ECETI News #68
ECETI 新闻 # 68
November 11, 2023
11 11 Message
11 11讯息
At Eceti, we have had contact with benevolent spiritually and technologically advanced off world visitors well documented for over 37 years. Personally it has been a lifetime. I asked if these beautiful beings have a message for humanity at these times.
在 Eceti,我们已经与仁慈的精神和技术先进的世界游客进行了超过37年的接触。就我个人而言,这已经是一辈子的事了。我问这些美丽的生物是否在这个时候对人类有一个信息。
People of Earth 11-11 message
We are a consortium of councils that have watched over Earth since it was birthed from your Sun as a hot gaseous ball of energy finding a cradle orbit then cooling and gathering water and mass from the stars. This formed what you refer to as your crust. It has been a seven and one half billion year process. Once inhabitable there were many attempts to colonize Earth. Eventually there were several types of humans developing naturally during these colonizations. These colonies go back over 600 million years remnants of which have been found and censored. The great stone monuments attest to this. Cave art, hieroglyphs, and petroglyphs depicting what you call flying saucers were exactly what the artists were seeing
We have watched colonies and civilizations come and go. It is time you knew your real history so as not to repeat the past. There is a common recurring event that preceded the end of these civilizations. A division occurred between those who lived according to Universal Law and those who chose self-service acting against Universal Law. There were those who lived in service to the Creator within all Creation and those who exploited others and the planet for power over others, wealth and fame. There were also those who came to the Earth for the sole reason to exploit the people and the resources. This exploitation on the lowest levels included using humanity as a food source. Those that did this were completely disconnected from the God within them. In fact, some hated humanity and nature because both stood as a testimony to the One God. These degenerate beings were very clever and manipulated much of humanity to do their bidding. It had to be a free will decision. These are the forces behind the war and disease profiteers in simplicity the war between good and evil.
These forces were the inspiration behind kings and leaders to war upon each other. They manipulated their subjects by demonizing their enemies, those who had something they wanted, generated fear and division then used whatever weapons at their disposal to dispense with their enemies. There has been a common theme in the demise of these ancient civilizations. Each would rise up, eventually divide into factions, end up in power struggles that eventually evolved into their demise. In the days of the Annunaki many beautiful cities were built only to be laid to ruin by atomic weapons used against each other. They did not count on the deadly winds, radiation that wiped out their people coming from the cities they decimated. The turf wars got out of hand and the weapons evolved beyond their spirituality.
Atlantis and Lemuria were the second attempt in our known history to colonize the Earth. The Pleiadians, peaceful Lyrans fleeing the conflicts on ancient Lyra, colonized the Pleiades system, Orion System, and Hyades, a desolate colony most would rather not live. They then came to Earth, Mars and Maldek or Milona as some called it. Both Atlantis and Lemuria were space faring originating from the same lineage. In Atlantis there began a fall from Universal Law. They worshiped science and the intellect. Their science outpaced their spirituality and they began using it to surveil, control, and over power others. The Lemurians warned the Atlanteans they were going against Universal Law and it always ends in destruction. This was seen as a threat and the Atlanteans lauched their beam ships melting down the Lemurian cities. To this day there is a great sheet of glass, all that remains of their beautiful cities. The Lemurians being space faring as well guided a meteor to hit Atlantis. The Earth has always been a turbulent planet with earthquakes, tsunamis, massive volcanic eruptions and pole shifts. It wasn’t always a civilizations choice to go against Universal Law that created their demise. There has also been divine intervention as in the case of Sodom and Gamora. These two cities fell due to their own decadence. The crime, sexual abuse, bestiality, moral degeneration created a downward spiral in evolution and those you refer to as Arch Angels, the Andromedin Council decided they needed to be surgically removed so as not to infect the rest of the planet. This is happening today with leaders that have been taken over by the same regenerate forces seen and unseen. The crime, drugs, poverty, arrogance, division, degenerate behavior is no different than the days of Sodom and Gamora.
亚特兰蒂斯和 Lemuria 是我们已知历史上第二次尝试殖民地球。昴宿星人,逃离古天琴座冲突的和平天琴,殖民了昴宿星系、猎户星系和毕宿星系,一个大多数人不愿意生活的荒凉殖民地。然后他们来到地球,火星和马尔代克或米洛纳,有人这样称呼它。亚特兰蒂斯和 Lemuria 都起源于同一个血统。在亚特兰蒂斯,宇宙法则开始堕落。他们崇拜科学和知识分子。他们的科学超越了他们的灵性,他们开始用它来监视、控制和支配他人。利莫里亚人警告亚特兰蒂斯人,他们违背了宇宙法则,结果总是毁灭。这被视为一个威胁,亚特兰蒂斯人发射了他们的光束船融化了利莫里亚城市。直到今天,这里还有一大片玻璃,这些都是他们美丽城市的遗迹。利莫里亚人正在太空中航行,他们还引导一颗流星撞击了亚特兰蒂斯。地球一直是一个动荡不安的星球,地震,海啸,大规模火山爆发和极移。并不是所有文明都选择违背宇宙法则才导致了他们的灭亡。还有一些神圣介入,比如索多玛和卡魔拉。这两个城市因为自己的堕落而沦陷。犯罪,性虐待,兽交,道德沦丧导致了进化的螺旋式下降,那些你们称之为大天使的,仙女座议会决定他们需要通过外科手术移除以免感染地球上的其他地方。今天,这种情况正在发生,领导人已经被看到和看不到的同样的再生力量所接管。犯罪、毒品、贫穷、傲慢、分裂、堕落的行为与索多玛和 Gamora 时代没有什么不同。
The people of Earth have a choice. The choice is to live according to Universal Law and join the rest of the Universe in peace, opening the door to wisdom and technologies that will end war, disease, poverty, taking a quantum leap in evolution. Or take the downward spiral ending in social, economic and environmental collapse. The path of your ancestors who had to start over as primitives. We can be guided and do the bidding of seen and unseen degenerate forces going against Universal Law, the war and disease profiteers, participating in their degenerate acts lusting for power over others wealth and fame resulting in the collapse of civilization. We can also be guided from the God within, the heart assisted by the beautiful many Masters, Saints and Sages, including Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders some of which are our ancient ancestors that did not have to start over and continued to evolve spiritually and technologically. This is the crossroad humanity is now at and humanity must make a choice and make that choice be known to the heavens. Your prayers are heard, the connection and contact needs to be initiated by you, free will must be honored in this process. If enough ask, enough choose to rise to the occasion, enough choose Universal Law and hold their leaders accountable the Earth has a chance. Make your voices and intentions known. We might add do not give your power away to others, expect others to do this for you. Most are not what they portray themselves to be. The power is within. Universal Law is written in the heart of hearts of all humanity. Universal Peace, Brother/Sisterly Love, Individual Freedom and Prosperity for All. In simplicity, if it isn’t good for everyone, it isn’t good. Be a blessing to life.
The Beautiful Many
Pass this far and wide with our blessings,
James Gilliland
james Gilliland
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