Ep 3233a – The People Already Know We Are In A Recession, Biden Is To Blame
Ep 3233a-人们已经知道我们正处于经济衰退之中,拜登是罪魁祸首
Ep 3233b – Cyber Attack Narrative Building, It Will All Happen On The Appropriate Timetable, Game-Theory
X22 Report
Streamed on: Dec 12, 8:55 pm EST
X22 ReportStreaming on: Dec 12,8:55 pm EST X22报道于美国东部时间12月12日下午8:55
China is showing the world the 15 minute cities, it is open air prisons. The California is in trouble, the economy is breakdown rapidly. The people know we are in a recession, they are not fooled. The blame will be on the D’s, Fed, and Treasury, there is no escaping this.
X22 Report
Streamed on: Dec 12, 9:19 pm EST
X22 ReportStreaming on: Dec 12,9:19 pm EST X22报道于美国东部时间12月12日晚9:19
The [DS] will force Biden out one way or another. They will need to make it look natural, so his health will breakdown and they will have to use the 25th Amendment on him. The [DS] will use every resource to cheat but they will soon figure out that this won’t happen this time around, they will then move to cancel the election. The cyber attack narrative is building. Trump and the patriots know the plan. Before the cyber event Trump will be informing the public via his cases. The patriots control the timetable, Game-Theory.