通过 GCR恢复共和国特别报告(摘要)|2020年9月12日星期六

2020年9月13日09:19:20大揭露通过 GCR恢复共和国特别报告(摘要)|2020年9月12日星期六已关闭评论91411字数 12304阅读41分0秒阅读模式

通过 GCR恢复共和国特别报告(摘要)|2020年9月12日星期六


Source:Dinar Chronicles

Judy Note:A Shotgun Liquidity Release with full accessibility at all levels including our Tier 4b notification,was still in the works for Mon.14 Sept.into Tues.15 Sept.


On Tues.8 Sept.at 3:30 pm EDT an Executive Order on a Stimulus Bill was signed off by President Trump,US Attorney General Bill Barr and US Treasury Secretary Mnuchin.That settled NESARA requirements and opened the door for an RV Shotgun start.On Thurs.10 Sept.Trump had meetings to get out NESARA/GESARA Universal Basic Income payments of$1,200 to$1,400 per US citizen for the next three years and forward.UBI would start in Oct.2020 after the Restored Republic Federal fiscal year start on Thurs.1 Oct.

美国东部时间98日星期二下午330分,特朗普总统、美国司法部长比尔·巴尔和美国财政部长姆努钦签署了一项关于经济刺激法案的行政命令。这解决了 NESARA 的要求,并为 RV 霰弹枪的启动打开了大门。910日星期四。特朗普召开了会议,要求公布 NESARA/GESARA 全球基本收入支付方案,在未来三年内,每个美国公民的基本收入为1,200美元至1,400美元。UBI 将于202010月开始,之后恢复共和国的联邦财政年度将于101日星期四开始。

The General Public start for exchanges at banks at the International Rates has been pushed to Thurs.1 Oct.


Also on Thurs.1 Oct.the Quantum Financial System and asset-backed USN would be fully online for the start of the Restored Republic federal govt fiscal year.

同样在101日星期四,量子金融系统和资产支持的 USN 将在恢复的共和国联邦政府财政年度开始时全面上线。

Additionally from Thurs.1 Oct.forward Trump planned the"Ten Days of Disclosure"where through brief public service announcements,he would reference the need to move away from the fiat dollar to asset-backed,gold-backed currency;go over NESARA/GESARA measures and explain debt relief and the political aspects of a transition to the Restored Republic.Details of the Ten Days of Disclosure would be filled in later in educational sessions,or media broadcasts that Trump and the White Hats would have control over.Google,YouTube,Twitter and Facebook were being brought under control by the Department of Justice and AG Barr.They would be regulated and forced to stop censoring as they were doing now without restraint.

此外,从101日星期四开始,特朗普计划进行"十天披露",通过简短的公共服务公告,他将提到从法定美元转向资产支持、黄金支持货币的必要性;研究 NESARA/GESARA 措施,解释债务减免和向恢复共和国过渡的政治方面。十天披露的细节将在稍后的教育会议或特朗普和白帽将控制的媒体广播中填写。谷歌、YouTubeTwitter Facebook 将由司法部和 AG Barr 控制。他们将受到监管并被迫停止审查,就像他们现在毫无约束地做的那样。

Over the past 24+hours the Department of Defense Security Teams caught over 3,000 Deep State bankers and operatives trying to wire through the SWIFT system millions&billions of dollars into the USA to support the Democratic National Committee and hydrate Deep State"domestic terrorism."



1.Trump has moved the RV release forward over the past 48 hours to start liquidity movement that would lead to a Shotgun Release including our Tier 4b notification,by Tues.15 Sept.

1.特朗普在过去48小时内提前释放RV,以启动流动性运动,这将导致在915日星期二前释放包括我们的4b 级通知在内的"猎枪"

2.Trump wanted some liquidity at the upper levels to be released to Tier 3-4a SKRs,to Reno Core Group,Native American and some other adjudicated settlement accounts before he made his 9/11 memorial speech commemorating the terrorist tragedies 19 years ago on Fri.9/11 morning.

2.特朗普希望,在他发表纪念19年前911日上午9.11恐怖悲剧的9.11纪念演讲之前,上层的一些流动性能够被释放到3-4a SKRsReno Core Group、美国原住民和其他一些已裁定的和解账户上。

3.On Thurs.10 Sept.Trump gave the RV teams a sequence of release events that had to be completed by Fri.morning at 11 am PDT.He was adamant that liquidity release had to start for Tier 4b by Fri.9/11.

3.910日星期四。特朗普给了RV团队一系列的释放活动,这些活动必须在周五上午11点前完成。他坚持认为,流动性释放必须在911日周五之前启动4b 层。

4.A Spanish Platform source:"Big sellers flew to Reno on Thurs.10 Sept and processed on Fri.11 Sept.The release of level 4 funds would be between Fri.afternoon and Sat.morning,Reno time.


5.RV teams were told that by 11 am PDT Fri.11 Sept,the Tier3 and Tier4 Paymasters were to receive notifications for timing and instructions for releases for them to access money-of-account they had in their accounts to do payout to their downline accounts.

5.RV 团队被告知,在911日太平洋夏令时上午11点之前,Tier3 Tier4 paymaster 将收到时间通知和释放指示,以便他们访问他们帐户中的金钱帐户支付给他们的下线帐户。

6.Besides catching and arresting Deep State bankers and operatives trying to wire funds to hydrate the Democratic National Committee Domestic Terrorism(Antifa)operations in the US,the delays of this past week had to do with getting legal and GESARA/NESARA/Restored Republic measures in place and signed off for the RV release to take place now.

6.除了抓捕并逮捕那些试图通过电汇资金来削弱民主党全国委员会(Democratic National Committee)在美国的国内恐怖主义行动(Antifa) Deep 州银行家和特工外,过去一周的拖延还涉及到法律和 GESARA/NESARA/恢复共和国的措施到位,以及批准现在就释放RV

7.As of Fri.11 Sept night,everything was going on schedule.


8.President Trump was quite distressed that the RV release has not gone yet.


9.On Mon.7 Sept.the Elders and Royals met with Trump and his team to move things forward as much as they could.At that time Trump said he would have liquidity released by Wed.9 Sept,but then Mnuchin and AG Barr had to sign off on documents related to Trump resolving the Plandemic Stimulus Bill impasse in Congress that Deep State politicians were intentionally blocking.


10.On Thurs.10 Sept.the Department of Defense security teams seized multiple wire transfers and arrested Deep State operatives behind the transfers.


11.On Thurs.10 Sept.Trump ordered the RV teams to get this released starting Fri.11 Sept.to commemorate the 9/11 Twin Towers Terrorist tragedy in which the Deep State killed over 3,000 unsuspecting Americans and others across the globe.


12.On Fri.11 Sept.at 6 am EDT Trump and the RV teams were up early to meet with the Core Group leaders,where Trump said,"You guys have to be liquid by today,so jump to it and get the upper levels started so funds could be moved forward."


13.That plan was to have Dubai 1 and 2 liquid,the collateral accounts liquid and private groups liquid(money-of-account)for the Shotgun Release of full accessibility at all levels start when Tier 4b notification came out,scheduled for Mon.14 Sept.into Tues.15 Sept.

13.这个计划是让迪拜1号和2号流动,抵押账户流动和私人团体流动(货币账户)的霰弹枪在所有级别的完全可访问性释放开始时,4b 层通知出来,预计914日星期一到915日星期二。

14.Because the DoD had to get this release in the midst of a current war with the Deep State still raging in DC and our cities,the DoD security teams had been understandably cautious to make sure the Deep State Cabal was as disempowered as possible from being able to interfere with the release and our exchanges/redemption.


15.On Thurs.10 Sept.Trump overrode the DoD's recommendation of more delays to clean up,arrest and remove more Cabal sewage.Trump stood up to the DoD and said that enough clean up had been done and the DoD security teams would have to manage the risks some other way.That was an answer to many prayers.


16.Trump wanted the RV funds out in the economy well before the Nov.3 election so he could say that the economy was accelerating in a V-shaped recovery.He does not want it to look like Biden and the Democrats had an advantage over him in the economic arena.

16.特朗普希望RV基金在113日大选之前就投入经济,这样他就可以说经济正在 v 型复苏中加速。他不想让人觉得拜登和民主党在经济领域比他有优势。

17.By Wed.30 Sept.all private exchanges/redemption(Tiers 3-4,a,b)were scheduled to be completed in order to give us in Tier4b enough time to finish exchanges/redemption and meet with Wealth Managers.

17.930日星期三,所有的私人交易所/赎回(3-4层,ab)都计划完成,以便给我们在第4b 层有足够的时间完成交易所/赎回,并与财富管理公司会面。

18.From Thurs.1 Oct.forward Trump planned the"Ten Days of Disclosure"where through brief public service announcements,he would reference the need to move away from the fiat dollar to asset-backed,gold-backed currency;go over NESARA/GESARA measures and explain debt relief and the political aspects of a transition to the Restored Republic.

18.101日星期四开始,特朗普计划进行"十天披露",通过简短的公共服务公告,他将提到从法定美元转向资产支持、黄金支持货币的必要性;研究 NESARA/GESARA 措施,解释债务减免和向恢复共和国过渡的政治方面。

19.Details of the Ten Days of Disclosure would be filled in later in educational sessions,or media broadcasts that Trump and the White Hats would have control over.


20.Google,YouTube,Twitter and Facebook were being brought under control by the Department of Justice and AG Barr.They would be regulated and forced to stop censoring as they were doing now without restraint.

20.谷歌、YouTubeTwitter Facebook 被司法部和 AG Barr 控制。他们将受到监管并被迫停止审查,就像他们现在毫无节制地做的那样。

21.On Thurs.10 Sept.had meetings to get out NESARA/GESARA Universal Basic Income payments of$1,200 to$1,400 per US citizen for the next three years and forward.

21.910日星期四,我们召开会议,要求 NESARA/GESARA 在未来三年内向每个美国公民支付1,200美元至1,400美元的普遍基本收入。

22.UBI would start in Oct.2020 after the Restored Republic Federal fiscal year start on Thurs.1 Oct(less than three weeks away.)

22.UBI 将于202010月开始,而恢复共和国的联邦财政年度将于101(不到三周之后)开始

23.Trump and the RV teams ran into a lot of resistance from the IMF about pushing the start of the public Tier 5 from next Tues.15 Sept.to Thurs.1 Oct.The IMF had already had everything in place for Tues.15 Sept.–all the contracts,agreements and promises for International Rates to come out on Tues.15 Sept.


24.They have tested and found to work well the Quantum Financial System's ability to do automated audits of all transactions globally and detect fraud.


25.A release algorithm overnight Thurs.10 Sept.locked the new rates in.Another algorithm on Sun.night 13 Sept.will lock in the new rates for the Shotgun Release on Mon.-Tues.14,15 Sept.


26.On Thurs.10 Sept.the Redemption Centers were processing Tier 3-4a SKRs and putting money-of-account in accounts for full accessibility when Tier4b starts.

26.910日星期四,赎回中心正在处理第3-4a 层的 SKRs,并在第4b 层启动时,将现金存入帐户,以实现完全可访问性。

27.Redemption Centers would have three shifts of staff.Each day the third shift would be responsible for auditing the transactions of each day.


28.The release protocol tests have gone well;the banks have been updated on the latest exchange procedures and training;test notification emails from banks have gone well;test trades and payouts fom the platforms have gone well and everything was lined up for a Shotgun Start.


29.Banks were ready for a Shotgun Start and Trust companies(Abbott Downing,etc)were getting ready.


30.In the midst of serious gag order silence,some of their executives were being notified that the start was upon us.


31.This weekend the US Treasury would give them special training for Zim redemption and bond exchanges of the next two and a half weeks.


32.The banks of Holland,England,Spain and Germany have been closed for the past two weeks–all in a cover-up for the RV/GCR Global Currency Reset to be released.

32.荷兰、英格兰、西班牙和德国的银行在过去两周都关闭了——这一切都是为了掩盖 RV/GCR 全球货币重置即将发布的消息。

33.The US and other governments including Iraq were squarely looking at Tues.15 Sept.for the global RV Shotgun release.


34.There was no reason to dust off the Prozac,or find another block of ice for another week or two–the release was unlikely to be stopped again since Trump gave the DoD and RV Teams the mandate.


35.Rest this weekend and be ready for the change of a lifetime,the change of many lifetimes–that was dead ahead of us.Be ready for your project presentation in your appointment next week,please keep these details in prayer and be thankful that all our prayers were being answered.









Divide They Try,Fail They Will,WWG1WGA to Support POTUS,Follow Q&Trust Plan


Let us Thank Q that the reset has finally come to be.I wish you well in your humanitarian efforts and look forward to seeing you on the other side where together,we will make life better for all.


Patience is a Virtue.Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being.Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world.Judy




  • 本文由 发表于 2020年9月13日09:19:20
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