The evidence that COVID-19 shots are making an entire generation infertile while killing unborn children still in the womb continues to pour in.
Last week, Senator Ron Johnson hosted a conference in Washington D.C. called “Second Opinion” which featured many of the same speakers from his previous event held in D.C. back in November of 2021. See:
上周,参议员罗恩 · 约翰逊(Ron Johnson)在华盛顿特区主持了一个名为”第二意见”的会议,许多与他2021年11月在华盛顿特区举行的上一次活动相同的发言者参加了这次会议。参见:
One of the speakers at this 5-hour recorded event last Monday was attorney Thomas Renz, who in the short time allotted to him, testified that three military medical professionals had become whistle blowers, putting their careers on the line, to expose data contained in the Department of Defense Medical Database, under oath and under penalty of perjury, regarding the explosion of miscarriages which increased by almost 300% in 2021, an almost 300% increase in cancer, and over a 1000% increase in neurological injuries, which have a direct impact over the pilots flying in the military.
在上周一这个5小时的纪录活动中,律师托马斯 · 伦茨(Thomas Renz)作证说,三名军队医疗专业人员已经成为告密者,将他们的职业生涯置于危险之中,在宣誓和作伪证的情况下,公开了国防部医疗数据库中的数据,这些数据涉及2021年流产率几乎增加了300% 的爆炸性事件、癌症几乎增加了300% 、神经损伤增加了1000% 以上,这些都直接影响了在军队中飞行的飞行员。
Renz stated:
Renz 说:
Our soldiers are being experimented on, injured, and sometimes possibly killed (by the COVID-19 vaccines.)
After this very brief testimony in Senator Johnson’s 5-hour presentation, Renz did a couple of interviews in the Right Wing alternative media where he expanded on what he testified to at Senator Johnson’s conference in D.C., and in an interview on OAN he stated:
在约翰逊参议员5个小时的陈述中,Renz 做了简短的证词之后,他接受了右翼媒体的几次采访,详细阐述了他在华盛顿参议员约翰逊的会议上所作的证词,在一次关于 OAN 的采访中,他说:
Along with the 300% increase in miscarriages, we also have a 150% increase in birth defects.
随着流产率增加了300% ,出生缺陷率也增加了150% 。
Men, if you want things not to work for you, we saw the average at 2100 for male infertility jump to 7551. That’s a 350% increase.
男人们,如果你想让事情对你不起作用,我们可以看到男性不育平均数从2100跃升到7551。这是350% 的增长。
Female infertility increased by 471%.
女性不孕症增长了471% 。
And here is the most damning part of this information that Renz is reporting from the whistle blowers sharing data from the DoD medical database: these percentage increases are measured over the average of the past 5 year’s data, which included year 2020, the year COVID started, which means all of these increases started in year 2021, when the vaccines were rolled out.
这些百分比的增长是通过过去5年的平均数据来衡量的,其中包括2020年,也就是 Covid 开始的那一年,这意味着所有这些增长都开始于2021年,也就是疫苗推出的那一年。
GENOCIDE! The word “genocide” comes from the Greek word genos, from which we get words like “generation,” and the Latin suffix –caedo, which means the “act of killing.”
种族灭绝!“种族灭绝”这个词来自希腊词 genos,我们从中得到“一代”这样的词,还有拉丁词尾 caedo,意思是“杀戮的行为”
So am I exaggerating or using hyperbole when I describe these COVID-19 vaccines as causing “genocide” by making an entire generation of people in their child-bearing ages infertile?
And remember, these statistics that Renz is reporting are from the military, who are among the healthiest and most fit members of our society!
记住,Renz 报告的这些统计数据来自军队,他们是我们社会中最健康和最健康的成员之一!
I have taken the segment of Attorney Renz’s testimony in D.C. and a segment from his interview on OAN, and cut out all the “Biden is a demon and Trump is our savior” political crap so you can just focus on what Renz is actually reporting from these medical whistle blowers. This is on our Bitchute channel, and also on our Telegram channel.
我选取了 Renz 律师在华盛顿的证词和他在接受 OAN 采访时的一部分,去掉了所有“拜登是魔鬼,特朗普是我们的救世主”的政治废话,这样你就可以专注于 Renz 实际上从这些医疗举报人那里报道了什么。这是在我们的 Bitchute 频道,也在我们的电报频道。
The U.S. Government VAERS Database Corroborates the Military Whistle Blower Data Regarding Fetal Deaths Following COVID-19 Vaccines
美国政府 VAERS 数据库证实了军方检举人关于2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗后胎儿死亡的数据
I have been reporting since last year just how devastating these COVID-19 “vaccines” have been for pregnant women and child-bearing women who get pregnant after they are injected, and this data, taken directly from the Government’s own Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) corroborates what the military medical professionals are reporting from their data among the military, which is that fetal deaths have sky rocketed since the rollout of the COVID-19 “vaccines.”
从去年开始,我就一直在报道这些2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗对注射后怀孕的孕妇和生育妇女的破坏性有多大,这些数据直接取自政府自己的疫苗不良事件报告系统(VAERS) ,证实了军队医疗专业人员从军队中报告的数据,即自从2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗推出后,胎儿死亡率飙升
As of the Friday, January 28, 2022 update to the VAERS data, there have been 3,389 fetal deaths reported in VAERS following an experimental COVID-19 shot. (Source.)
截至2022年1月28日星期五,VAERS 的数据更新,在一次实验性的2019冠状病毒疾病射击后,VAERS 报告了3389例胎儿死亡。(资料来源)
By way of contrast, for the previous 31 years following all FDA-approved vaccines, there have been a total of 2,499 fetal deaths total, using the exact same search parameters. (Source.)
相比之下,在所有 fda 批准的疫苗接种之后的31年里,使用完全相同的搜索参数,共有2,499例胎儿死亡。(资料来源)
- 80 fetal deaths per year following FDA-approved vaccines
- 根据 fda 批准的疫苗,每年有80例胎儿死亡
- 3128 fetal deaths per year following experimental COVID-19 vaccines
- 每年有3128例胎儿死于实验性2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗
(Note: we now have 13 months of data on COVID-19 vaccines, so I took the total, divided by 13, and then multiplied by 12 to get the yearly number.)
(注: 我们现在有13个月的2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗数据,所以我把总数除以13,然后乘以12得到年数。)
And these numbers of fetal deaths are only what are reported, and we know that VAERS is vastly under-reported.
这些胎儿死亡的数字仅仅是报道的数字,而且我们知道 VAERS 的报道远远不够。
A few days ago, Dr. Jessica Rose published an article on the “unreported factor” in VAERS based on what these military whistle blowers revealed from the military medical database regarding “miscarriages.” See:
几天前,杰西卡 · 罗斯博士发表了一篇关于 VAERS 中“未报告的因素”的文章,这篇文章的依据是这些军方举报人从军队医疗数据库中揭露的有关“流产”的信息参见:
Based on what the military is reporting for miscarriages following COVID-19 shots of pregnant women, Dr. Rose calculated that the unreported factor for miscarriages is X49.
根据军方对怀孕妇女注射2019冠状病毒疾病后流产的报告,Rose 博士计算出流产的未报告因素是 X49。
VAERS is reporting 3,389 fetal deaths following COVID-19 shots, so the true number would be closer to 166,061 fetal deaths following the COVID shots.
据 VAERS 报道,在接受2019冠状病毒疾病疫苗注射后,有3389例胎儿死亡,因此真实数字接近166061例。
And that is just for pregnant women. What about all the child-bearing age women who are now infertile?
**By Brian Shilhavy
作者: Brian Shilhavy