
2020年9月10日11:39:32最新动态X22视频2271解读|爱国者掌握着我们自由的钥匙已关闭评论4114字数 11101阅读37分0秒阅读模式


The Power To Slay The Deep State Has Always Been Ours;

Our Digital Army Is Growing


By JoLynn Live 作者:JoLynn Live

Sept.9,2020 202099

X22 Report(C-VINE Vetted)X22报告(C-VINE 审核)


X22视频2271解读|爱国者掌握着我们自由的钥匙We have always had the power to stop the Deep State(DS).Their weaknesses show through their greatest fear…exposure.The DS is about;censorship,chaotic distractions,control,even murder.Why?


Their Nazi-Germany approach for control is not what Americans want.We don't want to bow down to their heavy-fistedness.We want our freedom,and PRESIDENT TRUMP is allowing us to see what Biden's America would look like.


The people are speaking out.The people are pulling together and are asking questions.


In the meantime,what is the DS doing?They are back-tracking.They told everyone the riots were only peaceful protests.They told us the masks would keep us safe until a vaccine was manufactured.They fanned the narrative,and got caught and now the narrative has trapped them.

与此同时,DS 在做什么?他们正在倒退。他们告诉每个人,骚乱只是和平抗议。他们告诉我们,在疫苗生产出来之前,口罩可以保证我们的安全。他们给故事煽风点火,结果被抓住了,现在故事把他们困住了。

The riots turned deadly,the masks have not been clinically tested.HCQ has been tested and proven to work yet the governors banned it.The people are waking up and are asking questions.

暴乱变得致命,面具还没有经过临床试验。HCQ 已经被测试并证明是有效的,但是州长们禁止了它。人们开始觉醒,开始提出问题。

Joe Biden doesn't appear to be the same Joe Biden that was in the White House just few years ago.His noticeable confusion is paving the way for another presidential candidate to replace him.This has been the plan all along.Get ready.



Mark Meadows 马克·梅多斯

With the Durham investigation,President Trump keeps saying he was spied on yet the media scoffs at the notion.Mark Meadows said he has seen additional documents which supports the Presidents claim.


He believes Strzok,McCabe,Comey and others are in big trouble for their willing participation in breaking all kinds of protocols.He added,"People should go to jail!"


Obama's CIA Director,John Brennan was brought in by John Durham not to find out what Brennan knew,but to tell him what Durham has on him.Now Brennan is in a panic!


What does Durham have on Brennan?He ran a secret task force out of Langley running within its own separate budget to investigate the 2016 Trump Campaign.This secret task force originated on July 31,2016,a date prior to the FBI's official Russia Collusion launch.They are being exposed in their attempts to cover-up their lies.


If they tell the truth,they incriminate themselves,if they lie,they lie to Congress.Either way,they are in trouble.We know the DS is not in control right now.If they were,we would not see riots,fires,destruction,a push for mail-in voting.

如果他们说实话,他们就是在控告自己,如果他们说谎,他们就是在对国会说谎。不管怎样,他们都有麻烦了。我们知道 DS 现在不在掌控之中。如果是的话,我们就不会看到骚乱,火灾,破坏,推动邮寄投票。

They have already lost the election and they know it.Their crimes are being exposed in front of the whole world and they are panicked.


A mail carrier was caught dumping mail into a dumpster.It would be so easy to get rid of ballots this way.Who would know?


Georgia's Secretary of State said 1,000 people voted twice in Georgia's primary.These people will be prosecuted as have countless others already.Voter fraud is real,and it's been happening for decades.



The Electoral College 选举团

If enough people vote prior to this election,the narrative of delayed counting will fall apart.The Electoral College determines the winner so if the DS pushes for a delay or tries to create a cyber attack as we have heard,it won't work.In order to win,Trump needs an electoral college vote of 270.This is not just another 4 year election.

如果有足够多的人在这次选举前投票,那么延迟计票的说法就会土崩瓦解。选举团决定胜者,所以如果 DS 推迟或试图制造网络攻击,正如我们所听到的,它不会工作。为了获胜,特朗普需要270张选举团选票。这不仅仅是又一次4年的选举。

President Trump's plan is to remove the swamp,those who have kept us enslaved for all these years.No wonder they are fighting to take him down!


The United Nations put out an interesting tweet which said,"The COVID-19 pandemic is demonstrating what we all know:millennia of patriarchy have resulted in a male-dominated world with a male-dominated culture which damages everyone–women,men,girls and boys."


We often hear their talking points about white supremacy and toxic masculinity.What does this have to do with COVID?The UN basically just proclaimed that we aren't in a pandemic,nor do we need to wear masks.

我们经常听到他们谈论白人至上主义和有毒的男子气概。这和 COVID 有什么关系?联合国基本上只是宣称我们不是在大流行,我们也不需要戴口罩。

In Greece,the citizens are having a mask-wearing protest.They know masks were not tested.They don't work.


Sweden is not following any COVID restrictions and with 12 cases per million,has one of the lowest infection rates in the world.The virus disappears by itself.We didn't need a shut down,nor to wear masks.It's not about COVID,but about the 2020 election.We've never seen any tests supporting mask-wearing.It has simply been a narrative spoken over and over again.


We have heard the news and many others say we must have a vaccine in order to open the country.Trump is now saying a vaccine is almost here.Now all those who have said we need a vaccine are panicked because if a vaccine is released before elections,this destroys the entire reason for COVID and the shut down.Listen for vaccine supporters,now back-pedaling.They can not have it released prior to elections.This is not about a virus.

我们听到了这个消息,还有许多人说,我们必须要有疫苗才能开放这个国家。特朗普现在说,疫苗几乎就要问世了。现在所有那些说我们需要疫苗的人都惊慌失措了,因为如果疫苗在选举前发布,就会破坏造成 COVID 的全部原因并导致停产。听听那些支持疫苗的人怎么说,现在你可以收回你的话了。他们不能在选举前公布。这与病毒无关。

What if a cure already exists?It does.What about the billions(public/private/gov't)provided to fund/cure development?They don't want a vaccine.They don't want COVID cured.


There is a cure,clinically tested,proven,that has healed countless people but has been banned against COVID in the US.(HCQ)They want America shut down,and they need COVID to be that excuse but the people are seeing through this.


Camera's on,masks on;camera's off,masks off.During a recent presser,POTUS called on a reporter but could not understand him and asked if he would remove his mask for a moment so he could understand.The reporter said,no.


This is the same individual who on May 12,2020 was wearing his mask but when he thought the camera's were off,he removed it,talking with those around him,mask in hand.Camera's on,masks on;camera's off,masks off.Their hypocrisy is glaring.


Trump tweeted out,"The Democrats will open up their states on November 4th,the day after the Election.These shutdowns are ridiculous and only being done to hurt the economy prior to the most important election,perhaps,in our history."


People know for certain these are not peaceful protests,but are riots.Trump has been calling out these governors for allowing such travesty in our cities.Now,the media has caved saying,'Yes,these are riots,but Trump is behind them.'



REUTERS/Brian Snyder 路透社/brian Snyder

Does anyone actually believe this?Trump is the one calling for the governors to reach out to him and he'll bring in the National Guard.This is the way state governance is set up,but now the media has once again spun the truth,lying to the American people.


But more and more people are waking up and are moving away from mainstream media seeking the truth,elsewhere.


Now Al Sharpton is saying how we need the police force.Biden says the only person out there wanting to defund the police force is Trump.This is what the DS does,they tell the American people something we don't agree with,fan the flames,then spin it and blame it on Trump.

现在阿尔·夏普顿说我们多么需要警力。拜登说,唯一想要削减警察资金的人是特朗普。这就是 DS 所做的----他们告诉美国人民一些我们不同意的事情,煽风点火,然后转移话题,把责任推到特朗普身上。

Trump is a huge fan of our men and women in blue,he said he will never defund the police force.If people listen to him directly,they will hear the truth directly.The Police Union just endorsed President Trump for re-election.They wouldn't have if Trump wanted to defund them.


What we are seeing now is Nazi Germany resurrected.The German Stormtroopers who's methods of violent intimidation played a key roll in Hitler's rise to power.They marched in rallies and physically assaulted political opponents.They intimidated voters in national and local elections.Bill Barr said we can legally bring in federal forces to protect those voting.


THEN:methods of violence deployed by the brown shirts.ANTIFA of the 30's was the para-military wing of Germany's communist party.Battles raged in the streets,book burning,flag burning,destruction,hate,anti-police,etc.The agenda was a communistic takeover.Physical assaults on political opponents.Voter intimidations.Socialism push.

接着,棕色衬衫部队使用了暴力手段。30年代的 ANTIFA 是德国共产党的准军事派别。战斗在街上肆虐,焚书,焚烧国旗,破坏,仇恨,反警察,等等。议程是共产主义的接管。对政治对手的人身攻击。选民恐吓。推进社会主义。

NOW:methods of violence deployed by ANTIFA.Battles raging in the streets,book burning,flag burning,destruction,hate,anti-police.The same communistic agenda holds true in the streets today.It is funded by the DS.This is their agenda.Physical assaults on political opponents.(Rand Paul).Voter intimidations.Socialism push.

NOW:反恐怖主义委员会采用的暴力方法。战斗在街头肆虐,焚书,焚烧国旗,破坏,仇恨,反警察。今天,同样的共产主义议程在街头仍然适用。它是由 DS 资助的。这是他们的议程。对政治对手的人身攻击。(兰德·保罗)。选民恐吓。推进社会主义。

Both of these are the same.This is why history is so important.The Nazi Party was never fully eradicated.They live on through the DS who uses ANTIFA to create fear.The DS knows history is important and it's why they have been burning library books(blaming it on the need to burn the COVID germs).The Democrat party has sold out their followers for a communistic takeover.Their supporters have been betrayed.

这两者都是一样的。这就是为什么历史如此重要。纳粹党从未被彻底根除。他们通过 DS 继续生活,使用 ANTIFA 来制造恐惧。DS 知道历史是重要的,这就是为什么他们一直在焚烧图书馆的书籍(指责它需要燃烧的 COVID 细菌)。民主党出卖了他们的追随者以换取共产主义的接管。他们的支持者被出卖了。

[Cue]reminds us to keep faith in humanity,keep faith in ourselves and continue to light the world.There is coming a mass dis-information campaign against President Trump.The more facts we have,the more we can light our world.Digital soldiers are fighting back and are winning!


X22视频2271解读|爱国者掌握着我们自由的钥匙This is not just another 4 year election.This election will determine whether we succumb to a communist take-over or take our freedom back.It's about destroying the grip the DS has has on America.

这不仅仅是又一次4年的选举。这次选举将决定我们是屈服于共产党的接管,还是收回我们的自由。这是关于摧毁 DS 对美国的控制。

We hold the keys to our freedom.It is exposure of the DS and telling the truth.It's about speaking up.Exposure is the key!Patriots are in control!

我们掌握着自由的钥匙。这是对 DS 的揭露和说出真相。而是要大声说出来。曝光是关键!爱国者控制了一切!

Opinion:JoLynn Live,C-VINE Contributor(Based on the opinion of the X22 Report)

观点:JoLynn LiveC-VINE 贡献者(基于 X22报告的观点)


  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月10日11:39:32
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