产来说,即时的变化将开始显现,但是大多数资产将在7月15日新的 SOFR 机制和货币政策的指导下发生变化。
  • Europe - on aggregate the largest economy in the world - just went into recession. In the U.S., many economic indicators are flashing red, and "everything is pointing to a recession," says Michael Pento of Pento Portfolio Strategies.
  • 欧洲——总体上是世界上最大的经济体——刚刚陷入衰退。Pento Portfolio Strategies 的 Michael Pento 说,在美国,许多经济指标都在闪烁红光,“一切都指向衰退”。
  • Sun. 25 June X22 Report:
  • 星期日6月25日 X22报告: Https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/25/x22-report-reciprocal-trade-act-trump-ready-to-transform-the-economy-credit-drying-up-restructuring-coming/

B. Status of RV, Goldilocks: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/24/gold-standard-protocols-seeds-of-wisdom-rv-gcr-updates-from-goldilocks-6-24-23/

RV状况,金发女孩: https://dinarchronicles.com/2023/06/24/gold-standard-protocols-seeds-of-wisdom-RV-gcr-updates-from-Goldilocks-6-24-23/

  • Fri. 23 June Goldilocks: It has come to my attention that Protocol 20 codes are currently being integrated into the QFS. These codes deal with currency protocols allowing digital assets to move through the system.
    6月23日星期五: 金发姑娘: 我注意到,《第20号议定书》编码目前正被纳入 QFS。这些代码处理允许数字资产在系统中移动的货币协议。
  • We are six days away (June 30) in our transition from Libor rates to Sofr rates. This is an International Finance Market Transition. Look for the markets to begin making their transition into new price actions reflecting real values on every sector of the market. This includes Forex.
  • On June 30th, we will be within two weeks of implementing new monetary policies to reflect our new global economy.
  • Congress will be voting on stable coins or digital money that has been regulated and standardized with banking protocols to establish our new digital asset based lending economy.
  • On July 1st, our International Financial Markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy.
  • On July the 15th, we will have guidelines to monitor and secure this new economy. From that point on, we will be under Gold Standard Protocols.

C. GCR Recent History:


  • "The transition from the fiat US dollar to an activity-guaranteed gold/currency marks a significant shift away from an era of controlled and centralized finance. We are moving towards a future where finance is transparent, decentralized, and secured by the tangible value of gold." …
    Medeea Greere, America Media Group
  • “从法定美元向有活动担保的黄金/货币的转变,标志着金融从受控和集中化时代的重大转变。我们正在走向一个金融透明、分散、以黄金的有形价值为保障的未来。”... 美国媒体集团美狄亚 · 格里尔
  • By Fri. 16 June the Admiral had released the codes to the Quantum Financial System and algorithms downloaded Dubi One and Dubi Two funds.
  • 到6月16日星期五,海军上将已经向量子金融系统发布了密码,算法下载了 Dubi One 和 Dubi Two 基金。
  • On Sat. 17 June Sat. 17 a CBI contact said that the IMF, World Bank and US Treasury had given the "green light" to reinstate the currency.
    在星期六。6月17日星期六。英国工业联合会(CBI)的一位联系人表示,国际货币基金组织(IMF)、世界银行(World Bank)和美国财政部已经为恢复人民币开了“绿灯”。
  • On Sun. 18 June the UST had completed sending protocols to the Forex and a major Bond Trader reported that Tiers 2 and 3 had started. The GESARA Talk Show: Major Bond Trader Reports Tiers 2 and 3 Started | Dinar Chronicles
  • 6月18日,UST完成了向外汇局发送协议的工作,一名主要债券交易员报告说,第2层和第3层已经启动。GESARA 脱口秀: 主要债券交易员报告第二和第三层开始 | 第纳尔编年史
  • On Wed. 21 June the Iraqi President signed the Budget with the new Dinar Rate in it. It was announced the new Dinar Rate would be published in the Iraqi Gazette newspaper, making it official, on Mon. 26 June. Revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar was considered the Kingpin of the Global Currency Reset. The only thing Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) has left to do is wait.
  • 6月21日星期三,伊拉克总统签署了新的第纳尔汇率预算案。据宣布,新的第纳尔汇率将于6月26日在伊拉克公报上正式公布。伊拉克第纳尔的重估被认为是全球货币重组的关键。Tier4b (我们,Internet Group)唯一能做的就是等待。
  • It was rumored that the US Federal Reserve and US Treasury were on notice that if they could not pay the Global Repository back the quadrillions owed, they would be handing over all assets, including property and business assets on June 30 2023.
  • 有传言称,美联储(Fed)和美国财政部已经得到通知,如果它们无法偿还全球储备库(Global Repository)欠下的千万亿美元,它们将在2023年6月30日移交所有资产,包括房地产和商业资产。
  • Fri. 23 June Benjamin Fulford: We are all expecting to receive payments from NESARA-GESARA. Whether it will be linked to your birth certificate, refund of taxes, returning the fees you paid on your mortgage… or whatever else… this will be done worldwide for everyone. Information on some of NESARA GESARA is a little sketchy, (as they said it would be) but I would presume (and it's only my presumption) that these funds will be paid directly into your QFS account. No Redemption Centre appointments necessary.
  • 6月23日星期五本杰明 · 富尔福德: 我们都期待收到 NESARA-GESARA 的付款。无论它是否与你的出生证明,退税,退还你的抵押贷款支付的费用有关... 或者其他什么... 这将在全世界范围内为每个人实现。关于 NESARA GESARA 的一些信息是有点粗略的,(正如他们所说的那样)但我会假设(这只是我的推测)这些资金将直接支付到您的 QFS 帐户。无须委任赎回中心。
  • Fri. 23 June:
    Activated by Protocol 19 the Black Swan Event Will be the Start of the New Flare Network of the ISO Family of Currencies (VIDEO) - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 星期五6月23日: 由19号协议激活的黑天鹅事/件将是 ISO 货币系列新耀斑网络的开始(视频)-美国媒体集团(amg-news.com)
  • Fri. 23 June:
    The GESARA Law Was Promulgated and Almost No One Knew About It! - American Media Group (amg-news.com)
  • 星期五6月23日: GESARA 法案已经颁布,但几乎没有人知道!-美国媒体集团(amg-news.com)

D. Judy Note: This excellent article about Tier 4b appeared in this update a few days ago as authored by Medeea Greere. I have since learned that it was actually authored by Marilyn Williams. I apologize to Marilyn for the inaccurate reporting. It is a good read about Tier4b that deserves another look:
Tier 4B - How To Know If It Means You – Marilyn Williams' Blog! (marilynjwilliams.com)

Judy 备注: 这篇关于4b 层的优秀文章几天前出现在这个更新中,作者是 Medeea Greere。后来我才知道这本书的作者其实是玛丽莲 · 威廉姆斯。我为错误的报道向玛丽莲道歉。关于 Tier4b 的一本好书值得我们再看一遍: 第4b 层-如何知道这是否代表你-玛丽莲. 威廉姆斯的博客( marilynjwilliams.com )

E. Timeline


  • Since Wed. 21 June the
    Supreme Court has been hearing arguments on the Brunson Case that alleged Congress failed in their duty to investigate allegations of Voter Fraud in the 2020 Election. A positive ruling could take down the Biden Administration and all of Congress.
  • 自6月21日星期三以来 最高法院一直在听取有关布伦森案的辩论,指控国会未能履行其职责,调查2020年选举中的选民欺诈指控。一个积极的裁决可能会推翻拜登政府和整个国会。
  • The last week in June 2023 Social Security increases were scheduled to begin, plus Restitution Allowances and Med Bed appointments would likely start.
  • 2023年6月的最后一个星期,社会保障金将开始增加,赔偿津贴和医疗床位预约也可能开始。
  • On July 1st, our International Financial Markets will transform into a new digital asset based economy. The new Quantum Financial System would be completely interfaced in computers around the World in order to coordinate currency transactions through the International Payment System ISO 20022.
    7月1日,我们的国际金融市场将转变为一个新的以数字资产为基础的经济。新的量子金融系统将与世界各地的计算机完全连接,以便通过 ISO 20022国际支付系统协调货币交易。
  • On July the 15th, we will have guidelines to monitor and secure this new economy. From that point on, we will be under Gold Standard Protocols.
  • Either Sat. 10 July or Sun. 23 July would be the
    Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr. in a celebration where those in the World Protection Program would come out.
  • 7月10日星期六或7月23日星期日 美国总统唐纳德 · J · 特朗普和他的副总统小肯尼迪的就职典礼将在世界保护计划的参与者出席的庆祝活动中举行。
  • Tues. 25 July was Queen Diana's Coronation date.
  • 7月25日星期二是戴安娜女王的加冕日。
  • Jim Rickerds said BRICS was releasing their new commodity backed International currency by mid August – which would be the death of the Petrodollar.
  • Jim Rickerds 表示,金砖国家将在8月中旬发行新的大宗商品支持的国际货币——这将意味着石油美元的消亡。

F. Restored Republic:


  • Dr. Jim Willie: Greenland's underground prison is full. That is a 100,000 prisoner capacity. That is good news. Lots of traitors are being arrested for Military Tribunals for treason and child sex trafficking.  
  • 吉姆 · 威利博士: 格陵兰岛的地下监狱已经满员了。可以容纳10万名囚犯。这是个好消息。许多叛徒因叛国罪和儿童性交易罪被军事法庭逮捕。  
  • There is going to be a big Biblical Scenario Event where they make out it's WW3 but really they are activating Alliance Militaries worldwide and then bombing Satanic Luceriferian Landmarks. The Event has many facets to it:
  • 将有一个大型的圣经场景事/件,他们认为这是第三次世界大战,但实际上他们正在激活全世界的联盟军队,然后轰炸撒旦撒旦的路西法地标。这个事/件有很多方面:
  • Big Pharma in Wuhan = Israel = Israel/Khazarians control the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), while the Israeli Mossad control the World Media out of the US.
  • 武汉的大型制药公司 = 以色列 = 以色列/可萨人控制着中国共产党,而以色列摩萨德控制着美国以外的世界媒体。
  • Operation Mockingbird was a CIA operation to infiltrate and control the Mainstream Media. More than 3,000 trained Cabal/CIA/Mossad agents were placed in key positions in the media to promote a Leftist Agenda.
  • 知更鸟行动是中情局渗透并控制主流媒体的行动。超过3000名训练有素的阴谋集团/中央情报局/摩萨德特工被安排在媒体的关键岗位,以推动“左派议程”。
  • A WW3 Scare Event will take over this Israeli/Khazarian/CCP/Mossad/CIA Worldwide Media control.
  • 三战恐怖事/件将接管这个以色列/可萨/中共/摩萨德/中央情报局全球媒体控制。
  • Ten countries will be running the Emergency Broadcast System to cover the World. Nuke Sirens will go off.
  • 十个国家将运行紧急广播系统来覆盖全世界。核警报将会响起。
  • Rods of God will be activated on Dams (Water Event) & 34 Buildings such as the White House, Royal Castles, Buckingham Palace, Vatican, Getty Museum, Playboy Mansion, Three Gorges Dam in China, CERN on the Swiss-French Border, Bitcoin Servers Data Center hit and turned off for good.
  • 上帝之杖将在大坝(水事/件)和34个建筑上被激活,例如白宫、皇家城堡、白金汉宫、梵蒂冈、盖蒂博物馆、花花公子大厦、中国长江三峡水利枢纽工程、位于瑞士-法国边境的欧洲核子研究中心、比特币服务器数据中心等。
  • Project Odin will be switched on: Mossad Media Satellites will be removed – creating a Blackout of media worldwide and a switch to the Quantum Systems. Project Odin is part of Quantum Starlink. Our new Quantum Systems are to be protected by Secret Space Programs out of the Cabal's reach.
  • 奥丁计划将被启动: 摩萨德的媒体卫星将被移除——造成全球媒体停电,并切换到量子系统。奥丁计划是量子星链的一部分。我们的新量子系统将受到秘密太空计划的保护阴谋集团无法触及。
  • Stock Market collapse (Cyber linked to Executive Orders 13818 & 13848).
  • 股市崩溃(网上连结行政命令13818及13848)。
  • A Worldwide Blackout to change over to Tesla Free Energy.
  • 全球大停电将转变为特斯拉自由能源。
  • Planes and Trains grounded.
  • 飞机和火车停飞。
  • Enacting NESARA/GESARA funds and the RV We The People will rebuild.
  • 颁布 NESARA/GESARA 基金和我们人民将重建的房车。
  • We will swap from Rothschild's Central Bank Notes to Rainbow Treasury Notes backed by Precious Metals (Not Oil/Wars)
  • 我们将把罗斯柴尔德(Rothschild)的央行票据换成由贵金属(而非石油/战争)支持的彩虹国库券
  • With 99.5% of Crypto gone enter ISO20022 Coins (the new Quantum Financial System) backed by Precious Metals.
  • 随着99.5% 的 Crypto 人进入由贵金属支持的 ISO20022硬币(新的量子金融体系)。
  • Election Flipping will be handled via Military Courts – FISA
  • 选举操纵将经由 Military Courts-FISA 处理
  • Exposure of Elite confessions through Military Tribunals exposed
    through ten days of running three eight hour documentaries running 24/7 on TVs and Radio.
  • 通过军事法庭曝光精英的供词 通过10天每天24小时不间断地在电视和广播上播放3部8小时的纪录片。
  • Inauguration: Sun. 23 July was scheduled to be the
    Inauguration of Pres. Donald J. Trump and his VP, JFK Jr.
  • 就职典礼: 星期日。原定于7月23日举行 美国总统唐纳德 · J · 特朗普和他的副总统小肯尼迪的就职典礼。
  • It was rumored that US Inc, IMF, UN, World Bank, World Economic Forum and Central Banks around the World were now bankrupt defunct corporations without any Sovereignty.
  • 有传言说,美国公司,国际货币基金组织,联合国,世界银行,世界经济论坛和世界各地的中央银行现在破产倒闭的公司没有任何主权。
  • The IRS and Federal Reserve have been shut down, while the bankrupt US Treasury has been transferred to the new US Treasury funded by gold of the Restored Republic and resides on an Indian Reservation near Reno Nevada.
  • 美国国税局(IRS)和美联储(fed)已被关闭,而破产的美国财政部已被移交给新的美国财政部,由“恢复共和国”的黄金提供资金,该部位于内华达州里诺附近的一个隶属行政区。
  • Quiet Resignations Leave White House in State of Chaos | RightWing无声的辞职离开混乱的白宫 | 右翼

G. A Proclamation from the Canadian Elders of the Ahousaht, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Cowichan, Squamish, Stolo, Tsilhqotin, Cree, Metis, Anishinaabe-Ojibwe, Haudenosaunee, Mohawk, Huron, Miqmaq, Dene, and Inuit Nations.

G.来自阿胡萨特、努查赫-努尔特、 Cowichan、斯阔米什、 Stolo、 Tsilhqotin、克里、梅蒂斯、阿尼什纳贝-奥吉布韦、豪登索尼、莫霍克、休伦、 Miqmaq、德内和因纽特人的加拿大长老宣言。

Read by Clan Mother Katie Stoqua of the Huron Nation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN6F0ArPfoo

来自休伦族的凯蒂 · 斯托卡(Katie Stoqua) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fn6f0arpfoo

  • The Killers of our children are not welcome here! The Catholic, Anglican, and United churches are banished from our lands!
  • 我们不欢迎杀害我们孩子的凶手! 天主教、圣公会和联合教会都被驱逐出我们的土地!
  • We are traditional elders of the Ahousaht, Nuu-Chah-Nulth, Cowichan, Squamish, Sto:lo, Tsilhqotin, Cree, Metis, Anishinaabe-Ojibwe, Haudenosaunee, Mohawk, Huron, Miqmaq, Dene, and Inuit Nations. We speak by the authority of the Great Law.
  • 我们是阿胡萨特、努查-努尔斯、 Cowichan、斯阔米什、斯托: 罗、 Tsilhqotin、克里、梅蒂斯、阿尼什纳贝-奥吉布韦、豪登索尼、莫霍克、休伦、 Miqmaq、德内和因纽特人的传统长老。我们以大律法的权威说话。
  • All of us are survivors of a war of extermination waged against us by the Catholic, Anglican, and United churches of Canada. These churches ran the genocidal 'Indian residential schools' that killed over 60,000 of our children. They got away with their crime by a few words of "apology". And today they are still trafficking and murdering our women and children along with the government and China.
  • 我们所有人都是加拿大天主教、圣公会和联合教会对我们发动的灭绝战争的幸存者。这些教会开办了种族灭绝的“印第安寄宿学校”,杀害了我们超过6万名儿童。他们只说了几句“道歉”就逃脱了罪责。今天,他们仍然在贩卖和谋杀我们的妇女和儿童,还有政府和中国。
  • Therefore, according to the Great Law, we Elders assembled at Council Fire proclaim that these churches, their priests, and their officials are now and forever banished from our nations across Canada. They must immediately depart or face arrest by our Peacekeepers.
  • 因此,根据大律法,我们聚集在议会火灾宣布这些教会,他们的牧师,和他们的官员,现在和永远从我们的国家驱逐出加拿大。他们必须立即离开,否则将面临我们维和部队的逮捕。
  • We also reclaim their lands, their church buildings, and the wealth they stole from us as reparations for their slaughter of our people. We will be enforcing this Proclamation in reclamation ceremonies at these churches. 
  • 我们还要收回他们的土地,教堂建筑,和他们从我们这里偷走的财富,作为他们屠杀我们人民的补偿。我们将在这些教堂的开垦仪式上强制执行这个宣言。 
  • We authorize all our people and their allies to assist us in evicting these churches from our nations and seizing and occupying their buildings for the welfare of all our people.
  • 我们授权我们的所有人民及其盟友协助我们将这些教会逐出我们的国家,并为了我们全体人民的福祉夺取和占领他们的建筑物。
  • We make this action in league with our white brother Eagle Strong Voice Kevin Annett, the legal agent of traditional Squamish chief Kiapilano, who evicted these churches from Vancouver on March 4, 2008. We name Eagle Strong Voice as a Peacekeeper and liaison to our nations.
  • 我们与我们的白人兄弟鹰强声凯文 · 安内特联手采取这一行动。安内特是传统斯阔米什酋长基亚皮拉诺的法定代理人,他于2008年3月4日将这些教堂从温哥华驱逐出去。我们任命雄鹰强声为和平卫士和我们国家的联络员。
  • Stand by for more announcements of our reclamation actions against these criminal churches that are illegally trespassing on our lands!
  • 等待我们的进一步公告我们将对这些非法侵入我们土地的犯罪教堂采取行动!
  • Issued by us at Council Fire on Monday, June 26, 2023 under the Great Law. thecommonland@gmail.com, www.murderbydecree.com
  • 2023年6月26日,星期一,根据大法律,我们在议会消防会议上发表。 c/commmonland@gmail.com, www.murderbydecree.com
  • Kevin Annett's award winning documentary film Unrepentant can be viewed at  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Czej73SfYJc
  • 凯文•安内特的获奖纪录片《不悔改》可以在 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=czej73sfyjc 观看 KEVIN ANNETT 和加拿大的种族屠杀,全长 YouTube 

H. Brunson Brothers Update:


  • The Loy Brunson Case has been in hearings before the Supreme Court since Wed. 21 June, with announcement of decision pending within days. Brunson asked why Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Mike Pence and 388 members of Congress voted against investigating 50 allegations of voter fraud and foreign interference in the 2020 Election.
  • Loy Brunson 案自6月21日星期三以来一直在最高法院举行听证会,并在几天内宣布有待裁决。布伦森问道,为什么乔 · 拜登、卡马拉 · 哈里斯、迈克 · 彭斯和388名国会议员投票反对调查2020年大选中的50项选举舞弊和外国干预指控。
  • Loy Brunson discussed his Supreme Court Case against 388 members of Congress for Dereliction of Duty and Breach of National Security: Take Your Power Back | The ANSWER San Diego | FM 96.1 AM 1170 - San Diego, CA https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp
  • 洛伊 · 布伦森讨论了他在最高法院起诉388名国会议员玩忽职守和违反国家安全的案件: 夺回你的权力圣地亚哥 FM 96.1 AM 1170-圣地亚哥,加利福尼亚州 https://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp Https://rumble.com/v2t5moc-loy-brunson-2020-election-investigation-supreme-court-case.html
  • The Raland J. Brunson Case before Federal Court Judge Jared C. Bennett asked why Supreme Court Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson supported enemies of the Constitution by voting against hearing the Brunson case, which regarded Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and 388 members of Congress who voted against investigating allegations that there was foreign interference in the 2020 Presidential Election. I want to thank CharLee Simons for another great interview and for promoting the letter campaign. So far my Federal Court Judge (Trump appointed judge) has received 9,320 letters! He will decide any day now if this case will move forward, or if I'll be appealing it to the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals! https://rumble.com/v2u219m-suing-the-liberal-justices-of-the-supreme-court.html?fbclid=IwAR3SkVhiS0qildk2Ru4jPkyQ_15kuHcabyXz3zhaf5prIqTo6xkOsccy17Q
  • 联邦法院法官贾里德 · C · 贝内特(Jared C. Bennett)问道,为什么最高法院大法官索尼娅 · 索托马约尔(Sonia Sotomayor)、埃琳娜 · 卡根(Elena Kagan)和基坦吉 · 布朗 · 杰克逊(Ketanji Brown Jackson)投票反对审理布伦森案,支持反对宪法的人。布伦森案涉及乔 · 拜登(Joe Biden)、卡马拉 · 哈里斯(Kamala Harris)和388名国会议员,他们投票反对调查。我要感谢 CharLee Simons 的又一次精彩的采访,以及他对信件运动的推广。到目前为止,我的联邦法院法官(特朗普任命的法官)已经收到了9320封信!他随时会决定这个案子是否会继续还是我会向第十巡回上诉法院提出上诉!Https://rumble.com/v2u219m-suing-the-liberal-justices-of-the-supreme-court.html?fbclid=iwar3skvhis0qildk2ru4jpkyq_15kuhcabyxz3zhaf5priqto6xkosccy17q
  • If you want your voice to be heard go to:
  • 如果你想让别人听到你的声音,请去: Www.enoughisenough.me
  • Your Letter is Mightier Than a Sword, Brunson:
    💫 Loy Brunson NEW SCOTUS RULE 11 CASE #22-1028 ~ Your Letter is Mightier Than The Sword ! (rumble.com)
  • 你的信比剑更有力,Brunson: 洛伊 · 布朗森新的最高法院规则第11条案例 # 22-1028 ~ 你的信比剑更有力量! (Rumble.com)
  • Patriots are asked to send letters to the Supreme Court Justices in support of hearing the Brunson Cases. "We encourage everyone who supports our efforts to go to loybrunson.com to easily send a letter to the Supreme Court. You can also find more information about the case at 7discoveries.com and to order a copy of the petition!" https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRKYB9XB爱国者被要求写信给最高法院大法官,支持听取 Brunson Cases 的意见。“我们鼓励所有支持我们努力的人登录 loybrunson.com,轻松地向最高法院递交一封信件。你亦可在7discoveries.com 找到更多有关该个案的资料,并索取呈请书的副本! 」Https://www.tiktok.com/t/ztrkyb9xb
    Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…布朗森兄弟音乐请愿最高法院..。
  • NEED MIRACLES?  Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of "MIRACLES: In God We Trust" and "A More Perfect Union" manufactured by Raland's duplications company RosePedalRecords.com. To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 - which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here: www.MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/contact/ 
  • 需要奇迹?布伦森兄弟最高法院案件的拉兰德 · 布伦森现在正在运送由拉兰德的复制品公司 rosepedalrecords.com 制造的《奇迹: 我们相信上帝》和《一个更完美的联邦》的复制品。为了支持这项事业,你可以订购这些重要的自由教育 DVD 的副本,只需捐赠25美元-其中包括免费运输和两个免费口袋宪法。在这里捐赠: www。Miraclesingodwetrust.com/contact/ 
  • Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds. It is still offered at only $450, but with $60 worth of added value items: www.MiraclesInGodWeTrust.com/Super-Patriot-Liberty-Library- Only-450 
    超级爱国者自由图书馆-完美的家庭学校教育,或作为遗产礼物,儿童和孙子女。教育拯救美国。包裹里装满了有价值的材料,包括免费的花园种子。它仍然只提供450美元,但附加价值60美元的项目: www。Miraclesingodwetrust.com/super-patriot-liberty-library- -450 

I. The Real News for Sun. 25 June 2023:


  • Coupe in Russia: Russia has been invaded by mercenariesOn Fri. 23 June Wagner's Convoy entered the Moscow region, passing through the city of Barabanov.
  • 俄罗斯轿车: 俄罗斯被雇佣军入侵。6月23日星期五,瓦格纳的车队进入莫斯科地区,经过 Barabanov。
  • Processed foods are literally changing the way our brains are wired…. It's imperative that we switch to an all natural organic diet.
  • 加工食品正在逐渐改变我们大脑的连接方式。我们必须转向全天然的有机饮食。
  • America "accidently" gave Ukraine $6.8 million
  • 美国“意外”给了乌克兰680万美元
  • Epstein and JP Morgan were close friends.
  • 爱泼斯坦和摩根大通是亲密的朋友。
  • Bill Gates was given approval to start selling 157 synthetic lab grown meats after buying most farm land in America.
  • 在美国购买了大部分农田后,比尔 · 盖茨获准开始销售157种人工合成的实验室培育的肉类。
  • Big Pharma and Microsoft are teaming up in something called the ID2020 Alliance that will combine vaccinations with implantable microchips to create your digital ID.
  • 大型制药公司和微软公司正在进行一项名为 ID2020联盟的合作,该联盟将结合疫苗接种和可植入的微芯片来创建您的数字身份证。
  • Biden must now release Wuhan Covid Lab Leak: https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/22/us-intelligence-joe-biden-wuhan-covid-lab-leak/
  • 拜登现在必须公布武汉冠状病毒疾病实验室泄密 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/world-news/2023/06/22/us-intelligence-joe-Biden-Wuhan-covid-Lab-Leak/
  • A Ukrainian Military officer has revealed how the CIA was behind the 2014 coup that saw the removal of President Viktor Yanukovych.
  • 一名乌克兰军官透露,中央情报局(CIA)是2014年政变的幕后黑手,该政变导致乌克兰总统维克多·费奥多罗维奇·亚努科维奇下台。

J. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of the Vatican:



K. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/ BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chemtrail/ Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoax:


  • Dr. Otto Heinrich Warburg, winner of the 1931 Nobel Prize in Physiology, discovered the cause of Cancer in 1925. Cancer grows in oxygen deprived acidic tissue. Diseases cannot survive in an alkaline body. Deprive a cell 35% of it's oxygen for 48 hours and it may become cancerous.
  • 1931年诺贝尔生理学奖得主 Otto Heinrich Warburg 博士在1925年发现了癌症的病因。癌细胞在缺氧的酸性组织中生长。疾病不能在碱性体内存活。剥夺细胞35% 的氧气48小时,它可能会变成癌细胞。
  • Japan: Investigation into vaccine harms. Huge number of reports have been released. If Health Ministry refuse to acknowledge, "We will FILE LAWSUITS!" Journalist says: "EXTRAORDINARY ALARMING SITUATION."
  • 日本: 疫苗危害调查。已经发布了大量的报告。如果卫生部拒绝承认,“我们将提起诉讼!”记者说“非常令人担忧的情况”
  • In 1936 Eustace Mullins knew that Vaccination was a Time Bomb for Cancer: "Vaccination is a time bomb" He quoted a book written in 1936: "I have never seen an unvaccinated person with cancer." Other doctors said the same thing, that vaccines attack the Immune System 5 years, 10 or 40 years later.
  • 1936年,尤斯塔斯 · 马林斯(Eustace Mullins)知道接种疫苗是癌症的定时炸弹: “接种疫苗是定时炸弹。”他引用了一本写于1936年的书: “我从未见过未接种疫苗的癌症患者。”其他医生也说了同样的话,疫苗攻击免疫系统需要5年、10年或40年。

L. Biden Crime Family:


M. John Durham Report Hearing:

约翰 · 达勒姆报告听证会:

  • They ALL knew that Hillary Clinton's foreign policy advisor manufactured a fake scandal to falsely tie Donald Trump to Russia.  This was never given to the FISA court. Barack Obama knew. Joe Biden knew. James Comey knew. Loretta Lynch knew.
  • 他们都知道希拉里 · 克林顿的外交政策顾问捏造了一个虚假的丑闻,将唐纳德 · 特朗普与俄罗斯联系起来。外国情报监视法庭从未收到过这个。巴拉克 · 奥巴马知道。乔 · 拜登知道。詹姆斯 · 科米知道。Loretta Lynch 知道。
  • FBI Corruption: Based on inside access and hundreds of interviews with federal agents, the channel the Secret List was an unprecedented, authoritative window on the FBI's unique role in American history. From White House scandals to celebrity deaths, from cult catastrophes to the investigations of terrorists, stalkers, Mafia figures, and spies, the FBI becomes involved in almost every aspect of American life. https://t.me/+Jj7rKqdpEDJlZGRk
  • 联邦调查局腐败: 基于内部访问和数百次联邦特工的采访,秘密名单频道是一个前所未有的,权威的窗口,展示了联邦调查局在美国历史上的独特作用。从白宫丑闻到名人死亡,从邪教灾难到对恐怖分子、跟踪者、黑手党人物和间谍的调查,FBI 几乎参与了美国生活的方方面面。Https://t.me/+jj7rkqdpedjlzgrk

N. Sun. 25 June White Hat Intel:


  • Keep watching the January 6 Saga unfold. It leads to the Supreme Court Feb. 2024.
  • 继续关注1月6日事/件的发展,它将于2024年2月到达最高法院。
  • SCOTUS Corruption will also hit the World Media. What happens when SCOTUS judges get caught in a World Scandal? Military is the only way.
  • 腐败最高法院也将冲击世界媒体。如果最高法院法官被卷入世界丑闻会怎么样?军队是唯一的出路。
  • If someone tells you Satellite weapons don't exist......ask them about the 16,000 Patents for satellites and space weapons that exist and NASA owns nearly half the Patents through subsidiary Patent holders.
  • 如果有人告诉你卫星武器不存在,问问他们现有的16000项卫星和太空武器专利,NASA 通过附属专利持有者拥有近一半的专利。
  • One of the first and easiest weapons ever created for satellites weapons was based off a magnifying glass. Particles of Quantum light and direct electromagnetic radiation are narrowed to highly localized area and results in concentrated fields of heat. In the outer regions of space outside the Earth's hemisphere the electromagnetic radiation in its raw form entirety creates solar heat, electricity and used for advanced weapon systems in aeronautics and satellites in CLASSIFIED military projects across the world.
  • 最早也是最简单的卫星武器之一是基于放大镜的。量子光和直接电磁辐射的粒子被缩小到高度局域的区域,产生热的集中场。在地球半球以外的太空外围地区,电磁辐射以其原始形式整体产生太阳热量、电力,并用于世界各地分类军事项目中的航空和卫星领域的先进武器系统。
  • It is forbidden by National Security for all Branches of the U.S. Military to divulge information on CLASSIFIED military weapons and advanced weapons due to WORLD Treaties, Military Treaties and common Space Treaties. (This means nobody is allowed to talk about space weapons in military branches that could breech NATIONAL treaties of Satellite weapons and other space weapons).
  • 根据《世界条约》、《军事条约》和《共同空间条约》 ,美国军方各部门均禁止泄露机密军事武器和先进武器的信息。(这意味着任何人都不允许在军事部门谈论可能违反卫星武器和其他空间武器的国家条约的空间武器)。
  • British Intelligence/ M16 lead by the CIA Rockefeller/ Rothschild Regime Fourth Reich were behind the Wagner Group Military Coup against Putin and Russia.
  • 由中央情报局洛克菲勒/罗斯柴尔德政权第四帝国领导的英国情报机构/M16是反对普京和俄罗斯的瓦格纳集团军事政变的幕后黑手。
  • Putin knew all along that the Wagner group was going to stage a military coup. The World Alliance Military gave the Intel to Putin long ago.
  • 普京一直知道瓦格纳集团将发动一场军事政变。世界联盟军队很久以前就把情报给了普京。
  • In the past two months the Wagner group was beginning to make fake military assessments and giving fake military reports to Putin that Ukraine was breaking the lines and massively attacking, while real Russian infantry units said the Wagner group was lying and intentionally giving bad information that Ukraine was winning the war in Major parts of Ukraine.
  • 在过去两个月里,瓦格纳集团开始进行虚假的军事评估,并向普京提供虚假的军事报告,称乌克兰正在突破防线,大规模进攻,而真正的俄罗斯步兵部队则表示,瓦格纳集团在撒谎,并故意提供错误的信息,称乌克兰正在乌克兰主要地区赢得战争。
  • Yevgeny Prigozhin, the leader of Wagner group, was heavily invested in the UK corporation under subsidiary investors and companies and was connected to BlackRock (CIA Rockefeller Ops). Fortune 500 companies connected to the committee of 300 were helping funnel money to Yevgeny Prigozhin in money laundering operations.
  • 瓦格纳集团(Wagner group)首席执行官叶夫根尼•普里戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)以子公司投资者和公司的身份大举投资于这家英国公司,并与贝莱德(BlackRock)有关联。与300强委员会有关联的财富500强企业,正在帮助向叶夫根尼•普里戈津(Yevgeny Prigozhin)的洗钱运营提供资金。
  • The Wagner Group was getting intelligence from the UK Intel and M16 CIA.
  • 瓦格纳集团从英国情报局和中情局 M16处获取情报。
  • The Wagner Group was intentionally positioned in the Ukraine War and intentionally killed hundred thousand Ukraine's to make it seem the Wagner group was the heroes for Russia (this Black operation was long ago created so the Russian people would glorify the Wagner Group after they entered the war as heroes). Wagner expect the Russian people to support them as they turned on PUTIN and said there was civil unrest in Russia because of Putin and he was not Capable to defend Russia.
  • 瓦格纳集团是在乌克兰战争中被故意安置的,他们故意杀害了数十万乌克兰人,让人们以为瓦格纳集团是俄罗斯的英雄(这个黑色行动是很久以前创立的,所以俄罗斯人民会在瓦格纳集团作为英雄参战后赞美他们)。瓦格纳希望俄罗斯人民能够支持他们,因为他们反对普京,并说普京导致了俄罗斯国内的动乱,而普京没有能力保卫俄罗斯。
  • The Wagner group intentionally tired to lie to Russia forces to join them to go to Moscow saying they needed to defend Moscow from an attack.
  • 瓦格纳集团故意向俄罗斯军队撒谎,说他们需要保护莫斯科免受攻击。
  • The real truth was Ukraine Intelligence was also working with Wagner and placed small pods of military men through Russian city to create chaos and then the chaos would be blamed on Putin and the Wagner group would enter the city as heroes.
  • 真正的事实是乌克兰情报部门也在和瓦格纳合作在俄罗斯城市布置了一小群军事人员制造混乱然后混乱会被归咎于普京瓦格纳集团会以英雄的身份进入这座城市。
  • Now the plan has been destroyed and Russian forces have turned on Wagner. Putin has vowed to destroy the Wagner Group. Battalions have been sent to Wagner to be killed add they try to advance Russia with less than 7,000 troops.
  • 现在计划被破坏了,俄国军队开始攻击瓦格纳。普京发誓要摧毁瓦格纳集团。几个营已经被派往瓦格纳被杀他们试图以不到7000人的兵力推进俄罗斯。
  • They had expected to go into Moscow with 70,000 troops combined with Russian commands forces to over throw Putin. But Putin knew months before that the CIA M16 was planning a Military Coup using the Wagner Group just as the Trump US Military was using Game Theory to bring down the Deep State.
  • 他们原本打算带着7万人的部队和俄罗斯指挥部一起进入莫斯科,推翻普京。但普京几个月前就知道,中情局的 M16计划利用瓦格纳集团发动军事政变,正如特朗普美国军方利用博弈论推翻“深层国家”(Deep State)一样。
  • Putin also ignited Game Theory Operations against the Wagner Group and let them into the War and let them push their agenda.
  • 普京还点燃了反对瓦格纳集团的博弈论行动,让他们参战,让他们推进自己的议程。
  • The Game Theory movements exposed the last card of the CIA/ NATO/ DARPA/ M16 operations that included Russian Military moles.
  • 博弈论运动暴露了 CIA/NATO/DARPA/M16行动的最后一张牌,其中包括俄罗斯军事间谍。
  • Black Hats were planted inside the Russian Federation system and now the Swamp has been exposed in Russia. The final Deep State Regime working with Wagner CIA Pentagon Deep State M16 Plan was collapsing. The last CIA NATO M16 Plan to destroy Russia was failing.
  • 黑帽子被植入了俄罗斯系统现在沼泽已经暴露在俄罗斯。最后的深州政权与瓦格纳中情局五角大楼深州 M16计划工作正在崩溃。中央情报局上一个摧毁俄罗斯的北约 M16计划失败了。
  • Exposure was coming to collapse the World Banking System protectors: the CIA Deep State Intelligence regimes.
  • 世界银行系统的保护者: 中央情报局的深层国家情报机构正在崩溃。
  • Right now throughout Russia The People were rebelling against the Wagner Group and Russia forces which had been led astray. The Group has put down their wweapons and the Wagner Group Foundation and offices throughout the Russian Federation have been destroyed after Putin gave a powerful speech against the Wagner Group attempt at a Military Coup.
  • 现在整个俄罗斯人民正在反抗瓦格纳集团和俄罗斯军队,他们已经误入歧途。在普京就瓦格纳集团企图发动军事政变发表了强有力的演讲之后,该集团已经放下了武器,瓦格纳集团基金会(Wagner Group Foundation)和整个俄罗斯的办公室也被摧毁。
  • Trump and the Military in Cheyenne Mountain were smiling. The World Alliance was smiling as the Rockefeller CIA plan failed.
  • 特朗普和军方夏延山核战碉堡都在微笑,而当洛克菲勒中央情报局的计划失败时,世界联盟也在微笑。
  • The US Military White Hats have gathered data on US Elites through planes tracking their locations. The Military has made several contacts with Elites and have been flipping them. They have let them know that they will be killed and all assets seized if they did not comply with the Alliance Game Plan and White Hat operations.
  • 美国军方白帽已经通过飞机追踪美国精英的位置来收集他们的数据。军方已经和精英们取得了一些联系,并且一直在转移他们的注意力。他们已经让他们知道,如果他们不遵守联盟游戏计划和白帽行动,他们将被杀死,所有资产被没收。
  • Trump's Executive Orders connected to bringing down the Federal Reserve and World Banking Systems was still in place and happening.
  • 特朗普关于推翻美联储(Fed)和世界银行体系(World Banking Systems)的行政命令仍然有效,而且正在发生。

O. From Q:

  • Why are we here?
  • Why are we providing crumbs?
  • Think MEMO.
  • Not convinced this is spreading?
  • You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER.
  • You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY.
  • TOGETHER you are STRONG.
  • APART you are weak.
  • LEARN!
  • This is more important than you can imagine.


P. Top 10 headlines the media didn't tell you this week, Vincent Kennedy

本周媒体没有告诉你的十大头条,文森特 · 肯尼迪

  • 10. IRS Whistleblowers reveal the DOJ rigged the Hunter Biden criminal investigation.
    10. 美国国税局举报人透露,美国司法部操纵了亨特 · 拜登的刑事调查。
  • 9. Stacie Marie Laughton, the first Trans state representative in the US, was arrested for distributing images of child sex abuse.
    9.Stacie Marie Laughton,美国第一位跨州代表,因传播儿童性虐待图片而被捕。
  • 8. Putin expected to sign a bill that forces chemical castration for all pedophiles in Russia.
    8. 普京预计将签署一项法案,强制对俄罗斯的所有恋童癖者进行化学阉割。
  • 7. Australia invokes online censorship laws to curb 'hate' on Twitter, threatening Elon Musk with fines of up to $700,000 per day for not censoring certain users.
    7.澳大利亚援引网络审查法律来遏制 Twitter 上的“仇恨”,威胁称,如果 Elon Musk 不对某些用户进行审查,将对其处以每天高达70万美元的罚款。
  • 6. U.S. Navy heard the Titan implosion days ago, it is believed the search for the missing sub continued as a distraction from the Biden sweetheart plea deal.
  • 5. Hollywood actor, Jim Caviezel, claims the CIA operates the biggest pedophile ring in the world.
    5. 好莱坞演员吉姆 · 卡维泽尔(Jim Caviezel)声称,中央情报局操纵着世界上最大的恋童癖团伙。
  • 4. The House has passed a resolution to impeach Joe Biden.
    4. 众议院通过弹劾乔 · 拜登的决议。
  • 3. Mark Zuckerberg plans to make a social network to compete with Twitter with supporters like Oprah and the Dalai Lama, Elon Musk invites him to a cage match.
    3.马克•扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)计划创建一个社交网络,与奥普拉(Oprah)和达赖喇嘛(Dalai Lama)等支持者竞争 Twitter。埃隆•马斯克(Elon Musk)邀请他参加一场笼中比赛。
  • 2. Mel Gibson provided "valuable intelligence" to help dismantle a pedophile ring preying on children in Ukraine, according to Operation Underground Railroad.
    2.据“地下铁路行动”称,梅尔 · 吉布森提供了“有价值的情报”,帮助摧毁了一个以乌克兰儿童为目标的恋童癖团伙。
  • 1. A new peer-reviewed study suggests the drastic spike in deaths since 2020 have a direct link to the COVID vaccine rollout.

Q. Sun. 25 June War Plans, Ben Fulford:

6月25日战争计划,本 · 富尔福德:

  • Get ready to be blown away by an extraordinary exposé that will keep you at the edge of your seat. We have unearthed top-secret U.S. NATO war plans that were never meant to see the light of day, unraveling a colossal web of corruption that strikes at the very heart of global integrity.
  • 准备好被一个非凡的曝光吹走,这将让你在你的座位的边缘。我们发现了绝密的美国北约战争计划这些计划本不该公诸于世揭开了一个巨大的腐败网络这个腐败网络直击全球诚信的核心。
  • Step into a clandestine world of power and opulence where billions of dollars from the CCP have been discreetly stashed away in Silicon Valley banks. But this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg. In the shadows, intelligence units are tirelessly decrypting the covert codes utilized in the SVB financial democratic laundering systems. The sinister collapse of SVB and its eerie connections to the Deep State trace back to the highest echelons of the U.S. government—the CIA, Pentagon, Obama, Biden—exposing a vast network of corruption entwined with the Ukrainian money laundering system and the far-reaching grasp of the CCP.
  • 进入一个权力和财富的秘密世界,中共的数十亿美元被谨慎地藏在硅谷的银行里。但这一发现只是冰山一角。在暗处,情报部门正在不知疲倦地解密 SVB 金融民主洗钱系统中使用的秘密代码。SVB 的险恶垮台及其与“深层政府”(Deep State)的诡异联系可以追溯到美国政府的最高层——中央情报局(CIA)、五角大楼、奥巴马和拜登——揭露了一个庞大的腐败网络,这个网络与乌克兰的洗钱体系以及中共的深远影响交织在一起。
  • Meanwhile, the arrest of Trump reverberates around the globe, but behind this intricately choreographed event lay a hidden message, ingeniously conveyed through a potent photograph. By deciphering this cryptic military communication, we unveil a breathtaking pattern—flags meticulously positioned to symbolize the stages of war as defined by the Laws of War Department of Defense procedures. This mind-blowing revelation uncovers a meticulously crafted plan, leaving no room for coincidence.
  • 与此同时,特朗普被捕一事在全球引起反响,但在这一精心设计的事/件背后,隐藏着一个信息,通过一张有力的照片巧妙地传达出来。通过破译这种神秘的军事通信,我们揭示了一个惊人的图案ーー国旗被精心摆放,以象征国防部国防法规程所定义的战争阶段。这个令人震惊的发现揭示了一个精心设计的计划,没有留下巧合的余地。
  • For months, we have been fed a steady diet of lies about Ukraine's supposed triumph in the war, propagated by the Pentagon, mainstream media, and the Biden administration. However, now, valiant insiders emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the truth. Among them stands Colonel Douglas MacGregor, a trusted confidant of Trump and a seasoned war strategist. Backed by classified intelligence reports and the unwavering commitment of oath keepers and the Military Alliance, MacGregor's revelations paint a bleak picture of the Ukrainian battlefield. As the supply of cutting-edge weaponry and systems from the US and EU grinds to a halt, the imminent collapse of Ukraine becomes undeniable.
  • 几个月来,我们一直被五角大楼、主流媒体和拜登政府宣传的关于乌克兰所谓战争胜利的谎言所困扰。然而,现在,勇敢的内部人士从阴影中出现,揭示了真相。其中包括道格拉斯 · 麦格雷戈上校,他是特朗普的亲信和经验丰富的战略家。在机密情报报告以及誓言守护者和军事同盟坚定不移的承诺的支持下,麦格雷戈的揭露描绘了乌克兰战场的惨淡画面。随着来自美国和欧盟的尖端武器和系统供应陷入停顿,乌克兰即将崩溃的事实变得不可否认。
  • Prepare for the ultimate shockwave—leaked U.S. military and NATO War Plans are making waves online, courtesy of Russia. These classified documents lay bare the true extent of Ukrainian casualties, revealing that hundreds of thousands have perished on their side, while the Russian losses pale in comparison. The Pentagon, CIA, and NATO find themselves reeling as their hidden motives and objectives are laid bare. Desperate to regain control, they dismiss the leaked documents as Russian disinformation or heavily manipulated data. But the truth cannot be silenced!
  • 为最终的冲击波做好准备ーー泄露的美国军事和北约(NATO)战争计划正在网上引起轰动,这是俄罗斯提供的。这些机密文件揭示了乌克兰人伤亡的真实程度,揭示了数十万乌克兰人的死亡,而俄罗斯人的损失相形见绌。五角大楼、中央情报局和北约发现他们的隐藏动机和目标暴露无遗。他们急于重新获得控制权,认为泄露的文件是俄罗斯的虚假信息或严重操纵的数据。但真相不能被掩盖!
  • Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing an unprecedented series of events, masterfully orchestrated according to the Laws of War—3.4, 3.5, leading to the climactic 3.6. Each thread we unravel, from Epstein to Ukraine, Obama to the Clintons, the CIA to the virus, and even Silicon Valley Bank, weaves an intricate tapestry of intrigue and corruption. Every sign points to a pivotal date—11.3—the point of no return.
  • 女士们先生们,我们正在见证一系列史无前例的事/件根据战争法3.43.5精心策划导致了3.6的高潮。从爱泼斯坦到乌克兰,从奥巴马到克林顿,从中央情报局到病毒,甚至从硅谷银行,我们解开的每一条线都编织着一幅错综复杂的阴谋与腐败的织锦。每个标志都指向一个关键的日期ーー11.3ーー无法回头的点。
  • But that's not all—the floodgates of truth have burst open, overwhelming the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration. White hat AI systems, unleashed to counter the deep state's AI, have sparked a seismic shift in power. We are now witnesses to an epic battle where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the truth can no longer be contained.
  • 但这还不是全部ーー真相的闸门已经打开,淹没了中央情报局、五角大楼和拜登政府。白帽子人工智能系统,释放出来对抗深层状态的人工智能,已经引发了一场地震式的权力转移。我们现在目睹了一场史诗般的战斗,各国的命运悬于一线,真相再也无法被掩盖。
  • Buckle up for an unparalleled journey into the heart of darkness, where global power structures crumble and heroes and villains clash in an epic struggle for dominance. This is the storm you've been anxiously awaiting—the world will never be the same again!
  • 系好安全带,踏上前所未有的进入黑暗中心的旅程。在那里,全球权力结构崩溃,英雄与恶棍为争夺主导地位展开史诗般的冲突。这就是你一直在焦急等待的风暴ーー世界将永远不会再一样了!

R. Ben Fulford on NASA not going to Moon:

本 · 富尔福德(R. Ben Fulford)对美国宇航局不登月的评论:

  • Former head of Roscosmos says NASA did not land on the Moon.
  • 俄罗斯宇航局前负责人说,美国宇航局没有登陆月球。
  • Dmitry Rogozin ex-director general of Russia's main space corporation explained, he asked his leadership team to look into whether NASA had actually landed a dozen astronauts on the Moon in the late 1960s and early 1970s. After all, Rogozin reasoned, "It was not clear to me how the United States, at that level of technological development of the '60s of the last century, did what they still cannot do now?"
  • 俄罗斯主要航天公司前总裁 Dmitry Rogozin 解释说,他要求他的领导团队调查美国国家航空航天局在20世纪60年代末和70年代初是否真的将12名宇航员送上了月球。毕竟,罗戈津解释道,“我不清楚美国在上个世纪60年代的技术发展水平上,是如何做到他们现在仍然不能做到的事情的?”
  • This comes after NASA admitted they can't go to the moon again because of Technology that was lost after the 1960s ( what kind of technology could have been lost, while one of todays Smart Phone is more advanced than all NASA computers combined together of the 1960s) .
  • 这是在美国宇航局承认他们不能再次登月之后,因为技术在20世纪60年代之后就已经消失了(什么样的技术可能已经消失了,而今天的智能手机比所有美国宇航局的计算机加起来在20世纪60年代)。
  • Dmitry Rogozin investigation team found not one piece of evidence that NASA landed on the moon. Russia had the technology to see where the moon landing was and knew the specific landing site , but in real time of the moon landing their was no photographs or documentation of the site and a half century later their is still no evidence or photographs of any trace landings of NASA on the moon.
  • Dmitry Rogozin 调查小组没有发现任何 NASA 登陆月球的证据。俄罗斯有技术可以看到登月的位置并且知道具体的登月地点,但是在登月的实时情况下,他们没有登月地点的照片或文件记录,半个世纪后,他们仍然没有任何证据或者 NASA 登月的任何痕迹照片。
  • Dmitry claims a coverup with the Russian space agency
    and NASA took place and Russia did not want to EXPOSE NASA as fraud because they had good relations and Russia was scared to break international ties with NASA.
  • 德米特里声称俄罗斯航天局在掩盖真相 美国国家航空航天局发生了,俄罗斯不想揭露美国国家航空航天局的欺诈行为,因为他们有良好的关系,俄罗斯害怕打破与美国国家航空航天局的国际关系。
  • With only one photo of the Earth taken by NASA in 30 years ( now there are a few photographs the past 25 years but still the photos are time lapsed photos and spliced together in sections , with the same excuse> because of clouds) since the moon landings , its reported the one photo in existence was stripped together in pieces due to clouds. _Today thousands of professional photographers and editors use Editing tools and can change the exposure of photos on computers and can clearly see the photos of the moon, the Earth from the 1960s as cut and PASTED .. Even photos from the 90s of Earth are clearly computer cut and pasted.
  • 美国宇航局在30年里只拍摄了一张地球的照片(现在有一些照片在过去的25年里,但照片仍然是时间推移的照片和拼接在一起的部分,同样的借口是因为云)自从登月以来,它的报告说,现存的一张照片被剥离在一起的碎片由于云。今天,成千上万的专业摄影师和编辑使用编辑工具,可以改变计算机上的照片曝光,可以清楚地看到月球和地球从20世纪60年代的照片剪切和粘贴。.甚至90年代的地球照片都是经过电脑剪切和粘贴的。
  • In today's fast moving world of the internet and leaks..... Hundreds of videos emerge of NASA Astronauts who are caught using green screen. Floating with hidden wire harness, dropping objects in a supposed zero gravity environment of space and so many other videos of Flies , mouses in NASA videos in space.
  • 在当今快速变化的互联网和泄密世界... ..。数百段美国宇航局宇航员使用绿色屏幕的视频浮出水面。带着隐藏的线束漂浮,把物体扔进假想的太空零重力环境,还有很多其他的苍蝇视频,NASA 太空视频中的鼠标。
  • Is it coincidence that Prescott Bush (Bush family) funded Hitler (this is in U.S. Archives and Google also has the data) and Operations Paperclip brought the NAZIS over to the U.S. And created NASA. And was it coincidence that Prescott Bush was inside YALE'S SKULL AND BONES secret society that help create the CIA and years later George h w Bush would be the director of the CIA and was also part of SKULL AND BONES ( that was once considered conspiracy but now proven a true secret society). Is it a coincidence that NASA was created with NAZI'S?
  • 普雷斯科特 · 布什(布什家族)资助希特勒(这在美国档案馆,谷歌也有数据)和操作回形针把纳粹带到美国,并创建了美国宇航局,这是巧合吗。普雷斯科特 · 布什加入了耶鲁大学的“骷髅会”秘密组织,这个组织帮助建立了中央情报局。几年后,乔治 · 布什成为了中央情报局的局长,同时也是“骷髅会”的成员(这个组织曾经被认为是阴谋,但现在被证明是一个真正的秘密组织)。美国宇航局和纳粹一起创建是巧合吗?
  • How did Apollo 11 travel 500,000 (half a million miles) miles to the moon and back with one tank of fuel? and travel through 25,000 miles of the Radiation Belt and the radiation did not affect the electrical system?
  • 阿波罗11号是如何用一箱燃料行驶50万英里(50万英里)到达月球并返回的?穿越25000英里的辐射带辐射不会影响电力系统吗?
  • Why did NASA never go back to the moon? Then claim they lost the technology to travel back to the moon?
  • 为什么美国宇航局从未重返月球?然后声称他们失去了返回月球的技术?

S. David Wilcock on NATO and War in Ukraine:

大卫 · 威尔科克谈北约与乌克兰战争:

  • NATO in TROUBLE as they are being EXPOSED for covering up a Peace deal between Russia and Ukraine.
  • 北约陷入麻烦,因为他们被曝光掩盖了俄罗斯和乌克兰之间的和平协议。
  • Last year before the War I mentioned there was already a peace deal in place between Russia and Ukraine and this would be initiated in time after the war started. Then during the War I mentioned several times there was a peace deal signed already between Russia and Ukraine, this was when Russia pulled back from Kiev.
  • 去年在战争之前,我提到俄罗斯和乌克兰之间已经达成了一项和平协议,这项协议将在战争开始后及时启动。然后在战争期间,我多次提到俄罗斯和乌克兰之间已经签署了和平协议,这就是俄罗斯从基辅撤退的时候。
  • NOW the TRUTH is coming out as Putin, commanders and Ambassadors bring fourth the Truth of the declaration of peace treaty that was signed early last year by Putin and Zelensky. ... And the TRUTH of how NATO country UK prime minister Boris Johnson sabotage the peace deal directly and made Zelensky turn against the signed treaty and few days and weeks after several several Presidents and prime ministers and including Hollywood actors went to Zelensky to keep fighting in a losing war that claimed over 200,000 Ukraine soldiers by then ( now the numbers are far higher near 420,000 killed).
  • 现在真相大白于天下,普京、指挥官和大使们带来了去年年初由普京和泽伦斯基签署的和平条约宣言的第四个真相。还有北约国家英国首相鲍里斯 · 约翰逊如何直接破坏和平协议并使泽伦斯基反对签署的条约的真相。几天几周之前,几位总统、首相和包括好莱坞演员在内的好莱坞演员前往泽伦斯基继续战斗,这场战争失败了,到那时已经有超过20万乌克兰士兵丧生(现在死亡人数远远高于42万)。
  • Right now is Panic in the UN nations and NATO countries as the Peace Treaty is hitting the Presidents. Prime minister of these nations and their white hats military are sharing the information through their channels to commanders and their subordinates.
  • 现在联合国国家和北约国家都陷入了恐慌,因为和平条约正在打击各国总统。这些国家的总理和他们的白帽军人正在通过他们的渠道向指挥官和他们的下属分享信息。
  • There is MAJOR panic in NATO as had been reported Turkey is joining BRICS and Germany is in the run to join China and bring a NEW European Monterey system after the Ukraine war and NATO EXPOSURE > MASSIVE CORRUPTION SCANDAL TO BE UNCOVERED CONNECTED TO CLINTONS AND CIA CORRUPTION AND MONEY LAUNDERING THROUGH UKRAINE.
  • 据报道,土耳其正在加入金砖国家,德国正在加入中国,并在乌克兰战争和北约曝光之后引入新的欧洲蒙特雷体系。 > 大规模腐败丑闻将被揭露与克林顿和中央情报局的腐败有关,并通过乌克兰进行洗钱。
  • Lots is happening as NATO silently collapses and can't stop the onslaught of leaders and prime ministers and countries afraid to get inside The Storm of NATO corruption that keeps on coming and growing.
  • 当北约悄无声息地崩溃,无法阻止领导人、总理和国家的冲击,他们害怕卷入北约腐败的风暴,这种风暴不断来临,并且不断增长。
  • Clintons, Epstein, CIA, Five Eyes Operation exposure is incoming and panic is hitting NATO.
  • 克林顿爱泼斯坦中情局五眼行动暴露了恐慌袭击了北约。

T. Exposed Secrets from Area 51, Telegram:


So what have the "Conspiracy Theorists" gotten right so far?


1) No Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq


2) Hillary Stole the primary from Bernie


3) No Russian Collusion


4) Covid was complete bullshit


5) The Vaccine didn't work


6) Everyone is connected to Jeffery Epstein


7) JFK was an inside job


8) J6 was a intelligence operation


9) BLM was a Marxist front


10) Cancel Cultural was Corporate driven


11) Smollet was a fraud

11) Smollet 是个骗子

12) Obama spied on Trump


13) Assad didn't gas his own people


So we were right about all of this but we are completely wrong about the 2020 election being rigged and stolen! Gotcha!


U. Intel, Kenneth Greenwood Time Machine:

情报,肯尼斯 · 格林伍德时间机器:

  • Over last weekend a Japanese General told Benjamin Fulford that the Rockefeller Controlled Biden Horror Show will be over by July 10 with Donald Trump reinstated as President and JFK Jr. as Vice President.
  • 上周末,一位日本将军告诉本杰明 · 富尔福德,由洛克菲勒控制的拜登恐怖秀将于7月10日结束,唐纳德 · 特朗普将重新担任总统,小肯尼迪将重新担任副总统。
  • This was due to White Hat US Generals removing the illegally elected Biden. They water-marked official 2020 Election ballots and a Military tabulation during the 2020 Election tabulation showed Trump won by a 80% super landslide vote in every state. The corporate Media lied to the American people.
  • 这是由于白帽子美国将军除去非法选举的拜登。他们将2020年大选的官方选票和2020年大选期间的军事统计表用水印了出来,显示特朗普在每个州都以80% 的压倒性优势赢得了选举。公司媒体欺骗了美国人民。
  • Mockingbird Propaganda Media: https://rumble.com/v1zse8p-global-psyop-tore-says-documentary-caacia-propaganda-mockingbird.html
  • 知更鸟宣传媒体: https://rumble.com/v1zse8p-global-psyop-tore-says-documentary-caacia-Propaganda-Mockingbird.html
  • CAAhttps://www.caa.com/caa-china
  • Https://www.CAA.com/CAA-china
  • Trump promised to Drain the Swamp and apparently it has been happening covertly with arrests, trials, and executions taking place at GITMO and several other areas in and outside the US – that will later be shown on TV and radio to the general public.
  • 特朗普承诺要排干沼泽地,而且很明显,这是秘密进行的,关塔那摩监狱和美国国内外的其他几个地区正在进行逮捕、审判和处决——稍后将在电视和广播上向公众播放。
  • The arrest and execution lists include well known names such as Anthony Hopkins, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Robert Redford, Harrison Ford. It is sickening that these people have been living off blood of tortured children (Adrenochrome), which sells for $2,000 per 10 milligrams.
  • 逮捕和处决名单包括著名的名字,如安东尼霍普金斯,布拉德皮特,安吉丽娜朱莉,罗伯特雷德福德,哈里森福特。令人作呕的是,这些人一直靠受折磨的儿童的血液为生(肾上腺素) ,每10毫克售价2000美元。
  • CGI and Clones were being used to keep the public in the dark because the names might upset too many people while covertly, the war rages on.
  • CGI 和克隆技术被用来将公众蒙在鼓里,因为这些名字可能会让太多人感到不安,而战争却在悄悄地进行着。
  • The majority of Satan-worshiping so-called people have already been dealt with.
  • 大多数崇拜撒旦的所谓的人已经被处理掉了。
  • Expected before the War against Satanists is over: a staged fake Russian Nuclear Attack on the US, National Grid failure, fake Alien invasion, economic implosion of bonds, stocks, real estate, nasty recession/depression until late 2025, new virus attack and the EBS System to broadcast details to public if and when the system goes down.
  • 预计在反撒旦战争结束之前: 假的俄罗斯对美国的核攻击、国家电网的失败、假的外星人入侵、债券、股票、房地产的经济内爆、直到2025年底的严重衰退/萧条、新的病毒攻击和 EBS 系统在系统崩溃时向公众广播细节。
  • Make sure you have a month's supply of essentials at your home.
  • 确保你家里有一个月的必需品供应。
  • The Rothschilds have more or less surrendered, but the Rockefellers will not, so expect them to hit us hard as they can on their way out of power.
  • 罗斯柴尔德家族已经或多或少地投降了,但洛克菲勒家族不会,所以希望他们在下台的路上尽可能地重击我们。
  • The US Federal Government is completely insolvent and must be bankrupted and started over under GESARA/NESARA – expected to be announced before 2024.
  • 美国联邦政府完全破产,必须破产,并根据 GESARA/NESARA 重新启动——预计将在2024年之前宣布。
  • Some sort of deal still must be made with the Chinese who hold the majority of US Federal Treasury debt.
  • 美国仍必须与持有美国联邦国债多数的中国达成某种协议。
  • The Chinese have stopped talking to the Biden Administration for three weeks now, so it looks like the party is almost over. Financing for the fake Biden Washington Government has been pulled.
  • 中国已经三个星期没有和拜登政府交谈了,所以看起来这场盛宴就要结束了。为假冒的拜登 · 华盛顿政府提供的资金已被撤回。
  • Twitter has permanently suspended this writer (again) because they don't want me posting the truth, so it ain't just Trump and other well known people, they are down to the nobodys as well.
  • Twitter 已经(再次)永久停止了这位作家的工作,因为他们不希望我发布真相,所以不仅仅是特朗普和其他知名人士,他们也是无名小卒。
  • Twitter owner Elon Musk is a complete fake: Don't listen to him as the World Economic Forum is reportedly grooming him for a US Presidential run.
  • 推特老板埃隆 · 马斯克是个彻头彻尾的骗子: 别听他的,据报道世界经济论坛正在培养他参加美国总统竞选。

V. Must Watch Videos:


  • Sun. 25 June Situation Update: Judy Byington: SG Anon - It's All Coming Full Circle - Be Ready! Special Intel Report For June 25, 2023 (Videos) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 6月25日情况更新: 朱迪 · 拜因顿: SG 匿名-一切都要来了-准备好!情报2023年6月25日特别报道: pestwave 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Sat. 24 June Situation Update:
    Judy Byington: WARNING: Project Blue Beam Imminent -Create Chaos and Destroy Religions - Special Intel For Sat. 24 June 2023 (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 6月24日星期六最新情况: 朱迪拜顿: 警告: 蓝光计划迫在眉睫-制造混乱和破坏宗教-特殊情报为卫星。2023年6月24日(视频) | 选择 | 在它成为新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Fri. 23 June Situation Report: Situation Update: World Of Evil! Russian Nukes Surround Ukraine! Nuclear Power Plant At Risk For NATO/US/Kyiv! False Flag Event To Escalate War! The Biden's Text! Biden DOJ Coverup For Hunter! | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 周五6月23日形势报告: 形势更新: 邪恶世界!俄罗斯核武器包围乌克兰!北约/美国/基辅核电站处于危险之中!假旗事/件升级战争!拜登的短信!拜登 · 司法部为亨特掩盖真相!保守意见 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Sat. 24 June We Can't Believe What is Happening, Tucker Carlson: Tucker Carlson: Please Listen - We Can't Believe What Is Happening! (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 6月24日我们无法相信正在发生的事情,塔克 · 卡尔森: 请听我说——我们无法相信正在发生的事情!(视频) | 选择 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Sat. 24 June Trump's Secret Plan: David Nino Rodriguez: Must See! Trump's Secret Plan Exposed... (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 6月24日特朗普的秘密计划: 大卫 · 尼诺 · 罗德里格斯: 必须看!特朗普的秘密计划曝光... ... (视频) | 备选 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Fri. 23 June X22 Report: X22 Report: Nobody Is Above The Law! Military-Civilian Alliance! Treasonous Crimes! Blind Justice! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 星期五6月23日 X22报告: X22报告: 没有人可以凌驾于法律之上!军民联盟!叛国罪!盲目的正义!- 必须的视频 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )
  • Fri. 23 June White Hat Military, Cassidy:
    Kerry Cassidy Huge 6-23-23 "White Hats Military"!! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News (beforeitsnews.com)
  • 周五6月23日白帽子军队,卡西迪: 返回文章页面凯瑞 · 卡西迪巨无霸6-23-23“白帽子军队”! ! 译者: pestwave 必须视频 | 保守意见 | 新闻之前( beforeitsnews.com )

W. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:


Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.

自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈延伸出去。

There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.


To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.


X. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele

X. 《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》 ,朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言,科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔

Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4

珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 http://www.YouTube.com/watch?v=f626lsrdwg4: YouTube 视频

WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."

警告: 珍妮生动地描述了她在5岁的时候如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看一场儿童献祭并被神圣介入拯救而几乎自杀——与其他成千上万撒旦崇拜者的儿童受害者的肮脏经历没有什么不同。向撒旦致敬的犯罪者来自美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光明会银行家族和梵蒂冈第九圈儿童祭祀教会,以及克林顿家族、好莱坞、 Pizzagate 和当地的少年巫师团。它们的资金来自于管理我们全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团——正是这个组织因启动全球货币重置和恢复共和国而正在走下坡路。难怪特朗普总统说“这些人都病了”

Y. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children

全球货币重组、共和国复兴和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的

It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.


The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.


Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs

让我们禁食并为这些数百万的小孩祈祷,他们现在正从全球各地的阴谋集团地下隧道中被解救出来,被隔壁的撒旦巫师团折磨并杀害。让我们也为全世界那些冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的禁食和祈祷的教义在10:30:32这里有解释,马克: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mb9gu6dmks

Z. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.

朱迪注: 我现在没有,也从来没有,收到钱写我的更新和文章。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童祭祀的真相来帮助拯救儿童组织。

The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.


I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.


A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。

Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.

让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们在另一边共同努力,我们将使所有人的生活更加美好。

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy



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