Modern Slavery
Your Wealth is Drained
Global non-compliance breaks the system
We need to Unite
Modern Slavery
The move away from the gold standard in 1971 by Nixon severed the fundamental tie between the economy and the money. Without the link to gold, bank reserves could be created by fiat, as they were doing. This led to a huge expansion of the money supply and debts.
The power to use this debt and to control the creation of new money is the most powerful factor in today’s economy. The government can now create unlimited amounts of credit to control the economy, as it lies at the core of the economic structure. It also bestows favoured status on certain companies – notably banks. It is how fiat money privatises the benefits of New Socialism.
Most may not understand how the historic tie to gold made it impossible for the banking system to grow beyond clear boundaries. The answer is; Gold limits the amount of currency in circulation, which, in turn, restricts the quantity of money banks can lend.
大多数人可能不明白,历史上与黄金的联系,是如何使银行体系不可能超越明确的界限发展的。答案是: 黄金限制了流通中的货币数量,这反过来又限制了银行可以放贷的货币数量。
Under the gold standard, the maximum total debt-to-GDP ratio was limited to around 150%. But as soon as the tie to gold was broken, total debt-to-GDP ratio began to grow. It’s now 750% or even higher in some countries as for example in Japan.
在金本位制度下,债务-GDP比总额的上限为150% 左右。但一旦与黄金的联系被打破,债务-GDP比就开始增加。在一些国家,比如日本,这个数字已经达到了750% 甚至更高。
“Without the tie to gold, the amount of economic mischief the government could engineer became practically limitless. No social goal was too absurd… no war too expensive… and no government insurance scheme too patently self-serving not to finance.”
“没有了与黄金的联系,政府能够制造的经济灾难的数量几乎是无限的。没有什么社会目标是太荒谬的... 没有什么战争是太昂贵的... 也没有什么政府保险计划是太明显地自私自利而不去融资的。”
Your Wealth is Drained
When adjusted for debt and inflation, it is discovered people haven’t gotten any richer at all. They may have become more affluent. And, some individuals have gotten vastly richer. But taken as a whole, when added the debts that have been racked up over the past, the nation hasn’t gotten richer at all. Since the end of the gold standard in 1971, real after-tax wages, per capita, stagnated. “On average, we haven’t gotten any richer at all in 50 years…”
经过债务和通货膨胀调整后,人们发现他们并没有变得更加富有。他们可能变得更加富有。而且,有些人变得非常富有。但从整体来看,加上过去累积的债务,这个国家并没有变得更加富裕。自1971年金本位制结束以来,人均实际税后工资停滞不前。“平均而言,我们在过去50年里没有变得更加富有... ...”
What happened over the last 50 years? Why did so many people rush so eagerly into debt? Why did they borrow more and more to buy the same things at ever nominal higher prices – again, and again, and again? And why do people continue to work, day after day, for jobs that offer no opportunity and declining real wages? Most important, how did a few people end up getting so rich from this merry-go-round economic system that never takes us anywhere?
To answer these questions, the correct answer is found in just one core question: Who benefits?
要回答这些问题,正确的答案只能在一个核心问题中找到: 谁受益?
“Whose wealth and power increases with inflation? Whose stature in society grows alongside the government? Who profits from increased spending on wars, and social programs that are doomed to fail? And most important… who does profit from an explosion in debt?”
“谁的财富和权力会随着通胀而增长?谁在社会中的地位与政府并驾齐驱?谁会从注定要失败的战争和社会项目上增加的开支中获利?最重要的是... 谁能从债务激增中获利?”
A certain class of people has the power to not only protect itself from these policies but to profit from it as well. These people have used the last 50 years to produce massive amounts of paper wealth. And they are now desperately trying to convert those paper tallies into real wealth, which explains the exploding price of all type of assets, apart from Gold and Silver that are artificially manipulated down.
As everyone should know by now, the promises of socialism aren’t affordable. Robbing Peter to pay Paul is inefficient and kills Peter’s incentives. The result is usually economic stagnation, depression, and eventually a crisis that frees people from the government’s confiscatory repression.
If you don’t want to be a slave and to pay each year at least three to four full months’ salary to comply in accordance to your tax bill from the government, money that is not spent in the public interest, but directly disappears into the pockets of the thirteen bloodline families, who already are super rich.
These are quantities of money that could let prosper the whole world: Understand your enemy, and the weapons they use. Then use those same weapons against them. The money system is the head of the reptilian snake. Cut the head off the snake and the rest of it will wither away and die.
这些钱可以让整个世界繁荣昌盛: 了解你的敌人,以及他们使用的武器。那就用同样的武器对付他们。货币体系是爬行动物蛇的头。砍掉蛇的头,剩下的就会枯萎死去。
There is no need for violence, no guns, no banners, no slogans, no group thinking – just a united act of global non-compliance will break the system.
Global non-compliance breaks the system
Forget division between races and religion these were put upon us by the cabal’s ‘divide and rule’ principle; the world has reached a historical turning point. Just end the Fascist NWO banking system. It’s Time for action NOW.
忘记种族和宗教的分裂吧,这些都是阴谋集团的“分而治之”原则强加给我们的,世界已经到达了一个历史转折点。只要结束法西斯 NWO 银行系统。现在是采取行动的时候了。
As Global non-compliance breaks the system – the power that people have given them, must be taken back now.
Understand that it is much easier to fight for principles than to live up to them, and it takes a far braver man to stand up for what is right and spit in the face of authority than it does to blindly follow orders out of fear for the advertised consequences.
Understand that we are all one and the key to real change and unity in this world lies with love. It is time for the people of the world to stop and realise that the divisions that supposedly exist amongst us are an illusion.
There is no division and it is time for everyone to understand the truth of this. It is through the constantly promoted illusion of division that the system is able to function but in order for it to do so, it needs public compliance.
Stop complying with it and you will shut it down.
It’s time for all of us to collectively stand together and address the root cause of the problems. To put this in proportion: There are 8 billion people enslaved and a comparative handful doing the enslaving. The way out of this is to come together in mutual support, love, kindness and understanding.
现在是我们所有人集体站在一起解决问题根源的时候了。按比例来说: 有80亿人被奴役,相比之下,只有少数人在做奴役。解决这个问题的方法是在相互支持、爱、善良和理解中走到一起。
Put aside the manufactured irrelevances that divide us – religion, politics, race, culture, and income. This is not to say people have to reject their beliefs; just don’t let them be weapons of division.
We are all in this together, and we need to meet the challenge collectively, instead of stealing, looting, or rioting, or look the other way because something that is happening to someone else, is ‘not my problem’.
The Deep State cabal are seeking to enslave all of us, whatever the religion, race or colour of the skin. They are picking off different groups one by one, just like the Nazis did in Germany in WW2.
The cabal’s worst nightmare is our non-compliance – the refusal to pay taxes, refusal to leave homes when banks foreclose on them because of an economic collapse caused by the same banks; plainly refuse to comply with our own enslavement in any form.
阴谋集团最可怕的噩梦是我们的不合规——拒绝纳税,当银行因为同样的银行导致的经济崩溃而取消对房屋的赎回权时,拒绝离开房屋; 明显地拒绝服从我们自己以任何形式的奴役。
The system cannot cope with massive scale disobedience. And just that makes the point to undertake this action by all of us together.
We need to Unite
Instead of compliance, we need non-compliance, as this is a peaceful protest without violence, because there is a difference in tune by not complying with that what is unfair, unjust, or targets our freedom and that of others.
This approach rejects the essence of hostility, rage or violence, but shows our love and laughter – and our unshakable determination not to cooperate with our own enslavement.
Be aware, the next stage will be governments’ action to draft people to police the citizens on behalf of the Deep State, under the guise of community service or civilian security force, which are nothing more than a scam that must be refused to join.
We need to begin to come together, initiate local currencies and barter schemes that operate outside the system. Mass protests are an option as long these are peaceful, but need to be part of the campaign of non-violent non-cooperation, and not the focus of it.
Without the cannon fodder in uniform there can be no war. It is the same with the system itself that includes government, banking, big business, the media, and so on. All these institutions of control and manipulation require our cooperation to function, and without that cooperation their house of cards will collapse.
Be conscious, we the people do not cooperate with those who wish to enslave us, and if we don’t do, they are powerless.
Bear in mind the system is set up to act on violence, if there is no violence they cannot act. For that reason provocateurs are primed and paid by government and wait in the wings to start riots and civil unrest to challenge the existing order that was created by the same network of Deep State families that seek to create the ‘new world order’, for which they need our cooperation.
Let no one be in doubt, those who choose to riot and loot in response to what is going on, are straight walking into the trap that has been laid out for them. Government and military agents provocateurs will know that; the useful idiots that follow do not, it is time they do know.
不要让任何人怀疑,那些选择暴乱和抢劫回应正在发生的事情,是直接走入陷阱,已经为他们设置了。政府和军方的密探会知道这一点; 跟随他们的有用的白痴却不知道,是时候让他们知道了。
Governments want to see riots and looting, they want to see chaos, because that can be met with police and military force and is reason to apply the police state with curfews, jail without trial, military on the streets, and does activate the FEMA concentration camps for ‘dissidents’ about which many have long been warning.
Remember from history;
What is destroyed by violence will be replaced by violence.