
2021年4月26日14:44:12新人阅读织女星的伊沃|你在这个矩阵社会中的权利与特权已关闭评论7687字数 12752阅读42分30秒阅读模式


织女星的伊沃|你在这个矩阵社会中的权利与特权So next in the on-going drama of Ontario Premiere Doug Ford and the recent lockdown.Doug Ford is said to be apologizing madly to the Ontario public,saying that he overstepped his bounds in implementing that lockdown,replete with traffic stops and police checks.Now I see,also on Yahoo News,that there is an extremely virulent strain of the virus which has been active in India,which has now shown up in Canada.I don't read the news,folks.These are the headlines that jump out on me while I'm setting up my browser for the day.They want everyone to see this.


There you go,Doug.Right on time!Nice manipulation to get you off the hook.The people will willingly put themselves in lockdown because now they have reason to be doubly afraid.


I personally am getting very tired of this.I have no intention of modifying anything I do on account of their silly threats.


I'd like to discuss their agenda in more detail and what it means to the average person.Perhaps people don't realize it,but already what they have a right to is being treated with conditions.This is wrong.No conditions should be exercised against our human rights,yet the DS has made a habit of doing this from day one.That's what they're about:control and taking the rights away from those they dominate,and they've done this around the galaxy and probably beyond.Not only have they modified our rights with conditions to turn them into privileges,but they have and continue to,talk it up to the public as the next best thing that we should be thrilled about.


They create the problems and then tout the so-called solutions.They're not solutions.They're band aids.


I got up out of bed and thought about what I had to do today.I have to buy cat food and get some nasal strips at the grocery store and my first comment was,"I'll be damned if I'm going to stand in line to buy food!"I should have free access to that store,never mind free food.I tend to go in the evening because there are no line-ups but there shouldn't be line-ups throughout the day either.This is a large capacity store,fully capable of accommodating hundreds of shoppers.


And as an aside,the nasal strips I buy and am basically addicted to are an innovation that has been sold to us and profited off of,in lieu of our actually having good enough health to be able to breathe.What I'm saying is that we should have good enough health in order to breathe unobstructed,yet because we don't,these innovations have been created at a profit to us.It's our right to be able to breathe,folks.We shouldn't have to pay anyone for the privilege of being able to breathe.Being able to breathe is not a privilege,it's a God-given right.


Perhaps if people weren't so eager to create band-aid appliances rather than look at the actual problem that so many people aren't able to breathe properly,then something would get accomplished for a change.Why are so many people allergic?Of course,the experts come back and say it's your body gone haywire,attacking so many things as threats to it when they're not.Okay,why are people's bodies going haywire then?There's another deep rabbit hole.The answer is simple:because we don't live in an environment that allows our minds and bodies to function properly.Normally,earth would do that.There are more explanations from DNA modifications,and more that will explain allergies away.

也许,如果人们不是那么急于创造创可贴,而不是看看实际的问题,这么多人不能正常呼吸,然后一些事情会得到完成的变化。为什么这么多人会过敏?当然,专家回来后会说是你的身体出了问题,攻击了太多的东西,比如威胁,而事实并非如此。那为什么人们的身体会乱成一团?还有一个很深的兔子洞。答案很简单:因为我们生活的环境不允许我们的思想和身体正常工作。正常情况下,地球会这样做。对于 DNA 修饰有更多的解释,更多的解释可以解释过敏。

For someone who is self-governing,it is your right to decide which of your basic rights you wish to make a privilege off of,if in fact any of them.Because our food is poisoned,our air is chemtrailed,our health is compromised,and our news media keeps the facts hidden from us,many can't tell their rights from the privileges that the clampdown intends to take away from us at some point.


Yes,that's the plan.When you don't comply with the vaxx agenda,you will not be allowed into grocery stores.Where are you supposed to get your food from?Do you think they care?They're trying to kill off eighty to ninety percent of the population,so if you starve to death rather than die of the jab,do you think they care?They would be looking at ways they can create more of the same,not resolve the problem.

是的,这就是我的计划。如果你不遵守 vaxx 计划,你将不被允许进入杂货店。你应该从哪里得到食物?你觉得他们在乎吗?他们试图杀死百分之八十到百分之九十的人口,所以如果你饿死而不是死于注射,你认为他们在乎吗?他们会寻找方法创造更多相同的东西,而不是解决问题。

The globalist agenda is rolling out,folks,and nobody is stopping it.I hardly think that people dying of taking a vaxx that was sold to them as life saving is collateral damage.But many are looking at it that way.They also blame people"for being so stupid for not waking up,"and this attitude is also pretty unrepentant.Fact is,we are at war,yes.But the people who are dying are not collateral damage.The fact is,our right to choose for ourselves has been so manipulated that many are incapable of independent choice anymore.So they are not acting out of free will.In events such as we have now,people have relied upon the governments to tell them what to do,and so in fact,there should be governments in charge who make healthy decisions for people who don't know how to decide for themselves.But we don't have that.So this is not collateral damage.This is deliberate genocide.Stop letting the evil powers on this earth off with a slap to the wrist.Your brainwashing is showing.

全球主义者的议程正在铺开,伙计们,没有人能阻止它。我几乎不认为人们因为服用 vaxx 而死亡,而 vaxx 是作为拯救生命的附带损害卖给他们的。但是很多人都是这么看的。他们还指责人们"因为太愚蠢而没有醒来",这种态度也相当顽固。事实是,我们正处于战争之中,是的。但是那些濒临死亡的人并不是附带损害。事实是,我们为自己选择的权利已经被操纵,许多人再也不能独立选择了。所以他们的行为并不是出于自由意志。在像我们现在这样的事件中,人们依赖政府告诉他们该做什么,因此事实上,应该有政府负责为那些不知道如何为自己做决定的人做出健康的决定。但是我们没有。所以这不是附带损害。这是蓄意的种族灭绝。不要轻易地放走这个世界上的邪恶势力。你的洗脑正在显现。

Our God-given rights are being further encroached on.When you're in a situation of control as I was when I was a child,you understand you have no rights and your self esteem suffers.You realize you've been imprisoned.No,I'm not being dramatic either.Maybe it's this realization that will eventually lead more people to wake up,because from what the pundits are saying,this is what the hold-up is.However,in order to do this,we have to call a spade a spade and stop with the lukewarm porridge talk.


I'm just wondering how nasty this has to get before the last of those who can,actually wakes up to realize we're experiencing first hand mass genocide.


I'm feeling better today.For the last two days I was tired and suffering with brain fog.I find CBD oil helps.The reason I believe I was tired for two days is because our sky was full of clouds and it had actually snowed,which is kind of funny because we haven't had snow in six weeks.But they chemtrailed us one night and I couldn't fight it because I was asleep so I suffered for two days.I'm strongly suspecting what I'm suffering from has something to do with chemtrails.I'm going to experiment by wearing painter's masks,yes,this anti-masker is going to wear painter's masks to see if her health improves.

我今天感觉好多了。在过去的两天里,我疲惫不堪,头脑一片混乱。我发现 CBD 油有帮助。我之所以觉得累了两天,是因为我们的天空乌云密布,而且还下了雪,这有点好笑,因为我们已经有六个星期没下雪了。但是有一天晚上他们用化学药品跟踪我们,我无法抗拒,因为我睡着了,所以我忍受了两天。我强烈怀疑我所遭受的痛苦和化学药品有关。我要试着戴上画家的面具,是的,这个反面具者要戴上画家的面具,看看她的健康状况是否有所改善。

Good health is not a privilege–it's our right!When people start to understand this and demand this be rectified,we'll be getting somewhere finally.Our health system isn't flawed out of ignorance–it's flawed by design.We could be doing a lot better for ourselves collectively.


People keep letting their governments,their medical systems,their banking systems off,making excuses for them.Why?Maybe in the same way at one point I may have made excuses for my parents before I turned into a teenager and placed the blame squarely where it needed to be placed.


Ivo:Very good,my love.You see clearly.You see the genocide,you do not dismiss it as something that happens as a result of other occurrences.You realize this mass genocide can be stopped if in fact somebody bothered to do so.


Me:What I can't figure out is,if all this is supposed to be a pantomime acted out for people to understand the world they've been living in,why are toxic vaxx's allowed to continue to roll out that people are dying of.That's not pantomime.That's the real deal.

:我不明白的是,如果这一切都是为了让人们理解他们所生活的世界而演出的哑剧,为什么有毒的 vaxx 可以继续出现,人们正在死去。那不是哑剧。这才是真正的交易。

Ivo:Correct.It is not entirely pantomime.There are aspects of this that are being played out for the sakes of those who are to understand,there are other aspects that cannot be stopped at the moment and one is the roll-out of the inoculations.There are so many dark agenda's being played out now upon earth that to claim that they are all arrested right now is folly.


Me:Yet there are people making these claims.And I think they're doing so so people will stop worrying and fearing.Why can't the v agenda be stopped,Ivo?


Ivo:They have more up their sleeves,my love.If they cannot roll it out,then they have threatened to destroy the world in other ways.And we believe they have the means to do so.




Ivo:Also,the v agenda at this stage is one that people can choose if they wish to have it or not.It is a precursor to roll-out of the med beds by the Alliance.One leads to the next.

伊沃:另外,在这个阶段的 v 议程是一个人们可以选择他们是否愿意拥有它。这是联盟推出医疗床的前兆。一个接着一个。

Me:Like we needed to experience this in order to try to heal people?Aren't enough of us sick without having to undergo this viral agenda?


Ivo:Yes,there are.It is all to play out though.


Me:I'm getting that there's to be some kind of huge impact or something.World threatened by a vee and med beds come to save the day.

:我明白了,会有某种巨大的影响之类的。世界受到威胁,一个 v 字形和医疗床来拯救一天。

Ivo:My love,the impact that something has is so important as a wake up factor for many people.


If the vee agenda was not allowed to roll out,they would simply implement one of their other agenda's such as releasing deadly toxins into the world's waterways,releasing nuclear waste,or starving the people of earth as they shut down stores.This,in fact,would be the preferred method for the Light.At least you have a choice at this point to take the remedy or not.


Me:As I just said,so many people can't exercise independent thought so it's not really a matter of having a choice anymore,is it?


Ivo:You have the choice of who you wish to listen to.


Me:And the brainwashing prohibits that because in the case of my sister,for example,she thinks I'm a raving lunatic for saying what I do.That's mind control.


Ivo:I realize this,my love,but this is the easiest path through this for the collective.


Me:Wow.Okay.Doesn't say much for the state we're in collectively,does it?


Ivo:Yes,it is that bad.


You must realize they have complete control of your world.And in taking it back,we have had to intervene in their processes.They have so many processes,it has been a large amount of work to work towards your freedom.And yet it is happening.


Me:Yes,like RBC bank collapsing.Never thought I'd live to see the day a Canadian bank would collapse.


Ivo:And yet it is happening.


What is more,so many of you report that it is the children,the innocent ones,that are being saved first.This is correct.The DUMBs are being cleared and children used in the pedo rings are being rescued.There is new activity in the States,of course,because of the large influx of people from South and Central America.Many of these are child traffickers with victims,being brought into the States.So for now,the adults are taking the agenda outright so that the children can be focused on.


Me:Ah.With the assumption that adults are capable of independent thought.


Ivo:With the knowledge that many are not and would choose not to change their previous"normal".And you see this in many:they want their"normal"returned to them,believing that if they comply right now it will be.


Me:I see,yes.


Ivo:Those who have no choice are being rescued first.Then the focus will turn to help all others.


Me:Thanks Ivo.

:谢谢 Ivo

Ivo:I understand this is not easy for anyone,but this pestilence must be eradicated from your planet.


**Source**Channel:Sharon Stewart



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