
2023年6月1日19:44:57新人阅读黑暗与光明的实时对话|星际之门通讯已关闭评论1516字数 3246阅读10分49秒阅读模式
Every day when I wake up, I KNOW that the Light has won in real time here on Earth. I can feel the difference in energy. I am experiencing such a stark contrast from last week when the energy was heavy and challenging to this week when it is happy, peaceful and Light-filled.


Blog reader Deb wrote this story in a comment. I am sharing it because I believe it confirms that a major dark force has been removed from Earth and has been replaced by the Light. Children like Deb's son are highly evolved souls - they are closely connected to the higher realms while incarnated. They KNOW.

博客读者 Deb 在评论中写了这个故事。我分享它是因为我相信它证实了一个主要的黑暗力量已经从地球上被移除并且已经被光所取代。像 Deb 的儿子这样的孩子是高度进化的灵魂——他们在投生时与更高的领域紧密相连。他们知道了。

On the very morning that I read that the head of the Cabal was executed, I took my son (who has Down Syndrome) to a busy store... and for the very first time in 3 years, he wasn't scared. I thought his reaction to larger crowds, even in places where we have been numerous times, and nothing negative has ever happened, was because of the masks... or even because he could feel the FEAR everyone was feeling without it being spoken. And maybe it was both of those.... because now it seems that even HE can FEEL the difference in the air. That it's lighter and brighter. That brings me so much hope! (Deb)

就在我读到秘社首领被处决的那天早上,我带着我的儿子(患有唐氏综合症)去了一家繁忙的商店... ... 三年来,他第一次不害怕了。我认为他对更多人群的反应,即使是在我们去过很多次的地方,也没有发生过任何负面的事情,是因为他戴着面具... ... 或者甚至是因为他能感觉到每个人在不说出来的情况下所感受到的恐惧。也许两者都是。因为现在似乎连他都能感觉到空气中的不同。它越来越亮。这给我带来了很多希望!(Deb)
Blog reader Faith emailed me this fascinating dream from FB.

博客读者 Faith 从 FB 给我发来了这个迷人的梦。
