I feel called to write about forgiveness and offering apologies. People often say they want peace of mind and peace in the world. But what peace of mind can you really have when you are angry or resentful? And what kind of peace can we have in a world that is full of trickery and deceit, crime and violence, corruption and abuse of power? At the same time you can only choose for yourself what to do. You can try to push your choices and preferred outcomes on someone else, but they still choose if they let themselves be convinced or manipulated by you.
I posed the issue to the light forces and asked if my twin flame Isidra wants to advice on this. She said she is not neutral in this and redirected the question to the ascended masters. I waited and then Isis appeared. She first spread her wings and enveloped me in her wings to align our energies. Then she gave quite an elaborate exposition which I try to summarize here below.
我向光明势力提出了这个问题,并询问我的双生火焰伊西德拉是否愿意就此提出建议。她说她在这个问题上不是中立的,并将问题转移到扬升大师身上。我等待着,然后 Isis 出现了。她首先展开翅膀,将我包裹在她的翅膀中,使我们的能量保持一致。然后她给出了一个相当详细的解释,我试图在下面总结一下。
The subject of forgiveness and saying sorry is central in the ascension process. First of all, people have diverging norms and values, ways of being, programming and conditioning. What is perfectly okay for one person may not be okay for someone else, so there is an aspect of subjectivity in play. But there are things that are generally experienced as painful and harmful. When one shows willingness to forgive something that was hurtful or harmful or was perceived to be such one relieves oneself from the burden of spite and hate and detaches from condemnation. When someone (the offender) who has wronged someone else (the target) or is perceived to have done so finds it in his or her heart to offer apologies they release themselves of the burden of guilt and shame and detach from animosity. Both actions bring oneself back to a state of neutrality from which a new reality can be created. It can have a healing effect on all levels, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically, especially when it comes from both sides (the offender and the target) and there is a meeting in the middle. There can also be an element of material compensation involved, which can be regarded as a form of physical healing. It is by all means an act that fosters spiritual growth if it is done voluntarily.
By contrast, when people are unwilling to forgive and unwilling to say sorry, there is a deepening of the separation and a strengthening of the polarity. The positions become engrained and in the end this leads to devolution and the dark side.
Isis emphasized that the principle is very simple, but applying it is not so easy. However consider the ultimate outcomes and choose wisely.
My own take is that war is inevitable until the Cabal has been ousted from power and the dark ones are no more, I am not naive. I have been a warrior, a rebel and much more, but regardless of that I do genuinely desire peace, in myself, in my direct environment and in the world. Many if not most of those who treated us badly are not in our lives anymore, but we can forgive them with our spirit or offer our sincere excuses in the spirit. And if you cannot say it, then sing it.
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