The writers of this “movie” seem to have lost the plot. It meanders like the Mississippi River and seems twice as long. There is a lot of intriguing information flowing these days, that is for sure—if you can catch it. The Q team encouraged us to “learn our comms”. Did we listen?
这部“电影”的编剧们似乎已经失去了情节。它像密西西比河一样蜿蜒曲折,而且似乎长了两倍。当然,如果你能捕捉到这些有趣的信息,那么这些天就会有很多有趣的信息流动。Q 团队鼓励我们“学习通讯”。我们听进去了吗?
LT’s latest got me up to speed on a few things—like Virginia’s gubernatorial actor Glenn Youngkin isn’t who we thought and has ties to China in his investments? Plot twists, like I said. And there is a great deal of deception in the psyop, too. The crew may remember waaaaay back after I finally decided Q was the real deal that I referred to it as a psyop—in a good way. For our benefit.
它最近让我了解到一些事情——比如弗吉尼亚州州长演员格伦•杨金(Glenn Youngkin)不是我们所认为的那个人,他的投资与中国有关系?情节曲折,就像我说的。而且在心理战中也存在着大量的欺骗。在我最终决定 q 是一个真实的东西,我把它称为一个心理活动ーー在一个好的方面,船员们可能还记得我回来的时候。为了我们的利益。
I think all of this is about our ascension and the future of Humanity. All these dramatic vignettes and side shows are going to have the desired effect and we will rise to the occasion and leave the [d]evil behind.
11.5.21: SOONER or LATER God will cut the DEEP STATE DOWN! Huge victories! BATTLES continue! PRAY!
11.5.21: 上帝迟早会切开深层的国家! 巨大的胜利! 战斗继续! 祈祷!
What appears to be happening is not what is really going on. The veteran crew know this and I sound like a broken record. Humanity is being “managed” by benevolent forces and characters who appear to be here and bigger than life but may not be who or what we think.
If you think you’ve got this baby all figured out—you’ve got another think coming. I can’t wait for the truth to come out, despite knowing much of it will be hard to accept. I gots to know. Nothing matters more than the truth.
One of the first bits of news I got yesterday was the following Tweet, which, in itself is not conclusive so I didn’t share it but keep reading. It doesn’t have to be an actual photo. The purpose is to send a message. Did you receive?
昨天我得到的第一条新闻是下面的 Tweet,它本身并不是决定性的,所以我没有分享它,而是继续阅读。它不一定是一张真实的照片。目的是发送一个信息。你收到了吗?
Shane McMinn author since 2011 ?? in ?? on Twitter: " / Twitter"
That is the second time we’ve seen Nazi Pelosi with the authorities. Last time it was female LEOs escorting her. Why the difference? To make a point. So we know it’s a different event. “Learn our comms.” They already planted the seed that she would not seek re-election next term. Give me a break. She’s 80 years old!!! Or was…
The first comm was a sign she’d been arrested. They wouldn’t arrest her twice so the second time is the next step. Justice. Read on.
Late yesterday, when Mica was in the hospital—long story for later—I found Phil G had done another update. He said there wasn’t a lot of intel, but he had a couple of announcements. His video began with a different song, a horrible one, and at first I skipped through it but since it wasn’t the usual Johnny Cash, something told me it was meaningful so I rewound and listened to the lyrics. “She might be dead”. Okay. Duly noted.
昨天晚些时候,当 Mica 住进医院的时候,我发现 Phil g 又做了一次更新。他说没有很多情报,但是他有几个声明。他的视频以一首不同的歌开始,一首很糟糕的歌,一开始我跳过了它,但是因为它不是通常的约翰尼 · 卡什,有些东西告诉我它是有意义的,所以我倒回去听歌词。“她可能已经死了”。好吧。注意到了。
And then Phil had on a T-shirt that said “I ♥ Nancy Wilson” [that was a heart, in case the text didn’t translate] and he explained who that was but it was just a diversion from the message because he said he had already given the other announcement and folks may have missed it. And there he was for the whole update with this “Nancy” in our face. Well, it screamed to me, “She’s been executed. Nazi Pelosi is toast.” I feel comfortable connecting those dots but you can take it for what you will. It’s not vetted. Yet. But if you’re on Telegram, consider this. Hellfire?
然后菲尔穿上一件 t 恤衫,上面写着“ i ♥ Nancy Wilson”(那是一颗心,以防文字没有翻译出来) ,他解释了那是谁,但那只是从信息中转移了注意力,因为他说他已经发出了其他声明,人们可能错过了。整个更新过程中,他都在我们面前摆出“南希”的架势。它向我尖叫,“她被处决了。纳粹佩洛西完蛋了。”我觉得把这些点连接起来很舒服,但是你可以把它当成你想要的。它没有经过审查。然而。但是如果你在 Telegram,考虑一下这个。地狱之火?
Here is Phil’s update including his rant about the “patriots” who sold tickets to the event in Dallas this week for the return of JFK Jr., etc. that didn’t happen. It’s one thing to state we know he’s alive but that was a bridge too far.
BTW, it must be significant that Phil’s shelf has a smiley face with x’s on the eyes, which is something Mr. Pool posted awhile back. Who is Mr. Pool?
顺便说一句,菲尔的架子上有一个眼睛上有 x 的笑脸,这一定很重要,这是普尔先生不久前发布的消息。Pool 先生是谁?
(Phil Godlewski) LUMP.
(菲尔 · 戈德莱夫斯基)
Is this comms too?
Telegram (
StormyPatriotJoe – Channel
Six O’Clock
Gathering evidence电报(爱国者/乔频道6点整突袭搜集证据
The “movie” reviews aren’t always positive, but they are revealing. It’s not what it appears. I think that’s obvious now, and anything is possible.
We’ve talked in the past about the fact Queen Romana stated Donald Trump is no longer here. It came up in the questions again on Thursday. Link to Telegram.
我们过去曾谈到过罗曼娜女王声称唐纳德 · 特朗普已经不在这里的事实。这个问题在星期四的问题中又出现了。链接到 Telegram。
Is the real Trump still on Earth?
Answer: No; long gone.
回答: 没有,早就没了。
And later… as people are having a hard time with this one…
后来... 由于人们对这部电影很不满意..。
Her Majesty I AM Queen Romana @romanadidulo Head of State & Commander-in-Chief, Head of Gov’t, Queen of Canada, [11/4/2021 6:12 PM]
For the love of Which part of, “he is no longer on planet Earth” is not clear?女王陛下,我是 Romana@romanadiduro 国家元首和总司令,政府首脑,加拿大女王,[11/4/20216:12 PM ]看在上帝的份上,“他已经不在地球上了”这句话的哪一部分不清楚?
How? Why? The crew has a reasonable suggestion: “Time travel”. Or, it could be another reason, but we do know that most of the characters in this movie were cast with great purpose while some are extras. Whatever it takes to get this done, whether it’s concocting compelling sagas and magnetic heroes… using realistic masks and CGI… the Earth Alliance will get it done. Whatever is necessary. Failure is not an option and deception is part of war. If you take that fact and couple it with the analogy of the “movie” Q proffered, we shouldn’t expect everything to be easy to understand or to be plainly stated.
怎么做到的?为什么?船员们有一个合理的建议: “时间旅行”。或者,这可能是另一个原因,但我们知道这部电影中的大多数角色都是有目的的演员,而有些是临时演员。无论要付出什么代价,无论是制作引人注目的传奇和有磁性的英雄... ... 使用逼真的面具和电脑特效... ... 地球联盟都会完成这项任务。无论什么都是必要的。失败不是一种选择,欺骗是战争的一部分。如果你把这个事实与 q 提出的“电影”的类比结合起来,我们就不应该期望每件事都是容易理解的,或者是简单明了的。
I’m not convinced it’s Queen Romana managing her Telegram account, either. It could be.
- 我也不确定是 Romana 女王在管理她的 Telegram 账户-有可能。
I suggested in the past that we not get too attached to our beliefs about reality, what we’re seeing, who is who in the zoo, where we live, etc. because in many instances we will find that we were mislead or we misconstrued and we will have to reconsider the truth about it all.
One of the uncomfortable truths will be, as we’ve mentioned, the pagan holidays. I would find abandoning our traditions unpleasant as so many happy, positive memories accompany the traditions decade after decade. Why do we cling to our memories so tenaciously and live in the past?
Maybe Hank Williams Jr. said it best in “Family Tradition”.
也许小汉克 · 威廉姆斯在《家庭传统》中说得最好。
This Telegram post gets into the Christmas affair in a one hour video. Link to Telegram to watch.
Dr. James P. Wickstrom – Christmas is pagan, a creation by the phony J to enrich their kind and get the rests in DEBT!!!
詹姆斯 · p · 维克斯特罗姆博士-圣诞节是异教徒的,是虚伪的 j 为了丰富他们的种族和得到休息在债务! ! !
Maybe there is a quick fix to our desire to relive the past and hold fast to our annual celebrations. We’ll see what happens but I won’t abandon my traditions without a fight. I’m already beginning to prepare. We shall have Peace on Earth this year or no NESARA/GESARA.
也许有一个快速解决办法可以满足我们重温过去,紧紧抓住每年的庆祝活动不放的愿望。我们拭目以待,但我不会不战而退。我已经开始准备了。今年我们将在地球上拥有和平,否则就没有 NESARA/GESARA。
As I recall, one of the best things about Christmas as a child was the long break we used to get from school. We were off from an early bell on December 24th (if it was a week day) until January 2nd (if it was a week day). It was glorious. Yummy food, chocolates and candy we weren’t normally allowed to have, cracking nuts, beautiful lights and decorations and drives around town and the countryside to take in all the displays, putting up a tree, baking and decorating cookies, seeing cousins, special television movies, and sometimes—lots of beautiful snow, skating, tobogganing, hot apple cider and hot chocolate to warm us up afterward… I could go on and on.
我记得,孩提时代圣诞节最美好的事情之一就是我们常常从学校得到长时间的休息。我们从12月24日的早钟开始(如果是工作日的话)一直到1月2日(如果是工作日的话)。那真是太美妙了。美味的食物,巧克力和糖果,我们通常不被允许吃,打开坚果,漂亮的灯和装饰,开车在城镇和乡村观看所有的展示,树,烘焙和装饰饼干,看表亲,特别的电视电影,有时许多美丽的雪,滑冰,雪橇,热苹果酒和热巧克力暖和我们之后... 我可以继续下去。
That was typically Christmas in Canada. It’s not as easy to reproduce that in Phoenix, I can tell you, but we do our best and usually go up north to find some snow for Mica to play in. Due to family circumstances and the scamdemic our family has not been here for a couple of years but 2021 will hopefully be different.
Trilby Smith on Twitter: "Is that President Lyndon B. Johnson's signature at the bottom? / Twitter"
Is that President Lyndon B. Johnson's signature at the bottom?
This year I would settle for a long walk with Mica but we’ll have to see. He has relapsed and yesterday we had to take him to an emergency hospital as he damaged his leg again and could barely stand, never mind walk. Dad carried in the 80 pounds of fluff to “our room”; no one was wearing masks! and the experts established the patient was stable, gave him a pain shot, and we had to leave him there for over 8 hours as they were really busy and if someone in worse shape comes in, you can get bumped—and he did.
今年我想和 Mica 一起散散步,但是我们还得看看。他复发了,昨天我们不得不把他送到急诊医院,因为他的腿又受伤了,几乎站不起来,更不用说走路了。爸爸把80磅的绒毛搬进“我们的房间”,没有人戴面具!专家确定病人情况稳定,给他打了一针止痛针,我们不得不把他留在那里8个多小时,因为他们实在是太忙了,如果有更糟糕的情况出现,你可能会被撞到ーー他就是这么做的。
We picked him up at 11:00 pm, they gave us some more powerful meds and strict “no activity” instructions. No stairs, climbing on furniture, walks, or anything other than a slow amble around the house and a quick trip outside. It hurts me to watch him limp and the natural route I had hoped to take is not yielding the desired results fast enough to be noticeable. It seems to me significant soft tissue healing needs to occur. Managing the pain is only to make the healing journey more bearable. We have to resolve the cause of the problem. We need deep healing.
The hospital has a physical therapy expert so we can get acupuncture, water therapy, etc. and we may have to go that route. Whatever it takes to regain his quality of life. I will miss him up here on the second floor and will make a point of spending time with him downstairs. There is nothing wrong with Mica’s appetite and we will have to cut down our food since we’re not going for our long walks every day, but in the end, we will overcome.
We knew there would be negative events unfolding as the cabal in the throes of death is in utter panic and tries to make life as difficult as possible. This event in Texas is one example of the notable ones. Link to Telegram. Note the [17] = Q
我们知道,当阴谋集团在死亡的阵痛中极度恐慌并试图让生活尽可能困难时,将会有负面事件发生。德克萨斯州的这次事件就是一个值得注意的例子。链接到 Telegram。注意[17] = q
At least eight killed in crowd surge during Travis Scott concert at Astroworld Festival
天体世界节期间,特拉维斯 · 斯科特的演唱会在人潮中造成至少8人死亡
A crowd of 50,000 people showed up for the two-day Astroworld Festival in Texas, run by Travis Scott.
在德克萨斯州,由特拉维斯 · 斯科特主办的为期两天的太空世界节吸引了5万人参加。
The local fire and rescue service took [17] people to nearby hospitals, with 11 of them in cardiac arrest, fire chief Samuel Pena said.
消防队长塞缪尔 · 佩纳说,当地消防和救援部门将17人送往附近的医院,其中11人心脏停止跳动。
The symbolism is everywhere.
Digging into it more象征意义无处不在,深入挖掘吧
I don’t talk about the financial angle of things as I don’t have the bandwidth to get into it and I don’t have a comfort level with crypto at all. I don’t trust it. All I need to know is that NESARA/GESARA are real and will soon be rolled out publicly. Income tax will go away as will many other taxes and we will have a flat 14% retail tax on non-essential NEW items only.
我不谈论财务方面的问题,因为我没有足够的带宽进入这个领域,而且我对加密技术一点也不熟悉。我不相信它。我所需要知道的是 NESARA/GESARA 是真实的,并将很快推出公开。所得税和其他税收一样将会取消,我们将只对非必需的新项目征收14% 的单一零售税。
We will have free energy and no longer pay the cabalists for water and resources they stole from us and forced us to buy back from them. The banksters will no longer be printing their money or manufacturing debt out of thin air. The Quantum Financial System is sentient and unhackable.
Here’s an update from Telegram:
以下是来自 Telegram 的最新消息:
A number of banks have randomly closed for this same period of time… If you currently have a Bank Account in the world… your details are already in the Quantum System and your funds are to be transferred onto the Quantum System… Every single person that has a bank account anywhere in the world in any country is already on the Quantum System…The Quantum System is a digital system… a blockchain system… but there will still be physical currency as in the U.S. Note and the U.S. Coin.
许多银行已经在同一时间随机关闭... 如果你目前在世界上有一个银行账户... 你的详细资料已经在量子系统中,你的资金将被转移到量子系统... 每一个在世界上任何地方有银行账户的人在任何国家都已经在量子系统... 量子系统是一个数字系统... 一个区块链系统... 但仍然会有物理货币,如在美国钞票和美国硬币。
“What very few people know is that Deutsche Bank nearly went bankrupt a few years ago and the Chinese Elders pumped some money into it under the guidance of President Trump…so they kept it afloat…But President Trump will tell them at the right time to pull the plug…cuz the minute they pull the plug on Deutsche Bank, which is the Central Bank of Germany, that will collapse the European Union, or the Nazi States of Europe as President Trump calls it.”
“很少有人知道,德意志银行几年前几乎破产,中国的长老们在特朗普总统的指导下向它注入了一些资金... ... 所以他们让它继续运转... ... 但特朗普总统会告诉他们在合适的时间拔掉插头... ... 一旦他们拔掉德意志银行的插头,德国中央银行,欧盟,或者特朗普总统所说的纳粹欧洲国家就会崩溃。”
What I can say is that the banksters have been taken to task and a lot of people have reported loans and debt being forgiven, payments rejected, etc. We got a surprise bit of mail from Wells Fargo yesterday that had my other half aghast. Our interim mortgage in America almost 20 years ago was with Wells Fargo. We paid it off right away with the profits from the sale of our home in Toronto but have now received a cheque from them for $4200 and change for some convoluted reason that I simply interpret as repayment for funds they never had a right to in the first place and interest for the time they had the money and we didn’t. Scammers. They got off easy.
我可以说的是,银行家们已经受到责难,许多人报告贷款和债务被免除,还款被拒绝,等等。昨天我们收到了一封富国银行寄来的惊喜邮件,让我另一半惊呆了。大约20年前,我们在美国的临时抵押贷款是在富国银行(Wells Fargo)。我们马上用出售在多伦多的房子所得的利润还清了债务,但是现在我们收到了他们4200美元的支票,并且由于一些令人费解的原因,我简单地解释为他们本来就没有权利得到的资金的还款和他们有钱而我们没有的时间的利息。骗子。他们很容易就逃脱了。
In this video update from Charlie Ward, he mentions the big banks and their unscrupulous activities of late to attempt to block NESARA/GESARA as well as other information Charlie’s sources provide. They discuss the “announcement” that was supposed to be made, but wasn’t. Typical. And strategic, I’m sure. They do love to wind up the enemy and manipulate them into doing things they will later regret. They never learn.
在这个视频更新从查理沃德,他提到大银行和他们最近不择手段的活动,试图阻止 NESARA/GESARA 以及其他信息查理的来源提供。他们讨论本应发表的“声明”,但却没有发表。典型的。而且我相信这是战略性的。他们确实喜欢激怒敌人,操纵他们做一些以后会后悔的事情。他们从不吸取教训。
A Trevor Winchell intel update referenced that as well.
特雷弗 · 温切尔的情报更新也提到了这一点。
与地下爱国者、 HALCYON 兄弟和 CHARLIE WARD 一起消除 QFS 的腐败
In the Great White Gulag the nurses have a workaround, serving others and volunteering.
Unvaccinated nurses open wellness centre in Kamloops, B.C.
To close, a tribute to the late Nazi Pelosi, grand dam[ned] of the family dynasty. Dust to dust. Buh-bye, you old beyotch.
Oh, and Queen Romana confirmed it is not Donald Trump running the il Donaldo Trumpo Twitter account.
哦,还有皇后罗马纳(Queen Romana)证实,运营 il Donaldo Trumpo 推特账户的不是唐纳德 · 特朗普(Donald Trump)。
It’s probably a military dude having a ball. What a fun job that would be, eh? Military intelligence at its finest, lol.
Nurse Melissa is a talented gem of a lady and we appreciate the laughs.
il Donaldo Trumpo on Twitter: "SPOT ON!!!??? / Twitter"
SPOT ON!!!???
Company’s coming so I’m closing for today unless something big happens. It’s the weekend so there are a lot of protests still in the UK, France, Australia, Italy…
Enjoy your weekend as we coast toward the American Thanksgiving. ~ BP