正确的时间戳: “特朗普总统‘两周内的大事件’”|星际之门通讯

2023年10月17日19:44:37新人阅读正确的时间戳: “特朗普总统‘两周内的大事件’”|星际之门通讯已关闭评论79字数 5049阅读16分49秒阅读模式

October 16, 2023 2023年10月16日

Firstly, apologies lovely blog readers - I need to address a time-stamp error in a video from yesterday's post. It was the video of President Trump talking about BIG things happening 'within (or in) two weeks'. The time stamp for President Trump's segment is at 1 hour 8 minutes 8 seconds...



Now for a reminder of the first Q drop ever - on 28th October 2017.

现在让我们回顾一下2017年10月28日的第一次 Q 值下降。

Anonymous ID: BQ7V3bcW No.147012719 
Oct 28 2017 15:44:28 (EST)
匿名身份: BQ7v3bcW No. 147012719 October 28201715:44:28(EST)

Anonymous ID: gb953qGI No.147005381 
Oct 28 2017 14:33:50 (EST)
匿名 ID: gb953qGI No. 147005381 October 28201714:33:50(EST)

Hillary Clinton will be arrested between 7:45 AM - 8:30 AM EST on Monday - the morning on Oct 30, 2017.

希拉里 · 克林顿将于20171030日美国东部时间周一上午7:45-8:30被捕。


HRC extradition already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run. Passport approved to be flagged effective 10/30 @ 12:01am. Expect massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US to occur. US M’s will conduct the operation while NG activated. Proof check: Locate a NG member and ask if activated for duty 10/30 across most major cities.

> 147005381HRC 引渡已于昨日生效,涉及若干国家,以防跨境逃亡。护照于上午10:30@12:01批准悬挂。预计会发生大规模的反抗组织的骚乱和其他逃离美国的事件。美军将在 NG 启动时执行行动。证明检查: 找到一个 NG 成员,并询问是否激活执勤10/30在大多数主要城市。

We are approaching the FIRST Monday on October 30th since that famous drop was posted. In other words, we may be only days away from an event that could potentially be the first major domino to fall, inciting global shock and setting off a chain reaction of unstoppable events. NOTHING CAN STOP WHAT IS COMING.


This is a good time to remind you of  basic preparation: keep your vehicle tank full of gas...have some cash in your house...ensure you have enough food and medical/prescription supplies for several weeks, including for your furry friends. Don't go overboard - be sensible. Apart from that, my advice would be to sit back, relax and watch the show unfold.

这是一个很好的时间来提醒你基本的准备: 让你的汽车油箱充满汽油... 有一些现金在你的房子... 确保你有足够的食物和医疗/处方用品为几个星期,包括你的毛茸茸的朋友。不要太过分,要理智。除此之外,我的建议是坐下来,放松,然后看好戏上演。

I have all my basic preparation in place so I feel genuinely relaxed. It's a good feeling - waiting for the Big Event to come roaring down the pike any day, knowing that I am 100% ready.

我已经做好了所有的基本准备,所以我感到真正的放松。这是一种很好的感觉-等待大事件来咆哮下来的任何一天,知道我是100% 准备好了。

President Trump gave a powerful rally speech at Iowa - here is an excerpt (1'32" video).




'What they don't understand is that I am willing to go to jail if that's what it takes for our country to win and become a democracy again...' (President Trump)

“他们不明白的是,如果这是我们国家赢得选举、重新成为民主政体的必要条件,我愿意坐牢... ...”(特朗普总统)

You have our permission, Sir. Go for it...! Oh, and we know you will be back this year, wink wink.

我们批准了,先生。去吧... ! 哦,我们知道你今年会回来的,眨眨眼。

正确的时间戳: “特朗普总统‘两周内的大事件’”|星际之门通讯

A reminder of the TRUTH about life on 3D Earth. We Light Warriors are busy changing it, one meme/video/post at a time.

提醒我们3D 地球上生命的真相。我们光明战士正忙着改变它,一次一个文化基因/视频/帖子。

正确的时间戳: “特朗普总统‘两周内的大事件’”|星际之门通讯



正确的时间戳: “特朗普总统‘两周内的大事件’”|星际之门通讯

On to other news...I am sure most Light Warriors are aware that EVs (electric vehicles) are a massive con and extremely dangerous i.e. self combustion. This video about China's flagship EV confirms what we already know: stay the heck away from these death traps (24 minute video).

关于其他新闻... 我相信大多数光明战士都知道电动汽车(电动汽车)是一个巨大的骗局和极其危险的,即自燃。这段关于中国旗舰电动汽车的视频证实了我们已经知道的事实: 远离这些死亡陷阱(24分钟视频)。


Great little video about the huge benefits of intermittent fasting (12-17 hours). It's not as difficult as it sounds if you don't eat between 8pm - 10am. There is 14 hours easy (1' 28" video).



Finally, how is your Ascension journey going, Light Warriors? I haven't shared much about it recently. I am sleeping well, thank goodness. Food prep and comfy clothing is an on-going issue (both are annoying) but it's been like that the whole time I have been on this planet. Loud ear-ringing as usual. But apart from that, all is well.


Relationships are showing their vibration match status very quickly now. As I have said before, it is no one's fault when there is a vibrational mismatch in a connection. The separation hurts for a little bit but then everyone settles into their own vibrational space and life continues - like throwing a pebble into a pond and it becomes still again after the ripples have gone.


Stay positive. We can all agree that the current heightened sense of anticipation is exciting. Enjoy it.




Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.


Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light




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