America First candidates go undefeated marking the end of the establishment GOP, and voter turnout suggests the midterms could be an extinction-level event for the DNC.
Not only did the Trump-backed candidates steal the show; we can see evidence of fraud, and the America First candidates STILL won. Most notably in the AZ Governor race, which is the epicenter of fraud from 2020 (Maricopa County) and the barometer to gauge Trump’s influence going into the midterms.
特朗普支持的候选人不仅抢尽了风头,我们还看到了舞弊的证据,而“美国优先”的候选人仍然获胜。最引人注目的是 AZ 州长竞选,这是2020年以来舞弊的中心(马里科帕县) ,也是衡量特朗普在中期选举中影响力的晴雨表。
For those who did not stay up late last night, gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake was down by 10 points when the polls were closing. All the sudden she stormed back to take the lead as the votes started coming in. Meaning the the mail-in votes were heavily in favor of her opponent, establishment Republican Karrin Taylor Robson. While the day-of votes were heavily in favor of Kari Lake.
对于那些昨晚没有熬夜的人,州长候选人 Kari Lake 在投票结束时落后10个百分点。当投票开始进行时,她突然冲了回来,取得了领先。这意味着邮寄选票大大有利于她的对手,共和党建制派 Karrin Taylor Robson。而当天的投票结果大多支持 Kari Lake。
This gives serious validity to the reality that mail-in ballots are being manipulated. More proof that mail-in ballots consistently favor Trump’s opponents, when mathematically the mail-in ballots should be representative of the day-of votes. Giving more validity to the reality that the Dems don’t like lockdowns for scientific reasons, but rather for political ones. Thus giving more validity to the reality that the Dems are creating biological weapons to justify these lockdowns. It all ties together.
This is why the Left and their subservient media are so hostile towards the Trump backed candidates, specifically in AZ. All of them are openly criticizing the results of the 2020 election due to the incontrovertible evidence of fraud.
这就是为什么左翼及其附庸媒体如此敌视特朗普支持的候选人,尤其是在 AZ. 。他们都公开批评2020年大选的结果,因为有不容置疑的欺诈证据。
The left-wing media rags call America First candidates “conspiracy theorists”, “far-right”, “false claims”, etc. 100% negative language. 100% negative coverage. Despite all of that, the People have spoken, and now the Left are throwing an absolute bitch fit.
左翼媒体把“美国第一”候选人称为“阴谋论者”、“极右派”、“虚假宣称”等等100% 的负面语言。100% 的负面报道。尽管如此,人民已经发表了意见,现在左派已经开始大发雷霆了。
I for one and completely for it. Their tears are just delicious.
Why are they so upset? Because they know this represents the overall position of the American voter base, meaning the midterms are going to be an absolute blood-bath. Which would mean filibuster-proof supermajorities. Which would mean unleashing of congressional investigations, impeachment trials, reversal of the 2020, election, etc.
Hell, if they wanted to, they could nominate Trump to be Speaker of the House, making him a Biden and Kamala impeachment away from President. Trump has publicly said this is not his plan, but it’s still a reality the Left are facing, should the America First MAGA party perform in November like they did last night.
见鬼,如果他们愿意,他们可以提名特朗普为众议院议长,让他成为拜登和卡马拉弹劾总统的对象。特朗普曾公开表示,这不是他的计划,但如果美国优先 MAGA 党像昨晚那样在11月表演的话,这仍然是左派面临的现实。
Not only did all Trump-backed candidates win their primaries, the voter turnout for the DNC was significantly behind the overall GOP turnout. Granted these numbers could be inflated due to fraud attempts to derail the Trump-backed candidates, but the overall indication is that the Trump base is highly motivated going into November.
Now while this is all excellent news, the Left are seeing this, and they know that their impending doom is coming unless they do something. And given their past playbook, and their posturing with Monkeypox, they are likely going to give everything they have to shut America down again to force mass mail-in voting. I’m not sure what other options they have, but I know they will find it. They are going to have to do something drastic to stop the Red Wave.
So while this is a huge victory, and the stars are aligning, just keep in mind that the enemy is most dangerous when backed into a corner.
-Clandestine 秘密行动