本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之

2021年4月1日14:21:04本杰明本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之已关闭评论1.6K20字数 13186阅读43分57秒阅读模式

本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之

The coup carried out in the United States by the Rockefeller family and their Council on Foreign Relations slaves is falling apart as the world shuns this heinous crime family.Following the exit of Donald Trump,there is a growing consensus among the power elite that Joe Biden's fake presidency is becoming a disaster movie.That is why a third alternative is being worked on at the highest levels of world power,multiple secret society sources say.

随着世界对这个令人发指的犯罪家族的回避,美国洛克斐勒家族和他们的对外关系委员会的奴隶发动的政变正在土崩瓦解。随着唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)的退出,权力精英们越来越一致地认为,乔·拜登(Joe Biden)虚假的总统职位正在演变成一部灾难片。这就是为什么第三种选择正在世界权力的最高层进行工作,多个秘密社团的消息来源说。

As things stand,the Dragon family,the P3 Freemasons,the Knights of Malta,the British Commonwealth,the Lotus Freemasons,the Russians,and other groups have agreed that a meritocratically staffed future planning organization,with trillions of dollars in funding,is needed for the planet.The Thule society has also been contacted to see if they would be willing to come out of hiding and make their anti-gravity and other technology available to humanity as a whole.


As MI6 puts it these"backchannel discussions are the most important diplomatic discussion in the world at the moment if not in history if we achieve what we envisage."Since–for security reasons–these discussions are taking place via analog means,it will take at least three weeks for any publicly visible results,the sources also say.


In the meantime,the fake Biden presidency psy-ops continues to degenerate.We can now confirm that no U.S.military commanders met so-called U.S.Defense Secretary Llyod Austin when he visited Japan in mid-March.We can also confirm that the South Korean government shunned both Austin and fake Secretary of State Anthony Blinken when they visited that country after Japan.


The so-called president Biden also had what was billed as his first press conference last week.However,it did not take place at the White House and no foreign reporters were there.Nor were the vast majority of the White House Reporters from the Trump administration there.In other words,it was a completely staged incident using propaganda slave reporters throwing softball questions to a mentally challenged Biden look-alike who could barely read his teleprompter.


[We posted a video with some of the symbolism of the Ever Green Suez Canal event that you'll likely enjoy.]


本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之

While this pathetic charade denigrates the U.S.image even further,economic warfare is raging with attacks both by and against the Rockefeller mafia and their stooges.The most obvious sign of this,of course,is the Evergreen ship that blocked the Suez Canal after navigating an"up yours"sign.

尽管这种可悲的伪装进一步诋毁了美国的形象,但经济战正在激烈进行,洛克菲勒黑手党及其走狗发动了攻击,也对他们发动了攻击。当然,这方面最明显的标志就是那艘在通过一个"up yours"标志后封锁了苏伊士运河的长荣船。

本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之

Evergreen is the secret service code for Hillary Rockefeller Clinton,meaning this blockage was a clear message to the Rockefellers.That is why corporate propaganda media outlets like the New York Times are calling the ship the"Ever given."

Evergreen是希拉里洛克菲勒克林顿(Hillary Rockefeller Clinton)的特工代码,这意味着这种封锁向洛克菲勒家族传达了一个明确的信息。这就是为什么像《纽约时报》这样的公司宣传媒体称这艘船为"长赐"的原因

本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之

As has been reported widely elsewhere,a major Chinese highway was also blocked by a truck with the Evergreen logo on it.


本杰明|2021/3/28 洛克菲勒-拜登骗局破灭,世界对其敬而远之

The message is clear,the Chinese communist party deal with the Rockefellers to fund their fake Biden presidency must be ended or Chinese trade routes will be blockaded.


The Chinese took the blockage of the Suez Canal to be an act of war and responded by shooting down two U.S.military satellites,Asian secret society sources say.The short video clips below show their destruction,the sources say.


https://cdn-cinemr.minds.com/cinemr_com/1223532810974437376/720.mp400:00 0:00

The blockage of the Suez Canal and the shooting down of satellites were only the most visible recent signs of the ongoing hybrid world war For example,the Automobile industry,a remaining stronghold of Rockefeller industrial strength,is being slowly strangled by a shortage of semiconductors.


NXP Semiconductors and Infineon Technologies,the world's No.1 and No.3 players in automotive chips,had their production knocked out in February by the unnatural storms in Texas.Now Japanese chipmaker Renesas Electronics,the number 2 player in automotive chips,says their plant was destroyed by a fire last week.So the world's automotive industry is grinding to a halt.



We are also seeing attacks on oil and gas refineries all over the world.Again,these are key bastions of Rockefeller power.In particular,damaging attacks against Rockefeller oil facilities in Saudi Arabia have now been followed by attacks on facilities in places ranging from Mozambique to Indonesia.





There is also a new spate of assassinations and executions going on.Tom Heneghan,who published the picture of Nazi CIA agent Mike Cottrell,briefly reported last week that Cottrell had been killed.That report has since been totally scrubbed from the internet.

此外,还有大量的暗杀和处决事件正在发生。发表了纳粹 CIA 特工迈克·科特雷尔照片的汤姆·海尼根上周简要报道了科特雷尔已经被杀的消息。那份报告已经从互联网上完全删除了。

He also reported that Cottrell lawyer Al Hodges had been cooperating with agency White Hats by"turning over internal communications between Cottrell,Dana Wilcox of the Delmara Timber Trust,then U.S.Treasury Secretary Henry'Hank'Paulson and child rapist Nazi German junior George W.BushFRAUDScherff."This has also now been scrubbed from the internet.


This past weekend we also learned of the death of Gnostic Illuminati Grand Master…Sasha Zarik,aka Alexander Romanov.Zarik was killed by a train at Hanakoganei station in Tokyo last August,according to his wife.We only learned of this last week because the information had been deliberately withheld from us by the group of gangsters hiding on the second floor of the Koganei police station in Tokyo.

过去的这个周末,我们也得知了灵知光明会大师萨沙·扎里克,又名亚历山大·罗曼诺夫的死讯。据扎里克的妻子说,扎里克去年8月在 Hanakoganei 火车站被火车撞死。我们是在上周才得知这一消息的,因为躲藏在小金井警察局二楼的一群歹徒故意不让我们知道这一消息。

Zarik was an Australian Secret Intelligence Service agent who infiltrated East Asian drug smuggling operations of the drug dealing faction of the CIA.He blew his cover in June of 2010 when he went to the Australian embassy in Tokyo to warn that a nuclear device had been smuggled into Japan for use in a nuclear terror attack.The following day Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd was forced to resign by the"Federal Reserve Board,"according to Zariks'ASIS colleagues after Rudd passed this warning on to U.S.intelligence.


Zarik had also been ordered to visit this writer and announce that he had 70 kilograms of contraband and that I had to introduce him to the Japanese Yakuza underworld or else I would be killed.He said if I made the introduction I would get an income of about US$10,000 per month.Instead,I introduced Zarik to Japanese military intelligence agent Takamasu Kawase,who warned it was a trap.The contraband turns out to have been laced with mind-destroying chemicals and Zarik underwent a complete mental degeneration after consuming it over a period of several months.


Zarik had also been asked by the Koganei police thugs to incriminate himself by testifying that I was the mastermind behind the deal.


He refused,whereupon his former colleagues in the secret agency began to shun him.


About that time,British Prime Minister Tony Blair began bragging that I would soon be jailed on drug charges.


Because he blew the whistle on planned nuclear terrorism and refused to commit perjury;Zariks passports and all identification papers in his possession were taken away,leaving him stateless and bankrupt.


You can be sure that the entire Koganei Police Department will be branded as war criminals and hunted down and killed unless they hand over the people who murdered Zarik,including our sources,Hirofumi Nakasone,the son of Yasuhiro Nakasone(who died during interrogation)at Guantanamo).

你可以肯定的是,整个 Koganei 警察局都会被贴上战犯的标签,被追捕和杀害,除非他们交出谋杀扎里克的人,包括我们的消息来源,中曾根弘文·中曾根康弘的儿子,他在关塔那摩的审讯中死亡。

In the larger context,Zarik and I had witnessed a Nazi coup d'état against Western power carried out by German DVD agents.

在更大的背景下,扎里克和我目睹了德国 DVD 代理人发动的反对西方政权的纳粹政变。

These included George Bush Sr.and Jr,Pope Ratzinger,Tony Blair,Jesuit General Peter Hans Kolvenbach,Baron Fritz Thysen,former Japanese Prime Minister Yasuhiro Nakasone,Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu,Henry(Heinz)Kissinger,President Nicolas Sarkozy of France,and the Habsburg royal family hiding behind the Davos World Forum,among others.


Zarik joins Neil Keenan,Jane Burgermeister,Christopher Story and many others in the ranks of the martyrs who oppose these genocidal thugs.However,many of the bad guys,including most of those mentioned above,have either been killed,jailed,or removed from office.Anyone still alive will not last much longer.


Genocide is not a crime you can get away with lightly.Speaking of genocide;A Mossad source informs us about the husband of so-called Vice President Kamala Harris,Doug Emhof,who is a member of the Chabad"kill 90%of humanity and enslave the rest death cult.

种族灭绝不是一种你可以轻易逃脱的罪行。说到种族灭绝,摩萨德的一位消息人士告诉我们,所谓的副总统卡马拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的丈夫道格·埃姆霍夫(Doug Emhof)是查巴德教派的成员,他"杀害90%的人类,奴役其余的死亡邪教"。

This death cult that failed to kill us with bioweapons is now trying to kill us with vaccines as countless whistleblowers are now saying.The following link and a short excerpt from former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr.Mike Yeadon have a clear message:



I am aware of the global crimes against humanity that are being perpetrated against a large portion of the worlds population….


I have absolutely no doubt that we are in the presence of evil(no decision I have ever made before in a 40-year research career)and dangerous products.If someone wanted to harm or kill a significant portion of the world's population in the next few years,it will be made possible by the systems currently set up.I believe it is entirely possible that this will be used for massive depopulation.




??? INVITE https://odysee.com/$/invite/@SixthSense-Truth-Search-Labs:0 ??? MIRROR SOURCE: (I cleaned up the audio). ?MARK ANTHONY STEELE: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/markanthonysteele TELEGRAM: https://t.me/marksteele5g/1823 -------------...

The forensic path to the head of this Octopus or Octogon group remains Switzerland.Remember,when I visited the P2(now P3)Freemasons in Italy,they told me they would fire Pope Maledict and Prime Minister Berlusconi of Italy,and they did.Now,a member of that group,Leo Zagami,says Pope Francis(or more likely his body double)will resign soon.

这只章鱼或章鱼族首领的法医路径仍然是瑞士。记得吗,当我在意大利拜访 P2(现在是 P3)共济会成员时,他们告诉我他们将解雇教皇马尔法令和意大利总理贝卢斯科尼,他们做到了。现在,这个组织的成员里奥·扎加米说,教皇弗朗西斯(或者更有可能是他的替身)将很快辞职。


Zagami and his colleagues also said they took their orders from aliens in Switzerland.


The White Dragon Society has offered to send a representative to meet these"aliens"in Switzerland to negotiate a change in the way this planet operates.Detailed proposals have been sent to the BIS through various intelligence agencies.As mentioned above,the Thule Society was also contacted,which,according to internal sources,operates from underground bases in Switzerland and Greenland.


The Dragon family has also offered the WDS the use of one of the myriad promissory notes(high face value bonds,etc.)that these Swiss aliens have received over the years in exchange for their gold.These IOUs,dominated by countless trillions of dollars,would be more than enough to finance massive projects to make this planet a paradise for all living beings.

龙家族还提供给 WDS 使用这些瑞士外国人多年来收到的无数期票(高面值债券等)中的一张来交换他们的黄金。这些欠条,由无数的数万亿美元控制,将足以资助大规模的项目,使这个星球成为所有生物的天堂。

The creator of the quantum financial system,who is about to take back his rights to the system from the Rothschilds(who stole it from him),has also offered support and turned to the BIS.The Swiss need to turn these aliens over to a Nuremberg Tribunal.Remember,these people have and are actively trying to murder most of humanity.



  • 本文由 发表于 2021年4月1日14:21:04
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