UFO expert Jason Suraci has filmed several strange orbs over Buckley Space Force base in Colorado,with some of the objects appearing to change shape,and has sparked claims aliens are watching us
UFO 专家 Jason Suraci 在科罗拉多州的巴克利空间力量基地上空拍摄到了几个奇怪的球体,其中一些物体似乎在变形,并引发了外星人正在监视我们的说法
An intergalactic unit set up by former US President Donald Trump to probe threats from other planets is being watched–by aliens,believers say.
The Space Force,tasked with protecting US satellites orbiting Earth,has been targeted by strange orbs over its HQ and has sparked claims ETs are watching us,watching them.
UFO expert Jason Suraci has filmed several strange orbs over Buckley Space Force base in Aurora,Colorado.
UFO 专家 Jason Suraci 在科罗拉多州 Aurora 的 Buckley 空间力量基地上空拍摄到了几个奇怪的球体。
The objects appear to change shape while others are similar to the infamous"Tic Tac"UFO filmed by US Navy pilots.
这些物体看起来会改变形状,而其他物体则类似于美国海军飞行员拍摄的臭名昭著的"Tic Tac"UFO。
In one video clip posted on Instagram,he said:"This was a Tic Tac UFO I saw manifest then it shot into the clouds.This is not a drone or balloon or any kind of aircraft."
在 Instagram 上发布的一个视频剪辑中,他说:"我看到的是一个 Tic Tac UFO,然后它被射入云层。这不是无人驾驶飞机、气球或任何类型的飞机。"
The Space Force,the first in more than 70 years,falls under the US Air Force and was launched in 2019.
It is not intended to put troops into orbit,but will protect US assets,such as the hundreds of satellites used for communication and surveillance.
Some UFO hunters believe the space force will take over responsibility for tracking and investigating UFOs.
一些 UFO 猎人相信太空部队将接管追踪和调查 UFO 的责任。
In 2020 former Israeli space security chief Haim Eshed sent UFO believers into a frenzy when he said humans had been in contact with aliens from a"galactic federation".
2020年,以色列前太空安全主管哈伊姆·艾希德称人类与来自"银河联邦(消歧义)"的外星人有过接触,这让 UFO 信徒们陷入了疯狂。
Eshed also said that former president Trump was aware of the aliens'existence and had been"on the verge of revealing"information but was asked not to in order to prevent"mass hysteria".