Starship Earth: The Big Picture
The truth is going to be a bitter pill to swallow for those who never saw this freight train from hell coming down the track. Even when you have watched the agenda of the dark unfold for over a decade it’s difficult to fathom how Creation could be home to such utter, consummate evil.
Regardless of what train we think we’re riding—the peace train, the freedom train, the Trump train, or any other, while our Golden Age is the destination, there is no stop called “Normal”. The normal we once knew is gone, and the new normal is constantly evolving. We don’t know exactly what it will look like.
The crew points to one of our best Earth, Sky and false flag analysts, Dutch Sinse, and his astounding observations with regard to the Turkey/Syria earthquakes. Watch videos and read more on Before It’s News at the link below.
工作人员指出,我们最好的地球,天空和假旗分析师之一,荷兰 Sinse,以及他对土耳其/叙利亚地震的惊人观察。观看视频和阅读更多关于前它的新闻在下面的链接。
Dutchsinse Records Mind Blowing Video of Turkey Earthquake Mystery Spiral Near Epicenter of Earthquake Area and Storm That Followed!
The things we have seen in our skies lately are baffling. There was the odd copper-coloured cloud over Bursa, Turkey, the blue whirlpool sailing over Hawai’i and a series of green lasers “scanning” Hawai’i on January 28 in addition to the above captured by Dutch Sinse. Clearly there is technology, at the very least, for which no one has deemed Humanity is on the need to know list.
The W.H.O. is a terrorist organization involved in the genocide attempts on the Human race. Now they’re getting very specific about the next planned threat. How many snoozers will fall for this crap again? We all have immune systems and only the very ill are at risk of contracting most diseases, particularly if they have comorbidities and take a lot of drugs, which further compromise the immune system.
World Health Organization warns ‘we must prepare’ for potential human bird flu pandemic as H5N1 avian strain jumps to mammals
世界卫生组织警告说,随着 H5N1禽流感病毒向哺乳动物传播,我们必须为潜在的人类禽流感大流行做好准备
This verbal threat may not seem like much at the moment, but we know how they incrementally move us toward their ultimate objective; so subtly that most people don’t realize they are being herded like sheep.
此时此刻,这种口头威胁可能看起来不算什么,但我们知道它们是如何逐步推动我们朝着它们的最终目标前进的; 它们是如此微妙,以至于大多数人都没有意识到它们正像羊群一样被放牧着。
It’s just a mask. It’s just 6 feet. It’s just a nasal swab. It’s just a temperature gun. It’s just 15 days to flatten the curve. [Interesting connotations there for Flat Earth researchers, BTW] And the next thing we know there are mandatory “vaccinations” that aren’t vaccinations but experimental drugs that kill and maim people.
IF, and it’s a big “if”… IF this avian flu exists, it’s because the controllers created it and weaponized it in their “gain of function” research—just as Covid was. The question as to whether Covid is truly a “virus” remains unanswered from any official source, but several doctors have stated that a “virus” is created IN the body, BY the body, is not contagious, and cannot cause a “pandemic”.
There’s a lot of vax regret out there for loved ones left too soon, small businesses shuttered forever, jobs lost, millions spent on the jabs as a result of the fear campaign promulgated by the cabal’s legacy media, and millions also used to bribe hospitals and politicians to go along with the hoax.
It’s been the crime of the century, probably in the history of Humanity. It’s three years later and people are still walking around in masks, breathing their own exhaust, even when driving alone in their vehicles. It’s insane. Are we really going to let them do this again? What would it take to wake the sleepwalking zombies?
If you would like to take in the full report from Benjamin Fulford on the State-of-the-Planet, you can read it in its entirety and watch several videos at this link. Fascinating stuff here, folks. Ben passes on information given to him by other sources as well as share his own perspective.
如果你想了解本杰明 · 富尔福德关于地球状况的完整报告,你可以阅读完整报告,并在这个链接上观看几个视频。伙计们,这里的东西很有意思。本将其他来源提供的信息传递给他,并分享自己的观点。
Benjamin Fulford Report: The Khazarian Mafia has been Comprehensively Defeated
本杰明 · 富尔福德报道: 可萨黑手党已被全面打败
I had planned to share a lot more today but it’s another busy week and methinks my back doth protest too much so I’m wrapping it up here. I will leave you with the latest update from SGAnon, File 39, which I have not yet listened to.
我本来打算今天分享更多的,但是这是另一个忙碌的星期,我想我的背抗议太多,所以我在这里结束它。我将给你留下来自 SGAnon 的最新更新,文件39,我还没有听。
Turkey Earthquakes UNDGR Battle | Balloon Not CCP Origin/Simple SURV Craft | 45 Comms Point to FISA
土耳其地震 UNDGR 之战 | 气球非 CCP 起源/简单的 SUV 飞行器 | 45通讯点 FISA
Thank you to the loyal and capable crew for the leads, videos, perspective, and everything shared to round out our world view of what is really happening. Ciao for now. ~ BP
感谢忠诚而能干的工作人员提供的线索、视频、视角和所有共享的东西,使我们对真实情况的世界观更加完整。再见。~ BP