(ECETI 新闻) : 民主|詹姆斯 · 吉利兰

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(ECETI 新闻) : 民主|詹姆斯 · 吉利兰

October 3rd, 2022 | #48 2022年10月3日 | # 48


Dempocracy 民主

I was trying to think of a word which best sums up what is unfolding. Could not think of one so I made one up. It’s called Dempocracy. It is when you accuse others of what you are doing tenfold. It pretty much sums up the Deep State lame stream news, the demoncratic party and a host of others. This is happening with the present administration, the mainstream news is the mouthpiece and the weaponized agencies are enforcing their foundationless projections.


As an observer, if I were to make every bad decision possible with the goal of taking down America I would fit right into the present administration. In order to fit in perfectly I would have to blame those bad decisions on the opposing parties. The demoncratic party and some rinos are lockstep with the NWO agenda following, get this, operation lockstep and other agendas clearly spelled out with one goal and that is to take down America and enslave the world. Why? Because America loves freedom and America is armed, everything America stands for is opposite the world they wish to create. I believe Hilary publicly said we need to keep them stupid poor and sick as most other global elites. God forbid the deplorables rise up and figure out who is behind their suffering.

作为一个观察员,如果我要做出每一个可能的错误决定,目标是拿下美国,我会适合现在的政府。为了完全适应,我将不得不把那些错误的决定归咎于对立的双方。民主党和一些反对党与 NWO 的议程步调一致,听好了,行动步调一致,其他议程都清楚地说明了一个目标那就是打倒美国,奴役世界。为什么?因为美国热爱自由,而且美国有武器,所以美国所代表的一切都与他们想要创造的世界背道而驰。我相信希拉里公开表示,我们需要让他们像大多数其他全球精英一样愚蠢、贫穷、生病。上帝禁止那些可悲的人起来找出谁是他们痛苦的幕后黑手。

Every genocidal tyrant’s first move is to disarm the people, censor free speech, keep them sick, poor and controllable. They install their puppets throughout governments and their agencies then make it look as if it is the will of the people spinning and twisting the truth to a level of complete hypocrisy. Social engineering is so thick those who are not critical thinking and research impaired no longer have a voice. Divide and conquer is their motes-operandi along with demoralization and destroying the basic family unit and values. They divide against each other the religions, the cultures, the genders one team against the other with a winner and loser. It is their program and ancient one at that. We have not evolved very far beyond the gladiators.


This social engineering program is replete throughout mainstream media, social media, Hollywood, the music industry and now almost every religion and agency on the planet. When you look behind the curtain you will see a Satanic/Luciferian influence, drugs, sex and child trafficking, horrible things done to children beyond most decent person’s ability to comprehend. This will all be made known along with the participants and perpetrators of these events. That ungodly infrastructure is coming to an end.


A massive cleanup operation is now in full swing. It has been going on for years, everything is documented yet now it is go time. You are going to see what you were told was the enemy were actually white hats. What you were told were the white hats are in truth the enemy of a free humanity. Just as the Department of Justice is now the Just Us department along with the FBI doing the bidding of the deep state and their political puppets almost all other agencies have broken their oaths and mandates. This too is coming to an end and they will be held accountable. If you are okay with the Trump Mar-a-lago raid, the raids on other conservatives, the raids on pro life ministers, and now parents demonized as enemies of the state who want a voice in how their children are raised, you really need to move to another country. This includes those in jail for January 6th a psyop operation orchestrated by the FBI, do the research. You know someone who is from one of those socialistic countries everyone is fleeing from to come to America? Might want to ask them why the left and if it is a good idea to allow the same type of government to take over America before you buy the animal farm.

大规模的清理行动正在全面展开。这已经持续了好几年,所有的事情都被记录下来了,现在是时候了。你们会看到他们告诉你们的敌人其实是白帽子。他们告诉你的是白帽子其实是自由人类的敌人。正如司法部现在是“公正的我们”部门和联邦调查局一起为深层政府和他们的政治傀儡服务几乎所有其他机构都违背了他们的誓言和命令。这种情况也即将结束,他们将被追究责任。如果你对特朗普 · 马阿拉歌庄园(Trump Mar-a-lago)的袭击、对其他保守派的袭击、对反堕胎部长的袭击,以及现在被妖魔化为国家敌人的父母们感到满意,他们希望在自己孩子的成长过程中有发言权,那么你真的需要搬到另一个国家去。这包括1月6日在监狱里的那些由联邦调查局精心策划的心理行动,做调查。你认识一个人吗? 他来自一个社会主义国家,每个人都想逃离这个国家来到美国?也许你该问问他们为什么是左派,在你买下动物农场之前允许同样类型的政府接管美国是否是个好主意。

This may sound very unspiritual and PC incorrect which is another censorship and enslavement game yet when I see these people emotionally distraught, raging, crying when the NWO agenda is thwarted I see a very unstable, uneducated, socially engineered person willingly and some in ignorance participating in their own enslavement and eventual demise. Do you really think you are special when it comes to their 80 to 90% population reduction program? Do you think because you did their bidding you are going to get a free get out of genocide card? It is hard to see a human made in the same image and likeness of God, endowed with the DNA of the Gods act like victims totally ignorant of the mechanics of the world in which they live. It is even sadder to watch their DNA altered by the jab. It is hard to watch them participate in their own, their friends and families demise then turn on those trying to educate and protect them. Turning on their own friends and family members.

这可能听起来非常不精神和个人电脑不正确,这是另一个审查和奴役游戏,然而当我看到这些人情绪失控,愤怒,哭泣,当 NWO 议程被挫败时,我看到一个非常不稳定,没有受过教育,社会工程的人自愿和一些无知参与自己的奴役和最终死亡。你真的认为你是特别的当涉及到他们的80% 到90% 的人口减少计划?你以为你听从了他们的命令就能逃脱种族灭绝的惩罚吗?很难看到一个具有上帝相同形象和肖像的人类,被赋予了上帝的 DNA,却表现得像完全不了解他们所生活的世界机制的受害者。更悲哀的是,看着他们的 DNA 被注射改变。很难看到他们参与到自己的事情中,他们的朋友和家人死去,然后转而攻击那些试图教育和保护他们的人。背叛自己的朋友和家人。

Has Earth become Hell’s half acre? Look around at the poverty, the crime, the moral depravity, the senseless pain, suffering and death. Is there something wrong with the leadership globally and what is behind it. The sex, drug, child trafficking, ritual sacrifice, crimes carried out at the highest levels. How can this happen in an advanced society run by people of noble virtue and strong moral fiber? It can’t.

地球变成地狱的半英亩了吗?看看周围的贫穷,犯罪,道德堕落,无谓的痛苦,苦难和死亡。全球的领导层有什么问题吗? 它背后的原因是什么。性,毒品,贩卖儿童,祭祀,最高级别的犯罪。这怎么可能发生在一个由高尚品德和强大道德素质的人们管理的先进社会呢?不可能。

What happens when you see beyond the veils, see a plan unfolding that can only be described as demonic, draconian, and lawless at least? What happens when you buck the system, speak up and reveal their plans? You have the full might of the NWO, global elite, their lame stream press, their corrupted agencies and the socially engineered lame stream and social media brainwashed masses rise up against you.

当你透过面纱,看到一个计划展开时,会发生什么? 这个计划只能被描述为邪恶的,严酷的,至少是无法无天的?如果你反抗体制,大声说出来,揭露他们的计划,会发生什么?你有 NWO 的全部力量,全球精英,他们蹩脚的流媒体,他们腐败的机构,社会工程的蹩脚流和社会媒体洗脑的群众起来反对你。

Your character will be assassinated, your life in a sick society ruined, and if you find the courage and moral fiber to stand on your convictions you and your family may very well be assassinated like many before you. Look up Arkancide, the Clinton Body Count, why the Kennedys and other purveyors of truth were eliminated. How about all the cutting edge doctors and scientists bringing new healing and energy technologies, those exposing the big pharma genocide who have been character or physically assasinated. This rabbit hole goes deeper than anyone can imagine.

你的人格会被暗杀,你在病态社会中的生活会被毁掉,如果你找到勇气和道德素质来坚持你的信念,你和你的家人很可能会像你之前的许多人一样被暗杀。查查 Arkancide,克林顿死亡统计为什么肯尼迪家族和其他传播真相的人被消灭了。那些带来新的治疗和能源技术的尖端医生和科学家,那些揭露大型制药公司种族灭绝的人,他们的性格或身体遭到了暗杀。这个兔子洞比任何人想象的都要深。

Many in the truth movement, conspiracy movement, UFO movement, spiritual and religious movements, places where one is misled to believe they will hear the truth, it is replete with shills, agents, planned opposition, honey pots and Manchurian candidates. Most are controlled narratives and those who follow the narrative are greatly rewarded. They will rise very rapidly and do very well financially, all they had to do was sell their souls. Like the late Art Bell said, “What is it with the UFO community, they eat their young.” All of this is by design. The only way out is to develop your own inner sensitivity, spiritual discernment, go to the heart and feel. Do not participate in all the dramas, do not take sides. Nothing is as it seems on this level. What is natural is demonized yet those that demonize are often demonizing their own true nature. Just when you think you have seen it all new plans are made, traps are set, some very elaborate by unseen entities and those who willingly or in ignorance do their bidding. Just remember the lie travels the world several times in today’s society before the truth has time to tie its shoes. Never forget who controls the network, “for now”. All will be revealed. It is destiny and inevitable. There is a greater power and network pushing in, just be sure you’re on the right side of the fence.

许多在真相运动,阴谋运动,UFO 运动,精神和宗教运动,在那里一个人被误导,相信他们会听到真相,它是充满了托儿,代理人,有计划的反对,蜜罐和满洲的候选人。大多数是受控制的叙述,那些遵循叙述的人会得到很大的回报。他们会迅速崛起,财务状况也很好,他们所要做的就是出卖自己的灵魂。就像已故的阿特 · 贝尔说的,“ UFO 群体是怎么回事,他们吃掉自己的孩子。”这一切都是设计好的。唯一的出路就是发展你自己内在的敏感度,灵性的洞察力,走进内心去感受。不要参与所有的戏剧,不要偏袒任何一方。在这个层面上,一切都不像看上去那样。自然的东西被妖魔化了,然而那些妖魔化的东西却常常妖魔化自己的本性。正当你以为你已经看到所有新的计划被制定,陷阱被设置,一些被看不见的实体和那些自愿或无知的人精心设计的服从他们的命令。只要记住,在当今社会,谎言在真相还没来得及系鞋带之前就已经在世界上传播了好几次。永远不要忘记谁“暂时”控制着网络。一切都会水落石出。这是命中注定,不可避免的。有一个更强大的力量和网络推进,只是要确保你是在栅栏的右边。

Concerning the UFO community, we will leave you with one thing to ponder. Why has forty years of documented contact at ECETI, www.eceti.org and ECETI Stargate Official You Tube with several hundred thousand viewers of UFO clips, thousands of eyewitnesses, pictures, videos and testimony been literally ignored and censored by the UFO community, the major TV and film documentaries, now the major conferences? Why is contact with Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders tabu. Why have those promoting dark sinister stories or those keeping it in the past getting top billing rising to the top? The answer is obvious. It is a, “Controlled Narrative”. Stop paying for and perpetuating the lie. The Spiritually and Technologically Advanced Off Worlders are waiting. They are the ones that can help us take a quantum leap in evolution. They have the med beds, quantum healing technologies, fuelless energy, anti/counter gravity, replicators and they have conquered poverty and disease. This leads us to exactly why they are censored and who is controlling the narrative. Connect the dots. The enslavers, the war and disease profiteers and those who due to greed and lack of moral character do their bidding. That is why we don’t have contact with the masses. Few have risen to the occasion and few have refused to sell out. Those with an open mind, loving heart and pure intentions have and are being contacted. Very few will be found in the UFO community which seems to love its drama and division games.

关于 UFO 群体,我们将留给你们一件事情去思考。为什么40年来在 ECETI,www.ecetit.org 和 ECETI 星际之门官方视频网站上有数十万观众观看了飞碟片段,数以千计的目击者,照片,视频和证词被不明飞行物团体,主要的电视和电影纪录片,现在主要的会议,完全忽视和审查?为什么与精神和技术先进的外星人接触是禁忌。为什么那些鼓吹黑暗邪恶故事的人或者那些过去一直坚持这种说法的人,会变得越来越受欢迎?答案显而易见。这是一种“受控叙事”。停止为谎言买单,让谎言永存。精神上和技术上先进的外星人正在等待。他们可以帮助我们在进化中迈出一大步。他们有医疗床,量子治疗技术,无燃料能源,反重力,复制机,他们已经战胜了贫穷和疾病。这就让我们知道为什么他们会被审查,以及是谁在控制叙事。把这些点连起来。奴隶主、战争和疾病的奸商以及那些由于贪婪和缺乏道德品质的人听从他们的命令。这就是为什么我们不接触群众。很少有人能应付得来,也很少有人拒绝出卖自己。那些具有开放的思想、爱心和纯粹意图的人们已经并且正在被接触。很少有人会发现在 UFO 社区,似乎喜欢它的戏剧和除法游戏。

Be well, 保重,

James Gilliland


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