Starship Earth's latest newsletter gives an excellent summary of the current global situation. I highly recommend reading it.
As BP says, there can be no doubt that the global unrest we have anticipated for so long is now here. I keep thinking about Dolores Cannon's regression clients from decades ago who predicted this time of global uprising against governments. Matthew Ward also predicted it in his channeled books. There has been plenty of forewarning about this chaotic time on the Earth plane. What a relief for older battle-weary Light Warriors like myself that it is finally here.
正如BP所言,毫无疑问,我们期待已久的全球动荡现在已经到来。我一直在想 Dolores Cannon 几十年前的客户,他们预测了这次全球反政府起义。马修 · 沃德也在他的通灵书中预言了这一点。关于地球上这个混乱的时代,已经有很多预警了。对于像我这样疲于战斗的老光明战士来说,终于来到这里真是一种解脱。
This short video of a MASSIVE crowd outside the Sri Lanka parliament is spine-tingling. Wow. No wonder their cowardly leader scuttled down to the port and boarded a navy frigate out of town. If the population of EVERY country on Earth had the courage to force out tyranny, the war would end tomorrow. Go, Sri Lankans. We Are With You...!
The global unrest is widespread. Albania...
...and the Netherlands - the farmers are not backing down...
The Storm is HERE, Light Warriors. Our long wait is well and truly over.
Meanwhile President Trump is currently holding a rally in Alaska, the first time he has held a rally in that state. Apparently, the crowd is HUGE. Despite sky-high gas prices, people travelled great distances to see their President.
Unfortunately, there is still a LOT of work to do Down Under to free We The People. Check out the Queensland Government's latest move to muzzle doctors. Does this look like a free democratic country, or Nazi-revival...??
不幸的是,我们还有很多工作要做来解放我们人民。看看这个昆士兰州政府最近对医生采取的措施。这看起来像是一个自由民主国家,还是纳粹复兴... ? ?
Meanwhile an evil conspiracy of silence prevents the truth getting out to the world - children are DYING because of the jab. I always said that funeral directors know. The fact that they are not speaking out is heinous.
And never forget Epstein Island - the
永远不要忘记 Epstein Island ——那里发生的巨大堕落摧毁了无数年轻女性的生活。这只是飞往 Epstein Island 的官方航班声明中的一部分,因此排在第一位。
Cool meme. 很酷的文化基因
Finally, I love this meme. I can honestly say that I feel exactly the same way. I have been through so much in the last two years - nothing rattles me now. I am backing the Alliance operation with everything I have got. I have sacrificed a great deal. In the end, it won't matter. The TRUTH is what matters.
Take heart, Light Warriors. If you waver, re-watch that awesome video of the Sri Lankan uprising. If THEY can do it, we can too.
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Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light