
2022年10月19日10:01:59新人阅读真正的历史发展|最后的警钟已关闭评论7283字数 11431阅读38分6秒阅读模式

Papal Hierarchy
Jesuitism is the most absolute form of despotism
Knights of Malta and Jesuits working together!

Who controls the world?


People will be astonished when the truth is revealed in the time to come. The Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church changed history and hid the rest of it by making up fairy tales about the true history of the earth. 



One such lie was about Mary Magdalene, who was in reality Jesus’ wife, giving him two sons named Jesus II Justus and Joseph, along with a daughter named Tamar. This knowledge was suppressed by the Roman Catholic Church.


The church began its modus operandi by killing scientists in 1600, to change the story to serve their objectives.


Major changes are now taking place, to restore our status, and teach people what has been done to us by the Crime Cabal, which includes Draco Reptiles, Greys, and other entities from the universe, which have been deliberately hidden from us by these dark powers.


Pope Francis is a Jesuit and preaches that his god is Lucifer, implying that the pope worships Satan.


Lightworkers have since restored much of the truth, rectifying the 300 AD Treaty of Sangreal, which proclaims that all people on earth are sovereign, and should be treated as such. This will mark the end of the Phony El-ites and their Slave-Scam, which they have conducted for many centuries to the detriment of people on Earth.

光之工作者已经恢复了大部分真相,纠正了公元300年 Sangreal 条约,该条约宣称地球上所有的人都是主权的,并且应该被这样对待。这将标志着虚伪的艾尔派和他们的奴隶骗局的终结,这些骗局已经实施了几个世纪,对地球上的人们造成了伤害。

Scientists know that there were nuclear wars tens of thousands of years ago, and that radiation is still present in small amounts in the Middle East as a result.


The Roman Catholic Pope and all his war criminals, some of whom pretend to be Jews, who in reality are Khazarian mafioso, as well as all European royalty, are Nazis and paedophiles. They are real Satanists, holding positions in the Vatican, the City of London, Washington DC – District of Columbia, and the United Nations – based in New York City. This information was received from an insider, who wishes to remain anonymous for obvious reasons:


All those in positions of absolute power such as the Queen now King of England, the entire royal family of Queen Beatrix in the Netherlands, the Rothschilds, Bushes, Clintons, Rockefellers, Pope Francis, belong to the hidden Jesuit Hierarchy. They are all one big happy Archon bloodline family. I.e. cousins, nieces, uncles and cousins of each other. Some of these people are personally known to this insider, so don’t be fooled!


But the most powerful man in this great conspiracy, to oppress all people on planet Earth, is the Grey Pope called Pepe Orsini, who is a descendant of the powerful ancient Roman papal bloodline family Maximus.

但在这场压迫地球上所有人的,伟大阴谋中,最有权势的人,是灰色教皇佩佩 · 奥尔西尼,他是强大的古罗马教皇家族马克西姆斯的后裔。

Papal hierarchy 


真正的历史发展|最后的警钟There is no one more powerful than the Grey Pope. The Papal Bloodlines are the secret shadow hierarchy of the Jesuit order, controlled by the Black Pope, who is touted as the number one. Other powerful papal bloodlines include the Breakspear, Somaglia, Farnese and Aldobrandini. 

没有人比灰色教皇更强大。教皇血统是耶稣会的秘密影子阶层,由被吹捧为第一的黑人教皇控制。其他强大的教皇血统包括 Breakspear、 Somaglia、法尔内塞和 Aldobrandini

David Rothschild, for example, is married to Princess Olimpia Aldobrandini. Another influential head is Henry Breakspear who lives in Macau in China. Most heads of the papal bloodline live in Asia and India. Both the Black Pope and the White Pope do not belong to the Papal Bloodline, but are ordinary people. However, to the outside world, it is presented that the Black Pope is the ‘Commander-in-Chief of the World’.

例如,大卫•罗斯柴尔德(David Rothschild)娶了奥林皮娅·阿尔多布兰迪尼公主。另一个有影响力的头目是住在中国澳门的亨利。大多数教皇血统的首领生活在亚洲和印度。黑教皇和白教皇都不属于教皇血统,而是普通人。然而,在外界看来,黑教皇是“世界的总司令”。

He is, after the Grey Pope, the most powerful man on Earth, ruling over maritime laws on business and population. He controls the banking system, Freemasonry and the Secret Services – CIA, FBI, NSA, SIS, MI6, Scotland Yard, Mossad, CSIS, DGSE, FSB.

在灰色教皇之后,他是地球上最有权势的人,统治着商业和人口方面的海洋法。他控制着银行系统,共济会和特勤局 CIA FBI NSA SIS MI6苏格兰场,摩萨德 CSIS DGSE FSB。

The Vatican owns 60% of all the land in Israel, which was stolen from the Palestinians, including the Temple Mount land for their Third Temple of Solomon, where the Deep State want to establish their throne.

梵蒂冈拥有以色列全部土地的60% ,这些土地都是从巴勒斯坦人那里偷来的,包括他们第三所罗门圣殿的圣殿山,深层政府想在那里建立他们的王位。

The Grey Pope is part of the Arcana Arcanorum, controlled by the papal bloodlines within the I-Mori. These bloodlines are the omega point of control.

灰色教皇是奥秘的一部分,由教皇的血统控制在 I-Mori。这些血统是欧米茄的控制点。

The Arcana Arcanorum is an esoteric system, hidden from prying eyes, made up of Masons, Rosicrucians, Martinists, Mystics and scholars generally concerned with the laws of God and the Universe.


The Black Pope Adolfo Nicolas Pachón, is the Superior General of the Society of Jesus Diabolic Plan for a New World Order. The current Black Pope and Superior General of the Jesuits, is Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal, who with his 6 generals controls the “Arcana Arcanorum, an esoteric system”, which includes Pope Francis, the Vatican, the Illuminati, the Zionists, the Globalist Elites, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Freemasons, the Council of 300 and the evil Council of Trent.

黑色教皇阿道夫 · 尼古拉斯 · 帕琼是世界新秩序的总会长邪恶计划。目前的黑人教皇和耶稣会高级将军是阿图罗 · 马塞利诺 · 索萨 · 阿巴斯卡尔,他和他的6位将军控制着“奥秘,一个深奥的系统”,其中包括教皇方济各、梵蒂冈、光明会、犹太复国主义者、全球主义精英、外交关系委员会、彼尔德伯格俱乐部、共济会、300委员会和邪恶特伦托会议。

Jesuitism is the most absolute form of despotism


真正的历史发展|最后的警钟The Jesuit-controlled Vatican is the sole owner of all Western countries; Satan, through the Freemasons, owns the Vatican, while the Pope is his slave. 

耶稣会控制的梵蒂冈是所有西方国家的唯一所有者; 撒旦通过共济会拥有梵蒂冈,而教皇是他的奴隶

Catholicism will be eradicated forever. Throughout history, the Satanic Luciferian Jesuit order has been linked to war and genocide. The Jesuits were formally removed from many countries, including France and England, but are still widely present in Spain and Italy.


‘Superior General’ of the Society of Jesus is the official title of the leader of the Roman Catholic religious order, the Jesuits. He is usually addressed as Father General. The position often carries the derogatory nickname “Black Pope”. The current Superior General is the Venerable Father Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal.

耶稣会的“高级将军”是罗马天主教宗教团体耶稣会领袖的官方头衔。他通常被称为神父将军。这个职位经常被人戏称为“黑教皇”。现任的最高将军是尊敬的 Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal 神父。

The Holy Grail or Sangreal (Grail) is about the blood of Jesus, and the truth of who descends from whom. Many have made false claims to certain bloodlines, including the Rothschilds and Monarchs.


Jesuits have infiltrated all governments and their leaders, including Obama, Malcolm Turnbull, Trudeau, Tony Blair, Theresa May, Angela Merkel, Emanuel Macron, Mariano Rajoy, Sanchez, Mark Rutte, Benjamin Netanyahu and their successors, among others. These are just some of the many puppets carrying out Jesuit orders.


General superiors are elected by the General Congregation of the Jesuit Society, which is convened upon the resignation, retirement or death of a minister. Superiors general are elected for life and almost all have served for life, with a few exceptions.


One of the exceptions was Fr Peter Hans Kolvenbach, whose resignation was announced in February 2006. The General Congregation chose as his successor, Fr Adolfo Nicolás, who has since been succeeded by Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal as the current Superior General of the Jesuit Society. Read more here.

其中一个例外是2006年2月宣布辞职的 Peter Hans Kolvenbach 神父。总会选择阿道夫 · 尼古拉斯神父作为他的继任者,后来由阿图罗 · 马塞利诺 · 索萨 · 阿巴斯卡尔继任现任耶稣会高级将领。你可在此浏览更多资料。

Napoleon Bonaparte accurately described his Jesuit masters in his Memoirs as follows:



Napoleon Bonaparte. Portarit of Napoleon Bonaparte 1769-1821 at the battle. Detail of a painting by Joseph Chabord 1786-1848. Museo Napoleonico, Rome Italy

拿破仑。1769-1821年战役中拿破仑的肖像。约瑟夫 · 查伯德1786-1848年绘画细节。意大利罗马拿破仑博物馆

“The Jesuits are a military organisation, and not a religious order. Their leader is a general as of an army, not the mere father-abbot of a monastery. And the purpose of this organisation is: POWER. Power in its most despotic form. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the will of a single man. Jesuitism is the most absolute despotism: and at the same time the most heinous initiators of enormous abuses….

“耶稣会是一个军事组织,而不是一个宗教团体。他们的领袖是一个军队的将军,而不仅仅是一个修道院的院长。这个组织的宗旨是: 权力。最专制的权力。绝对的力量,普遍的力量,一个人的意志控制世界的力量。耶稣会是最绝对的专制主义,同时也是最令人发指的滥用权力的始作俑者... ..。

“The Jesuit general insists on being sovereign master over all sovereigns. Everywhere, where the Jesuits are admitted, they are masters, at any cost. Their community is dictatorial by nature, which is why it is the most implacable enemy of all established authorities. Every act, every crime, however heinous, is a meritorious contribution, if committed in the interest of the Society of Jesuits, or at the behest of the general.”


Knights of Malta and Jesuits working together!


It is important to know the connection: The Knights financed Lenin and Hitler from Wall Street, including through their Federal Reserve Bank, in preferentially led by Masonic Jews, such as the Warburgs, among others. The Knights negotiated the Concordat – a papal treaty – between the Pope and Hitler in the person of Franz von Papen.

知道这两者之间的联系很重要: 骑士团从华尔街资助列宁和希特勒,包括通过他们的联邦储备银行,优先由共济会犹太人领导,如沃伯格等人。骑士们通过弗朗茨 · 冯 · 帕彭的身份谈判达成了教皇与希特勒之间的协议——一项教皇条约。

Also, they helped top Nazis escape to North and South America after World War II – as part of the “paperclip project” – with the help of individuals such as James Angleton and Argentine president Juan Perón.

此外,在詹姆斯 · 安格尔顿(James Angleton)和阿根廷总统胡安 · 佩隆(Juan Perón)等人的帮助下,作为“回形针计划”的一部分,他们还帮助纳粹头目在二战后逃往北美和南美。

真正的历史发展|最后的警钟Although it may sound exaggerated, many will be convinced once the true version of our history is published. It will become popular and widespread literature in the near future, and eventually history will be studied and taught in schools, universities and scientific institutions. 


Already, breakthroughs in astronomy, anthropology, archaeology and Egyptology underpin this thesis of Sitchin and others, based mainly on translations of Sumerian writings.

天文学、人类学、考古学和埃及学的突破已经支撑了这篇关于 Sitchin 和其他地方的论文,主要基于苏美尔文字的翻译。

The knowledge of the existence of many Anunnaki Gods, rather than the Creator, with the realisation that life encompasses more than mere material levels of existence in which we now find ourselves, is covertly protected by the secret societies.


真正的历史发展|最后的警钟Although, the elimination of the top cadre of Deep State criminals is now complete, our fight against the Deep State cabal has essentially already been won; the wait is for the big breakthrough that will come, in either or both cases, for the awakening of the sleeping mob that begins to protest against their oppression. Or, the collapse of the money system, due to unsustainable amounts of debt. Recently, the first signs of this came from Switzerland. As the saying goes;

 尽管消灭“深层国家”罪犯的最高干部现在已经完成,但我们与“深层国家”阴谋集团的斗争基本上已经取得胜利; 现在需要等待的是取得重大突破,以唤醒那些开始抗议他们压迫的沉睡的暴民,无论是在这两种情况中的任何一种还是两种情况中的任何一种。或者,货币体系的崩溃,由于不可持续的债务数额。最近,这种情况的第一个迹象来自瑞士。俗话说得好

“Markets stop panicking when central banks start panicking.”


Rest assured there is no going back to the old cabal regime; the awakening of the masses is and requirement to prevent oppression on planet Earth from ever happening again.

请放心,不会再回到旧的阴谋集团政权; 大众的觉醒是防止地球上的压迫再次发生的必要条件。

More revelations are to follow. Remain alert for this …


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