I am addressing this article to everyone who longs to be in the new 5D World but feels disillusioned by the chaotic events currently playing out around the globe and wonders why the Matrix and its corrupt structures have not yet fully dissolved.This is for those who keep begging for the Financial Reset a/k/a"The Event"button to be pushed,but may not realize the massive Logistics involved in pulling off such an unprecedented feat.Let THE VOICE show you how to accelerate our Ascension and secure the best possible timeline for humanity.It is so much easier than you may think!
The notion of Meditation has come a long way.What once was a social stigma,branding one as an outcast tree hugging hippie,has become a more widely accepted cultural phenomena.Now elementary school children are being taught how to meditate rather than handing them a pinkslip to attend detention after class.Yoga and the practice of mindfulness and meditation has been touted by global spiritual leaders such as Deepak Chopra and these days you may even find yoga and meditation rooms in corporate buildings.
冥想的概念已经有了很大的发展。曾经被视为社会耻辱的"弃儿树拥抱嬉皮",如今已成为一种更被广泛接受的文化现象。现在,小学的孩子们正在学习如何冥想,而不是给他们一张纸条,让他们课后留校。瑜伽以及正念和冥想的练习一直受到全球精神领袖的推崇,比如Deepak Chopra,现在你甚至可以在公司大楼里找到瑜伽和冥想室。
Yet,while meditation has gained wider acceptance as an individual spiritual practice,it is not being used to its full potential and has not been embraced as the key to our evolution and Ascension as a society.In James Cameron's movie"Avatar"the Na'vi race are all connected to the Tree of Souls and everything they achieve(including the protection of their homeland)is done through group meditation.In the captivating end scene,we see thousands of Na'vi meditating as one unit and are able to transfer the consciousness of a dying man into a new body!THAT is the power of Group Intention applied with laser-like focus in a precise moment in time!!You can watch that brief but immensely powerful scene here:Avatar End Scene
Many great civilizations have Ascended by working together,meditating often and in groups and utilizing singular intense focus to leave the confines of their 3 dimensional surroundings.The Aztecs and the Mayans,vast civilizations who seemingly"vanished"into thin air used Mass Meditation to Ascend to a higher dimension.As did the Lemurians and many others.We can do the same!
The keys to Ascending to 5D are peaceful cooperation and group meditation.The larger the group meditating in a single moment,the more powerful the result!!That is why I will continue to envision MILLIONS around the globe joining us in our Mass Meditations!You can help by spreading the word far and wide,both to your Facebook contacts and groups and other influential spiritual leaders and groups.You do not have to know these individuals personally-simply reach out and share the information.Be creative and inspire others to join!
As a starseed,I participate in many global mass meditations.It is an integral part of my mission.We have one such very important meditation coming up on April 4th/5th(depending on where you live in the world)that will be timed with a very powerful astrological configuration at the exact moment of the Jupiter-Pluto conjunction at 10:45 pm EST.See this link for details and exact time(in your corner of the world)and invite as many as possible to join:
Ascension Timeline/End of Coronavirus Meditation(April 4th/5th)
Unfortunately,many are using this opportunity to withdraw their support,complain and verbally attack the Light Forces who are tirelessly working on our behalf to help free us from the enslavement to the Darkest Forces that have ever existed in this or any other universe.The situation we are in is very delicate and dangerous as the dark beings"booby trapped"this planet long ago with quantum level explosives and the process of dismantling this multi-layered system has been very complex.(if you want more information on this I highly recommend reading Cobra's blog"The Portal"which I have been following since 2011 and which contains the most vast and detailed information you will find anywhere about what has really been going on in and around this prison planet for thousands of years–www.2012portal.blogspot.com)
It is not so simple as pushing a"button"and expecting that everything will magically be in order.The Logistics required to mobilize goods,supplies,resources,healing devices,etc.to Millions or Billions of people(entire countries)are enormous,as is the task of revealing and explaining the presence of Alien Civilizations after The Event occurs.It will require serious cooperation on the part of many in the spiritual community on a global level.This level of cooperation has been largely absent until now and is what the Light Forces are looking for in order to decide exactly when and how The Event can be triggered.Let us show them what we are capable of and come together for these Mass Meditations,without hesitation!
The minimum number of people needed to reach critical mass and allow the Light Forces to intervene faster and more directly is 144,000.That is the bare minimum.Imagine what we can accomplish if we reach One Million or more meditators for the April 4th Ascension Timeline Meditation!It can be done!I believe we will reach this number and surpass the wildest expectations of the Light Forces!It only requires 20 minutes out of your day(or night)but that 20 minutes can mean an accelerated breakthrough for humanity of epic proportions.
I am also going to ask that we become much more mindful of our WORDS and EXPRESSIONS.They carry a frequency and can either lower or elevate the vibration of any who read those words or hear those expressions.I will write a more extensive post on the topic of speech and language but in the meantime,please think deeply on what you are about to say,the words you choose and how it would feel if someone was saying those words TO YOU.If they uplift,encourage and support you then by all means use those words!But if they harm,degrade,disrespect or lower the vibration of the recipient,then please reconsider or remain silent.
This is no time to complain,attack,belittle or withdraw our support.We must forge on to the finish line with more fervor than ever before!The dark forces are not diminishing their efforts and neither must we!!
Onward Ho,gathering strength and numbers as we go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are SO CLOSE to Victory!
Ascension means that we are ELEVATING our thoughts,speech and behavior towards one another.We cannot ascend to a higher dimension until we do this!So please I urge all of you reading this to come together in Love,Respect,Unity,Peace and Harmony…..with a strong SINGULAR FOCUS…..and use our collective meditative power to break through this Matrix once and for all and become FREE,SOVEREIGN,HAPPY beings!!!
Let us create and build the world we truly desire with our thoughts,expressions,intentions and GROUP MEDITATIONS.Have I mentioned that MASS MEDITATION is the most powerful tool we possess as a society???I will continue to say it until enough people respond and participate.
If Millions of us would come together in just ONE Mass Global Meditation for 20 Minutes we would dissolve the Matrix and all its darkness INSTANTLY.The Event would happen IMMEDIATELY.
Need I say more?
THE VOICE of Reason has spoken.Are you listening?
THE VOICE(Music Video)-Click to Play
2020年3月20日 上午11:09 1F
2020年3月20日 上午11:14 B1
@ 深邃震撼的蓝天 星星之为可以燎原,意图是好的,但在大规模的控制下实现却很难。
2020年3月21日 上午11:26 B2
@ zhunbeizhuanbian 不是意图,就是冥想显化的事项。既然每一次集体冥想的时候都在冥想转化一切黑暗邪恶与异常,让地表民众无须争斗,没有战争,和谐兴盛的生活,女神想要愛的这种大目标的冥想事项。那么,为什么光明势力不直接把大目标中的小细节也直接纳入光工或者群众的每日冥想显化内容事项。这样不是更加直接贴切地表民众的福祉与需求与受控的现实困难,更加按部就班循序渐进的更加稳步前进的到达更高频率意识吗?
2020年3月21日 上午11:55 B3
@ 深邃震撼的蓝天 我觉得应该是受限于地表人类,就是光之工作者,他也是受限的,不能达到全然专注,这也许是我们学习的一个过程。
2020年3月22日 上午3:22 B4
@ zhunbeizhuanbian 新人引导的链接都打不开了
2020年3月22日 下午5:16 B4
@ 麒麟 4月4/5日的在右侧边栏里就能找到
2020年3月22日 下午9:33 B4
@ zhunbeizhuanbian 没有找到,请问如何参与集体冥想?没有发现每日的音频。目前只下载并参与水瓶座冥想,还是第一次冥想。不行的话我就从冥想入门开始,正念冥想专注冥想app也很多
2020年3月23日 上午8:36 B4
@ 麒麟 如果手机那就往下拉,有每天每隔4小时的生命之花冥想、冠状病毒清除冥想、4月4/5日的扬升时间线/终结冠状病毒冥想。
2020年3月22日 上午9:15 B3
@ 深邃震撼的蓝天 有没有发现集体冥想都选在特定的时间?就是有重大星象或者特别星象的时间?
如果对占星学或者天文学有了解的话就很好理解了 ,不同的形象比如那个星在哪个星座哪两个星合相比方说今日的土星在水瓶座 ,每种不同的行星排列和星盘都会带来不同的影响/变化。星象与我们的世界息息相关。不同的星象会给想显化的愿望带来不同的(大/小,促进/阻碍)的影响。他们在择日上,一方面是重大/特别的能起推进作用的星象,另外是那个行星排列的含义和我们想显化的愿望相契合。那么在那个时间点冥想显化什么就会像加上火箭助推器那样带来快而巨大的变化。