Ep. 2726a – The [CB] System Is Being Destroyed, The Birth Of A New Economic System Comes Into Focus
Ep.2726a-[ CB ]体制正在被摧毁,新经济体制的诞生成为焦点
Ep. 2726b – Did Putin Just Seize The [DS] Assets? The [DS] Treasonous Crimes Are About To Be Revealed
X22 报告发表于2022年3月15日
The European states are starting to realize that they cannot depend on other nations for their energy. The [CB]/Biden admin are failing to keep the narrative, each passing day it gets worse and worse. Producer inflation rises to 10%. Russia planning new supply routes. SA considers accepting other currencies.
欧洲国家开始意识到他们不能依赖其他国家的能源。(CB)/拜登的行政人员未能保持叙事,情况一天比一天糟糕。生产者通货膨胀率上升到10% 。俄罗斯计划新的补给线路。南非考虑接受其他货币。
The [DS] is in trouble, Zelensky is now making the rounds and visiting countries, which means they already lost. Putin just seized the [DS] assets in Ukraine and barred them from entering. Trump puts out a statement that their crimes are going to be finally revealed. What we are witnessing is the destruction of the old guard.