Compiled Thurs. 27 April 12:01 am EST by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, Therapist ret, Journalist, Author: "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty-two multiple personalities"
编辑:美国东部时间4月27日星期四上午12:01: Judy Byington,MSW,LCSW,治疗师 ret,记者,作者: “二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔非凡生活的内部和她的二十二个多重人格”
Trust The Plan
(视频38.33)我们为世界上的孩子们而战——其他的一切都不重要( )
A Bio lab in Sudan has been attacked, Viruses have been released.
The UK Has Sent Depleted Uranium Shells to Ukraine. Russia regards this as a plan for a "Dirty Bomb" attack against Russia. If so, Putin intends to respond with Radioactive Weapons of its own.
Prepare For Emergency Broadcast System Activation:
The EBS will involve Ten Days of Communication Darkness where Phones, Internet, Credit/Debit Cards and ATMs will not work, while three eight-hour documentaries a day will be broadcast on TV and Radio 24/7.
It's only wise to have at least a month's supply of food, water, cash and essential items on hand.
"Defending Independence"
Fourth of July Special (Live at West Point) - Music & The Spoken Word - YouTube
Judy Note: The next time you are forced to make a decision about which path to take, remember that Satan rules His World with Fear, while God rules His Universe with Love. A thought: "The Devil saw me with my head down and thought he'd won, until I said 'Amen.'"
朱迪注: 下次当你被迫决定走哪条路的时候,记住撒旦用恐惧统治他的世界,而上帝用爱统治他的宇宙。一个念头: “魔鬼看到我低着头,以为他赢了,直到我说‘阿门。'
It's interesting that the Astrazeneca Covid Vaccine was produced in 2018, while the manmade Covid 19 Outbreak occurred a year later in 2019 and Big Pharma, Obama and Fauci made big bucks off of both.
有趣的是,阿斯利康冠状病毒疾病疫苗生产于2018年,而人造冠状病毒疾病19疫情爆发于一年后的2019年,大型制药公司、奥巴马和福奇都从中赚了大钱。 -
Chemical World War III Heating Up in Ukraine: A source within British Intelligence has confirmed to me personally that thousands of rounds of tank shells were shipped to Ukraine as supplies for donated "Challenger" tanks donated to Ukraine. Among those thousands of tank shells are . . . DEPLETED URANIUM SHELLS! Russia has repeatedly and explicitly made clear that if Depleted Uranium shells are fired at Russian troops, Russia will regard the use of the ammunition as being a "Dirty Bomb" attack against Russia, and will respond with radioactive weapons of its own.第三次化学武器世界大战在乌克兰升温: 英国情报机构的一位消息人士亲自向我证实,数千发坦克炮弹被运往乌克兰,作为捐赠给乌克兰的“挑战者”坦克的补给。在成千上万的坦克炮弹中有... 贫铀炮弹!俄罗斯已多次明确表示,如果向俄罗斯军队发射贫铀,俄罗斯将把使用这些弹药视为对俄罗斯的“脏弹”攻击,并将以自己的放射性武器作为回应。
Sudan Lab at Biological Risk:苏丹生物风险实验室:
- GITMO Suspends Tribunals Amid Security Concerns; Massive Mobilization of Prisoners to Guam:
- 关塔那摩监狱出于安全考虑暂停审判; 大规模动员囚犯前往关岛:
- GITMO Reduced to 30 Prisoners:
- 关塔那摩监狱减少到30名囚犯:
- FBI Admits 40 Undercover Agents Infiltrated Crowds on Jan. 6
- 美国联邦调查局承认40名卧底特工于1月6日潜入人群
- UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill became a Master Mason in 1902. US President Franklin Roosevelt became a Master Mason in 1911. In order to become a Master Mason you are required to honor Satan by passing through the Masonic Royal Arch Rite (the Masonic Ceremony that turns White rites to Black rites) where you have a sexual orgy with children that culminates in performing a child sacrifice – the same ceremony that Queen Elizabeth went through where she killed a baby before she was crowned Queen according to Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivors who were made to participate in the rite as children at a military base in Australia – which makes one wonder what is planned just prior to the UK coronation of Prince Charles on Sat. 6 May 2023.
- 英国首相温斯顿·丘吉尔于1902年成为共济会会员。美国总统富兰克林·德拉诺·罗斯福于1911年成为共济会会员。为了成为一名共济会大师,你必须通过共济会皇家拱门仪式(共济会仪式将白人仪式转变为黑人仪式)来向撒旦致敬,在这个仪式中,你与孩子们进行性狂欢,最终以献祭儿童达到高潮——根据撒旦仪式虐待幸存者的说法,伊丽莎白女王在加冕之前杀死了一个婴儿,这些幸存者在澳大利亚的一个军事基地作为儿童参加了这个仪式——这让人想知道,就在英国查尔斯王子在星期六加冕之前有什么计划。2023年5月6日。
- A former IRS Agent claimed that income tax is voluntarily and if enforced, is technically illegal.
- 一位前美国国税局代理人声称,所得税是自愿的,如果强制执行,在技术上是非法的。
- CGI's ApocalypseWatch: E103: Fox News Follows the CNN Downward Spiral
No More Truth From Fox News - CGI’s ApocalypseWatch: E103: Fox News Follows the CNN Downward Spiral CGI’s ApocalypseWatch: E103: 福克斯新闻跟随 CNN 的螺旋式下降 福克斯新闻没有更多真相
- Obama resettled 70,000 Somalia Refugees in Minnesota. No wonder Ilhan Omar was elected. It was planned.
- 奥巴马在明尼苏达州重新安置了7万名索马里难民。难怪伊尔汉 · 奥马尔当选。这是有计划的。
- Blackrock is a major shareholder in both FOX and Dominion. BlackRock increased its position in Fox ahead of Tucker's departure – not a smart move since Fox lost over a million viewers right after Carlson's firing.
- 贝莱德是福克斯和多米尼恩的主要股东。在塔克尔离开之前,贝莱德提高了在福克斯的地位——这不是一个明智之举,因为在卡尔森被解雇后,福克斯的观众流失了超过100万。
- The Matrix of Underground Tunnels and DUMBS across the Globe have been used by the Cabal for their Gun, Drugs and Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring. There are major tunnel systems beneath Manhattan Island New York. One runs from a building owned by the Clintons to the New York Harbor.
- 地下隧道矩阵和遍布全球的 DUMBS 已经被阴谋集团用于枪支、毒品和儿童性交易、器官和肾上腺素收集环。纽约曼哈顿岛下面有主要的隧道系统。其中一条从克林顿家族的大楼一直延伸到纽约港。
If you were reading this Restored Republic via a Global Currency Reset as published on Dinar Chronicles, please understand that it has been redacted. For a full and un-redacted version, see a PDF copy at report's end.
如果你正在阅读《第纳尔编年史》上发表的《通过全球货币重置恢复共和国》 ,请理解它已经被编辑过了。有关完整和未编辑的版本,请参阅报告结尾的 PDF 副本。
A. Global Currency Reset:
- It appeared that all requirements for the Global Currency Reset have been met and assumed that Tier4b (us, the Internet Group) could go at any time.
- 全球货币重置的所有要求似乎都已经得到满足,并假定 Tier4b (我们,互联网集团)可以在任何时候消失。
- Wed. 26 April MarkZ:
The Trade Bank of Iraq has said that foreign transfer can be made through Central Bank branches. That means they can now make foreign transfers to ALL countries of the world through accounts opened in Iraqi dinars and they are fully international. Now that Iraq is international they can actually process exchanges. This is huge news today. I have been waiting for news to start coming out on the bond side by Thurs. 27 April. Bankers are ready right now. Onpoint Bank has a sign stating that they have a system update from Fri. 28 April to Mon. 1 May with limited account access. Last Saturday Bond people, Paymasters and Group Leaders were being told to be in place by Thurs. 27 April. A Stock Market Crash was projected on Friday. Redemption Center folks were told they only had a few days and then would be working full time for a couple of weeks. - 4月26日星期三 MarkZ: 伊拉克贸易银行表示,可以通过中央银行分行进行外汇转账。这意味着他们现在可以通过以伊拉克第纳尔开立的账户向世界上所有国家进行国外转账,这些账户完全是国际性的。现在伊拉克已经国际化了,他们实际上可以进行交流。这是今天的大新闻。我一直在等待4月27日星期四债券方面开始传出消息。银行家们已经准备好了。Onpoint 银行有一个标志,说明他们从4月28日星期五至5月1日星期一有一个系统更新,账户访问受到限制。上周六,债券经纪人、出资人和集团领导人被告知在4月27日星期四之前到位。预计周五将出现股市崩盘。救赎中心的工作人员被告知,他们只有几天的时间,然后将全职工作几个星期。
- The Bank of International Settlements, Swiss Central Bank and US Federal Reserve Gold Vaults were empty.
Banks were closing across the planet.
The Cabal's fiat US Dollar was only good for the next three months in the US, Canada and Mexico. Most all other countries were refusing to trade with the fiat Federal Dollar. - 国际清算银行(BIS)、瑞士央行(Swiss Central Bank)和美联储(Fed)的金库都是空的。 全世界的银行都在关闭。 阴谋集团的法定美元仅在未来3个月在美国、加拿大和墨西哥有效。大多数其他国家都拒绝与法定联邦美元进行贸易。
- The Iraqi Dinar revalued in-country on
29 March and began trading internationally on the back screens of the Forex as a gold/asset-backed currency. It was said that the Global Currency Reset
would go liquid for the general public following a Stock Market crash, and the Stock Market was said set to crash on Fri. 28 April. Redemption Staff have been notified to come in to work full time for a couple of weeks starting on Thurs. 27 April.
- 伊拉克第纳尔于2010年1月1日在该国重新估值 3月29日开始作为黄金/资产支持货币在外汇基金的后屏幕上进行国际交易。据说全球货币重置 在股票市场崩溃之后,对于普通公众来说,股票市场将变得流动性强,而且据说股票市场将在4月28日星期五崩溃。救济工作人员已被通知从4月27日星期四开始全职工作两周。
- Trading of First Republic Bank Stock halted after plunging another 32% on Wed. 26 April.
- 第一共和银行股票在4月26日星期三暴跌32% 后停止交易。
The Yaun has taken over the US Dollar to be the most used currency in China trade.人民币已经取代美元成为中国贸易中使用最多的货币。
B. Restored Republic: Help save our beloved Constitution That is Hanging by a Thread:
恢复共和: 帮助拯救我们深爱的宪法:
- On Tues. 25 April 2023 the Supreme Court docketed the Loy Arlan Brunson Case #22-1029. The 388 Defendants (385 members of Congress, plus Joseph Biden, Kamala Harris and Mike Pence = 388 total) response is due by May 24 2023.
- 2023年4月25日星期二,最高法院记录了 Loy Arlan Brunson 案第22-1029号。388名被告(385名国会议员,加上约瑟夫 · 拜登、卡马拉 · 哈里斯和迈克 · 彭斯共计388人)将在2023年5月24日之前做出回应。Http://
- The Brunson Case alleged that 385 members of Congress, plus Biden, Harris and Pence violated their oath of office to protect the Constitution and committed Treason by not investigating 50 formally presented allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election. If SCOTUS
ruled that Congress did not investigate the 50 allegations of fraud in the 2020 Election before certifying the Election (which they did not) and therefore violated their Oath of Office, then the Biden Administration and all of Congress could automatically be suspended.
- 布伦森案指控,385名国会议员,加上拜登、哈里斯和彭斯违反了他们为保护宪法而宣誓就职的誓言,并因未对2020年大选中正式提出的50项欺诈指控进行调查而犯有叛国罪。如果最高法院 裁定国会在认证2020年大选之前没有调查50项欺诈指控(他们没有这样做) ,因此违反了他们的就职誓言,那么拜登政府和所有国会可以自动停职。
- Help Save the Constitution – Join the Brunsons by sending SCOTUS a letter: Brunson Brothers Music – Petition The Supreme Court…
- 帮助拯救宪法-通过发送最高法院加入布伦森兄弟: 布伦森兄弟音乐-请愿最高法院..。
- NEED MIRACLES? Raland Brunson of the Brunson Brothers Supreme Court Cases is now shipping out copies of "MIRACLES: In God We Trust" and "A More Perfect Union" manufactured by Raland's duplications company To support the cause you can order your copies of these important Liberty Education DVDs for a donation of only $25 - which includes FREE shipping and TWO FREE pocket Constitutions. Donate here:
- 需要奇迹?布伦森兄弟最高法院案件的拉兰德 · 布伦森现在正在运送由拉兰德的复制品公司 制造的《奇迹: 我们相信上帝》和《一个更完美的联邦》的复制品。为了支持这项事业,你可以订购这些重要的自由教育 DVD 的副本,只需捐赠25美元-其中包括免费运输和两个免费口袋宪法。在这里捐赠: www。
Super Patriot Liberty Library – perfect for Home School Education, or as a legacy gift to children and grandchildren. Educate to Save America. The package is full of valuable materials including free garden seeds: Only-450/超级爱国者自由图书馆-完美的家庭学校教育,或作为遗产礼物,儿童和孙子女。教育拯救美国。包裹里装满了有价值的材料,包括免费的花园种子: www。 -450/
C. International Child Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring:
Child sex abuse ring kingpin Gerhard Ackerman found guilty of over 700 charges including rape, attempted kidnapping, sexual exploitation, sexual grooming, and possession of child pornography.儿童性侵犯犯罪集团头目 Gerhard Ackerman 被判有罪超过700项罪名包括强奸,绑架未遂,性剥削,性美容,以及持有儿童色情制品。
D. Jan 6 "Insurrection"
- FBI Admits 40 Undercover Agents Infiltrated Crowds on Jan. 6:
- 联邦调查局承认1月6日有40名卧底特工潜入
E. Covid/ Monkey Pox/ Ebola/ AIDs/ Polio/ Drugs/ Vax Hoax:
The Astrazeneca Covid Vaccine was produced in 2018. The manmade Covid 19 Outbreak occurred in 2019. Big Pharma, Obama and Fauci made big bucks off of both.
阿斯利康冠状病毒疾病疫苗于2018年生产。2019年爆发了人造冠状病毒疾病19。大型制药公司,奥巴马和福奇都从中大赚了一笔。 -
mRNA 注射是电磁装置吗? 疫苗中的纳米颗粒通过电磁学杀死细胞吗?
Bill Gates told G20 world leaders that 'death panels' will soon be required.比尔•盖茨(Bill Gates)对20国集团(G20)领导人表示,很快就会需要“死亡小组”。
Vaccinations were the biggest Medical Fraud in history:
接种疫苗是历史上最大的医疗欺诈:"One of the worst smallpox epidemics took place in England between 1870 and 1872, nearly two decades after compulsory vaccination was introduced. Leicester, with nearly 200,000 inhabitants, boasted a 95% vaccination record but it suffered more deaths than less-vaccinated London. Faced with this obvious evidence of the uselessness of vaccination, Leicester's citizens rejected the program in favor of cleaning up the city. Under the leadership of James Briggs, Town Counselor and Sanitary Inspector, clean streets, clean markets and dairies, efficient garbage removal, sanitary housing and pure water supply replaced vaccination scars. In 1892-3 Leicester had 19.3 cases of smallpox per 10,000 population; similar-sized Warrington, with 99.2% vaccinated, had 123.3 cases.
“最严重的一次天花疫情发生在1870年至1872年之间的英格兰,距离实行强制接种疫苗近20年。拥有近20万居民的莱斯特以95% 的疫苗接种记录而自豪,但与疫苗接种较少的伦敦相比,它的死亡人数更多。面对接种疫苗毫无用处的明显证据,莱斯特市民拒绝了这项计划,支持清理城市。在城镇顾问和卫生检查员詹姆斯 · 布里格斯的领导下,清洁的街道、干净的市场和奶牛场、高效的垃圾清除、卫生住房和纯净水供应取代了疫苗接种留下的疤痕。在1892-1893年间,莱斯特每10,000人中有19.3例天花病例; 类似大小的沃灵顿公司有123.3例病例,其中99.2% 接种了疫苗。
"In Japan, in 1885, 13 years after compulsory vaccination, a law was passed requiring revaccination every seven years. From 1886-1892, a total of 25, 474,370 revaccinations were recorded. Yet during this same period, Japan had 156,175 cases of smallpox with 38,979 deaths, a case mortality of nearly 25%. Slow learners, the government passed another act requiring every resident to be vaccinated and revaccinated every 5 years. Between 1889-1908, the case mortality was 30%. Prior to vaccination the case mortality was about 10%. "During a ruthless campaign by the US in the Philippines in 1905, the native population were forcibly vaccinated several times. In 1918-1919, with over 95% of the population vaccinated, the worst epidemic the Philippines had ever known occurred.“在日本,1885年,强制接种疫苗13年后,通过了一项法律,要求每七年重新接种一次。从1886年至1892年,总共记录了25,474,370次再次接种疫苗。然而,在同一时期,日本有156,175例天花病例,其中38,979例死亡,病例死亡率接近25% 。学习能力差的政府通过了另一项法案,要求每位居民每5年接种一次疫苗。在1889-1908年间,病例死亡率为30% 。在接种疫苗之前,病例死亡率约为10% 。“1905年,美国在菲律宾进行了一场残酷的战役,当地人被迫接种了好几次疫苗。在1918-1919年,超过95% 的人口接种了疫苗,菲律宾有史以来最严重的流行病发生了。
In the Congressional Record of December 21, 1937, William Howard Hay, MD, said, 'The Philippines suffered the worst attack of smallpox, the worst epidemic three times over, that had ever occurred in the history of the islands and it was almost three times as fatal. The death rate ran as high as 60% in certain areas where formerly it had been 10-15%." Canada, 1919. STOP THE SLAUGHTER OF INNOCENTS.在1937年12月21日的国会记录中,医学博士威廉 · 霍华德 · 海伊说: “菲律宾遭受了该岛历史上最严重的天花袭击,这是该岛历史上发生的最严重的天花疫情的三倍,其致命性几乎是该岛历史上的三倍。某些地区的死亡率高达60% ,而以前这一比例是10-15% 。”加拿大,1919年。停止屠杀无辜。
The anti-vaccination movement in 1919 (20th century), Toronto, Canada. In Canada, the main group was the Anti-Vaccination League. The Anti-Vaccination Society of America was the main group opposing mandatory (compulsory) vaccination in the USA. The society was founded in 1879. The USA, early 2000s (21st century). Outspoken vaccination critics such as Jenny McCarthy, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and other doctors and celebrities were blamed by the media for starting the anti-vaccination movement. As noted above, the movement has been around since 1853. Drug companies are one of the largest advertisers on TV, Internet, newspapers, and magazines.1919年(20世纪)反接种运动,加拿大多伦多。在加拿大,主要的组织是反接种联盟。美国反接种协会是反对美国强制(强制)接种疫苗的主要团体。该协会成立于1879年。美国,21世纪初。媒体指责直言不讳的疫苗接种批评者,如珍妮 · 麦卡锡、安德鲁·韦克菲尔德医生和其他医生和名人发起了反疫苗接种运动。如上所述,这场运动始于1853年。制药公司是电视、互联网、报纸和杂志上最大的广告商之一。
According to Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the drug industry contributes up to 70% of advertising revenue to media companies. In 2017, the collective stock market capitalization of the drug companies (vaccine manufacturers) exceed $1 trillion. As actor Jim Carrey noted, "A trillion dollars buys a lot of expert opinions. Will it buy you?" Mainly because of these movements, the public became aware of the dangers of vaccines. The lunatic idea of transferring animal diseases to humans to prevent diseases didn't work. Compulsory vaccination was later repealed in every country because vaccines were found to be useless and poisonous. Several decades later, the drug companies began their mass advertising and marketing campaigns to "educate" the next generation on the benefits of vaccination. Vaccination has been a menace to each generation since 1796."根据罗伯特·弗朗西斯·甘迺迪,制药业为媒体公司贡献了高达70% 的广告收入。2017年,制药公司(疫苗制造商)的总股本市值超过1万亿美元。正如演员金凯瑞所说: “一万亿美元可以买到很多专家的意见。它能买到你吗?”主要由于这些运动,公众开始意识到疫苗的危险。将动物疾病转移给人类以预防疾病的疯狂想法并没有奏效。强制接种疫苗后来在每个国家被废除,因为疫苗被发现是无用的和有毒的。几十年后,制药公司开始了他们的大规模广告和营销活动,以“教育”下一代接种疫苗的好处。自1796年以来,疫苗接种对每一代人都是一种威胁。”
How they fooled everyone: Just change the name and make it sound really bad… and voilà! With the help of MSM and the WHO you have a pandemic! Then put the sick on ventilators, give them Redemsevir or Midazolam and wham! You have the deaths! (I mean murders). Perfect plan to push the real bio-weapon - the Covid vaccines! And there you have it, the worse genocide in the history of humanity is in full swing and most people have not realized yet - wait until they do!
他们是如何愚弄所有人的: 只要改一下名字,让它听起来真的很糟糕... ... 瞧!在 MSM 和世界卫生组织的帮助下,你们有了一场大流行!然后给病人使用呼吸机,给他们服用 Redemsevir 或者 Midazolam,然后“砰”的一声!你有死亡!(我是说谋杀)。推出真正的生物武器的完美计划冠状病毒疾病疫苗!现在你看到了,人类历史上最严重的种族灭绝正在全面展开,而大多数人还没有意识到——等到他们意识到的时候!
F. 2020 Election Fraud:
Remember this never happened. Video now released showing 3:30 am van dropping off thousands of ballots to election center. Today will be a new day.
G. The Real News for Wed. 26 April 2023:
Egypt: Strong earthquake felt in Cairo, Egypt.
埃及: 埃及开罗发生强烈地震。 -
The World Economic Forum says it will 'Accelerate' Implementation of Globalist Agenda 2030
世界经济论坛表示将“加速”实施2030年全球主义议程 -
Democratic presidential nominee Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has accused the Democratic Party of rigging the primary system to ensure a Joe Biden victory.
民主党总统候选人罗伯特·弗朗西斯·甘迺迪指责民主党操纵初选系统,以确保拜登获胜。 -
BLOODLINES — Omar (President Lincoln's son) is Jfk Sr & his brother's Father) William Wallace (President Lincoln's Son). — All FAMILY. — The 2 Kennedy Brothers were adopted into the Kennedy Family (Both brothers are Lincoln Kahlooni) by birth..Not Kennedy's. — Abraham Lincoln (is a Kahlooni) = Druze/Jesus Bloodline. — President Trumps real Father is General Patton. — Trump was adopted into the Trump family. General Patton is William Wallace Lincoln Kahlooni's Son (William Wallace is President Abe Lincolns son) .— Trump = Druze/Jesus/Bloodline.
血统ーー奥马尔(林肯总统的儿子)是老肯尼迪和他哥哥的父亲威廉华莱士(林肯总统的儿子)。全家人。肯尼迪兄弟二人出生时被肯尼迪家族收养(两兄弟都是林肯 · 卡卢尼)。.不是肯尼迪的。亚伯拉罕 · 林肯(Kahlooni) = 德鲁兹/耶稣血统。特朗普总统真正的父亲是巴顿将军。特朗普被特朗普家收养。巴顿将军是卡卢尼之子的威廉·林肯(威廉华莱士是林肯总统之子)。特朗普 = 德鲁兹/耶稣/血统。 - In 1953 a worldwide agreement was made based on an idea by the Rockefeller Foundation to change the frequency of music. They changed it from it's natural harmonic resonance 432hz to the current consciousness suppressing 440hz.Those who control the world, knew what they were doing when they changed the frequency of music, they knew that humanity would become disengaged, dissonant, divided and disconnected. God, the General Orchestra Director, created the perfect symphony of life, love and light; a wonderful, monumental, magical symphony where everything and everyone plays a part in perfect harmony, unity and frequency, until unfortunately, humanity's frequency changed. We are now playing out of tune, out of synch, in the wrong frequency – at odds with nature, life and each other.
- 1953年,洛克菲勒基金会们提出了一个改变音乐频率的想法,并在此基础上达成了一项全球协议。他们改变了它的自然谐波共振432赫兹到目前的意识压制440赫兹。那些控制世界的人,知道他们在做什么当他们改变音乐的频率时,他们知道人类会变得分离,不和谐,分裂和分离。上帝,管弦乐团的总指挥,创造了生命,爱和光的完美交响曲; 一个美妙的,不朽的,神奇的交响曲,每个人都在完美的和谐,统一和频率中扮演一个角色,直到不幸的是,人类的频率改变了。我们现在正在以错误的频率——与自然、生命和彼此格格不入——演奏着不协调的曲调、不同步的曲子。
- Titanic Disaster that led to the Federal Reserve and World War 1: Do you really believe that icebergs are able to cut through steel hulls? Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and Jacob Astor were all passengers on the Titanic. These three men were the most wealthy people of their time, thus their opinion was very important in the matters of government and economics. These three were valiantly opposed to the idea of a Federal Reserve Bank. (Which has nothing to do with USA, it's privately owned bank) These three people had to be destroyed by any means, in a way that no one would suspect they were murdered. Roman Catholic secret society called Jesuits, with their bankers, desperately wanted a Central Bank in the United States. Once the Federal Bank reserve opposition was gone, they got their bank and started WW1 months later.
- 导致美联储和第一次世界大战的泰坦尼克号灾难: 你真的相信冰山能够穿透钢壳吗?本杰明·古根海姆伊莎 · 施特劳斯和雅各布 · 阿斯特都是泰坦尼克号的乘客。这三个人是他们那个时代最富有的人,因此他们的意见在政府和经济事务中非常重要。这三个人勇敢地反对成立联邦储备银行的想法。(这与美国无关,这是一家私人银行)这三个人必须以任何方式被消灭,以一种没有人会怀疑他们是被谋杀的方式。罗马天主教的秘密组织耶稣会和他们的银行家们迫切希望在美国建立一个中央银行。一旦联邦银行储备反对派消失,他们就得到了他们的银行,并在几个月后发动了第一次世界大战。
- In 2016, Putin warned of an international push for a New World Order that would end national sovereignty. Putin said that Western states were abandoning their moral values, that are rooted in Christianity, which would cause people to lose their human dignity and be the downfall of Western civilization. He also stated that the political correctness in these countries would lead to the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia.
- 2016年,普京警告称,国际社会将推动建立一个将终结国家主权的世界新秩序。普京说,西方国家正在放弃他们根植于基督教的道德价值观,这将导致人们失去人的尊严,成为西方文明的衰落。他还指出,这些国家的政治正确将导致宣传恋童癖宣传的政党合法化。
- 1933: 150,000 Jews gathered in Chicago for a "historical pageant" to simulate a child sacrifice to Moloch. The event was called "The Romance of a People." It was organized by the Zionist Organization of America. Israel was later founded by the Rothschilds and other powerful Zionists. Woodrow Wilson sold America to the Zionist Bankers by creating the Federal Reserve Bank. Woodrow Wilson was also one of the architects of the League Of Nations that later changed into the United Nations. The United Nations is about to become a gigantic coffin.
- 1933年: 150,000名犹太人聚集在芝加哥举行“历史盛会”,模拟向摩洛克献祭儿童。这次活动被称为“一个民族的传奇”它是由美国犹太复国主义组织组织的。后来,罗斯柴尔德家族和其他强大的犹太复国主义者建立了以色列。伍德罗 · 威尔逊通过创建联邦储备银行把美国卖给了犹太复国主义银行家。伍德罗 · 威尔逊也是后来改为联合国的国际联盟的设计师之一。联合国就要变成一个巨大的棺材了。Https://
- U.S. Envoy to Haiti QUITS over "inhumane deportation policy." After just two months in the job, Daniel Foote has resigned as U.S. envoy to Haiti as he refuses to be linked to the "inhumane, counterproductive decision to deport thousands of Haitian refugees." At least 12 flights are reported to have returned some 1,400 Haitians from Texas, with Biden pledging to close the immigration camp in Del Río, which housed 14,000 Haitian would-be immigrants. To add to the Biden administration's bad press, footage from nearly 30 years ago has re-circulated of Biden claiming "it wouldn't matter" if Haiti sank into the sea... AGAIN!
- 美国驻海地特使因“非人道驱逐政策”辞职在担任美国驻海地特使仅两个月后,丹尼尔 · 富特(Daniel Foote)就辞去了美国驻海地特使的职务,因为他拒绝与“驱逐数千名海地难民的不人道、适得其反的决定”挂钩据报道,至少有12架航班从德克萨斯州接回了约1400名海地人,拜登承诺关闭德尔里奥的移民营,那里安置着1.4万名海地潜在移民。除了拜登政府的负面新闻外,近30年前的一段视频再次流传,其中拜登声称,如果海地再次沉入大海,“那也没关系”... ... 再一次!
H. Chemtrail Planes Continuously Flying Over Oregon, Bonnie B
For months there has been at least five Chemtrail Planes going 15 hours a day flying over my farming valley here in Oregon. Tell me who is paying for the planes, pilots, chemicals? That is a huge expense just for our little state.
几个月以来,至少有5架 Chemtrail Planes 飞机每天飞行15个小时,飞越我在俄勒冈州的农业山谷。告诉我谁在为飞机,飞行员,化学品买单?这对我们这个小国家来说是一笔巨大的开支。
We can't be the only state dealing with this. We are a farming state, a farming valley. They are killing us and our crops. My grandkids can't go out to play in the park. What kind of monsters are flying those planes?
Why are We the People not fighting back? Why are we complacent about everything? I am so disgusted with myself for not doing more.
I don't know about you, but I am totally fed up with the crap we are dealing with just to stay alive: Chemtrails, Vaccines, Child Trafficking, 70 million babies aborted by their mothers, Woke Agenda, Pedophiles, Transgender Agenda, Schools turning into something I don't recognize and all the time making sure that my beautiful grandkids aren't stolen on my watch.
我不知道你是怎么想的,但是我已经受够了我们为了生存所做的一切: 化学药品,疫苗,贩卖儿童,7000万婴儿被他们的母亲流产,唤醒议程,恋童癖,变性议程,学校变成了我不认识的东西,一直确保我美丽的孙子们不会在我的眼皮底下被偷走。
I know we came here at this time in history to help save this planet. I take that job seriously, but not seriously enough, I guess. This is our beautiful America being destroyed. Should we be doing more to help save Her?
Should we stand up and shout out from the roof tops at the injustice happening to us? Other countries are. Why are we not doing it more? Should we be going to the school board meetings whether we have kids in school or not?
Are we just sitting around waiting for the Alliance to fix it? Or, are we sitting around waiting for the RV to make us rich before we stand up and fight?
Let's be honest here. Our father's and grandfather's fought so we could be free. Are we doing our part to carry their torch for our grandkids?
I. @ Sparta Justice: Rulers of the World: The Committee of 300 is a small group of insidious people who control all aspects of our world. Through M16 they ordered the murder of President Lincoln and President Kennedy. AIDs was created and WHO injected it inot millions through the Smallpox vaccines.
@斯巴达正义: 世界的统治者: 300人委员会是一小群阴险的人,他们控制着我们世界的方方面面。通过 M16他们下令谋杀林肯总统和肯尼迪总统。艾滋病被创造出来,世卫组织通过天花疫苗向数百万人注射。
Their Goals:
(1) A One World Government with a unified church and monetary system under their direction.
(2) The utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
(3) The destruction of religion and more especially the Christian religion, with the one exception, their own creation mentioned above.
(4) Control of each and every person through means of mind control and nanotechnology which would create human-like robots and a system of terror.
(5) An end to all industrialization and the production of nuclear generated electric power in what they call "the post-industrial zero-growth society."
(6) Legalization of drugs and pornography.
(7) Depopulation of large cities.
(8) Suppression of all scientific development except for those deemed beneficial by the Committee. Especially targeted is nuclear energy for peaceful purposes.
(9) Cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, and by means of starvation and diseases in Third World countries, the death of 3 billion people by the year 2050, people they call "useless eaters."
(10) To weaken the moral fiber of the nation and to demoralize workers in the labor class by creating mass unemployment.
(11) To keep people everywhere from deciding their own destinies by means of one created crisis after another and then "managing" such crises.
(12) To introduce new cults.
(13) To cause a total collapse of the world's economies and engender total political chaos.
(14) To take control of all Foreign and domestic policies of the United States.
(15) Give full support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS) and the World Economic Forum(WEF) and the World Court.
(16) Penetrate and subvert all governments, and work from within them to destroy the sovereign integrity of nations represented by them.
(17) Organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus and negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place.
(18) Take control of education in America with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.
J. Must Watch Videos:
- Tues. 25 April Situation Update:
Situation Update - Death Of The MSM, Fiat Dollar & Globalist Agenda! MSM & Stock Market To Crash This Friday! Fiat Dollar Is Going Away! - We The People News | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News ( - 4月25日星期二最新情况: 情况更新-死亡的 MSM,菲亚特美元和全球化议程!MSM & 股票市场本周五崩盘!菲亚特美元即将消失!- 我们人民新闻 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前( )
- Wed. 26 April, Major Intel, Juan O Savin, Nino:
Juan O' Savin & David Nino: Major Intel - This is It, Folks! The Race Against Time and a Fight to the Death (Video) | Alternative | Before It's News ( - 4月26日,星期三,英特尔少校,胡安 · 奥 · 萨文,尼诺: 胡安 · 奥萨文和大卫 · 尼诺: 主要情报——就是这样,伙计们!与时间赛跑,与死亡搏斗(视频) | 选择 | 新闻之前( )
- Tues. 25 April X22 Report:
X22 Report - Deep State Panic Event! Treason! Sedition! Indisputable Evidence! This Is Only The Beginning! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News ( - 4月25日星期二 X22报告: X22报告-深度状态恐慌事件!叛国!煽动叛乱!无可争议的证据!这只是开始!- 必须的视频 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前( )
- Tues. 25 April Q, Juan O Savin, Decode:
Q - Juan O Savin Decode April 25, 2023! - Must Video | Opinion - Conservative | Before It's News ( - 4月25日星期二 Q,Juan O Savin,译码: Q-Juan O Savin 解码2023年4月25日!- 必须的视频 | 观点-保守派 | 新闻之前( )
K. Judy Note on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of Children in Your Neighborhood:
Judy 关于你所在社区的儿童受到恶魔仪式虐待的笔记:
Since 1990 I have been doing investigations on the Satanic Ritual Abuse of children at the request of brave SRA Survivor-victims who were witnesses to and victims of pedophile, torture and murder crimes of Satanic leaders and their covens. During this time I have found Satanists implanted in law offices, local police, county sheriff's offices and all the way up to the Attorney General Offices in my state and others and then the carnage went on to the internationally organized Ninth Circle Satanic Cult that runs out of the Vatican.
自1990年以来,应勇敢的 SRA 幸存者的要求,我一直在调查虐待儿童的撒旦仪式,这些受害者是撒旦领袖及其女巫集会的恋童癖、酷刑和谋杀罪行的目击者和受害者。在此期间,我发现撒旦教徒被植入律师事务所、当地警察局、县治安官办公室,一直到我所在州的总检察长办公室和其他地方,然后大屠杀继续进行到国际组织的第九圈撒旦教,从梵蒂冈延伸出去。
There's certainly no help from US or other nation's government agencies, including the FBI or CIA perpetrators. These legal entities successfully negate even the opening of cases of the ritual abuse and murder of children, let alone do valid investigations.
To be honest and to my knowledge there was no safe place on either a local, national or international level that has been set up to report Satanic Crime – likely the main reason why local, national and international Satanic Covens so easily and on a regular basis, get away with the torture and murder of thousands of children – many times bred for the purpose without birth certificates, or identification.
L. "Twenty Two Faces: inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities" by Judy Byington, Foreword by Dr. Colin A. Ross, M.D. RAW: Dr. Colin Ross – Robert David Steele
《二十二张面孔: 珍妮 · 希尔的非凡生活和她的二十二个多重人格》作者: 朱迪 · 拜因顿,前言作者: 科林 · 罗斯博士,医学博士。罗斯博士: 科林 · 罗斯博士——罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
Jenny Hill's witness to a Satanic Child Sacrifice Rite: Woman Sees Human Sacrifice - YouTube
珍妮 · 希尔见证撒旦儿童祭祀仪式: 女人看到人类祭祀 YouTube 视频
WARNING: Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five, was raped, tortured, forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention, was almost killed herself – not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers. Perpetrators giving homage to Satan were organized from the US Inc's CIA, Queen Elizabeth's, Illuminati Banking families' and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons, Hollywood, Pizzagate and local teenage covens. They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system – the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset and Restored Republics of the world. It's no wonder that President Trump has stated, "These people are sick."
警告: 珍妮绘声绘色地描述了她如何在五岁时被强奸、折磨、被迫观看儿童祭祀,如果没有神的干预,她自己几乎被杀死--这与成千上万的撒旦崇拜者的其他儿童受害者的肮脏经历并不一样。向撒旦致敬的肇事者是有组织的,从美国中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家族和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童牺牲崇拜,一直到克林顿家族、好莱坞、披萨门和当地的青少年崇拜者。他们由这个管理我们的全球货币体系的同一阴谋集团资助--这个组织正在被激活的全球货币重置和恢复世界的共和国所打倒。难怪特朗普总统说,"这些人是有病的。"
M. The Global Currency Reset, Restored Republic and NESARA/GESARA were all about the Children
全球货币重组、共和国恢复和 NESARA/GESARA 都是关于儿童的
It's not about the money. It's about the children – the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who, in honor of Satan, were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.
The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.
Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who right now, were being rescued from
Cabal underground tunnels across the globe, and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door. Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them. The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:
N. Judy Note: I do not now, nor have I ever, received monies for writing my Updates and articles. The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse, Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
朱迪注: 我现在没有,也从来没有,收到钱写我的更新和文章。补偿是通过揭露在我们的国际社会中猖獗的非常隐秘的撒旦仪式虐待、恋童癖和儿童献祭的真相来帮助拯救儿童组织。
The above was a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is, plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites and continue the Updates until they are no longer needed. I expect to be working with many of you in the near future. I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you. You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown; to our Angel Martha who worked 24/7 to expose what's really going on; to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth; to Brad who does great research; to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些不愿透露姓名的情报供应商; 感谢我们的天使玛莎,她每天24小时不间断地揭露真相; 感谢谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相; 感谢布拉德,他做了大量的研究; 感谢邦妮 B,他揭露了真相的根本原因; 感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的恋童癖信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be. I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together, we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 Q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义工作中一切顺利,并期待着看到你们站在另一边,在那里,我们将一起为所有人创造更美好的生活。
Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. And, we will!!! . . . Judy