2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

2022年8月5日13:14:40新人阅读2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球已关闭评论4952字数 14161阅读47分12秒阅读模式
August 4, 2022 2022年8月4日

No preamble. Huge news broke today after all the talk of China, China, China—and it’s not. At least, not only China.


You might recall we revealed in the past month or so that Ukraine was a hotbed of biolabs where the psychopaths experimented with and developed bioweapons. Turns out the Russian Military learned that the C-19/Wu Flu “virus” or whatever it is, originally came from Ukraine.

你可能还记得我们在过去一个月左右透露,乌克兰是一个生物实验室的温床,在那里精神病患者试验和发展生物武器。原来俄罗斯军方得知 C-19/Wu 流感“病毒”或者别的什么,最初来自乌克兰。

I knew the Wuhan dropped vial of bat virus and other stories were bogus.


2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

This is why it was so important for the Russian Military to take control of that situation. There’s no telling what might have been our fate if they had not. As with anything else, the globalists have used our money to do consistent and ongoing research into all sorts of ways to eliminate Humanity. Not only that, but their goal was to develop “vaccines” that would target entire races for their ethnic cleansing agendas.


Did the Covid test swabs secure DNA from the masses which would enable them to do that? It is probably quite possible as they have never let on how advanced their technologies are. Learn more at the substack link. Link to Telegram.

冠状病毒疾病测试棉签是否从大量样本中提取了 DNA,从而使它们能够做到这一点?这可能是很有可能的,因为他们从来没有透露他们的技术有多先进。在 suback 链接了解更多信息。链接到电报。

NEW BIOLOGICAL UPDATE FROM RUSSIAN MIL! 来自俄罗斯军方的最新生物信息 2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球 2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

Folks, this is without a doubt my most explosive article to date, and Russia’s allegations have escalated to a whole level.


Russia has now DIRECTLY accused the US DNC of intentionally, creating, disseminating, and artificially fueling the spread of, C19 as well as Monkeypox.

俄罗斯现在直接指责美国民主党全国委员会有意制造、传播和人为助长 C19以及猴痘的传播。

We have finally arrived at what I believed Ukraine to be about all along.



这是创造 C19的反作用力! ! !

Folks, it’s happening. 各位,要开始了


-Clandestine 秘密行动


This doesn’t make sense. Why is it only Arizona that takes extra days or weeks to count and verify ballots? AZ has a relatively low total population. Other states can do it in one day. It’s abnormal, and you know what that suggests. The world is watching to see how the US elections go because as they go, so goes the world.



We understand Kari Lake won in every county except Maricopa at the point they said they had only counted half the ballots and we wouldn’t know until morning how the vote went. Suspicious? You bet. We’re all watching Arizona very closely to see what the cabal’s next move will be.

我们知道除了马里科帕,卡里 · 莱克在每个县都获胜了,当时他们说他们只统计了一半的选票,直到早上我们才知道投票结果如何。可疑?当然。我们都在密切关注亚利桑那州看看阴谋集团的下一步行动。

As I mentioned, there were ridiculous ballot shortages in two Arizona counties on Tuesday. Did they think we wouldn’t notice? Theses people are stupid, and the brand spanking new Elections Director is now toast. They basically threw him under the bus because there’s no justifying that kind of a “mistake”. He couldn’t survive that. Link to Telegram.


Breaking: Pinal County Elections director is out. 突发新闻: 皮纳尔县选举主任下台
He is responsible for the inexplicable ballot “shortage” that targeted Republicans. 他要对共和党人莫名其妙的选票“短缺”负责
Panic in Arizona. 亚利桑那州的恐慌
We need an investigation immediately. 我们需要立即展开调查

However, it will be interesting to learn who the Earth Alliance assets are who have been in place for awhile and will play a role in the takedown in the Grand Canyon State. Perhaps he was one? We just don’t know but as one clever dudette said, the cabal has now opened themselves up to a colonoscopy with a spotlight directly on them. There’s nowhere to hide.


2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

We know how the enemy wants the movie to go, and they are trying, despite the press telling us that “Monkeypox” is either mostly limited to the gay community, or that it is simply a reaction from the poisonous jabs. Take your pick—but it’s not grounds for a health emergency or lockdowns, masks, etc. If people haven’t learned that yet, the past two plus years were a waste.



I’m quite sure I shared this [below] once before, but I think it’s gaining in relevance, based on the above and similar declarations. It could be very accurate, or only partially accurate. Time will tell. This would mean, of course, that the White Hats indeed have control of the mainstream media—or at least they have the ability to override it when the time comes. That alone would really freak people out. It might be where the Starlink technology comes in.

我很确定我曾经分享过这个(下面) ,但是我认为它正在获得相关性,基于上述和类似的声明。它可能非常精确,或者只是部分精确。时间会证明一切。当然,这将意味着白帽党确实控制了主流媒体,或者至少他们有能力在时机成熟时推翻这种控制。光这一点就能把人吓坏了。这可能就是星际链接技术的用武之地。

Will it get this far? Will we be going backward and manipulated into giving up our freedoms again? Really? It gives me a headache just contemplating the possibility.


Confirmed: 确认:
Army in training to implement emergency broadcast system


The trigger for e b s will be
Vaccination is mandatory all over the world with blockades. When this really happens just know we’re just around the corner from the new world people, don’t be mad or panic. This is what is needed. Yes, it really needs to happen this way so that we can move to the bright future. It’s part of the script and
the final stage, a truly painful, awakening movie that was necessary to awaken the masses. This will ensure that everyone is safely settled in their home and witness a historical moment that reveals all truths, cover ups, etc. through the E B S which is inevitable. Everything is planned to happen. The practice test will take place so prepare yourself. There must be a test and then a review of all events and activities. The possible implications at the national and global level could be quite complicated so things must be kept inside
compliance with the protocols . Yes, there are many consequences if things are not done precisely and perfectly. This is what I’m talking about
practice running in front of the right people to see answers and accuracy of what lies ahead that changes humanity. We hear the schedule is finally set, but then again I’m just the messenger. Be prepared to adjust if necessary with regard to possible weather changes. Only a select few know the moment of the exact and precise time of the event. For safety and other obvious reasons, it must be properly protected. E B S to air the 8 hour video again. It will be replayed 3 times a day for 10 days of Communication Darkness.
During those 10 days of communication darkness, the following will happen. We will receive 7 “Trumpets” aka EBS text messages to our phones warning us to turn on the TV at this time. Our phones will only work for 911 and we have been advised that the Signal app, which is military encrypted, will be available. Our TV’s will only show 3 movies with explanations on a continuous loop for 10 days. It will cover topics of arrests, tribunals, corruption, fraud, pedophilia, etc.
Our internet will not be working during that time. Our atm machines will not be working. After 10 days of communication darkness, we will connect to the new quantum internet.
People are being urged to stock up on food and water for at least three weeks. We were promised a new Star-link Internet system by the end of the month.
Again I repeat be prepared with food, water, toilet paper, generators, etc. for this great awakening revelation.
As we speak, the teams coordinating this important historic event are renovating E.B.S to ensure greatest safety for all involved, so please be patient as things are finalized. They want to make sure there are no interferences of any kind at all. The plan makers don’t want anyone to panic because it’s simply putting out the truth.
After E B S and going through a ten day blackout by mainstream media and spending it all 24/7, (eight hour long movies), are we back to normal as usual?
The answer is: After E B S and 8 hours of 24 7, movies will change. Life support, bound to old and evil systems, will be withdrawn. Humanity and planet Earth are simultaneously transitioning into a quantum reality awareness system (Peace and Prosperity). End the slavery of financial and human consciousness. Old systems of government, education, finance, healthcare, trade and commerce etc. , they will all be dismantled and replaced.
We will have a new currency called USN US NOTE and protected by gold.
Now is the time to warn as many as possible who will listen. Don’t have too much pride. Go warn the ones you love even though they think you’re crazy. Your goal for others is to really help absorb the shock of what’s to come.

E B S的触发因素将是疫苗接种在全世界范围内被强制封锁。当这一切真的发生时,只需知道我们离新世界不远了,不要生气或惊慌。这就是所需要的。是的,它真的需要以这种方式发生,这样我们才能走向光明的未来。这是剧本的一部分,也是最后阶段,一个真正痛苦的、觉醒的电影,是唤醒大众所必需的。这将确保每个人都能安全地安顿下来,并见证一个历史时刻,通过E B S揭示所有的真相、掩盖真相等,这是不可避免的。一切都是计划好的,要发生的。练习测试将会发生,所以要做好准备。必须有一个测试,然后对所有事件和活动进行回顾。在国家和全球层面可能产生的影响可能相当复杂,所以事情必须在内部进行。
遵守协议。是的,如果事情做得不精确、不完美,会有很多后果。这就是我所谈论的练习在正确的人面前跑来跑去,看到答案和准确的未来改变人类的东西。我们听说时间表终于确定了,但我又只是信使。准备好在必要时对可能的天气变化进行调整。只有少数人知道事件的确切和精确时间的时刻。为了安全和其他明显的原因,必须妥善保护。E B S将再次播放8小时的视频。它将每天重播3次,持续10天的《沟通黑暗》。
在这10天的通讯黑暗期,将发生以下情况。我们将收到7个 "喇叭",即EBS短信,警告我们在这个时候打开电视。我们的手机将只适用于911,我们已被告知可以使用军事加密的信号应用程序。我们的电视将只连续循环播放3部带有解说的电影,持续10天。它将涵盖逮捕、法庭、腐败、欺诈、恋童癖等主题。
在E B S和经历了主流媒体十天的停电,并花了所有24小时,(八小时长的电影)之后,我们是否恢复了正常如常?
答案是。在E B S和8小时的24 7之后,电影会改变。被束缚在古老而邪恶的系统中的生命支持将被撤销。人类和地球同时过渡到一个量子现实意识系统(和平与繁荣)。结束金融和人类意识的奴役。旧的政府、教育、金融、医疗保健、贸易和商业等系统。,它们都将被拆除和取代。


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It may seem excessive to suggest we stock up on food and supplies for three weeks, but if the 10 days of no ATMs, etc. is in effect, and there are no banks open, no POS working [point of sale] in stores, and they want everyone home in front of their tel-lie-visions to watch the looped truth videos, it then stands to reason that by the time things open up, people go back to work and supply chains are linked up again, it could plausibly take three weeks for the majority of things to get back to some semblance of normal. Depending on how traumatized the snoozers are, it could take even longer. So, just a cautionary note to ensure you have done what you can to be able to support yourself for awhile. In extreme cases I suspect the military will help to feed and protect civilians if need be.

建议我们储备三个星期的食物和物资似乎有些过分,但是如果10天没有自动取款机等等的措施生效,没有银行开门,没有 POS 工作[销售点]在商店,他们希望每个人都在他们的电话幻象前回家观看循环的真相视频,那么理所当然的是,当事情打开时,人们回去工作,供应链再次连接起来,可能需要三个星期才能让大多数事情恢复到一些表面上的正常状态。这取决于打瞌睡的人受到的精神创伤程度,这可能需要更长的时间。所以,只是一个警告,以确保你已经做了什么,你可以支持自己一段时间。在极端情况下,我怀疑如果需要的话,军队会帮助喂养和保护平民。

2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

As they say, things can’t change overnight and we have a long way to go. Despite the daily conversations about and illustrations of outright censorship, there are still many who don’t recognize free speech and want to tell others what they can say and how they can say it.


They want the world to conform to them rather than exercising tolerance and acceptance of our individuality and freedom of expression. They want unity on their terms. It’s something we will probably all have to work on to some degree because there are too many who are offended by anyone and everything.


We don’t want to see people having drinks dumped on them, their MAGA hats knocked off, or punches thrown. That’s uncivilized and inspired by the demonic cabal.

我们不希望看到人们被泼饮料,他们的 MAGA 帽子被打掉,或者拳头被打。那是不文明的,受到魔鬼阴谋集团的启发。

New video and social media platforms were created to accommodate the freedom of expression and hopefully the truth, but even that is a subjective thing and one person’s truth might be anathema to another.


2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

The controlling ones are going to find that the world will not turn inside out for them. We are striving to provide more freedom, not less. We don’t want people telling us how to dress, how to wear our hair, what to say, where to live, what to eat, what to learn, what language to speak, how to worship, what kind of pet to have or how many, how many children to have, what movies to watch or books to read or anything else.


Freedom to be who we are in that full expression is the goal. “Don’t tread on me” is the motto in some circles; in others, “live and let live”, but it’s a process and we are evolving. From what I have seen over the past several years, we’re headed in a positive direction and none of us are perfect.

充分表达自己的自由是我们的目标。“不要践踏我”是一些圈子的座右铭; 在其他圈子里,“生活和让生活”,但这是一个过程,我们正在进化。从我过去几年看到的情况来看,我们正朝着积极的方向前进,没有人是完美的。

Many subscribers have been on board [the crew] for years and I’m willing to bet not one of them sees everything exactly as I do because each of us are on our own, unique journeys and have been shaped by unique experiences.


2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

I share as I am guided and so do the crew and something must be working because while I have never advertised, our subscriber list has grown from nothing over eleven years to over 9,000 and despite the censorship is still growing. I don’t mind if people unsubscribe because it has never been about that. I’m just doing my part the best way I know how and anyone who does not resonate is probably going to leave and that’s their prerogative—and that’s freedom.


All I can do is stick to my mission; continue to share information that illustrates where we are in this process, what is happening behind the scenes, why, and show that the future is bright. I never set out to share popular opinion. I don’t aim to displease anyone but I can only express the truth and reality my way, unless I’m quoting others.

我所能做的就是坚持我的使命; 继续分享信息,说明我们在这个过程中的位置,幕后发生了什么,为什么,并表明未来是光明的。我从未打算分享公众的意见。我不想让任何人不高兴,但是我只能用我自己的方式来表达真相和现实,除非我引用别人的话。

I don’t ask for money, I don’t ask people to buy branded gear, I just keep my nose to the grindstone to inform and enlighten and have some fun along the way while rubbing elbows with some of the wisest, more informed people in MAGA-land, whatever country that may have spread to as we all drain our swamps.

我不要钱,也不要求人们购买名牌装备,我只是埋头苦干,通过这种方式来获得知识和启发,并且在这个过程中享受一些乐趣,同时与一些最有智慧、更有见识的 MAGA 国家的人们交往,不管这个国家可能已经扩展到哪个国家,因为我们都在消耗我们的沼泽地。

2022年8月4日: 乌克兰,不是中国; 没有什么是看起来的那|星际飞船地球

Just when you thought you would never be surprised by anything again, a stranger story surfaces. What would possess a rational man to leap from a perfectly good airplane sans parachute? I use the word “possess” intentionally. What kind of messages were in his brain, and why?


911 Call Reveals Doomed North Carolina Pilot Jumped Before Emergency Landing911报警电话显示北卡罗来纳州飞行员在紧急迫降前跳伞

That concludes another post for a day. Keep on truthin’, my friends.  ~ BP



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