2021年5月24日星期一美国东部时间上午12:01,Judy Byington,LCSW,临床医学家,记者,作家,"22张面孔:珍妮·希尔和她的22个多重人格的非凡生活。"
Quantum Financial System(QFS)And Global Currency Reset(GCR)NESARA GESARA Act St-Germain Trust(odysee.com)
量子金融系统(QFS)和全球货币重置(GCR)NESARA GESARA 法案圣日耳曼信托(odysee.com)
Mayday,Mayday,Mayday May 23 to May 25…Q
God Bless America&Patriotic Music–The Tabernacle Choir at Temple Square–Bing video
Judy Note:Notification at any time.
According to our Military Intel Contact on Sun.evening 23 May everything had been completed for Tier 4B to start and the push was on to get the Shotgun Start initiated from Sun 23 May forward this week.
根据我们在星期日上的军事情报联系。5月23日晚上,第4 b 层的一切都已经完成,推动从5月23日开始的霰弹枪开始计划将于本周启动。
Brazilian Alfredo Mafra reported that that the redemption of financial instruments began worldwide at 1:51 pm EST Sun 23 May for liquidity,payouts,exchanges and redemptions to begin this week.
巴西人阿尔弗雷多•马弗拉(Alfredo marfra)报告称,全球范围内的金融工具赎回活动于美国东部标准时间5月23日下午1:51开始,以便从本周开始进行流动性、偿付、交易和赎回。
"The global launch of the funds has just taken place in all parts of the world,marking the beginning of Rescue's[REDEMPTION]global asset swap program.It officially started an HOUR ago[Sun afternoon 23 May].This is fantastic news for all beneficiaries.Tens of thousands of transactions can start paying around the world hoping that this event will come to the rescue in due time.
"这些基金刚刚在全球各地推出,标志着 Rescue(赎回)全球资产互换计划的开始。它正式开始于一小时前[5月23日星期日下午]。这对所有受益人来说都是极好的消息。成千上万的交易可以在全球范围内开始支付,希望这一事件能在适当的时候拯救世界。
The US Treasury(DoD)told 25 Wells Fargo Presidents to be at work on Mon.24 May at 7 am.and to be ready for the RV roll out start of Tier 4B exchanges.The US Treasury gave a directive to Tier 1 banks and Redemption Centers to schedule Tier 4B appointments beginning on Mon.24 May from 9am to 11pm.
美国财政部通知25位富国银行总裁于5月24日上午7点上班。并准备好推出 RV 开始第4B 层交换。美国财政部向一级银行和赎回中心发出指令,要求从5月24日上午9点到晚上11点安排四级 b 的任命。
Our Military Intel Contact said not to be discouraged if Tier 4B was not started by Mon.24 May because Tier 4B was still planned to start this week within hours of bond liquidity release and other liquidity release categories.
我们的军事英特尔联络人说,如果第4B 级别在5月24日星期一之前没有启动,不要泄气,因为第4B 级别仍然计划在本周公债流动性释放和其他流动性释放类别的数小时内启动。
The Tier 4B start was dependent upon on progress of(A)CMKX payouts(B)bond processing(vetting provenance,settlement,closing)and(C)global Deep State arrests status.According to Fleming,as of Sat.22 May over 250,000 CMKX packages had been delivered with an NDA,check and debit card.They would not get total liquidity until Tier 4B has gone.
第4B 级的开始取决于(a)CMKX 支付(b)债券处理(审查出处,结算,关闭)和(c)全球深州逮捕状态的进展。根据弗莱明的说法,从星期六开始。5月22日,超过250000个 CMKX 包裹通过保密协议、支票和借记卡交付。在第4B 层消失之前,它们不会得到全部流动性。
At 在02:00 A.M.EDT[Mon 5/24],all RENO subgroup leaders are expected to have 100%access to their recently renewed USN accounts for immediate payment.This includes the ADMIRAL'S groups.
美国东部夏令时凌晨2点[星期一5/24]所有的 RENO 小组领导人预计有100%进入他们最近更新的 USN 帐户立即付款。这包括海军上将的小组
Wells Fargo and Abbot Downing were informed that they would be awaiting a release authorization for 800#s.
Remember to focus on love during your rescue engagement[redemption appointment]and you will be fine.There is no problem in constantly giving up because the moment is bigger than your knowledge or your ego.There is no problem praying for guidance.记住在你的救援任务(救赎任命)中专注于爱,你会好起来的。不断地放弃是没有问题的,因为那一刻比你的知识或自我更重要。祈求指引是没有问题的
There is no problem in parting with the numbers and allowing complete strangers to guide you in every detail.There is no problem in receiving this earthly gift as manna from heaven because that is exactly what it is.And it's good to evolve into your human angel on the spot,or do it later at your own pace,in your own way,with your own goals for the greater good."
Sun.23 May MarkZ:"Over this weekend I have been getting quite a bit of information from banking centers around the world(banking sources in Zurich,HK,&east&west coast banks),which is unusual that they are working over a weekend.There were still issues with larger transfers from a number of different locations.They still hope to get bonds done very early in the week."
Dubai 1 has already been paid out into Tier 1-2 Govt&humanitarian organization accounts.
Dubai 3 was in the process of being paid out to bond recipient's accounts and remaining Tier 3 Adjudicated Settlement/PP accounts.
The military RV security teams are also getting the final push of cabal arrests and disclosure done THIS WEEK planned to parallel the RV shotgun start from now forward this week.
军事 RV 安全小组也得到了最后的推动阴谋集团逮捕和披露本周计划从现在开始平行的 RV 猎枪开始向前推进这个星期。
There would be fourteen days of Zim redemption and currency exchanges at the special rates,though appointments could be set up to 30 days away.
将有14天的 Zim 兑换和货币兑换的特殊汇率,但预约可能被安排在30天之后。
After the fourteen days,Zim redemption and the special rates would end(unless you had made an appointment at a Redemption Center within that 30 day window)and then the general public would begin exchanging at the new international rates.
14天之后,Zim 兑换和特别兑换将会结束(除非你在30天期限内在兑换中心预约),然后公众将开始按照新的国际兑换率进行兑换。
Restored Republic:
Mr.Fleming's sources saying they received"Three messages from different people,all stating that the push was on tonight[Sun 23 May]…Arrests…Disclosure…The Righting of the Course of this Rudderless Ship we've been wildly riding,as we hold on for our lives."
This week's Disclosure of Deep State crimes would include the exposure of election fraud in the AZ and GA voting audits that would lead to the Deep State left's house of card's fake Biden and Kamala Harris to come tumbling down for all to see.
本周披露的深州犯罪将包括 AZ 选举舞弊的曝光和 GA 的选举审计,这将导致深州左派的假拜登和卡马拉哈里斯倒台,让所有人都看到。
On Fri.21 May the Alliance special operations made arrests in Israel of Deep State Freemason pedosatanist leaders who broke the ceasefire between Israel&Hamas-Gaza.https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/cease-fire-apparently-not-israeli-police-storm-al-aqsa-mosque-again-friday
This weekend an ongoing mission was launched to take out Deep State rats that was provided cover by the"Operation Law and Order"mission involving 1000s of police officers arresting criminals.https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1396510211058376710?s=21
A.The Quantum Financial System(QFS)and Global Currency Reset(GCR)NESARA GESARA Act St-Germain Trust was being implemented as we speak.
量子金融系统(QFS)和全球货币重置(GCR)NESARA GESARA 法案圣日耳曼信托正在实施,我们说话的时候。
The future of money is now.Crypto like Ripple XRP will change the world.Get ready for the(GCR)Global Financial Reset and(QFS)Quantum Financial System before everyone else.ALL Banks worldwide are moving to crypto right now.https://odysee.com/@greatawakening:c/Q-News-QFS-Quantum-Financial-System:7?r=Es7AURRc7ZEYS1pRmMZBhcWHm6gSWm3x
货币的未来就是现在。类似密码的涟漪 XRP 将改变世界。为全球金融重置和量子金融体系做好准备。全世界的银行现在都在进行加密。
The Global Currency Reset(GCR)and(NESARA GESARA)is coming!Visit:http://greatawakening.world/reset
全球货币重置(GCR)和(NESARA GESARA)即将到来!访问:http://greatawakening.world/Reset
Odysee https://odysee.com/@greatawakening:c/Q-News-QFS-Quantum-Financial-System:7?r=Es7AURRc7ZEYS1pRmMZBhcWHm6gSWm3x
B.Upcoming Events:
Sun.23 May:A huge announcement on Sun.23 May.
Mon.24 May:James O'Keefe.The best is yet to come…two whistleblowers inside tech going public Monday.
Wed.26 May:Our Sky Event
Fri.28 May:"My fellow Americans"tweet from the JFK account.
Sat.29 May:JFK Birthday
C.Fleming's Military Intel Contact Sat.22 May 2:54 PM:
Stay ready for notifications at any moment as Dubai 3,Bonds,Tier 3,CMKX,Adjudicated Settlements and Prosperity Package accounts continue to be paid out.
The Interim Military Govt continues to use the White House in DC as a semi-military tribunal hearing venue.
On Sat 22 May JAG attorney teams were still dealing with Deep State politician and bureaucrat scum,while arrests continued in DC.
Arrests were continuing in Israel of more Rockefeller-Rothschild Deep State scum rats who tried after Thurs.night's(20 May)ceasefire to stir up Palestinian and Israeli hostilities&keep them going at the Temple Mount Al-Aqsa Mosque yesterday Fri 21 May.https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/cease-fire-apparently-not-israeli-police-storm-al-aqsa-mosque-again-friday
以色列继续逮捕更多的洛克菲勒-罗斯柴尔德深国败类,他们试图在星期四晚上(5月20日)停火后煽动巴勒斯坦和以色列的敌对行动,并让他们继续在5月21日星期五的 Temple Mount Al-Aqsa Mosque 活动。
As usual,prayers would be appreciated.
D.The Event:Arizona Audit,Durham Report Release followed by Project Odin
Durham Report and Arizona Election Audit:The Intel Everyone Has Been Waiting For:Papadopoulos Goes Scorched Earth Exposing the Deep State,Military Tribunals Are Weeks Away(Video)|Alternative|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com) The focus of the Durham investigation is the New World Order!!!And the Patriots are about to take the Globalists DOWN!!!Papa-D reveals that everything's been timed to coincide with the Arizona Election Audit.He says that the Dominoes are in place,and we are about to witness one hell of a show.Expect to see Globalist Perp walks,charges for High Treason,Military Tribunals and ultimately Firing Squads.
达勒姆报告和亚利桑那州选举审计:每个人都在等待的情报:帕帕多普洛斯去焦土揭露深州,军事法庭是几个星期之后(视频)|另类|在它的新闻之前(beforeitsnews.com)达勒姆调查的焦点是新的世界秩序!!爱国者们要把全球主义者打倒!!!Papa-D 透露,所有事情都被安排在亚利桑那州选举审计的同一时间。他说多米诺骨牌已经就位,我们即将见证一场精彩的表演。期待看到全球主义者被游街示众,指控叛国罪,军事法庭,最终行刑队。
Project Odin is ready to go.Worldwide high speed internet is coming soon near you:https://satellitemap.space/?fbclid=IwAR0_lvzYBl4qjsY–QCU8HK-1apRIy2XvnD_OX_iLTdVpVfrbwBL2AQBAbo
项目 Odin 已经准备好了,全球高速互联网即将来临:https://satellitemap.space/?fbclid=iwar0_lvzybl4qjsy-QCU8HK-1apRIy2XvnD ox iltdvpvbwbl2aqbabo
The past week of power and internet outages across the world were linked to global arrests.Panic continued in DC as the military has been arresting and giving an ultimatum to Deep State politicians.At the Capitol Building and White House Deep State-serving politicians and agency bureaucrats were told by the Military to leave/retire voluntarily,or face military tribunals for treason at GITMO.Many were choosing to retire instead of being arrested,"A bus was escorted from the Capitol Building[in DC]to the White House by police.There are no cars in the parking area around Capitol....We're looking for a massive exodus of politicians and bureaucrats,just like what happened in Russia."
On Sun.23 May the Egyptian government would determine the fate of the Evergreen vessel that the Russian and US military had hijacked from the Suez Canal.The C*e Communist Party had loaded the vessel with containers stacked six stories high.Evergreen and 29 surrounding vessels were found to be loaded with 1,356 dead and around 1,267 barely living children from their child sex trafficking and organ harvesting ring,barrels of Adrenochrome and aborted baby fetuses,Nuclear weapons and other Weapons of Mass Destruction,plus chemicals designed to caused climate change,along with increasing the number of CV-19 cases.The CCP planned to detonate the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Israel and Saudi Arabia to bring about the prophesized war between the Muslims and Christians.
关于星期日5月23日,埃及政府将决定俄罗斯和美国军方从苏伊士运河劫持的长青号的命运。C*P在这艘船上装满了六层楼高的集装箱。长荣和周围的29艘船只被发现装载着1356具尸体和1267名奄奄一息的儿童,他们来自他们的儿童性交易和器官摘除,Adrenochrome 的桶和流产的婴儿,核武器和其他大规模杀伤性武器,以及旨在引起气候变化的化学物质,还有不断增加的 CV-19病例。中共计划在以色列和沙特阿拉伯引爆大规模杀伤性武器,引发穆斯林和基督徒之间预言中的战争。
Russian,America and many other Allies have gone to Defcon#2 Nuclear Alert.
Military News@US_Military_News:President Trump will be back soon,the military is in control until new elections.
Fox News:Chinese scientists say that"this pandemic started in a lab paid for by Fauci,BlackRock and Gates."
E.Sun.23 May The Real News:
https://youtu.be/30JCRvhMUXE Judy Shelton will change the world monetary system to an"open,fair and market-based digital economy."
Https://youtu.be/30jcrvhmuxe Judy Shelton 将把世界货币体系改造成一个"开放、公平和市场化的数字经济"
Whiplash347:https://www.military.com/daily-news/2021/05/21/biggest-navy-exercise-generation-will-include-25000-personnel-across-17-time-zones.html Biggest Navy Exercise in a Generation Will Include 25,000 Personnel Across 17 Time Zones|Military.com Biggest Navy Exercise in a Generation Will Include 25,000 Personnel Across 17 Time Zones.Aircraft carriers,submarines,planes,unmanned vessels,and about 25,000 personnel will participate in Large Scale Exercise in late Summer against China or Russia.
Whiplash347:美国 https://www.Military.com/daily-news/2021/05/21/Biggest-Navy-Exercise-Generation-Will-Include-25000-Personnel-Across-17-Time-Zones.html 新一代最大的海军演习将包括跨越17个时区的25000人。航空母舰、潜艇、飞机、无人驾驶船只以及大约25,000人将参加夏末对中国或俄罗斯的大规模演习。
Fauci Admits COVID was man made at the Chinese Wuhan Lab–that he funded(out of US taxpayer dollars):https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/huge-rat-trap-fauci-admits-covid-may-lab-admits-funding-chinese-labs-video/
承认 COVID 是中国武汉实验室制造的人造卫星,由他资助(用美国纳税人的钱):https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/huge-rat-trap-Fauci-Admits-COVID-may-Lab-Admits-funding-Chinese-labs-video/
梅尔 k 特别广播!揭露露露西芬:教皇,梵蒂冈,奥普拉,爱泼斯坦,迪斯尼&更多!必须看到的深州球员的打倒与克莱克拉克|政治|在它的新闻之前(beforeitsnews.com)
关塔那摩军事法庭:美国军方继续"营救"卡巴拉成员|警察国家|新闻前 beforeitsnews.com
John F Kennedy Jr.:This broken system will shutdown
Whiplash247:Good morning!Has the right moment come?The Hammer is about to drop.(picture of Trump plane)Earthquakes in China right now.R1–Qinghai R2–Yunnan R3–ChongQing CR–Three Gorges Dam/Wuhan.Next crazy occurrence.72 Seconds posted"One in a Million."Trump posted"Where is Durham?"
早上好!合适的时机到了吗?锤子就要落下来了。(特朗普飞机图片)中国地震。R1-青海 R2-云南 R3-重庆 CR-长江三峡水利枢纽工程/武汉。下一个疯狂的事/件。《72秒》发布了"百万分之一"特朗普发帖说:"达勒姆在哪里?"
Military News:The US Military is not forcing the soldiers to get the vaccine.It's a choice.You'll hear the military has been compromised but it is not true.White Hats are in control.Everything from this point is designed on purpose.Part of the wakeup show.The military is controlling the WH live feed.It's a message.
Bloomberg.com https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-22/egypt-court-to-rule-on-ever-given-in-suez-canal-case-on-sunday Egypt Court to Rule on Ever Given in Suez Canal on Sunday.
彭博 https://www.Bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-05-22/Egypt-Court-to-Rule-on-Ever-Given-in-Suez-Canal-case-on-Sunday 埃及法庭将于周日在苏伊士运河裁决有史以来最高法院的裁决。
Whiplash347:This week a Crypto crash whipped out$1Trillion.The near death of BTC on Mon.24 May.https://www.reuters.com/technology/bitcoin-falls-10-33747-ether-down-14-2021-05-23/ Chinese hackers infiltrate computers in 103 countries–FLA News Hackers hacked more than 1,200 machines from the Government of India to the Dalai Lama's computers.
Whiplash347:本周,一家加密货币公司破产,带走了1万亿美元。5月24日 BTC 濒临死亡。Https://www.reuters.com/technology/bitcoin-falls-10-33747-ether-down-14-2021-05-23/中国黑客入侵了103个国家的电脑-FLA 新闻黑客入侵了1200多台从印度政府到达赖喇嘛的电脑。
George Papadapoulous:"John Durham was appointed two years ago.He has everything!He's waiting for the right moment."
Hal Turner Radio Show:"Cease Fire?"Apparently Not!Israeli Police Storm AL-Aqsa Mosque again on Fri:https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/cease-fire-apparently-not-israeli-police-storm-al-aqsa-mosque-again-friday
Code 19:https://medium.com/our-new-nature/quantum-finance-de47b8b046a8 Quantum Finance A new system is emerging that,with the proper structuring,puts financial control back in the hands of the people.
Donald Trump Jr:"I Was WRONG About Joe Biden,I Grossly Underestimated Him.I Thought It Would Take Him YEARS To Destroy America&He Has Managed To Do It In A FEW Short Months"
There is a Covert War ongoing in Middle East right now.And now it is becoming clearly visible.Mysterious Blasts,Oil Factories shutting down,Quiet Airstrikes,increasing cyber attacks.
Whiplash347 on magnetism,electricity and Med Beds:In 1910 John D Rockefeller&Andrew Carnagie became MAJOR investors of Big Oil&Big Pharma.They banned the medical field from acknowledging the existence of energy in the body&the use of electromagnetic healing because there's no money cures&healthy people.Being founders of Big Oil,the Rockefellers pushed petroleum based drugs on the public for TREATMENT to keep them coming back.$$$
To help push the indoctrination forward,John D.Rockefeller gave more than$100 million to schools,colleges&hospitals&he founded a philanthropic front group called"General Education Board".ANY schools&hospitals that did NOT adopt the BS fake science of the Rockefeller's would NOT get funding&thus,would close down.John D Rockefeller&Andrew Carnagie founded Big Pharma that props up our current world.
Nikola Tesla,Charles Proteus Steinmetz,Faraday,Maxwell,Heavyside&many others who built 100 percent of the CURRENT electric grid&our entire modern world,collectively agreed that magnetism,static electricity&electricity governs our world&universe.They tried to teach us this over 100 years ago.Their science was swept under the rug to be hidden from us by corrupt,evil people&Einstein,a man who literally invented NOTHING,was forced upon us by these very evil people to throw humanity off the trail of true metaphysics of the universe.We need to dig out the teachings of Nikola Tesla,Charles Proteus Steinmetz&others to relearn absolutely EVERYTHING about energy's true role in our own biology&the biology of our Earth&universe.Magnetism is NOT taught to us correctly&its origin is NOT in the metal on your refrigerator.It's a neat ATTRIBUTE of magnetism,but it's not its primary function.Think of healing using LIGHT.Light is NOT a particle.It's an electro-magnetic coaxial circuit.Light IS an electrical phenomenon.SO ARE YOU!
尼古拉·特斯拉,Charles Proteus Steinmetz,法拉第,麦克斯韦,Heavyside&许多其他人建立了100%的当前电网和我们整个现代世界,集体同意磁,静电现象和电治理我们的世界和宇宙。100多年前他们就想教我们这个。他们的科学被那些腐败邪恶的人隐藏起来,爱因斯坦,一个真正创造了虚无的人,被这些邪恶的人强加给我们,让人类摆脱了宇宙真正形而上学的道路。我们需要挖掘尼古拉·特斯拉、查尔斯·普罗秋斯·施泰因梅茨和其他人的教义,重新学习能量在我们自己的生物学和我们的地球和宇宙的生物学中的真正作用。我们没有正确地学会磁性,它的起源不在你冰箱上的金属里。这是磁性的一个简洁的属性,但并不是它的主要功能。想想用光治疗。光不是粒子。这是一个电磁同轴电路。光是一种电现象。你也是!
Dr.Jerry Tennant's extraordinary research into the complex electrical circuitry https://youtu.be/QfA16ff43Kg
博士对复杂的电路 https://youtu.be/qfa16ff43kg 进行了非凡的研究
Jen to Selena Gomez:"You've been to my house.We've had pizza.Girl after my own PART,heart.Boy do we love a pizza or what.It's so much fun."Jennifer Aniston:Popular in ALL Hollywood circles.Jen Anniston:Reese Witherspoon+Hillary Clinton&CEO of Wayfair=Human trafficking.Jen Anniston:+Katy Perry+Reese Witherspoon+Ellen+Oprah+Tom Hanks=Human trafficking.WHY do these rich celebs who can afford the most expensive exquisite foods in the world only wanna talk about pizza?Seems like Reese Witherspoon places the orders for Hollywood,Hillary Clinton is in charge of shipping,Andrea Jung–the CEO of Wayfair does the payment transactions through the Wayfair company."These people are sick"~Q
珍对赛琳娜·戈麦斯说:"你去过我家。我们吃过披萨。女孩跟我一模一样,心。我们喜欢披萨还是什么。这太有趣了。"珍妮佛·安妮斯顿:在好莱坞所有圈子里都很流行。丽丝·韦花丝潘+希拉里克林顿&Wayfair=人口贩卖首席执行官。珍妮斯顿:+凯蒂佩里+丽丝·韦花丝潘+艾伦+奥普拉+汤姆汉克斯=人口贩卖。为什么这些买得起世界上最昂贵精致食物的富有名人只想谈论披萨?看起来好像是丽丝·韦花丝潘给好莱坞下订单,Hillary Clinton 负责运输,Andrea Jung-Wayfair 的 CEO 通过 Wayfair 公司进行支付交易。"这些人有病"~q
The Plan to Save the World:https://odysee.com/@greatawakening:c/qanon-the-plan-to-save-the-world:2?r=Es7AURRc7ZEYS1pRmMZBhcWHm6gSWm3x
The Fall of the Cabal:The Fall Of The Cabal:The End Of The World As We Know It[2020](bitchute.com)
The Fall of the Cabal,Sequel Part 2:https://www.bitchute.com/video/RLX6Y513GaUf/
F.International Child Sex Trafficking:Run by the Vatican,enforced by various mafias,funded by the CIA with US Taxpayer monies,utilized by political and global elites including an estimated 80%of the US Congress to blackmail for political gain in a quest for power and the New World Order.
Out Of Shadows,Fall of Cabal,Pizzagate,Child Abuse,Hollyweird,Slavery,Human Trafficking:Declass!–Massive Dump of Pizzagate|Pedogate Videos!(1)t/m(3)|Scandals|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)
走出阴影,阴谋集团的倒台,Pizzagate,虐待儿童,Hollyweird,奴隶制,人口贩卖:解密!-大量转储的 Pizzagate|Pedogate 视频!(1)t/m(3)|Scandals|Before It's News(beforeitsnews.com)
(2)OUT OF SHADOWS(UK)https://youtu.be/Fi_x090LGO8 UK's Hidden Shadows–Official–Inspired by Out of Shadows–YouTube
(3)FALL of CABAL(PARTS ONE–TEN)The Fall Of The Cabal:The End Of The World As We Know It[2020](bitchute.com) https://www.bitchute.com/video/MYHTpUW9KAXQ/
阴谋集团的灭亡:我们所知的世界末日阴谋 https://www.bitchute.com/video/myhtpuw9kaxq/
G.CV-19,CV-19 Testing and CV-19 Vaccine Hoaxes:
CV-19、CV-19测试和 CV-19疫苗恶作剧:
Fauci Admits COVID was man made at the Chinese Wuhan Lab–that he funded:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/huge-rat-trap-fauci-admits-covid-may-lab-admits-funding-chinese-labs-video/
承认 COVID 是由他资助的中国武汉实验室制造的:https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2021/05/huge-rat-trap-Fauci-Admits-COVID-may-Lab-Admits-funding-Chinese-labs-video/
More pandemic profiteers:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9606183/COVID-19-vaccines-minted-NINE-new-pharma-billionaires.html COVID-19 vaccines have minted at least NINE new pharma billionaires–and their combined wealth is enough to buy shots for 780 MILLION people in low-income nations.Nine executives from Moderna,BioNTech,ROVI and CanSino Biologics have all become billionaires throughout the pandemic.
更多的流行病暴利者:https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9606183/covid-19-vaccines-minted-NINE-new-pharma-billionaires.html 2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗已经创造了至少9个新的制药公司亿万富翁,他们的财富加起来足以为低收入国家的7.8亿人购买疫苗。来自 Moderna、BioNTech、ROVI 和 CanSino Biologics 的9名高管在疫情爆发期间都成为了亿万富翁。
Mysterious Death of Dr.Fauci's Most Notable Critic the late Dr.Kary Mullis,the inventor of the PCR test,has been blowing the whistle on Fauci and big pharma for thirty years.
福奇博士的神秘死亡最著名的批评家,已故的卡里穆利斯博士,PCR 检测的发明者,已经揭发福奇和大型制药公司三十年了。
Impact of shot in graphs around the world:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSrc_s2Gqfw
Frontline Doctors File Restraining Order Against Use of CV-19 Vaccine in Children:https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/frontline-news/americas-frontline-doctors-files-motion-for-temporary-restraining-order-against-use-of-covid-vaccine-in-children
一线医生对儿童使用 CV-19疫苗提出保护令:https://www.americasfrontlinedoctors.org/Frontline-news/americas-Frontline-Doctors-files-motion-for-temporary-restraining-order-Against-Use-of-covid-Vaccine-in-Children
10,000 Doctors,1,000 Lawyers file Suit Against CDC,WHO and Davos For CV-19 Fraud:https://sorendreier.com/1000-lawyers-and-10000-doctors-have-filed-a-lawsuit-for-violations-of-the-nuremberg-code/ More than 1,000 lawyers and 10,000 medical experts have initiated legal proceedings against the CDC,WHO and Davos Group for Crimes Against Humanity in CV-19 testing.
10,000名医生,1,000名律师起诉 CDC,WHO 和 Davos For CV-19 Fraud:https://sorendreier.com/1000-Lawyers-and-10000-Doctors-have-filed-a-lawsuit-For-violations-of-the-nuremberg-code/1000多名律师和10,000名医学专家已经在 CV-19测试中对 CDC,WHO 和 Davos For Crimes Against Humanity 发起裁判。
H.Cheat Sheet for Appointment with Supplemental Information,Fleming(Rev.5.21.2021)
The information in this document is based on the most recent information available.It is not intended to be the authority on the GCR/RV or appointment process.It is expected that there may be changes once final instructions are received.This information is based on exchanges/redemptions done in the USA.Each country will have its own process and information should be available for all once notifications have been issued.
The redemption/exchange process is streamlined and will be easy and straightforward.The appointment will only be about 15-20 minutes.You will be in and out quickly.
The current understanding(and subject to change)is there will be a"Safe Web Link"or 800#sent to those who purchased currency/bonds online with a registered dealer.This would include:Banks,Travelex,Great American Coin or with the aggregating sites(example:Dinar Recaps,Dinar Chronicles et al).Currently there are approximately 2 million email addresses.
Emails should be coming from Wells Fargo,HSBC,Chase,Bank of America and possibly Fifth Third.If you do not receive an email,the information will be posted on aggregating sites and/or with those who provide RV Intel.If you receive an email directly,you may forward it to anyone you gifted currency and/or bonds.
电子邮件应该来自富国银行(Wells Fargo)、汇丰银行(HSBC)、大通银行(Chase)、美国银行(Bank of America),可能还有第五。如果你没有收到电子邮件,这些信息将被发布在聚合网站和/或提供 RV 英特尔的网站上。如果你直接收到一封电子邮件,你可以把它转发给任何你赠送的货币和/或债券。
Follow the instructions provided in the email.
You may be asked to verify who you are by answering questions based on publicly available information.This process is similar to when you apply online to open a bank account or a loan.
You may be required to electronically sign an NDA(Non-Disclosure Agreement).Read carefully so you understand what you are agreeing to.The NDA is to protect you.Print a copy for your records and for future reference.At the appointment,you will be signing a paper copy of the NDA.
You may be given an 800#or a unique 800#to schedule an appointment.The number may be to a specific location or you will be giving your Zip Code,to be directed to the closest location.
When you call you may be asked if you have Zim,Currency or both.This is because not all locations will be able to redeem Zim.NEVER say how much you have,and they cannot legally ask.
当你打电话的时候,可能会有人问你是否有 Zim、Currency 或者两者都有。这是因为并非所有的地点都能赎回 Zim。永远不要说你有多少钱,他们也不能合法地要求。
Remember that bonds(Zim)is redeemed,and Currency is exchanged.
You are free to redeem anywhere inside the United States.You are not required to exchange in your home state.It is recommended that if you live in a small town,that you go far enough from home,so you are not recognized.This is for your safety.There are no restrictions if you want to go to another state.You cannot go to another country to exchange.If you are a US citizen living abroad,check with place of exchange on what options you have available to you.
What to bring to appointment:
a.2 picture IDs–driver's license,passport,government ID or anything with your picture 两张带照片的身份证-驾驶执照,护照,政府身份证或者任何有你照片的东西
b.2 recent utility bill statements–this verifies your address 两份最近的公用事业账单,这证明了你的地址
c.If homeless or no permanent address explain this at appointment.如果无家可归或者没有固定住址,请在约见时解释这一点
d.Social Security card and/or Birth certificate.These may not be necessary,but bring especially if you have no picture ID.社会保险卡和/或出生证明。这些可能不是必需的,但如果你没有带照片的身份证明,就要特别带上
e.If you have a bank account with a Tier 1 bank(HSBC,Chase,WF,Bank of America)bring your account number and routing number(a blank check will have that info.).如果你在一级银行(汇丰银行,大通银行,世界银行,美国银行)有一个银行帐户,带上你的帐号和路由号码(一个空白支票将有这个信息。)
f.If you have a trust,bring the cover and indemnification pages(notarized pages).You may bring the entire trust,but they should only need copies of those pages.如果你有信托基金,带上封面和赔偿页(公证页)。您可以带来整个信任,但他们只需要这些页面的副本
g.Currencies/Bonds–Separate by country and denomination,large to small,facing in same direction.Place each currency into a small plastic bag.货币/债券-按国家及面额分类,由大至小,面向同一方向。将每种货币放入一个小塑料袋中
h.If you have a lot of currency,recommend you create a tally sheet of how much of each currency/bond you have.如果你有很多货币,建议你创建一个计数表,记录你拥有的每种货币/债券的数量
On day of appointment dress professionally.Do not dress to a point that you are uncomfortable.
Allow yourself plenty of time.Know where you are going and where to park if in a large city/urban area.Do not use Uber or Lyft type services.You might consider hiring a professional security company for transportation if safety is a concern.
给自己足够的时间。知道你要去的地方和在大城市/市区停车的地方。不要使用 Uber 或 Lyft 类型的服务。如果你担心安全问题,你可以考虑聘请一家专业的运输安全公司。
Do not share with anyone purpose of your appointment or what you are doing.
Make a list of anything that you need in the first 10 days.Do you have any emergency needs like housing or medical,etc.
If you are redeeming Zim,make a 3-6-month budget.Budget does not include existing debt.Zim proceeds will be placed into a structured payout.Structured payouts take approximately 3 months to set up.By having a budget,you can have funds available for living expenses during that 90-day window.
如果你要赎回 Zim,做一个3-6个月的预算。预算不包括现有债务。Zim 的收益将被用于结构性支付。结构化支付大约需要3个月的时间来建立。有了预算,你就可以在90天的窗口期内有足够的资金来支付生活费用。
It is expected that close of appointment that you will receive a debit card with 1-2%of Zim proceeds.Unless you have a large amount of currency you should have access to those funds the same day or within 24-36 hours.Large currency holders may have to put a portion of their funds into a structured payout.
预计结束预约后,您将收到一张借记卡,其中含有 Zim 收益的1-2%。除非你有大量的现金,否则你应该可以在当天或者24-36小时内使用这些资金。大型货币持有者可能不得不将部分资金用于结构性支付。
Rates on currencies are based on Street rate,International and Contract rate.Not all currencies have a Contract rate.You can ask if there is one.You will want to know if there are conditions for receiving the contract rate and what they are.*See supplemental information for definitions.
The Redemption Centers will have a default package.This package includes rates,fees,services and benefits/perks.The default rate will be the International rate.If this is agreeable,you simply will follow through on signing all documents.
Leave with copies of all signed documents and any business cards.
Banks are reporting that there will not be time to create a skeleton trust at appointment.If possible,set up appointment for immediately after exchange to meet with a trust attorney or Trust Co.representative to have a trust created.Be prepared to have a unique trust name picked out.Also,who your beneficiaries will be and a successor trustee(person who will take over for you should you not be able to manage duties).Trust name should not be something associated with you directly.
When you get to the actual exchange process:
a.They will run your currency/bonds through the DE LaRue machine.This machine counts and verifies the authenticity of your currency.他们将通过 DE LaRue 机器运行你的货币/债券。这台机器计算和验证你的货币的真实性
b.If you do not like what is being offered,you can ask if any portion is negotiable.如果你不喜欢正在提供的东西,你可以问是否有任何部分是面议
c.You may be asked what you plan to do with funds.If you are redeeming Zim,the expectation is that you would do humanitarian projects,but is not required.At end of this document is a list of projects that you can choose from to support if you wish.(No longer 80/20 requirement on the Zim)你可能会被问到你打算用这些资金做什么。如果你是救赎齐姆,期望是你会做人道主义项目,但不是必须的。本文档的最后是一个项目列表,如果您愿意,您可以从中选择支持这些项目。(不再需要80/20的 Zim)
d.Historically,they have been looking for the following things in projects:从历史上看,他们一直在项目中寻找以下东西:
i.Projects are global in nature–start local and grow outward 项目本质上是全球性的——从本地开始,向外发展
ii.Job creation Ii.创造就业机会
iii.Duration–multigenerational Iii.持续时间——多代
iv.Improves economy and helps businesses impacted by Covid 改善经济并帮助受到科维德影响的企业
The best way to talk about your projects is to explain a problem and then how you want to fix it.Example:Homelessness–want to build safe affordable housing.
Your project should be typed up in a 1-3-page format with bullet points.This just makes it easy for them to read.Attached at end of this document is a cover sheet for your project.A copy of your project write up will be left at Redemption Center.
If you do not like the default package(rates,fees,services and perks)you may be able to request to talk to someone about what you plan to do and why you need something different than being offered.You may be given a Safe Keeping Receipt(SKR).This is where your currency/Bonds are recorded,and you are given the SKR.You will then work with a Trust company and/or Wealth Manager to assist with negotiations and preparing the needed information.
如果你不喜欢默认的套餐(费率,费用,服务和津贴),你可以要求和别人谈谈你的计划,以及为什么你需要一些不同于被提供的东西。你可能会得到一张保管收据。这是您的货币/债券记录的地方,您将获得 SKR。然后,您将与信托公司和/或财富管理人员合作,协助谈判和准备所需的信息。
Discuss what fees they are charging for exchange.It may be that the fees have been calculated in the rates.It is ok to ask if you can negotiate fees.In many cases,you may be further ahead to just pay the fees.This is something you can ask about.The same is true for services and perks.
If all is agreeable,sign and get copies.Remember that any agreements can be rescinded within 72 hours/3 days by law.You may ask if that time can be extended to allow you time to meet with professionals and to come back and renegotiate in your best interests.
You will open a new bank account for each currency and/or bond you are redeeming/exchanging.These accounts will be under trust account name if you have one.
Each person will be given a US Treasury Account and be in the QFS.
You can take your spouse to appointment or not.You do not want to take anyone who is not familiar with this process as they may end up slowing everything down with too many questions.
Types of Rates:
Front screen/Street Rate:This is the rate you see when you look to purchase or sell currency.The buy rate is higher than the sell rate and the bank always includes a fee.The fee includes the bank portion and the UST portion.
International Rate/Back Screen/Default:This is the rate that is used for trading.It is higher than the front screen/street rate.Example:Street rate per million Dong:$1180.International rate:$470,000.To receive international/default rated does require that you sign an NDA.This protects you and the bank.
Contract Rate:This is a rate that is agreed to between countries.Any contract rate is a written agreement between two parties.When you hear"contract rates"associated with the RV,it is often being misused.
合同价格:这是国家之间商定的价格。任何合同费率都是双方之间的书面协议。当你听到与 RV 相关的"收缩率"时,它经常被误用。
Unless you have a written agreement with another,you do not have a contract rate.
If you negotiate for something different than the default,then you will be signing a written agreement and that would be your contract rate.
In the context of the US,it has written agreements with other countries,specifically Iraq and Vietnam.
With Iraq,it is sometimes referred to as"contract for oil".This is an agreement between governments.The US holds Iraqi Dinar and will receive that contract rate.
Not all currencies have contract rates.
Currently,if you hold Zim,contract rates will not be available.This is because you will receive more from the Zim than you will with a contracted currency rate.
目前,如果你持有 Zim,合同费率将不可用。这是因为你将收到更多的 Zim 比你将与合同货币汇率。
NDA–Non-disclosure agreement
The NDA is a written agreement between two parties that specifies what cannot be disclosed or shared.Usually there is a time limit,90 days+.As relates to the RV,you are agreeing to not discuss what rate you received for your currency and Zim.The RV transaction is a private transaction.The UST does not want you talking to the public about your private transaction.
保密协议是双方之间的书面协议,规定了哪些内容不能披露或共享。通常有一个时间限制,90天以上。至于 RV,你同意不讨论你的货币和 Zim 的兑换率。RV 交易是一个私人交易。UST 不希望您向公众谈论您的私人交易。
If you choose not to sign an NDA,you will go with the public(Tier 5)and will receive Street Rate.
Who can participate?Generally speaking,you can participate in the RV if you are not and have not participated in gangs,legalized crime,murder,human trafficking etc.If you are unsure,make appointment and ask when you get there.
谁可以参与?一般来说,如果你没有参与或没有参与帮派、合法犯罪、谋杀、人口贩卖等活动,你可以参加 RV。如果你不确定,预约一下,到了那里就问一下。
Once all currency are asset backed,that currency will be exchanged at 1:1 and it will not matter if it is a Mexican Peso or a Dinar.The RV is about creating a level playing field.Not all currency rates will rise in value and some will fall.
一旦所有货币都有资产支持,该货币将在1:1交换,无论是墨西哥比索还是第纳尔都无所谓。RV 是关于创造一个公平的竞争环境。并非所有的货币汇率都会升值,有些会下跌。
If you do not have a project but wish to help,below is list of 15 categories of projects from which you can choose.Each category is associated with an Executive Order(EO).You can look up the EO to learn what the focus is.This will help if you do not have an existing project.
如果你没有一个项目,但希望帮助,下面是15类项目的清单,你可以选择。每一类别都与一项行政命令有关。你可以查看 EO 来了解焦点是什么。这将有助于如果您没有一个现有的项目。
•Infrastructure–(There are 5 EOs related to infrastructure.One is#13807 8/15/2017–Review purpose and what is needed)
•International and American business
•Violence and criminals
•American Indians,refuges and pacific islanders
•Technology and space
•Financial and money
Project Cover Sheet
Name of Project
Name of Submitter
Phone number
Email Address
Date of Submission
Description of the project–give as much detail as possible.(If you have a plan or outline prepared,attach this form to front of that plan).
I.Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays:
June 21 Summer Solstice Feast Day was the next Satanic Holiday according to an Occult Calendar of Demonic Holidays put together by professional therapists from childhood accounts of their Satanic Ritually Abused(SRA)clients.
Summer Solstice was celebrated with blood,oral,anal sexual orgies,culminating with the sacrifice of both an animal and human,any age,male or female,the more innocent the better–followed by eating the flesh and drinking their Adrenochromed blood.
Be aware of Satanic activities in your neighborhood and help save mind controlled children and teens being forced to participate in the rape,torture and murder of themselves and other children.
Months in advance Satan worshippers planned for their holidays by kidnapping children and teens,while commonly perpetrators impregnated preteens and teens to produce their own victims.The babies,children and teens were starved,tortured and used in sex orgies in preparation for human sacrifice rites.
Please report suspected Satanic activities to your local law enforcement.Since Satanists were known to infiltrate police departments,cover your tracks by also contacting U.S.Immigration and Customs Enforcement(ICE):https://www.ice.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form and the Federal Human Trafficking Website:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
请向当地执法部门报告可疑的撒旦活动。因为众所周知撒旦教徒会渗透到警察局,所以你可以通过联系美国移民与海关执法局来掩盖你的行踪:美国移民与海关执法 https://www.ICE.gov/webform/hsi-tip-form 和联邦人口贩卖网站:https://www.state.gov/humantrafficking/
If you wished to join the effort in saving children from international sex trafficking,contact Tim Ballard at Operation Underground Railroad and/or the non-profit organization,Saving Innocence.https://ourrescue.org/ https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4tmI8YxCU&feature=emb_rel_end
如果你想加入拯救国际性交易中的儿童的行列,请联系地下铁路行动组织和/或非营利组织保护协会的 Tim Ballard,拯救无辜。Https://ourrescue.org/https://savinginnocence.org https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft4tmi8yxcu&feature=emb_rel_end
J."Twenty Two Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her twenty two multiple personalities,"by Judy Byington,Foreword by Dr.Colin A.Ross,M.D.RAW:Dr.Colin Ross–Robert David Steele
22 Faces:inside the extraordinary life of Jenny Hill and her Twenty Two multiple personality,by Judy Byington,Foreword by dr.Colin a.Ross,m.d.RAW:dr.Colin Ross-罗伯特·大卫·斯蒂尔
Jenny Describes a Satanic Child Sacrifice:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F626Lsrdwg4
WARNING:Jenny gave a graphic description about how she at the tender age of five,was raped,tortured,forced to view a Child Sacrifice and save for Divine intervention,was almost killed herself–not unlike the sordid experiences of thousands of other child victims of Satanic Worshippers.Satan-follower perpetrators appeared to be organized from the US Inc's CIA,Queen Elizabeth's,Illuminati Banking families'and Vatican's Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult on down to the Clintons,Hollywood,Pizzagate and local teenage covens.They were funded by this same Cabal that ran our global monetary system–the very organization that was in the process of being brought down by activation of the Global Currency Reset.It's no wonder that President Trump has stated,"These people are sick."
警告:珍妮生动地描述了她在五岁时如何被强奸、折磨、被迫观看儿童祭祀和拯救神灵干预,差点自杀--就像其他数千名撒旦巫师的儿童受害者的肮脏经历一样。撒旦追随者似乎是从美国公司的中央情报局、伊丽莎白女王、光照派银行家庭和梵蒂冈的第九圈儿童祭祀邪教组织起来的,一直到克林顿家族、好莱坞。披萨门和当地的青少年契约。它们是由运行我们的全球货币体系的同一个阴谋集团资助的--正是这个组织正在被全球货币重置计划(Global Currency Reset)击垮。难怪特朗普总统说,"这些人病了。"
K.The Global Currency Reset and NESARA/GESARA is all about the Children
It's not about the money.It's about the children–the thousands of malnourished and traumatized children who in honor of Satan,were being raped and murdered so their Elite Perpetrators could supposedly gain power and rule the world.The first official act President Trump made the morning before he was sworn into office was to pay a visit to CIA Headquarters and declare a war on an international Child Sex Trafficking Ring run by these global elites.Let us fast and pray for these millions of little ones who were right now being rescued from Cabal underground tunnels across the globe,and tortured and killed by Satanic Covens right next door.Let us also pray for those Military Troops worldwide who were risking their own lives to save them.The ancient doctrine of Fasting and Prayer was explained here at the 10:30:32 mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs
这不是钱的问题。而是关于儿童--数以千计的营养不良和遭受创伤的儿童,他们为了纪念撒旦而被强奸和谋杀,这样他们的精英犯罪者就可以获得权力并统治世界。特朗普总统在宣誓就职前的第一天早上采取的第一项官方行动是访问中央情报局总部,向由这些全球精英运营的国际儿童性贩卖团伙宣战。让我们斋戒并为这些正在从阴谋地下隧道中获救的数百万小孩子祈祷。并被隔壁的撒旦·科文斯折磨和杀害。让我们也为世界各地冒着生命危险拯救他们的军队祈祷。古老的斋戒和祈祷教义在mark:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Mb9gU6DmKs 10:30:32解释过
Judy Note:I do not now,nor have I ever,received monies for writing my Updates and articles.The compensation has been in having outlets to help Save the Children by exposing truths about the very secretive Satanic Ritual Abuse,Pedophilia and Child Sacrifice that was rampant in our international society.
The above was a summary of information from the Internet.It would be up to the reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it was valid.
I will send the Safe Link Website out when I find out what it is,plus it will be posted on several Dinar Websites.It is my understanding that by linking into the Safe Link Website it will generate a Non Disclosure Agreement to sign in order to obtain redemption/exchange appointments.
After signing that Non Disclosure I will be unable to email,post or talk to anyone about the exchange process for 90 days,so I will be going silent and taking those 90 days to get my humanitarian project organized and going.
This is not a goodbye.I expect to be working with many of you in the near future.I can't tell you how much I have enjoyed getting to know you.You will remain in my heart forever.
A huge Thank You to those dedicated and brave Intel providers who wished to remain unknown;to humble Wildfire Lady who is adept at exposing the truth;to Martha who has unceasingly worked around the clock to discern what is real in the fake news;to Brad who does great research;to Bonni B who exposes the underlying causes of what is really happening and to Ken who uncovers almost unlimited Intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.
非常感谢那些愿意保持默默无闻的英特尔提供商;感谢那些谦逊的野火女士,她善于揭露真相;感谢玛莎,她不断地昼夜工作,分辨假新闻中的真相;感谢布拉德,她做了伟大的研究;感谢邦尼 b,他揭露了真相的根本原因;感谢肯,他揭露了几乎无限的英特尔有关恋童癖的信息,帮助我们拯救儿童。
Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.
让我们感谢 q,重置终于来了。我祝愿你们在人道主义努力中一切顺利,并期待着在另一方看到你们,我们将共同努力,使所有人的生活更加美好。
Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.And,we will!!!...Judy