2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

2022年9月29日10:18:42新人阅读2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球已关闭评论4352字数 26086阅读86分57秒阅读模式
 September 28, 2022 2022年9月28日

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

If you’re not excited about the information coming out now, you must not be looking in the right places. It’s a helluva Hump Day. We have confirmation every day of many positive operations underway to drain the swamp and liberate the planet. This is a very long post; you’ll see the reason at the bottom.


In defiance of the globalist controllers, Humanity has found the courage to take the reins and create the world they want. In many cases, it’s the women who are stepping up, isn’t it?


Despite the outright threats from the New World Order, Italy blasted through the fear and elected a woman named Georgia Meloni for their new Prime Minister who may be a force to be reckoned with if her speech below is authentic. Take two minutes and read the English subtitles to this emphatic rejection of the repulsive plans we can see the dark are pushing hard to bring to fruition for all of us. Viva Italia! We remain a little skeptical as always but hope her intent will bear out and bring abundance and happiness to Italy.

尽管来自新世界秩序的直接威胁,意大利冲破恐惧,选举了一位名叫格鲁吉亚 · 梅洛尼的妇女担任新总理,如果她在下面的演讲是真实的,她可能是一股不可忽视的力量。花两分钟读一下英文字幕,我们可以看到黑暗势力正在努力为我们所有人实现这个令人厌恶的计划。意大利万岁!我们一如既往地保持着一点怀疑,但希望她的意图能得到证实,并给意大利带来财富和幸福。



However, she also responded thusly [below] to Zelensky’s congratulatory note, we’re told. Don’t panic. Just a reminder that this is a movie with great actors; a stellar chess match with moves and counter-moves, and the Patriots are in control. Nothing is what it seems. Relax and enjoy the show, Q told us. I have no doubts about The Plan. It’s fascinating to watch it unfold.

然而,她也这样回应了 Zelensky 的祝贺信,我们被告知。别慌。只是提醒一下,这是一部有伟大演员的电影,一场有招式和反招式的星际象棋比赛,爱国者队掌控了局面。一切都不是看上去那样。Q 告诉我们,放松并享受表演。我对这个计划毫不怀疑。看着它展开真是令人着迷。

Ukraine can count on Italy, Meloni says


Also just recently, we have a new leader in the United Kingdom, a female, who may not outwardly be the warrior that Georgia Meloni appears to be, but Liz Truss has given subtle signals that she is going to play ball with us. She has already mentioned “pizza” so we’ll see how it rolls out. Why would she mention something the satanic pedophiles never want to talk about?

同样就在最近,我们在英国有了一位新的领导人,一位女性,她可能并不像乔治亚 · 梅洛尼看起来的那样是一位勇士,但是利兹 · 特拉斯已经给出了微妙的信号,她将与我们合作。她已经提到了“披萨”,我们拭目以待吧。她为什么要提那些邪恶的恋童癖者不愿意提起的事?

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

Since we’re on the topic of Pizzagate, allow me to interject with this story I happened upon yesterday before we continue the thread. This is how badly they want to quash the ugly truth about Pedophiles, Pedovores, Adrenochrome, etc.

既然我们谈到了 Pizzagate,请允许我在继续讨论之前插一句我昨天碰巧遇到的这个故事。这就是他们多么迫切地想要粉碎有关恋童癖者、 Pedovores、 Adrenochrome 等等的丑陋真相。

This was shared on Telegram by a hidden user via Agent A1 about a school curriculum in the province of New Brunswick, Canada. Link to Telegram.

这是一个隐藏用户通过代理 a 1在 Telegram 上分享的,内容是加拿大新不伦瑞克的一个学校课程。链接到电报。

ATTENTION HMQR!!! I just got off the phone with a concerned parent. Her daughter just texted her from school. There is a new mandatory Civics course being taught in all the high schools in NB. It is supposed to teach the students about being a Canadian citizen but instead it is teaching about how Pizzagate, pedophile rings and eating babies are all conspiracy theories.

HMQR 注意! ! !我刚和一位忧心忡忡的家长通完电话。她女儿刚从学校给她发短信。在北卡罗来纳州的所有高中都开设了新的强制性公民课程。它本应教导学生如何成为一名加拿大公民,但实际上却教导 Pizzagate、恋童癖戒指和吃婴儿都是阴谋论。

She called the teacher after getting the text from her daughter and told him to remove her daughter from the class. We are informing as many parents as possible via social media. Please help us get the word out.


Maybe you wish to pass that on.


Getting back to the strong women marching into the fray, let’s not forget that here in America we have Kristi Noem as Governor of South Dakota who has opposed the deep state, we have the Liz Cheney replacement in Wyoming, Harriet Hageman, who has delivered fearless words that easily got her elected, Lt. Col. Wendy Rogers has been doing a great job here in Arizona, we have Kari Lake running for Arizona governor and it’s clear the People are behind her as a Trump supporter as well, so things are turning around and we will see what happens in other countries.

让我们回到勇敢的女性参与斗争的问题上,我们不要忘记,在美国,克里斯蒂•诺姆(Kristi Noem)是反对深层政府的南达科他州州长,在怀俄明州,我们有利兹•切尼(Liz Cheney)的继任者哈里特•哈格曼(Harriet Hageman) ,她发表了无畏的言论,轻而易举地赢得了选举。温迪•罗杰斯中校在亚利桑那州做得很好,我们有卡莉•莱克(Kari Lake)竞选亚利桑那州州长,很明显,作为特朗普的支持者,人们也支持她,所以情况。

Tore Maras is on the ballot and I hope will get enough support to get elected in Ohio. She will be a rock-solid asset for the White Hats because she has so much background knowledge of what has been going on within the deep state in America and a lot of courage. I have shared many of her Telegrams and you can follow her channel here.

Tore Maras 在选票上,我希望能得到足够的支持,在俄亥俄州当选。对白帽子来说,她将是一个坚如磐石的资产,因为她对美国深层政府内部发生的事情有很多背景知识,也有很大的勇气。我已经分享了她的许多电报,你可以跟随她的频道在这里。

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

Marine LePen seemed to have a lot of support in France but that’s going to be a tough one as puppet Macron was installed by the globalists for another five years. LePen is doing well as the leader of her party however, and perhaps we haven’t heard the last of her.

马琳 · 勒庞似乎在法国获得了很多支持,但这将是一个艰难的选择,因为傀儡马克龙被全球主义者安插了五年。然而,勒庞作为她所在党派的领导人做得很好,也许我们还没有听到她的最后一句话。

In Iran, the deep state has arrested the activist daughter of the former president and many people have been killed. This is a good article that speaks to the volatile situation there.


Iran: 12th night of protests, ex-president Rafsanjani’s daughter arrested

伊朗: 12日晚发生抗议活动,前总统拉夫桑贾尼的女儿被捕

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

We’re going to need a very strong Republican showing in a few weeks. The mafia in Arizona just appointed their chosen ones who will decide what is misinformation, disinformation, and lies in the upcoming election. It’s the “Elections Command Center”. They hope to steal another one. Link to Telegram.


How cute – Maricopa County created their own Ministry of Truth for November’s election

多么可爱啊——马里科帕县为11月的大选创建了自己的真相部(Ministry of Truth)

True: “So basically Maricopa county wants to pick and choose which reporters they want covering our elections. This isn’t concerning at all. 事实是: “所以基本上马里科帕县想要挑选他们想要报道我们选举的记者。这一点也不令人担忧2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球” – John in Phx (https://twitter.com/johninphx/status/1574837369928183808?s=20&t=biIlB7tmjENHeddLnKcTNw) ”-约翰福克斯( https://twitter.com/johninphx/status/1574837369928183808?s=20&t=biilb7tmjenheddlnkctnw )

Positive news is out there, however.


They are going to need that cash because according to Fox News, the demonrats’ former astronaut Mark Kelly just received a massive injection of cash to his campaign. Hopefully Arizonans know all about the deep state’s Mark Kelly and his twin brother. It seems that most Americans vote for the Republicans Trump endorses, or they vote red, as opposed to blue.

他们需要这笔钱,因为据福克斯新闻报道,民主党的前宇航员马克 · 凯利刚刚收到了一大笔资金注入他的竞选活动。希望亚利桑那州的人都知道这个深州的马克 · 凯利和他的孪生兄弟。似乎大多数美国人投票给特朗普支持的共和党人,或者投票给红色,而不是蓝色。


2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

Hungary’s Viktor Orbán in his fourth consecutive term as Prime Minister lays it out plainly. This is our fight for our civilization, the world we deserve, and we have to step up, away from fear, and execute the strategies that will remove the psychopaths from power. Link to Telegram for the 3 min. video.


Winning the war means voting, folks. Full force voting from all awakened Americans. No excuses. It’s time to come to the aid of your country. The dark may cheat and use any number of ways to take votes away from the good People of the United States but it’s not an insurmountable obstacle. They can tweak small numbers, but they can’t fix a gigantic, red tsunami if all Americans vote. The People must engage and do their part for the evil controllers to be exposed and taken to task. The White Hats need to see the evidence that the People are ready to take control.


That will enable the Earth Alliance to use their as yet unannounced strategies to get this ship afloat and get it sailing in the right direction again. Trump said back in 2016 they were going to give the power back to the People. First, the People have to show their willingness and drive to handle that control effectively.


The globalists claim that Humans want to be controlled and told what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and are perfectly happy being “kept” like barnyard animals and eating bugs. No offense to barnyard animals. We love them. I think on the scale, the “power elite” actually consider us less than animals. Animal husbandry is big on this planet some off-worlders refer to as “the farm”.


Here’s another example of election fraud from the substack article by Kanekoa the Great.


Texas Democrats Paid Homeless Man to Falsify Ballots: Police Body Camera Footage

德克萨斯州民主党支付流浪汉伪造选票: 警察身体摄像头录像

“Each time I get someone to sign they gave me $200… One day I got like $1200… I did it for like six months… Deborah [Peoples] gave me cash… Stuart [Clegg] gave me cash.”

“每次我让别人签约,他们都给我200美元... ... 有一天我拿到了1200美元... ... 我签了大概6个月... ... 黛博拉(人民)给我现金... ... 斯图尔特(克莱格)给我现金。”

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

As you have doubtless heard by now, the latest childish attack from the New World Order is the Nordstream pipeline “leak” the Danish PM says was sabotage… probably Russia, right?

你现在肯定已经听说了,来自新世界秩序的最新幼稚攻击是北流输油管道“泄漏”,丹麦首相说是蓄意破坏... ... 可能是俄罗斯,对吗?

For perspective, Good Dog put this bit out: Link to Telegram.

从远景来看,好狗放出了这一点: 链接到电报。

[put this in your pipe and smock it [sic – get it??] ] [把这个放进你的烟斗里,然后抽它[原文如此,明白了吗? ? ]

let me use little words for you – this was written in 2015 – before there ever was a Trump Presidency – and even as you were putting together your wrap up smear team to frame Trump – remember the set up for Operation Cross-Fire Hurricane – and the meetings that happened the September before? kek. so do we.

让我用简短的词语来形容你——这篇文章写于2015年——在特朗普当选总统之前——甚至在你召集你的抹黑团队陷害特朗普的时候——还记得“交叉火力飓风行动”(Operation Cross-Fire Hurricane)的安排吗——以及之前9月发生的那些会议?切。我们也是。

Explosive-Laden Drone Found Near Nord Stream Pipeline

Ruling out sabotage, the Swedish military has successfully cleared a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives found near Line 2 of the Nord Stream Natural Gas offshore pipeline system. The vehicle was discovered during a routine survey operation as part of the annual integrity assessment of the Nord Stream pipeline.

Explosive-Laden Drone Found Near Nord Stream Pipeline 北溪管道附近发现装有炸药的无人机
Nov 13, 2015 – 11:41 2015年11月13日11:41

Ruling out sabotage, the Swedish military has successfully cleared a remote operated vehicle (drone) rigged with explosives found near Line 2 of the Nord Stream Natural Gas offshore pipeline system.


The vehicle was discovered during a routine survey operation as part of the annual integrity assessment of the Nord Stream pipeline. Since it was within the Swedish Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) approximately 120 km away from the island of Gotland, the Swedes called on their armed forces to remove and ultimately disarm the object.


“We don’t consider it to be dangerous to merchant vessels or the pipeline at this point,” Jesper Stolpe, Swedish Armed Forces spokesman, told Radio Sweden. According to Stolpe, the cable used to control the drone and to set off the explosive was cut off, so at the moment the vehicle is relatively harmless.

瑞典武装部队发言人 Jesper Stolpe 在接受瑞典电台采访时表示: “目前我们认为这不会对商船或输油管道造成危险。”。据 Stolpe 说,用来控制无人机和引爆炸药的电缆被切断了,所以目前这辆车是相对无害的。

The national identity of the drone has not been verified so far, as many countries use Unmanned Underwater Vehicles (UUVs) of a similar construction, Stolpe said

斯托尔普说,由于许多国家使用类似结构的无人水下机器人(UUV) ,无人机的国家身份迄今尚未得到核实

The thing is, with all the attacks on energy supplies and the high prices of gas, oil, electricity… in the end it will all be moot because the Tesla energy grid will be fired up and Humanity is going to jump for joy when they learn that free energy is a reality. The Starlink system will ensure everyone who wants to be connected IS connected to communications and we’ll have Quantum phones—unhackable and untrackable—and Quantum financial… a whole new world worth waiting for.

问题是,随着能源供应受到的攻击以及天然气,石油,电力的高价... 最终这一切都将变得毫无意义,因为特斯拉能源网络将被点燃,当人类得知免费能源成为现实时,他们将欣喜若狂。星际链接系统将确保所有希望连接的人都能通过信息系统进行联系,我们将拥有量子电话ーー无法被黑客攻击和追踪ーー以及量子金融... ... 一个值得期待的全新世界。

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

This just came in about Germany with another nudge to ‘PREPARE’ from Q the Storm Rider. Link to Telegram.

这只是来自德国的另一个推动“准备”从风暴骑士 Q。链接到电报。

I have been Dropping MAJOR DROPS on GERMANY COLLAPSING< the past months and the past weeks i have been echoing to keep eyes on [GERMANY]


> THE EXPLOSION OF THE NORD STREAM 1_2 INTO [GERMANY]< happened….. 北方河流1 _ 2进入[德国]的爆炸发生了... ..
This RIPPLE effect is already happening as hundreds of thousands of corporations are scrambling for gas/oil for he next week’s demand that supplies 84,000,000,. Million people and Millions of business’s, schools, supplies and delivery for food. Good service……///// 这种连锁反应已经在发生了,因为成千上万的公司正在争夺天然气/石油,以满足他下周84,000,000人的供应需求。数以百万计的人和数以百万计的企业、学校、食品供应和运输。好服务... .../////

[ GERMANY ] [德国]
__ 好吧
Like I said EU is inside a COLLAPSE and Germany would be first.. Then FRANCE…. Then Netherland… Then Belgium… The ripple effect…. 正如我所说,欧盟正处于崩溃之中,德国将是第一个。.然后是法国..。然后是荷兰... 然后是比利时... 连锁反应..

The CIA control Center at CERN 中情局在欧洲核子研究中心的控制中心
had a huge part in helping the VATICAN retrieve money through Europe before the PLANNED Nord Stream pipelines explosions 在计划中的北溪输油管道爆炸之前帮助梵蒂冈从欧洲取回资金起了很大的作用
…. ...

Buckle up [GERMANY] 系好安全带[德国]
As fast as you can…. Get your food and supplies!!!!!!…. 越快越好... 拿上你们的食物和补给! ! ! ! ! ! !

The other day we shared intel about the cleaning out of CNN which stated that when the time came, CNN was going to be reporting accurately, particularly with respect to the election results. Here’s more evidence of the purge going on in that despised network.

前几天,我们分享了关于清理 CNN 的情报,其中说到时候,CNN 将会准确地报道,特别是关于选举结果。这里有更多的证据表明这个被鄙视的网络正在进行大清洗。

Two More CNN Employees Depart The Network

又有两名 CNN 员工离职

And there’s this. Just horrific. It’s hard to believe nothing can be done about this gross miscarriage of justice. This is the state of our prisons in America. Zero justice, and torture of innocent prisoners on top of it. Hard to believe it’s America, isn’t it? Land of the free, home of the brave? Hopefully more brave ones will wake up soon.



2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

Yes, it’s election time in America again. Oh, joy. The whole world has to feel the pain. Life almost stops while America holds its elections where Canada also gets to enjoy preempting of television shows, too many media-glorified political “discussion” panels, massive brainwashing and spewing of propaganda. It’s no wonder they don’t know the good guys from the bad.


The problem we have state-side now is, the 2020 election was stolen and the whole world knows it, yet life goes on and the media pretends that thing in the oval office got 81 million votes.


SOMETHING has to happen this fall, folks. It has to—because the People’s mandate was that Trump won the 2020 election by a landslide and the deep state’s finely tuned election stealing system along with a bunch of mind-controlled democrat voters have seen to it that the truth is dangerous and hardly anyone dares suggest the Democrats engaged in any illicit activity because they fear the repercussions.


We know what the psychopaths do to their political enemies. The burgeoning Clinton body bag has still not been revealed to the American people. The White Hats MUST have an ace or two up their sleeve, or…




2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

In this planetary war the resources are shared and the White Hats are currently active in many places. We understand they are not only managing the situation in the USA but also in Canada, as we have discussed previously as a result of the clever USMCA agreement.

在这场星球大战中,资源是共享的,白帽子目前在许多地方活动。我们知道他们不仅在管理美国的情况,而且在加拿大,因为我们已经讨论了以前作为聪明的 USMCA 协议的结果。

This interesting post came up on Queen Romana’s channel, whom I assume posted it for a reason. She often posts questions as statements for the critical thinkers.


…Was the privy council of Canada arrested on Friday there was up to a 100 vehicles black SUVs and military vehicles and there was sheriff’s from the USA.

加拿大枢密院星期五被捕了有多达100辆黑色 SUV 和军用车辆还有来自美国的治安官。

Agent A1 also mentioned the arrest of Bill Blair, former chief of police in Toronto and current Privy Council president who seems to have exited for  so-called surgery. That’s the story, anyway. Perhaps he had to have a tracking device implant.

特工 A1还提到了前多伦多警察局长、现任枢密院主席比尔 · 布莱尔的被捕,他似乎是因为所谓的手术而离开的。反正就是这么回事。也许他需要植入一个追踪装置。

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

Our diligent crew brings us the updates on the potential picture on our planet in a few weeks. We are expecting the long promised “October surprise” and take it all under advisement and prepare. September was declared Preparedness Month years ago by President Trump. I think enough people in the alternative news have urged everyone to plan ahead for anything and be ready for anything. There is a war going on and it’s up to us to be self-sufficient and protect ourselves and our families.


We heard that there were excavations going on at the parliament buildings in Ottawa recently. We’re not sure if it was about tunnels or… This episode of Linda Paris’s update includes dialogue with Norm Traversy and Guy Brummell, two feisty Canadian patriots. Watch the video at the link. 1 hr.

我们听说最近在渥太华的国会大厦有挖掘工作。我们不确定是关于隧道还是... 这一集的琳达 · 帕里斯更新包括与诺姆 · 特拉维奇和盖伊 · 布鲁梅尔的对话,两位活跃的加拿大爱国者。点击链接观看视频。1小时。

New McAllisterTV: Canada Update! Giant 100 ft Pit in Front of Parliamant! Ongoing Report! Armored Bulletproof Vehicles!

新麦卡利斯特电视台: 加拿大最新消息! 议会大厦前100英尺的巨坑! 持续报道! 装甲防弹车!

It certainly sounds like the Patriots are expecting riots in some places, at least. Our boots on the ground in Germany have confirmed that they are expecting military on the streets effective October 1 in Deutschland.


I did hear reports that blue UN helmets were seen in London, UK and the following news summary makes mention of that near the beginning. We also heard some time ago that the White Hats have taken over all the UN hardware. It only makes sense.


Situation Update: UN Storm Troopers Takeover London! CCP Double Coup! XI Double On House Arrest! Iodine Tablets Distributed In Poland! Russian Military Build-up! FBI Corruption Runs Deep! – We The People News

情况更新: 联合国突击队占领伦敦!中共双重政变!习替身软禁!在波兰分发碘片!俄罗斯军队集结!联邦调查局腐败深入!我们是人民新闻

We don’t know what will happen or where, but it’s prudent to have at least two weeks of food, water, meds, daily essentials, pet supplies, batteries, candles, fuel, generators maybe, and cash on hand. If we need to shelter in place we can draw on those supplies. If the power is out, we will have light and heat and can purchase essentials if cash machines are down and banks closed. Remember to check in on the elderly, incapacitated, and less fortunate.


There is a lot going on we can’t be warned about specifically so across the board, just be ready. If you are in an area where storms are typically a problem, you might want to relocate for a week or so until things settle down. If you are in an area where fires could demand evacuations, you will want a bug out bag ready to grab and a plan to meet up with family at a designated safe spot. Logical thinking.


What we DO know is, if the military are dispatched to keep the peace or make arrests or whatever is going to happen, we are not to engage. If we get and EAS/EBS saying to stay home and shelter in place until further notice, it’s not hard to follow that directive. We need to stay out of the way for our safety and for the safety of the military. Everything possible will be done to keep civilians safe.

我们所知道的是,如果军队被派遣去维持和平或者逮捕任何将要发生的事情,我们是不会参与的。如果我们得到了 EAS/EBS 的指示,在接到进一步通知之前,呆在家里和避难所,遵守这个指示并不困难。为了我们的安全和军队的安全,我们必须远离这些障碍。我们将尽一切可能保证平民的安全。

Ron DeSantis in Florida is prepared. Looks like Fiona wasn’t much of a threat but Ian… Ian is packing a wallop. Video below.

佛罗里达的 Ron DeSantis 已经准备好了。看起来菲奥娜没什么威胁但是伊恩,伊恩打得很猛。视频如下。



2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

I wonder if the fire fighters trained for this.



I saw Telegrams saying tornadoes were seen in Southwest Florida. We’ve got this. As DeSantis also said, we can always repair the damage and replace infrastructure, building, etc. It’s the Human lives that matter.


2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island in red


The situation in Nova Scotia, Canada and Prince Edward Island aren’t great after the remains of Fiona roared through and the power is still not restored. So sorry, folks. You would think they would be better prepared after the last tropical storm hit following the US hurricane. This is why we tell everyone to prepare for anything. We don’t even know if the power outages were planned or if it’s because of White Hat Operations. Hang in there.


Fiona fallout: Nova Scotia premier blasts cellphone companies’ lack of co-operation


2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

The sensational acts in the theatre of the absurd we are now witnessing may not be plausible to future generations, so farcical are they. Now a group has taken out a newspaper ad to mock the moronic residents of Martha’s Vineyard. A state of emergency. Give me a break.


The mockery was triggered after the island’s residents swiftly removed the migrants flown there on September 14. After just one night on the island, the migrants were bused out to the military’s Joint Base Cape Cod in Massachusetts, after the state’s governor, Charlie Baker (R) declared an emergency and deployed the national guard.


Read It: Newspaper Ad Trolls Martha’s Vineyard Residents Who Sent Migrants Packing (resistthemainstream.org)

阅读: 报纸广告喷子玛莎葡萄园的居民谁送移民打包( resistthemainstream.org )

While we wait the 6 weeks or so until November 8 when all hell might break loose in the United States of [or for] America, we continue to delve into the colourful rumours and headlines in the alternative news. The crew found this highly credible Chinese reporter who brings us vetted news and her perspective on the oddities arising out of China recently; particularly the news of the alleged house arrest of Xi Jinping—and some other remarkable headlines.


Of course some sources say its strictly a rumour, but we know there has to be something to it. I wish we had discovered Jennifer Zeng long ago but take a listen to her interesting update about the Xi Jinping arrest reports and the investigations she has done with various sources to either validate or dismiss the story. It’s very interesting. I know what I think, but you decide. 26 min.

当然,一些消息来源说,这完全是谣言,但我们知道,它必须有东西。我希望我们很久以前就发现了珍妮弗 · 曾,但听听她关于习近平被捕报告的有趣更新,以及她与各种消息来源进行的调查,以证实或否认这个故事。很有意思。我知道我在想什么,但你来决定。26分钟。

Canada is still deeply embroiled in the struggle for sovereignty and to wake the flock. In this town hall meeting in Vancouver, Canada about how to reduce the crime and improve Chinatown, one insistent man snaps and tells the administration what he thinks about their activities and shortcomings in other parts of the city. I don’t see this on Twitter or in the news so you can only see it on Telegram at the moment. Link to Telegram.


Note the name of the venue: Choi Hall of Decorum and Harmony, and the Chinese characters on the wall. It’s no accident that thirty years ago they dubbed the city “Hongcouver”. Canada was infiltrated by the Chinese Communist Party who came in and bought up land and businesses.

注意场地名称: 礼仪和谐彩堂,墙上的汉字。三十年前,他们给这座城市取名为“洪都华”,这并非偶然。加拿大被中国共产党渗透进来,买下了土地和企业。

The main street of the once quaint town of Banff, Alberta is unrecognizable now from the early 1990’s. Last time I was there I was shocked and disappointed because it reminded me of Chinatown in Toronto rather than the European/craftsman-style ski village it once was. Canada has opened its arms to many ethnic groups and in so doing, lost its own identity and customs.


That is just one of the unfortunate offshoots of being asleep at the wheel and allowing outsiders to run your government unchecked for decades. We have a lot of damage to undo on this planet.


However, it looks like we have some positive momentum in Canada—finally. Where did this come from? Arrests, peut-etre? This is BIG for the Great White Gulag, n’est-ce pas?


Border vaccine rules, mandatory use of ArriveCAN, mask mandates on planes and trains to end on Oct.

1边境疫苗规定,强制使用 ArriveCAN,掩盖对飞机和火车的强制使用将于10月1日结束

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

I believe most of our readers understand, and possibly withhold judgement on the way this planetary liberation is being handled. We cannot possibly know all there is to know about even the crimes committed, never mind the intricacies of The Plan and the true history and origin of some of the souls involved.


In that light, we share this in-depth article about the mRNA “vaccines”, Operation: Warp Speed, and Trump’s Executive Order, which I don’t recall hearing about before but possibly forgot. I hope everyone will read to the end, look at the evidence, suspend judgement, and wait for the grand finale of this epic chess match—whenever that may be.

有鉴于此,我们分享这篇关于 mRNA“疫苗”的深度文章,操作: 翘曲速度,以及特朗普的行政命令,我不记得以前听说过,但可能忘记了。我希望每个人都能读到最后,看看证据,暂停判决,等待这场史诗般的国际象棋比赛的最后一刻ーー无论什么时候。

We have been presented with ample proof that good guys are in control and in my opinion, we should be expressing our deep gratitude rather than criticizing the strategies and tactics of the Earth Alliance. This war is far more complicated than any of us can know. We don’t even understand the nature of reality in this realm.


In a war there are always casualties, even when every attempt is made to protect the innocent. Were it not for these brilliant and courageous people and their sacrifices, we might already be in “re-education camps” or executed and the spark of Humanity would be permanently extinguished. Let’s not forget that.


Why Did President Trump Sign An Executive Order Fast Tracking mRNA Vaccines…6 Months Before The Pandemic Started?

为什么特朗普总统在大流行开始前6个月签署行政命令快速追踪 mRNA 疫苗?

We can’t say it enough: please share. With Hallowe’en a few weeks away we need to make sure everyone is apprised. Parents—do not buy Skittles or Nerds that may be included in bulk candy like at Walmart and please check your kids’ candy before they eat it. Anything could be poisoned. We don’t want anyone to have to live in fear but we do want children to live.

我们怎么说都不够: 请分享。哈洛恩还有几个星期就回来了,我们得确保每个人都得到通知。家长ーー不要购买可能包含在散装糖果中的彩虹糖或书呆子(Nerds) ,比如沃尔玛(Walmart)。在孩子们吃糖之前,请检查一下他们的糖果。任何东西都可能被下毒。我们不希望任何人生活在恐惧中,但我们确实希望孩子们生活在恐惧中。

2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球

New Scary-Sour Skittles To Hit Shelves For Halloween


Former DEA Official Warns Parents After Fentanyl Found Disguised in Candy Packaging

在糖果包装中发现伪装的芬太尼后,前 DEA 官员警告家长

This was meant to be yesterday’s post but your not-so-trustworthy war correspondent neglected to push the “publish” button so I added to it. A lot going on my little mind, so that is all for today. Thank you to the crew for the giggles and all the fascinating drops in the comments. Good stuff.


Love you guys, stay safe everyone.  ~ BP


2022年9月28日: 世界正在变得更好,但我们感受到了痛苦|星际飞船地球


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