2022年6月13日: NCSWIC 不仅仅是一个聪明的口号|星际飞船地球

2022年6月14日11:38:28新人阅读2022年6月13日: NCSWIC 不仅仅是一个聪明的口号|星际飞船地球已关闭评论4304字数 7200阅读24分0秒阅读模式
 June 13, 2022 2022年6月13日

2022年6月13日: NCSWIC 不仅仅是一个聪明的口号|星际飞船地球

The future is uncertain, but will certainly be exciting. We know that at this point “Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming”. The positive timeline is firm, the administrators and protectors are committed, and the world is nearly awake. The wheels may be falling off the world but the wheels are turning in the Universe and they will continue to churn away in our favour.


Ezra Cohen posted:

Ezra Cohen 发布:

Expect a bank run soon.


He followed up with:


Great Depression Armageddon


Considering he was right on the money with many of his prognostications about assassinations and false flags, it feels prudent to withdraw some cash from the bank for operating expenses until things get back to normal—just in case.


The goal of the White Hats is not to punish us or make life horrible and cause suffering. Everything that has been going on behind the scenes for years has been done to make life better, and to make it fair for everyone. While the banksters and the One World Order may desire to see us destitute, starving, and enslaved, that will not be the case.


I consider it a miracle that this liberation endeavour is taking place at all. I can’t begin to wrap my head around how complicated it must be.


When all is said and done, we will have our money and savings exchanged for the new currencies on a 1 – 1 basis. We will not lose anything, so don’t panic. DO ensure that you have cash on hand at home to purchase necessities in the event that power goes out, ATMs don’t work, banks close for the restructuring and integration of the new Quantum Financial System, etc.


Another prediction on Telegram:


Russia is now entering Central America, they may be targeting biolabs there now.
The media seems dead silent.
We are reaching precipice type situations in almost every area I can think of. There’s going to come a moment where the precipice cannot go any lower and something spectacular happens.
Buckle your seatbelts.


The White Hats are having fun with the material they publish. This gets top marks from me and great guffaws.


2022年6月13日: NCSWIC 不仅仅是一个聪明的口号|星际飞船地球

JAG Amends Method of Execution 

JAG 修正执行方法

I think the above is in line with Simon Parkes’ explanation of the EBS/EAS talk we’ve been hearing for so long. It may never happen. Chances are good that it won’t—but the thought of it gets the cabal’s knickers in a knot and gives them indigestion. PANIC.

我认为以上内容符合西蒙 · 帕克斯对我们已经听了很久的 EBS/EAS 演讲的解释。这可能永远不会发生。很有可能不会,但一想到这一点,阴谋集团就心烦意乱,消化不良。恐慌。

This video from Jetson White is very good and raises important issues via the observations he makes.

这个来自 JetsonWhite 的视频非常好,通过他的观察提出了重要的问题。



Twitter is still at it.


What I don’t consider amusing is the public address system at Fry’s/Kroger delivering fear porn to shoppers. They began today by describing a nightmarish electronic zapping or electrical jolt sensation which they go on to say is how people describe shingles. To the best of my recollection, they said 80 – 90 per cent of people over 65 already have the virus in their body and they suggest it’s lurking there, ready to strike; to force you to cancel social engagements and summer trips and the way to avoid it is to get a vaccine. I wanted so badly to go to the pharmacy and give them a piece of my mind. Targeting seniors is disgusting.

我不觉得有趣的是 Fry’s/Kroger 的公共广播系统向购物者传播恐惧色情。他们今天开始描述一个噩梦般的电击或电击感觉,他们继续说,这是人们如何描述带状疱疹。据我回忆,他们说80-90% 的65岁以上的人体内已经有病毒,他们认为病毒潜伏在那里,随时准备攻击; 为了迫使你取消社交活动和夏季旅行,避免这种情况的方法是接种疫苗。我真的很想去药房好好教训他们一顿。以老年人为目标太恶心了。

The crew may recall in the not too distant past that some were talking about no presidential election in November because Trump is the rightful “heir to the throne” in Washington. Phil discussed this scenario on his show the other night in the context of a “special election” which might be required to elect honest politicians to run the government after the election fraud is exposed rather than con men and criminals who have been “selected” .


It was an interesting show in which he also addresses the programme he said was PRISM and the evidence of the validity of his statement. His next live show is at 9 pm EDT tonight. Hopefully Rumble will accommodate.


Corroboration – June 11th, 2022 


2022年6月13日: NCSWIC 不仅仅是一个聪明的口号|星际飞船地球

Canada is a mess. Just one hot mess. I’m so glad I’m here now and not there. I’ve tried talking reality with people I know and they’re deeply entranced and have no clue. Brampton is on the outskirts of the Toronto area. Can politicians dream up any more ways to mess with the system?


EXPOSED! Patrick Brown calls the police after being confronted with his own lies

帕特里克 · 布朗在面对自己的谎言后报了警

The Brampton Mayor is using city employees to work on his CPC leadership campaign. Shouldn’t those employees be working for the city of Brampton instead?


Meanwhile, in Toronto proper… 333… link to Agent A1’s Telegram.

与此同时,在多伦多... 333... 连接到 A1探员的电报。



Boy did the politicians, police and prostitutes love that building. Hidden in plain sight. Fckn disgusting and dark energy. Funny Coca Cola took over the building and new Globe & Mail sits on the land too. No doubt there are tunnels running under there.


The illegals know they can slide in on Roxham Road in Québec and get the royal treatment. No masks or vaxxx required?

这些非法移民知道,他们可以从魁北克的罗克瑟姆路(Roxham Road)溜进来,享受皇室待遇。不需要面具或者疫苗吗?

And now, for the pièce de résistance… from Gen. McInerney.

现在,来看看... 麦金纳尼将军送来的重头戏。

Canada is beginning to introduce a mandatory monkeypox quarantine.


This is nothing more than monkey see monkey do. Didn’t anyone teach these people not to copy those who failed their last exam?


Americans won’t be fooled.


2022年6月13日: NCSWIC 不仅仅是一个聪明的口号|星际飞船地球

I shudder to think what my friends and family will do this time around.


If you missed Charlie Freak’s outstanding 2020 video full of proof that Trump and the White Hats have united the world in the battle to take down the cabal, you may get the gist of it in this newer one by Bonfire Guy. It’s really well done and includes an intro by Charlie Freak.

如果你错过了 Charlie Freak 在2020年出色的视频,其中充满了特朗普和白帽帮已经联合全世界打败阴谋集团的证据,你可能会在这个由篝火男制作的新视频中得到它的要点。真的很棒,还有 Charlie Freak 的介绍。

Game Over for the Cabal – The Takedown of the Cabal From A to Z

阴谋集团的游戏结束-从 A 到 Z 的阴谋集团的摧毁

The afternoon is nearly over and I will end this transmission here. Thank you to the crew for sharing the updates they find for our consideration and enjoyment.  ~ BP

下午快结束了,我将在这里结束这次通话。感谢机组人员分享他们发现的更新,供我们考虑和享受。~ BP

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