迈克-林德尔,枕头哥,戴安娜,QE2,查尔斯,以及特朗普,”Q”|Kat 更新

2022年9月15日14:34:02新人阅读迈克-林德尔,枕头哥,戴安娜,QE2,查尔斯,以及特朗普,”Q”|Kat 更新已关闭评论4954阅读模式
迈克-林德尔,枕头哥,戴安娜,QE2,查尔斯,以及特朗普,”Q”|Kat 更新

@katisthesea3 @ katisthesa3

ICYMI Ty Farrell farrell Hedges  Ty Farrell Farrell Hedge@Farrell_Hedges @ Farrell _ Hedge
The United States corporation  美国公司
was under the crown of her majesty. 在女王陛下的王冠之下
She is gone publicly now 她现在已经公开露面了
______ _ _ _ _ _ _


Abolishes income tax 废除所得税
[No more paying American taxes ‘to the crown’] [不再向“国王”缴纳美国税收]

Returns Constitutional Law to all courts & legal matters 向所有法院和法律事务返回宪法
[No more ‘being called to the U.K. bar’] [再也不会被叫到英国酒吧了]

Eliminates the Federal Reserve System 消灭联邦储备系统
[Q301 # Fly Roths Fly # Sweet dreams.] [ Q301 # Fly Roths Fly # Sweet dream. ]

迈克-林德尔,枕头哥,戴安娜,QE2,查尔斯,以及特朗普,”Q”|Kat 更新

9-11-22 JUAN O SAVIN  JUAN O SAVIN 9-11-22
with Tom Numbers & Rachel RSB 与汤姆数字和瑞秋 RSB

DIANA, death of QE2, Charles & Trump


Juan 胡安
There’s natural # ‘s that occur & they’re not manipulated 有些是自然发生的,而不是被操纵的
they seem God in Heaven inspired.. 他们似乎上帝在天堂启发.
There’s also a manipulated # ’s system 还有一个被操纵的 # 系统
where Magicians, Merlins 魔术师在哪里,梅林斯
seek to MANAGE times, dates & seasons.. 设法管理时间、日期和季节
Those are manipulated with purpose 这些都是有目的的操纵
because the people in this cult trying to run the world 因为这个邪教的人想要统治世界
THEY believe they get power from their Gods  他们相信他们从他们的神那里得到力量
by matching dates, times, Celestial alignments  通过匹配日期,时间,天体排列
& that their Gods honor what they do & 他们的神尊重他们的所作所为
& more than honor & 胜过荣誉
that there’s actual physical power 有真正的体力
associated with dates, times & seasons.. 与日期、时间和季节相关联
There’s some Ancient knowledge 有一些古人的知识
that has been passed down generationally for eons 代代相传
pre-Adamic 前亚当时代
where there was an understanding of the underlying Physics.. 在那里有一个潜在的物理学的理解.
It was embedded in certain rituals.. 它嵌入在某些仪式中
& that was done on the & .#’s # with precision &那是在&.#的#上精确完成的
so later generations could gather that power 这样后代就可以收集这些能量
& align themselves with it  并与之结盟

迈克-林德尔,枕头哥,戴安娜,QE2,查尔斯,以及特朗普,”Q”|Kat 更新

POTUS is doing EVERYTHING he can to tell Anons 总统正在尽一切努力告诉 Anons
“YES! Q is real! It’s ALL true! The Military Ops are true!” “是的! Q 是真的! 都是真的! 军事行动是真的!”
Short of admitting HE is Q+  除了承认HE是 Q +

Freedom Force Battalion 自由军营
President Trump put this poster on the conference table  特朗普总统把这张海报放在会议桌上
during a meeting. No one said a word about the poster.  没有人提到海报

Notice that 请注意
there is no Q pin on his lapel on the poster. 海报上他的翻领上没有别针
But mysteriously  但是很神秘

there IS a Q on the image  图像上有一个 Q
that President Trump retruthed from patriotsincontrol.  特朗普总统从爱国者手中夺回了控制权

Curious—PatriotsinControl said  好奇ーー爱国者控制说
this was not his TruthSocial account that was retruthed.  这不是他的真相社会帐户被查实

So it looks like President Trump created a  看起来特朗普总统创造了一个
Patriotsincontrol TS account,  爱国者控制着 TS 账户,

added a Q to his lapel on the “Storm is Coming” poster,  在“暴风雨即将来临”的海报上他的翻领上加了一个 Q,
posted the image on the new PatriotsinContol TS account 张贴图片在新的爱国者控制 TS 帐户
& then retruthed it. (然后揭露真相)

But President Trump knows nothing about Q… 

但特朗普总统对 Q 一无所知。

I think President Trump is trying to tell us 


THE STORM is coming. 暴风雨就要来了

https://T.me/FreedomForceBattalion & 
https://TruthSocial.com/@1000YearsOfPeace#truth # 真相


  • 本文由 发表于 2022年9月15日14:34:02
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