Logical thinking and connecting all known dots,learns the following conclusion;Every ship that sails through the Suez Canal has a recognised and experienced pilot on board who takes over the captain's authority.The pilot is in the WH plot to ground the boat.And the tub boats'name is Barak 1!Is that a coincidence?Presumably not.
Now,all or many containers have to be taken off board to re-float the boat by losing weight.Meanwhile,the MSM has also reported,and when soon children come out of the containers,all hell will have broken loose and the public masses will wake up in disgust.
现在,所有或许多集装箱都必须从船上卸下来,通过减轻重量使船重新浮起。与此同时,MSM 也在报道,当孩子们很快从集装箱里出来的时候,所有的地狱都将被打破,公众群众将会厌恶地醒来。
They see the crime against humanity live and are then informed that the whole pandemic is too.And through bribery the hospitals and doctors are in on the virus plot,which is also a crime against humanity.
That will be the moment of our massive awakening and victory over the Deep State.Every puppet Clinton,Bush,Boris Johnson,Merkel,Macron,Rutte,Sanchez,etc.can be rounded up and tried.