特朗普总统:“大谎言!”| Sierra星际之门通讯

2021年5月5日10:05:24其他揭露特朗普总统:“大谎言!”| Sierra星际之门通讯已关闭评论79511字数 2652阅读8分50秒阅读模式

May 03,2021 202153

President Trump doesn't hold back in his assessment of the 2020 election in this new message.Love him!


特朗普总统:“大谎言!”| Sierra星际之门通讯

P.J.777 on Anonup with a post about interesting developments at the CIA HQ building.BOOM.777 on Anonupwith a post about interesting developments at the CIA HQ building.BOOM

Ambulance was just seen responding to 13 booms at the C_A HQ.Dan Scavino recently started following 838 people on Twitter.Coincidentally,Q drop 838 says"BOOM."It's also worth noting that VK returned from silence today at 13:13.Eyes WIDE open Patriots!!!

救护车刚刚在中央情报局总部对13次爆炸做出反应。丹·斯卡维诺最近开始在推特上关注838人。巧合的是,Q Drop 838说“轰”。同样值得注意的是,VK在今天13:13从沉默中恢复过来。爱国者队睁大眼睛!

"I'm going to splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds."—JFK


photo credit:@i4ni2th4a2th


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特朗普总统:“大谎言!”| Sierra星际之门通讯

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida is proving to be a Light Warrior hero.Florida is now fully open for business and officially free of virus BS.It's going to escalate quickly.A friend in Arizona said that many people there are now refusing to wear masks so watch for AZ to follow suit.The rest of the world follows the US lead.

佛罗里达州州长罗恩·德桑提斯被证明是一位光明战士英雄。佛罗里达州现在已经完全对外开放,正式免除了 BS 病毒。事态会迅速升级。亚利桑那州的一位朋友说,那里的许多人现在拒绝戴口罩,所以要注意 AZ 也会这样做。世界其它地区也效仿美国的做法

Bohen on Gab...


Ron DeSantis is the best Governor in America by a landslide.




Ron DeSantis is signing an EO today suspending*all*COVID emergency orders.He's also signing bill to limit localized"emergency orders,"which are a direct violation of individual liberty,and he's permanently banning COVID-19 vaccine passports.

罗恩·德桑提斯今天签署了一项行政命令,暂停了所有的 COVID 紧急命令。他还签署了限制本地化"紧急命令"的法案,这是对个人自由的直接侵犯,他还永久禁止2019冠状病毒疾病的疫苗护照

Bill and Melinda Gates doubles/clones are divorcing(the real Gates couple is said to have been executed).Anons are speculating that it's a way for them to protect their billions before the financial market collapses.Watch this space.


Aussie truther JC Kay has just had a six hour meeting with top insiders.She urges us to let go of concerns about vaxes and elections because NESARA/GESARA is coming down the pipe.Bring it on.

澳大利亚知情者 JC Kay 刚刚与顶级内部人士进行了6个小时的会谈。她敦促我们放下对虚假和选举的担忧,因为 NESARA/GESARA 即将到来。放马过来吧


Finally,Matthew Ward has a new message that will gladden the hearts of weary Light Warriors.Enjoy.



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Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light





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