Ep. 3007a – Biden Is Ready To Destroy It All, Trump Has A Solution
第3007a 章-拜登准备摧毁一切,特朗普有一个解决方案
Ep. 3007b – Trump: At The End Of My Next Four Years The Swamp Will Be Drained, Country Returned
Trump: 在我接下来的四年结束时,沼泽将被抽干,国家将回归
The Chamber of Commerce supports Biden pick for World Bank, tells you everything you need to know. 3 Mexican oil companies caught fire, just another coincidence. Biden destroying retirement and wealth, Trump building it up with a solution.
The [DS] is now scrambling to get Trump, they have nothing left, now they are trying to keep him out of DC and the GOP think there is going to be another nominee, they are all wrong. Trump knows he has the people, with the people he can drain the swamp and he will do it when he gets into the WH. Nothing can stop this, nothing.