Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow
来源: 盖亚的黄金时代 | 作者: Steve Beckow
February 6, 2022
Our Finest Hour
The folks behind the Freedom Convoy are not the ones defacing statues and gravesites. They’re not the ones carrying Nazi flags or spreading nails on the roads.
Canadians don’t have a history of false-flag incidents … well, that we know of.
We’re not “savvy” to the ways of paid agitators. We don’t ponder what may be happening and we don’t start out on the journey towards dealing with those elements in our society – hold public debate, make laws, appoint officials to administer them, etc. We’re easy pickings for the Illuminati, for sure; sheep ready for the shearing.
我们对付费煽动者的方式并不“了解”。我们不考虑可能发生的事情,我们也不开始着手处理社会中的这些因素——举行公开辩论,制定法律,任命官员来管理它们,等等。对于光照派来说,我们是很容易得到的; 羊群准备好剪毛了。
Just look at how many of us believe the mainstream media’s allegations that the truckers carried a Nazi flag. That was an easy score for the deep state. Just pay someone to carry it. That’s the whole job. Nothing more. Here’s $500. Guaranteed the media will say it was the truckers.
The G7 met in Quebec some years back and obvious agents provocateurs stirred up the crowd, gave the police an excuse to charge the protesters, and then retired through and behind police lines. None of us see it. We really think that nothing nefarious goes on in Canada. Truly we’ve been asleep.
While we slept, nefariousness crept up on us. We’re part of a global empire of world leaders who are dedicated to depopulation and control of the surviving 500 million. They run the governments and their colleagues have infiltrated more services and positions than we’d care to know about.
The alleged final words of one Illuminati child murderer was, “You’ll never stop us. We are everywhere.”
They keep themselves hidden, control the press, and ridicule those who seek to know the truth as “conspiracy theorists.”
We’re the ones who’ve awakened to their plans and methods and are uncovering what is for sure a global conspiracy, to kill billions – this round by Covid; other rounds by SARS, bird flu, swine flu, etc. I should add AIDS and Ebola, since all were biological weapons, mostly made at Fort Detrick, against the people of the planet.
我们已经意识到他们的计划和方法,正在揭露一个可以肯定的全球阴谋,杀死数十亿人——这一轮是由科维德,其他轮由非典,禽流感,猪流感等等。我应该加上艾滋病和埃博拉病毒,因为所有这些都是针对地球人的生物武器,大部分是在 Fort Detrick 制造的。
They ridicule us the same as they ridiculed people who had extraterrestrial contact. Ridicule is an effective weapon.
Shall I throw in all the weather extremes they cause with their weather-warfare weapons? How about all the wars fomented to distract our attention from what they’re doing? And enrich themselves in the process of course.
We have to stop them. And the Freedom Convoys are, at the moment, the very best way to do it. We’re building on the strong foundation created by all the frontline medical workers, the constitutional lawyers, alternative media, and thousands of ordinary citizens who’ve testified to the harm caused them.
I’m shaken by the suggestion, from one source, that it may take months. But when were the troops ever home by Christmas? We’ve always underestimated the time of struggle.
While the truckers are peaceful, there’s a hidden war transpiring against the deep state worldwide, as one underground installation after another is destroyed.
The success of the protest may mean some deprivation. Even more hardship than people have endured already.
It falls to us to endure it and to come up with new arrangements for taking care of the disadvantaged among us so that we all get across the finish line together.
Neighborhoods might wish to begin organizing to help the less fortunate. Apartment blocks, the same. We need to take care of the country during this protest. The Illuminati won’t do it. They’d rather we were dead.
We have a part in the struggle to eradicate the influence of the Illuminati from all our societies, worldwide, even Antarctica.
What’s happening, visibly, in our cities is only one part of the struggle. But struggle it is.
I’m in for the long haul. The truckers have staked everything for my wellbeing. And I dearly hope you find yourself ready, willing, and able to commit yourself to endure as well.
We’re back again facing the same peril the British people did in 1939. I hope we make this, as they did then, our finest hour.
Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow
来源: 盖亚的黄金时代 | 作者: Steve Beckow
February 6, 2022
What’s Happening on the Planet Right Now
What’s happening on Planet Earth right now is not random; it’s not coincidental.
The rising energies, as I’ll discuss below, are bringing to the surface people’s buried desires to live freely.
Opposition to control had to break out somewhere. Someone had to lead the opposition.
Brave truckers sounded the alarm and took that action. And we owe them a debt of gratitude we may not be able to repay.
What’s happening in larger terms has several elements.
Let’s call all the folks who want to depopulate the globe and rule over the remainder, Team Dark.
And all those who are focused on ending this chapter of oppression in Earth’s history and building Nova Earth, Team Light.
Team Dark has called itself (or has been called) by many names – the Illuminati, New World Order, deep state, etc.
Its top, top dark overlords are no longer anywhere near Earth. Its top terrestrial leaders have either been arrested or are dead.
The end of the fiat dollar means the end of them printing money – from printing presses in the US and in China. Their other enterprises – child trafficking, pedophilia, Adrenochrome, etc. – are being shut down at the present time, above and under ground.
不兑现美元的终结意味着他们不再通过美国和中国的印钞机印钱。他们的其他企业-贩卖儿童,恋童癖,肾上腺素红等。- 目前正在地上地下关闭。
Lacking leadership and funds, the NWO rump is using what weapons it has left to cause the La Palma volcano to erupt (the Norwegian HAARP station causing it was closed down), hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes to occur, shootings to happen, and so on.
由于缺乏领导力和资金,NWO 残余部分正在使用剩余的武器,导致拉帕尔马火山爆发(挪威 HAARP 站导致其关闭)、飓风、龙卷风、地震、枪击事件等等。
We can watch them at work trying to undermine and discourage the truckers by, I believe, hiring paid agitators to parade Nazi flags through the truckers’ ranks, deface statues, urinate on gravesites, etc.
The mainstream media are on hand to photograph. The police are nowhere to be seen. And Prime Minister Trudeau immediately jumps to the conclusion that it was the truckers. This is how the deep state operates.
We don’t appreciate how deeply the deep state has penetrated government. The graphic at the top left shows some leading Canadian political figures who are proteges of Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum, which is a key player in Team Dark’s depopulation agenda. Even the leader of the opposition New Democratic Party is included.
我们并不理解政府已经渗透到多么深的地方。左上角的图表显示了一些加拿大政治领袖,他们是克劳斯 · 施瓦布和世界经济论坛的门徒,而世界经济论坛是黑暗小组人口减少议程的关键参与者。甚至反对党新民主党的领导人也包括在内。
Team Light consists of players seen and unseen. The visible part of it is the Alliance, which consists of the Q Team, the military, and all of us digital warriors. The Alliance is, as we speak, destroying deep underground military bunkers and tunnels used for child trafficking, drug trafficking, medical experimentation, development of pandemic viruses, storage of gold, etc.
团队之光由可见和不可见的球员组成。其中可见的部分是联盟,它由 q 团队、军队和我们所有的数字战士组成。正如我们所说,联盟正在摧毁用于贩卖儿童、非法毒品贸易、医学实验、大流行病毒研发、黄金储藏等的地下军事掩体和隧道。
The Alliance is using the cabal’s pandemic strategically. While we’re locked down, they’re deactivating bunkers and tunnels.
The unseen part of the Alliance is (A) our star family, the extraterrestrial races which seeded humanity onto Earth in the first place (no, we didn’t arrive by natural selection); (B) Earth’s ascended masters; and (C) the celestials, behind all of whom stands the Divine Mother (the knowable face of Mother/Father God). (1)
联盟中看不见的部分是: (a)我们的星际家族,是最初将人类播种到地球上的外星种族(不,我们不是通过自然选择到达地球的) ; (b)地球上的扬升大师; (c)天界,所有这些天界的背后都站着神圣的母亲(父亲/母亲神的可知面孔)。(1)
Don’t bother ridiculing me for talking about extraterrestrials and God. I’ve been inoculated. Besides, having been ridiculed often enough for my beliefs, I have acquired immunity.
There are two things we’ll have to confront out of what I just said. One is that Team Dark has done things so evil that, when we’re told about them, we will suffer. Our worldview may collapse. We may need to go easy on ourselves during the time of the upcoming revelations. And stay quiet for a time after hearing.
The second is that our worldview has been held prisoner for millennia and we’re going to have to expand it. To control us, we were told that we were born in sin and only the church had the keys to our salvation.
None of that is true. I’ve experienced the Self that we are and its nature is innocence and purity. (2) And we need no intermediary between us and God.
We’re told that life has evolved by natural selection. That’s partly true. Natural selection is a process. But in fact it turns out that the human species here were seeded by other civilizations on other planets.
Physical evolution does transpire but holding only that view leaves out spiritual evolution. Spiritual evolution is what our lives are all about. (3)
While we think we’re just a body and that’s it, I’ve experienced the soul within the body – that which survives bodily death – and seen its separateness from the latter.
Our empirical materialist paradigms (only what we can see, hear, touch, etc., is real) in science and religion are not serving us. They do however serve the NWO by keeping our sights on the ground, when we could be reaching for the stars.
我们在科学和宗教中的经验唯物主义范式(只有我们能看到、听到、触摸到的东西才是真实的)并不为我们服务。然而,他们确实为 NWO 服务,让我们的目光保持在地面上,当我们可以达到的星星。
While SETI is listening for beeps and clicks, other civilizations have been holding conversations with us through channeled messages for centuries.
当 SETI 正在收听哔哔声和点击声时,其他文明已经通过通灵信息与我们进行了几个世纪的对话。
Knowledge of all of this has been suppressed as have the myriad Tesla cures for diseases, med beds, anti-gravity machines, the Looking Glass, etc. (4)
The point I set out to make is that the rising energies on the planet, as a result of closing this chapter of Earth’s history, are forcing out of us a desire to set our global house in order.
The truckers are some of the bravest and most daring among us. But it could also have been all medical personnel in every hospital. It could have been all airplane pilots.
The energies hitting the planet as part of the consciousness raising that’s occurring as we move from the Kali Yuga or Dark Age to the Sat Yuga or Golden Age would have made inaction unbearable for some sector of the population.
作为意识提升的一部分,我们正在从 Kali Yuga 或黑暗时代进入星球年代或黄金时代,这些撞击地球的能量会让一部分人无法忍受无所作为。
We’re all ready for this. This is not just the truckers. This is not just people who refuse the vaccine. This is all freedom-loving people everywhere on Planet Earth. I am talking to all of you.
We have the energies on our side. We have seen and unseen allies who are much stronger than those who oppose us.
And we’re serving the Divine Plan for the uplifting of Terra Gaia to a higher level of existence.
我们正在服务于提升 Terra Gaia 到更高存在水平的神圣计划。
All we’re waiting for is for people to wake up to what’s happening on Earth, as far fetched as that’s seemed to them so far, so that they accept the need to clean house rather than descending into civil war.
我们所期待的就是人们能够意识到地球上正在发生的事情---- 尽管这对他们来说似乎有些牵强---- 这样他们才能接受清理房屋的需要,而不是陷入内战。
But as far as miracles and celebrations go, we, all of us, haven’t seen anything yet.
(1) For a volume drawing together the Divine Mother’s channeled messages through Linda Dillon, go here: It’s All a Journey of Love: The Divine Mother in Her Own Words at
(1)将神圣母亲通过 Linda Dillon 传达的信息整合在一起的一卷,请点击这里: It’s All a Journey of Love: The Divine Mother in Her Own Words at
(2) “We Are, All of Us, Innocent and Pure,” April 7, 2020, at
(2)《我们都是,我们所有人,纯真无邪》 ,2020年4月7日,
(3) It turns out that life does have a purpose. That purpose is to know our true identity. Since everything is God, we must also be God. When we learn that truth, God meets God in a moment of our enlightenment. For that meeting was all of life created.
See Does Life Have a Purpose? at and The Purpose of Life is Enlightenment at”.
在《 见《生活有目的吗? 》 ,在《 见《生活的目的是启蒙》。
(4) Tesla is alleged to have the cures for numerous diseases which the deep state have sequestered. The US military has had antigravity spaceships for decades, as have other nations. The TR3-B Aurora triangular spaceship (google) is an example. Med beds will cure a spectrum of illnesses; med beds are coming. The Looking Glass is a device bequeathed us by Nordic ETs to see into the future; the military sequestered it as well.
(4)据称特斯拉拥有许多被深州隔离的疾病的治疗方法。美国军方拥有反重力宇宙飞船已经有几十年了,其他国家也是如此。TR3-B 极光三角飞船(谷歌)就是一个例子。医疗床将治愈一系列疾病; 医疗床即将到来。窥镜是北欧各国遗赠给我们的一个装置,用来预见未来; 军方也将其隔离。