萨南达| 相信上帝意味着什么?

2022年2月12日18:34:04灵性成长萨南达| 相信上帝意味着什么?已关闭评论546字数 3697阅读12分19秒阅读模式


萨南达| 相信上帝意味着什么?JJK: I am completely in God’s hands! I live according to this motto. But I often ask myself, what part do I have to play? Where do I have to take responsibility myself?

JJK: 我完全听天由命!我的生活就是以这句格言为准。但是我经常问自己,我必须扮演什么角色?我应该在哪里承担责任?

For example, if I know that a flood could wash away my house, then am I responsible for building dams or taking precautions to prevent it? Or is it enough here to simply say, “God will take care of it?”


My motto is, “Help yourself and God will help you!” Only many people, especially in the esoteric scene, have no understanding for this at all. They rejoice on cloud 7 and don’t care about anything else. So what is the right approach to a life of trust in God?

我的座右铭是:"帮助自己,上帝会帮助你!" 只有许多人,特别是在神秘的场景中,根本不理解这一点。他们在云端欢呼雀跃,对其他事情不屑一顾。那么,什么才是信任上帝的生活的正确方法呢?

SANANDA: Your description is accurate. On the earthly level, it is necessary to consider the earthly conditions. It is right to do everything humanly possible, so danger is to be averted from one, only after that you can confidently leave everything to God.

萨南达: 你的描述是准确的。在地上的层面上,有必要考虑地上的条件。做任何人力所能及的事情都是正确的,所以危险是从一个人身上避免的,只有在那之后你才能放心地把一切交给上帝。

JJK: I still remember the story from the book “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahansa Yogananda. Yogananda tells of his enlightened master, Sri Yukteswar Giri, who rarely left his house. When asked why this was so, the master replied that he had people in his family who would like to take possession of the house, and if he were gone too long, these people might take possession of his house.

JJK: 我仍然记得《一个瑜伽行者的自传的故事》一书中的帕拉宏撒•尤迦南达。尤加南达讲述了他的启蒙主人,圣尤地斯瓦尔,他很少离开他的房子。当被问及为什么会这样时,主人回答说,他家里有人想占有这所房子,如果他离开太久,这些人可能会占有他的房子。

That is, here a master operates completely according to the earthly events. It would be easy for him, who could bring the dead back to life, to bring these people to their senses. However, such interventions, especially when it concerns oneself, are not allowed.


SANANDA: That’s right. Please take off the blinders, thinking that you don’t have to care about anything earthly. That is a mistake. Look sharply and without fear at the current developments and put your life in relation to what is happening now!

萨南达: 没错。请摘下眼罩,认为你不必在乎任何世俗的东西。这是个错误。敏锐地、不带恐惧地看待当前的发展,把你的生活与正在发生的事情联系起来!

Compulsory vaccination in Austria?
There are always solutions, but you must strive for the solutions and swim courageously against the current. On all levels you have to stay awake and be vigilant. Let God guide you even in earthly matters. God does not live only on the hundredth floor, but meets you especially on the ground floor- and God can change the circumstances in your life favorably, turn them into the light and undo everything that harms you.


Everything is possible for God. Nothing can happen to you if you trust in God, but for this your cooperation is required to face life vigilantly. Ignoring facts is the wrong way here, because in this way no inner growth can be generated.


JJK: Now there is a discussion in Austria about compulsory vaccination. Will that come?

JJK: 现在在奥地利有一个关于强制接种疫苗的讨论。会来吗?

SANANDA: Everything points to it. But stay in confidence and have courage, the house of cards will collapse.

萨南达: 一切都指向它。但是保持信心和勇气,纸牌屋就会倒塌。

Observe the developments carefully and decide for yourselves how to deal with them. Help will always be given to you, you have to make the decisions yourself. That is what matters: Acting on your own responsibility and always trusting in God’s help and building on HIS grace – that is the way.

仔细观察事态发展,自行决定如何处理。帮助总是会给你的,你必须自己做决定。这才是最重要的: 履行你自己的责任,始终相信上帝的帮助,建立在他的恩典之上——这就是道路。

With this message I say goodbye for now.


God surrounds you from all sides, you are completely in HIS hand. Live your life!


**Channel: Jahn J Kassl

* * 频道: Jahn j Kassl

**Translation to English by EraofLight.com

* * 翻译成英文作者: eraoflight. com



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