
2019年5月17日13:30:02灵性成长如何提高你的频率已关闭评论77310字数 3061阅读10分12秒阅读模式



Truth be told,my frequency raises the highest when I do something called"active meditation".Instead of clearing the mind into nothingness,I often watch animated music videos with some of my favorite music while focusing intensely on positive scenarios of the future.Or just let my imagination run wild.


Part of touching the inner feminine and goddess is reconnecting to the sacredness of the childhood.When one is a child there is a certain"magic"to life which brings happiness and wonderment.In the liberated universe,this anticipation of magic in life never goes away because source works through you to manifest things in a way that transcend technologic advancement on the 3D.This is the reason why many extraterrestrial races put a great emphasis on spirituality.


It is this frequency of happiness and anticipating magic that makes it happen.This is the occult reason children are more likely to hear spirits and have"imaginary friends"who are often friendly,curious spirits.It is also the reason children are more likely to experience positive aspects of the occult when left uninterrupted by adults.


When I connected to the frequency of"magic anticipation"with a high vibration and high will power,it manifests an aspect of source directly into the 3D world,creating a consciousness bridge.This consciousness bridge is the shared collective consciousness of all human beings,as all human beings have a spark of source.When YOU have an idea and an urge for something to manifest others will often have the same idea come to them and be receptive to you.This is made possible due to source.


The meditation I recommend is the following:


1.Keep your eyes open.Sit upright,cross legged,in a comfortable spot.


2.Concentrate on when life seemed mysterious,magical as a child.Imagine a golden,glowing and warm yellow-white light surrounding you.


3.Imagine happiness.Imagine getting happier and happier.Imagine the glow and warmth getting stronger and stronger.The happiness spreads through your entire body.


4.Think of the things you want to happen that don't seem possible now.Imagine the collective consciousness of humanity and your thoughts a seed that influences others.Often this seed will cause people to subconsciously make certain decisions that help you manifest what you like.


The higher your frequency and the higher you hold your frequency the easier it is for the light forces to contact you and for your inborn psychic abilities to manifest.


It took two years after my first meditation to open my clairaudient ability.This ability I will explain in detail in another post.




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