X22报道|第3101集: 经济幻觉正在破灭,2024年大选不会被操纵

2023年6月26日14:30:31最新动态X22报道|第3101集: 经济幻觉正在破灭,2024年大选不会被操纵已关闭评论2172阅读模式


X22报道|第3101集: 经济幻觉正在破灭,2024年大选不会被操纵

Ep. 3101a – The [CB] Economic Illusion Is Breaking Apart, Soon The People Will See It All


Ep. 3101b – [DS] Pushing War, Peacemaker, 2024 Election Will Not Be Rigged, The Clowns Are Losing


X22 Report
Streamed on: Jun 25, 6:00 pm EDT

X22报告流媒体: 6月25日,美国东部时间下午6:00


The people are now seeing that the policies of the D’s and the [DS] are destroying the blue states. People in CA are now moving out because of the economic factors. The politicians have been caught in insider trading. The people are now seeing through the economic illusion.

人们现在看到,D’s 和[DS]的政策正在摧毁蓝州。由于经济因素,加州的人们现在正在迁出。政客们在内幕交易中被抓。人们现在已经看穿了经济幻觉。

X22 Report
Streamed on: Jun 25, 6:20 pm EDT

X22报告 直播时间: 6月25日,美国东部时间下午6:20


The [DS] is panicking, they do not control the flow information, they are now pushing WWIII and Trump and the patriots are prepared for this. They are actually pushing the [DS] down this path. Trump in the end will be the peacemaker and the world will see this. The 2024 election will be controlled by the patriots, they will not be rigged. The clowns are losing and the patriots are winning.

[DS]正在恐慌,他们不能控制流量信息,他们现在正在推动第三次世界大战,特朗普和爱国者们已经为此做好了准备。他们实际上是在推动 DS 沿着这条道路前进。特朗普最终会成为和平缔造者,全世界都会看到这一点。2024年的选举将由爱国者控制,他们不会被操纵。小丑队输了,爱国者队赢了。


  • 本文由 发表于 2023年6月26日14:30:31
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