Ep. 2768a – The Other [CB]s Are Following The Fed, Right On Schedule
第2768a 号决议——其他[CB]正在跟随美联储,正如期进行
Ep. 2768b – Trump Readies The Offensive, 2020 Election Was Rigged & Stolen, Ready To Stand, Drain It
X22 报告发表于2022年5月5日
Manufacturing jobs are terrible, employers are thinking about laying off, the economy is headed into a recession, the other parts of the world are already experiencing this. Fed raising rates will hurt the housing industry and more. The blame game has begun.
Durham is winning and the [DS] knows that the information that they tried to keep hidden is about to see the light, tick tock time is running out. Trump readies the offensive, he is now pointing to 2000 mules showing how the election was rigged and stolen. If there are question about 5 locations what about the rest of the country, because when you add us the ballots from the mules, Trump won. It’s time to drain the swamp fully, ready to stand.
达勒姆正在取得胜利,[ DS ]知道他们试图隐藏的信息即将见到光明,滴答的时间正在流逝。特朗普准备发动攻势,他现在指着2000头骡子展示选举是如何被操纵和偷窃的。如果有关于5个地点的问题,那么这个国家的其他地方呢? 因为当你把骡子的选票加起来,特朗普就赢了。是时候彻底排干沼泽地的水了,准备好站起来。