As we maintain cruising altitude in low Earth orbit monitoring the big picture, we can see the writing on the wall.
It’s obvious from the latest updates on the ‘resident’ that his days are numbered and he is about to be removed from the script. First they tell us he admitted to having cancer, but folks aren’t sure if that’s true or he’s delusional, and now they tell us he has the plague.
Ezra Cohen’s response… Link to Telegram.
Ezra Cohen 的回应... 链接到电报。
Biden removed in private.
Next step is to remove him from the public.
In keeping with the others who walked that path or shared this script from the White Hats… we’re getting plenty of confirmations.
And there’s this…
BREAKING: Arizona GOP Offers $50,000 DOLLAR REWARD For Evidence Of Vote Buying In the 2022 Arizona Primary Election
突发新闻: 亚利桑那州共和党为2022年亚利桑那州初选中购买选票的证据提供5万美元奖励
Unless people are blind, deaf, and stupid [and some are], they can’t NOT have heard about the 46 or more states who declared election integrity was an issue and found it necessary to audit the results. Two states have declared their results should be overturned. All it takes is one to go through the process and the entire election must be nullified, according to what we’re told.
除非人们是盲人、聋人和愚蠢的(有些人确实是) ,否则他们不可能没有听说过有46个或更多的州宣称选举诚信是一个问题,并认为有必要对结果进行审计。两个州已经宣布他们的结果应该被推翻。根据我们得到的消息,只要有一个人通过这个程序,整个选举就必须被宣布无效。
What else might take down the Biden crime family? Link to Telegram.
还有什么能扳倒拜登犯罪家族? 链接到电报。
All of Hunter Biden’s laptop text messages can be found compiled in a searchable format on the website of Marco Polo.
所有亨特 · 拜登的笔记本电脑短信都可以在马可波罗的网站上找到。
It’s all coming to a head.
The lies have it? ‘Russia collusion’ case takes abrupt turn“
The changing of the guard is definitely happening already.
It’s all over Twitter—Draghi did it. He actually resigned, which is wonderful news for Italy.
If the dual nature of the news we get is confusing and you can’t make heads nor tails of it, you may benefit from listening to this update from Patriot Underground. He knows the White Hats are in control. The confusion arises because our inside information is very different from the “movie” created to awaken the millions in a trance who just don’t understand their government was hijacked and that Humans are prey. It’s very complex and carefully scripted and you have to know which audience you belong to when you parse the news. Are you awake and aware—or are you in denial and sleepwalking?
Patriot Underground Episode 233
For example, we already know many of the worst traitors have already been tried and executed. We know it’s not the real Biden we’re seeing. Others, too, are merely actors on the stage. They have to get the attention of people who have no clue what’s going on, and get them to understand what the evil cabal has done, and that appropriate consequences are necessary. The satanic bloodline families who have been running the world and their pedophilic minions are going to get their just desserts.
In the mean time, we keep our sense of humour whenever possible.
What works in the US can work in Canada. Trudeau forbade anyone to ask questions at his cross country summer tour destinations—which were not disclosed so no one could be there to protest. You can’t make this up. Trudeau is another actor because the original committed crimes so heinous he had to be dealt a karmic hand.
Trudeau’s muted trip to Kelowna a Liberal success
Fully vaccinated senior ordered into 14-day quarantine for not using ArriveCAN
因未使用 ArriveCAN 全面接种疫苗的长者被勒令隔离14天
Just a glitch. They like that excuse.
ArriveCan app glitch tells vaccinated eastern Ontario travellers to quarantineArriveCan
The White Hats are desperately trying to wake up the Canucks but I’m afraid they are deeply entrenched. It won’t be easy. We hear there are Dutch unity protests scheduled for July 23, however, in solidarity with the Dutch farmers who so valiantly and relentlessly have shown their government that they’re mad as hell and they’re not going to take it any more.
The Dutch government has been accused of engaging in activities that would cause mass starvation.
Does anything surprise us any more? The psychos have been planning food shortages and famine for some time but they won’t be able to pull off anything on the scale they anticipated. A little controlled lack might get the attention of the snoozing public, however. Toilet paper certainly did.
It’s difficult to believe there can be this many sick, perverted people in the world interacting with our children. They have positioned themselves in prime locations to feed their perversions. Disney, schools, Family & Children’s Services, the church… Link to Telegram.
很难相信世界上会有这么多病态变态的人与我们的孩子互动。他们把自己定位在黄金地段来满足他们的变态。迪斯尼,学校,家庭和儿童服务,教堂... 链接到电报。
JUST IN: At least 181 K-12 educators, including four principals, were arrested on child sex-related crimes in the U.S. in the first six months of 2022, ranging from child pornography to raping students.
2022年上半年,美国至少有181名 K-12教育工作者,包括四名校长,因涉嫌儿童性犯罪被捕,罪名从儿童色情作品到强奸学生。
Yesterday we learned that China is taking preemptive action to guard their ‘stolen’ funds. Unbelievable.
We live in crazy times and the truth is increasingly elusive. It seems Ivana Trump is currently fodder for much ‘journalism’.
我们生活在一个疯狂的时代,真相越来越难以捉摸。伊万娜 · 特朗普似乎成了许多“新闻”的素材。
What got her? A fall, double-jabs, or the mob—or is this just part of the “movie”? Take your pick. Trump rescheduled his Arizona rally for July 22nd as a result of the death of his former wife.
Ivana Double-Vaxxed Days Before Death
On the woo-woo side which we usually leave until last, we have Part 2 of Jetson White’s latest foray down the road less travelled. His theories have a lot of merit but no one will know how “the end” of the movie will go until it happens. It’s like the producers have a “multiple ending” script for us and which one ends up in the movie is a mystery to nearly everyone involved—until it happens.
在我们通常会留到最后的“呜呜”一边,我们将看到杰特森•怀特(Jetson White)最新一期《少有人走过的路》(Part 2)的第二部分。他的理论有很多优点,但没有人知道电影的“结局”会怎样,直到它发生。就好像制片人为我们准备了一个“多重结局”的剧本,而电影中的哪一个结局对于几乎所有参与者来说都是一个谜ーー直到它发生。
Have you kept track of the fear porn? There are so many absurd, imagined threats it’s hard to keep up, but here are a few that come to mind:
asteroid that could come dangerously close to impacting Earth in a mass extinction event
sun, coronal mass ejections knocking out communications and power grids
climate change in general
North Korea and Rocket Man
Covid and all its iterations and spin-offs
Dengue fever, Zika virus, polio resurgence, shingles, monkey pox, Marburg virus
zombie epidemic
food shortages and starvation
gun confiscation
banksters stealing our savings and retirement funds
Middle Easterners who hate us because we’re free
rising tides and flooding of coastal areas due to melting ice packs
alien invasion [the real alien invasion is what we are dealing with now]
…and my personal favourite… you’ll eat bugs and you’ll be happy. Not happening folks.
And that is all I have time for today. It’s getting very hot in Arizona in more ways than one. Our monsoons are more like ‘non-soons’ again this year with only one shower to speak of in our locale and we know who controls the weather. They’re predicting 114F here tomorrow, and Trump will be speaking in probably the hottest month of the year in Prescott Valley on July 22. Hopefully it’s a lot cooler up there in the high country.
这就是我今天所有的时间。亚利桑那州在很多方面都变得很热。今年我们的季风更像是“非季风”,我们所在的地方只有一场阵雨,我们知道是谁控制了天气。他们预测明天这里的气温将达到华氏114度,而特朗普将在7月22日这个可能是 Prescott Valley 一年中最热的月份发表演讲。希望那里的高地能凉快一点。
You can watch the rally with RSBN at this link.
你可以在这个链接与 RSBN 观看拉力赛。
Ciao for now. ~ BP