
2022年11月26日17:08:39新人阅读NESARA|神圣计划 已关闭评论7262阅读模式
Matthew as a young man

NESARA = The Divine Plan


December 22, 2020


Source: Golden Age of Gaia | By Steve Beckow

来源: 盖亚的黄金时代作者: Steve Beckow

Note: Since we’re all breathlessly awaiting NESARA, this article from Dec. 2020 becomes even more relevant today.

注意: 由于我们都在屏息等待 NESARA,这篇2020年12月的文章在今天变得更有意义。

I’m proof-reading a 600-page book on Ascension, calmly reading through a message from Matthew Ward, when, all of a sudden, I find myself saying, “Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This is the Plan for our Ascension. This is the Plan I’m reading.”

我正在校对一本600页的关于升天的书,平静地阅读马修 · 沃德的信息,突然间,我发现自己在说,“等一下。等一下。这是我们扬升计划。这就是我正在阅读的计划。”

Because I tend to compartmentalize knowledge, I’d been keeping the Divine Plan and NESARA separate. But, as Matthew points out here, they aren’t separate. NESARA IS the Divine Plan.

因为我倾向于划分知识,我一直保持神圣计划和 NESARA 分离。但是,正如马修在这里指出的,它们并不是分开的。NESARA是神圣的计划。

NESARA = National Economic Security and Reformation Act.  A blueprint for a world that works for everyone.

NESARA = 国家经济安全和改革法案。一个为每个人工作的世界的蓝图。

Here’s Matthew explaining how near to extinction Gaia’s physical body (that is, Earth) came for a lack of light. He takes us from there to the role played by NESARA in our Ascension.

这里马太解释了盖亚的物质身体(也就是地球)因为缺少光而濒临灭绝的程度。他把我们从那里带到 NESARA 在我们扬升中所扮演的角色。

From “Matthew Ward: An Account of Our Ascension Journey – Part 2/2,” November 21, 2018, at

摘自2018年11月21日《马修 · 沃德: 我们扬升之旅的记录——第2/2部分》

The two previous episodes when the planet’s very life was at stake, the release of amassed negativity happened with such cataclysmic force that all life forms perished. Gaia loved them all, even the people who contributed to the negativity, and each time of departure sorrowed her deeply.


This time she wanted her residents not only to survive, but physically ascend with her planetary body, which would be restored to its original pristine health and beauty so all of her life forms could flourish and live together joyously and harmoniously. Her clear vision of that Earth became manifest in the universal continuum.


Accommodating Gaia’s desire and her body’s immediate need to start ridding itself of negativity required a massive amount of light, and God authorized powerful civilizations to provide it. The initial infusion stabilized Earth’s orbit, jarred her loose from deep third density’s entrenched negativity and enabled her to begin ascending.


Naturally, that light and all forthcoming from those far distant sources would be available to all of her life forms, too, but how to motivate humankind to peer through the darkness that shrouded the planet so they could “see the light” was quite another matter.


It was at that point the council entered the picture. They accepted the task of inspiring the peoples to take charge of their personal ascension by receptivity to the incoming light so they could start generating their own with forcefulness.


This was essential for two reasons of equal importance to ascension: Light transforms bodies’ carbon-based cells into the crystalline structure that can survive in vibratory levels that eventually Earth would reach; and by dissolving the “veil” between third density consciousness and soul-level knowledge, the light opens hearts and minds to the spiritual enlightenment that engenders soul growth.

这对提升同样重要的两个原因是必要的: 光将身体的碳基细胞转化为水晶结构,水晶结构可以在地球最终将达到的振动水平中存活; 通过消除第三密度意识和灵魂水平知识之间的“面纱”,光打开心灵和头脑,让灵性启蒙产生灵魂成长。

After discussing all the intricacies, complexities and requirements involved—first and foremost that everyone’s free will must be honored in accordance with Creator’s edict to rulers of all the universes—the council came up with a plan. It had to be put into a linear timeframe for your understanding, and since it is your world, it could only be what you want it to be.


Therefore, all aspects of the plan had to become part of the collective consciousness, that energy mass of countless thoughts, feelings and deeds that steers activity in Earth’s field of potential and determines what happens in your world.


So a major consideration was how to present the plan in a format that would start people thinking about it. At that time in your history, the United States was considered to be the most globally influential of all countries, making it practical to start there, and so it did—members of that government were inspired to form the National Economic Security and Reformation Act that is commonly known by its acronym NESARA.

所以一个主要的考虑就是如何以一种能让人们开始思考的形式来展示这个计划。在你们的历史上,美国被认为是所有国家中最具全球影响力的国家,因此从美国开始是切实可行的。美国政府的成员受到启发,制定了《国家经济安全与改革法案》(National Economic Security and Reform Act) ,该法案的首字母缩写是 NESARA。

This legislation has been the dark ones’ target of manifold lies and sabotage, which led to denial of its existence by some who heard of it and to serious misconceptions by others. If you don’t know what NESARA actually encompasses—it is no less than the basis of world transformation and spiritual renewal!—and its evolution through both light and dark passages, please read previous messages that give detailed accounts. [Special NESARA edition, August 13, 2006, provides background information; a number of other messages include additional coverage.]

这项立法已经成为黑暗势力多方谎言和破坏的目标,导致一些听说过它的人否认它的存在,也导致其他人严重的误解。如果你不知道 NESARA 实际上包含了什么ーー它不亚于世界转变和精神更新的基础ーー以及它在光明和黑暗两个阶段的进化,请阅读之前给出详细描述的信息。[ NESARA 特别版,2006年8月13日,提供背景信息; 其他一些信息包括额外的报道。]

The provisions of NESARA and all other facets of the plan were developed in the continuum, where what you think of as past, present and future is a series of simultaneous happenings; where souls’ evolutionary station is known by the amount of light they radiate and matching them up according to their interests, innate capabilities and necessary karmic experiencing can be easily arranged.

NESARA 的条款和计划的所有其他方面都是在连续体中发展起来的,在那里你认为的过去、现在和未来是一系列同时发生的事情; 灵魂的进化站点是通过它们辐射的光量来知道的,并根据它们的兴趣来匹配它们,天生的能力和必要的业力体验可以很容易地安排。

Always pre-birth agreements are made with unconditional love and designed to benefit every soul participating in the shared lifetime, and so it was with the council’s plan, albeit the most unusual and far-reaching ever devised. Never before in this universe had an entire civilization entered into an agreement whereby the vast majority would undertake such a monumental challenge: completing in only one lifetime all third density karmic lessons they needed to achieve balance and evolve spiritually and consciously into fourth density.

出生前协议总是与无条件为你达成的,旨在惠及每一个参与共同生活的灵魂,委员会的计划也是如此,尽管这是有史以来最不寻常、影响最深远的计划。在这个宇宙中,从来没有一个完整的文明达成协议,让绝大多数人承担如此巨大的挑战: 在一生中完成所有的第三密度业力课程,他们需要达到平衡,并在灵性上和有意识地进化到第四密度。

This unique opportunity attracted trillions of eager souls, far more than could enter Earth’s population, and those who were selected were apprised of every part of the plan. They knew that after birth they would not remember any of it, but inner guidance would keep them on track via soul-level messages to the consciousness—conscience, intuition, instinct, aspirations and inspirations—because this is true of every physical life.


The stunning difference this time was, all participants knew that they would be helping to create in linear time a world that already exists in the continuum by virtue of Gaia’s manifestation. And, all felt certain that they would masterfully perform their chosen roles.


Nevertheless, in the council’s planning of a process unprecedented in speed and scope, they wisely took into account that some of the weaker souls might falter and welcome assistance in addition to the continuous in-beaming of light from distant civilizations, and the plan included several means to handle that contingency.


Stronger souls who had shared lifetimes with weaker ones could take upon themselves a portion of those souls’ heavy karma; volunteers for those roles were in fourth or higher densities, and so were the energy healers, psychic intermediaries and receivers of telepathic communication, who would help in their respective ways.

和弱小灵魂共享一生的强大灵魂,可以承担一部分灵魂的沉重业力; 这些灵魂的志愿者是第四密度或者更高密度,能量治疗师、精神中介和传音接收者也是如此,他们会以各自的方式提供帮助。

A multitude of souls was needed to become way-showers and standard-bearers. Some would intuitively know the truth of information transmitted by messengers in the light and share it with all who were receptive; others would become active in various reform efforts or prepare for professions where they could influence positive changes; and some of the many souls who would exemplify the power of positive thoughts and feelings and the joy of living in godly ways would fill other roles, too.

众多的灵魂需要成为方式-阵雨和旗手。一些人会凭直觉知道信使在光中传递的信息的真相,并与所有愿意接受的人分享; 另一些人会积极参与各种改革努力,或者为他们能够影响积极变化的职业做准备; 还有一些人会成为积极思想和感情的力量的典范,并且以神圣的方式生活的喜悦也会充当其他角色。

Well, I’ll be. A lightbulb moment. We’ve had the Divine Plan before us all this time and I treated it as a merely-economic charter.  NESARA is next to look at,  as soon as I’m complete with Ascension.

我会的。灵光一现。我们一直以来都有神圣计划在我们面前,我把它当作一个纯粹的经济宪章。NESARA 是下一个要看的,只要我完成了扬升。

Thank you, Matthew!



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