指挥官艾伦: 加拿大渥太华卡车队

2022年2月7日11:01:02新人阅读指挥官艾伦: 加拿大渥太华卡车队已关闭评论3662字数 10821阅读36分4秒阅读模式

指挥官艾伦: 加拿大渥太华卡车队Hi guys. I thought I’d ask Commander Erron what he’s seeing because his ship is flying over Ottawa, Canada. Ivo’s ship is more north flying over Northern Ontario, but Commander Erron is flying over Southern Ontario.


All mother ships are hovering above the world, presumably near or over our cities in a flower of life pattern.


Me: So, Commander Erron, tell us, what do you see?

我: 那么,艾伦指挥官,告诉我们,你看到了什么?

Commander Erron: Hello Sharon, how are you?

艾伦指挥官: 你好,莎伦,你好吗?

Me: I’ve been better.

我: 我好多了。

CE: Yes, your liver is acting up. You could hold off on some of the juices you’re drinking and it wouldn’t be so painful.

CE: 是的,你的肝脏有问题。你可以暂时不喝果汁,这样就不会那么痛苦了。

Me: I’m beginning to like the juices, like beet juice and kale juice. Never thought I’d see myself doing juicing in my life but I’m determined to clean my body out and to detox it.

我: 我开始喜欢果汁了,像甜菜汁和甘蓝汁。从来没有想过我会看到自己在我的生活中做榨汁,但我决心清理我的身体,并排毒。

CE: Then you would lose more weight. So then you realize that taking the birth control pill, taking anti-depressants and taking big pharma drugs are polluting your cells…

CE: 那么你会减掉更多的体重。然后你意识到服用避孕药、抗抑郁药和大型制药公司的药物正在污染你的细胞..。

Me: I’ve got that. Yes. And sugar. And they’re also throwing the endocrine system out of balance.

我: 我明白了。是的。还有糖。而且他们还让内分泌系统失去了平衡。

CE: Yes, that one too. They’re all drugs and humans don’t need drugs to heal. You’re starting to look into light as a healing therapy and that’s a good idea.

CE: 是的,那个也是。它们都是药物,人类不需要药物来治愈。你开始把光看作是一种治疗疗法,这是一个好主意。

Me: Yes. So, tell me Commander, what are you seeing in Ottawa?

我: 是的。那么,告诉我,指挥官,你在渥太华看到了什么?

CE: Speaking of polluting your bodies, Canadians certainly like eating pizza.

CE: 说到污染你的身体,加拿大人当然喜欢吃披萨。

Me: LOL Yes, I saw video’s of donuts being distributed as well. What are you going to do? People want freedom and they don’t realize that these foods are making them sick, making them more beholden to the system even.

我: 哈哈,是的,我看到甜甜圈的视频也在分发。你打算怎么办?人们渴望自由,但他们没有意识到这些食物正在使他们生病,甚至使他们更加受制于体制。

CE: You didn’t. You gave up on doctors after it became obvious the test results were incorrect.

CE: 你没有。在发现测试结果明显不正确之后,你就放弃了医生。

Me: I did. I just went on youtube and never looked back.

我: 是的。我只是上了 youtube,再也没有回头。

CE: So, I see lots of pizza, donuts, beer and smoking. LOL Oh well!

CE: 所以,我看到很多的比萨饼,甜甜圈,啤酒和烟。呵呵,好吧!

Me: I assume there were some tussles between the police and the truckers or people there partying as well…

我: 我猜警察和卡车司机之间有些争执,或者那里的人也在开派对... ..。

CE: There were but it was nothing outrageous. This is a peaceful organization.

CE: 有,但是没有什么不可容忍的。这是一个和平的组织。

Me: I’m getting an intuition that the Deep State is going to kick it up a notch. They want us fighting because then they can bring in the military to suppress us.

我: 我的直觉告诉我,深州将会更上一层楼。他们希望我们战斗,因为这样他们就可以用军队来镇压我们。

CE: Yes, they have plans. As soon as they learned that there was a convoy, they set about making new plans. They have removed players from the area and hidden them in safety, and yes, this was a white hat operation.

CE: 是的,他们有计划。他们一得知有一个车队,就着手制定新的计划。他们已经把球员从这个地区带走,并把他们藏在安全的地方,是的,这是一个白帽行动。

Me: Ashtar had told us that there are white hats in every government, including the Canadian government, and they have more power than we know, but why would they protect Trudeau?

我: 阿斯塔告诉我们每个政府都有白帽子,包括加拿大政府,他们比我们知道的更有权力,但是他们为什么要保护特鲁多?

CE: He’s not the real Trudeau. That one’s been arrested, Sharon. This is a double. They’re protecting their own man. They allow him to look like he’s afraid because then the people will feel more empowered.


Me: But the real deep state is planning a counter attack, then? What do you think it will be?

我: 但是真正的深度状态是计划反击,那么? 你认为会是什么?

CE: They are. It will be something like a bomb was planted at the capitol and the truckers have to move for their own safety. It, again, will be made to appear to be done for the sake of the people, but it’s not. Because they’re the ones planting the bomb.


They still have access to the DUMBs underneath the area and they can come and go freely without detection.

他们仍然可以访问地下的 dumb,他们可以自由出入而不被发现。

Me: So it’s like there’s the Patriots, the white hats and the black hats all figuring in on this event.

我: 就好像爱国者,白帽子和黑帽子都参与了这件事。

CE: Yes, it always is. You’re dealing with three parties, not two. Sometimes when the patriots take on the black hats, the white hats step aside and watch but this time with the patriots approaching the government, the patriots are approaching the white hats’ puppet – Trudeau. Really? Do you think the real Trudeau would have backed down and left town to protect himself? He wouldn’t have because he knows who’s behind him. He was just made to look as if he was afraid of the people, and that’s fine.

CE: 是的,一直都是。你面对的是三方,不是两方。有时候,当爱国者戴上黑帽子,白帽子站到一边观看,但这一次,当爱国者接近政府时,爱国者正在接近白帽子的傀儡——特鲁多。真的吗?你认为真正的特鲁多会为了保护自己而放弃吗?他不会这么做,因为他知道谁在背后支持他。他只是被伪装成害怕人民的样子,这没关系。

Me: Really, both white and black hats are manipulating us. Now, do the white hats intend to keep an eye out so that the black hats don’t get a chance to plant a bomb?

我: 真的,不管是白帽子还是黑帽子都在操纵我们。那么,白帽子们是否打算密切关注,以免黑帽子们有机会安置炸弹?

CE: They do. They’re carefully watching this, bringing in more of their own people. Look at the people walking around… do you think they’re all members of the general public?

CE:是的。他们正在密切关注这一情况,引进更多的自己人。看看走来走去的人... ... 你认为他们都是普通大众吗?

Me: LOL I did!

我: 哈哈,我做到了!

CE: Well, they’re not, Sharon. There are many white hat agents walking among the crowds. They are also planting intel into the public there.

CE: 他们不是,雪伦。有许多白帽特工在人群中走来走去。他们还在那里向公众植入情报。

Me: Oh that’s a good idea!

我: 哦,那是个好主意!

CE: And your intuition was correct… you did see fire at the capitol buildings.

CE:你的直觉是正确的... ... 你确实看到国会大厦着火了。

Me: So someone started a fire? That’s what I saw.

我: 所以是有人放的火? 我看到的就是这个。

CE: They can’t get that close to the actual buildings because they’re guarded, but there are some slippery types that will try.

CE: 他们不能离真正的建筑那么近,因为他们有守卫,但是有一些滑溜溜的类型可以尝试一下。

Me: Basically, what you’re saying is this is going to blow up and the DS are probably the ones who will do it.

我: 基本上,你的意思是,这个计划将会爆发,DS 可能就是那些会这么做的人。

CE: They want you off of their backs, Sharon.

CE: 他们想让你离他们远点,莎伦。

Me: Not gonna happen. This event is going to make people even more determined to gain their freedom back, at least their old freedoms. But they may not realize that that system is what allowed this to happen, so change has to happen. I’m feeling there may be deaths, maybe some truckers?

我: 不可能。这一事件将使人们更加坚定地夺回他们的自由,至少是他们过去的自由。但是他们可能没有意识到这个系统正是允许这种情况发生的原因,所以改变必须发生。我觉得可能会有死亡也许是卡车司机?

CE: That’s possible.

CE: 有可能。

Me: How long will this last for, do you see?

我: 你看,这个能持续多久?

CE: Possibly for months, Sharon. It will lead to a stalemate and there will be acrimony on everyone’s part. People will want their food and supplies that the truckers have trucked in for them, and they will blame the truckers or the government for not resolving the conflict.

CE: 可能几个月吧,Sharon。这将导致僵局,各方都会发生口水战。人们会想要卡车司机为他们运来的食物和补给,他们会指责卡车司机或政府没有解决冲突。

Me: So Canadians, stock up now! Get your supplies for a couple months anyway. I’m stocked up, I’m not worried about it really.

我: 那么,加拿大人,现在就囤积吧!无论如何,要找到几个月的补给。我已经准备好了,我一点也不担心。

So we should keep sending light energy to the truckers and the region in general in order that the best resolution can be obtained.


CE: Yes, that’s a good idea.

CE: 是的,这是个好主意。

Me: It’s garnered a lot of attention, not the least of which is the surprise many people have felt because the Canadians got up and took on their own government. Canadians are noted for their apathy so I guess we can just chuck out that unworthy appraisal. There are lot of people backing the truckers in any way they can and more and more are going to rise up around the world. It’s great! People are unifying! It’s wonderful!

我: 这引起了很多关注,尤其是许多人感到惊讶,因为加拿大人站出来反对他们自己的政府。加拿大人以他们的冷漠著称,所以我想我们可以把那些不值得评价的东西扔掉。有很多人以各种方式支持卡车司机,而且越来越多的人将在世界各地站起来。太棒了!人们团结起来了!太棒了!

CE: It is but don’t think the DS will allow the truckers to keep the upper hand. They will come back with retaliation. That’s the way they are.

CE: 是的,但是不认为 DS 会让卡车司机占上风。他们会回来报复的。他们就是这样的人。

Me: You guys are watching for this, aren’t you?

我: 你们在看这个,是吗?

CE: I have another mother ship here monitoring alongside my ship. We are listening to Deep State communications all around the world. Yes, we can hack any conversation we want to. We can understand what is happening, and what needs to be done about it at every level. So far, they are only planning worse weather for the region, and from the looks of it today, it’s either a fail or they will come up with more later this week.

CE: 我这里有另一艘母舰在监视我的船。我们正在收听全世界各地的深州通讯。是的,我们可以黑进任何我们想要的对话。我们可以理解正在发生的事情,以及在各个层面需要做些什么。到目前为止,他们只是在为该地区计划更糟糕的天气,从今天的情况来看,要么失败,要么在本周晚些时候提出更多的计划。

Me: Yes, it’s snowing lightly. Not that snow is anything to fear even when worse. It’s just boring because there’s no sun. Is it possible that you can change the weather as well?

我: 是的,雪下得很小。即使雪下得更大,也没什么好怕的。太无聊了,因为没有太阳。有没有可能你也可以改变天气?

CE: We could intervene, we don’t typically do so when it comes to Canada because nothing really happens up there that’s so extreme. Just a blizzard now and then.

CE: 我们可以介入,但是在加拿大,我们通常不会这么做,因为那里没有发生什么极端的事情。只是偶尔有暴风雪。

Me: True. But you intervene in the States, don’t you?

我: 没错。但是你在美国干涉,不是吗?

CE: We do. We have to because so many would die if we didn’t.

CE: 是的,我们必须这么做,因为如果我们不这么做,会有很多人死去。

Me: So, to sum up, this will create a big stalemate in Canada, presumably sides will be polarized, there will be political arguments and perhaps the Conservatives will rise up and do something about Trudeau and the DS, maybe Canada will actually get one province liberated from the agenda: Ontario. Wouldn’t that be nice? Yes, I’ll keep thinking positively. Just like the States has Florida, we need one province that’s free of the agenda and back to where we were.

我: 所以,总而言之,这将在加拿大制造一个巨大的僵局---- 大概双方会分化,会有政治争论,也许保守党会站起来,对特鲁多和 DS 做些什么---- 也许加拿大实际上会从议程中解放出一个省: 安大略省。那不是很好吗?是的,我会继续积极地思考。就像美国有佛罗里达州一样,我们需要一个没有议程的省份,回到我们原来的地方。

CE: You have to change it. The people have to change it. You are the key to all of this. You have to change and to show you are changing.

CE: 你必须改变它。人们必须改变它。你是这一切的关键。你必须改变,并且表现出你正在改变。

The White Hats have kept up the charade as long as was required for the people to rise up. They’re doing this in many countries which they’ve already liberated. Not all are liberated, though. When the people rise up they will be dealing with who they believe are black hat operators but it will be the white hats disguising themselves as black hats they will be negotiating with.


Me: So the patriots have to renegotiate with the white hats disguised as black hats, while the real black hats are trying to disrupt all of this progress.

我: 所以爱国者们不得不与伪装成黑帽子的白帽子们重新谈判,而真正的黑帽子们正试图破坏所有这些进步。

CE: Correct.

CE: 正确。

Me: What about Trudeau, not that I care about the man, but will he finish his term in office?

我: 特鲁多怎么样,不是说我关心这个人,而是他会完成他的任期吗?

CE: No. The dark hats throw their own under the bus so the white hats would be expected to do the same in order to mimic their behaviour.

CE: 没有。黑帽子把自己扔到公共汽车底下,所以白帽子也应该这样做,以模仿它们的行为。

Me: Okay, well, we’ll take this one day at a time, then. I’ll have high expectations of a new prime minister.

我: 好吧,那么我们就一天一天地来吧。我对新首相有很高的期望。

CE: Your new system will come from this. The government will be stripped of many of the people who are running private companies that work with the government, the government will be changing its acceptance examination of new candidates and it will exclude those who are satanic and indulge in the rituals satanists enjoy. The people will set up a system of ombudsmen that will keep a close eye on people in the government. Personal expense records will be made public at any time. And of course the QFS will monitor all transactions and reveal dirty business deals. Government will be simplified because there will be fewer transactions as profiteering, ponzi schemes and illicit business deals will be disallowed.

CE: 你们的新系统将来自于这个。政府将剥夺许多与政府合作经营私营公司的人的权利,政府将改变对新候选人的录取考试,并将那些狂热崇拜撒旦的人排除在外。人民将建立一个监察制度,密切关注政府中的人民。个人费用记录将随时公布。当然,QFS 将监控所有交易,揭露肮脏的商业交易。政府将被简化,因为将有更少的交易,因为暴利,庞氏骗局和非法商业交易将被禁止。

Me: About time!

我: 是时候了!

CE: It is the People’s Will. So it must be.

CE: 这是人民的意愿,所以必须如此。

Me: Thanks Commander.

我: 谢谢,指挥官。

CE: You’re most welcome, Sharon. Adieu.


**Channel: Sharon Stewart

* * 频道: Sharon Stewart



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