
2022年6月5日10:39:44新人阅读没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟已关闭评论7454字数 13430阅读44分46秒阅读模式


The last lesson of the ancient third dimension
Extraterrestrials are thousands of years ahead
of us in knowledge and technologies

Mass awakening will bring the reversal


The foundation of the new 5D world is based on gratitude, joy and support for others.


For many of you it feels like nothing is changing, the corrupted souls are still in charge and controlling events worldwide, because not everything is seen, what is going on. Fortunately, every day new groups of people rise up against the World Order and the fake Covid pandemic that dictates how we should live our lives.


没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟Much has been achieved, but deliberately little publicised. Here is a brief summary of the great progress that has been made on various fronts.


Many readers will not want to believe it, that humanity has been deliberately kept dumb. Whereas, other extraterrestrial civilisations are at least many thousand years ahead of our knowledge and technology available on planet Earth. So if something sounds implausible, consider it a fact.


Planet Earth is completely sealed off by our alien brothers and sisters, with their vast armada of, mostly, invisible spaceships. No creature can escape the Earth’s atmosphere without permission. Those who wanted to flee to Mars, like Jeff Bezos of Amazon, were sent back. All bases on the Moon and Mars are in the hands of the Galactic Federation and made inaccessible to Deep State Cabal Elites.

地球被我们的外星兄弟姐妹完全封闭起来,他们庞大的舰队,大部分是看不见的宇宙飞船。未经许可,任何生物都不能逃离地球的大气层。那些想逃往火星的人,比如亚马逊的杰夫 · 贝佐斯,被送回了火星。月球和火星上的所有基地都掌握在银河联邦的手中,深州阴谋集团的精英们无法接近。

Our planet is in the process of its transformation into 5D. The cabal leaders are trying to escape in a hurry, because they know their time is up and there is nothing more they can save. Only the puppets at lower levels are still trying to take the lead, which is no longer possible. The plan was to wipe out 90% of the population and intern the rest in special labour camps.

我们的星球正处于向5D 转变的过程中。阴谋集团的领导人正试图匆忙逃跑,因为他们知道他们的时间已经到了,他们已经没有什么可以拯救的了。只有下层的傀儡还在试图领导,这已经不可能了。该计划是要消灭90% 的人口,并将其余的人关进特殊的劳动营。

没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟Their 2030 agenda has failed, the alliance continues to clean up secret cells.


The Quantum Financial System, free energy, new internet etc have been ready for implementation for months.


Continue to trust the PLAN and do your part by sending Light and Love to each other to ease the transition to the New 5-D World.


No criminal against humanity will escape. Every involved accomplice from top to bottom in the bogus COVID pandemic will be arrested and sentenced to death. Including those who administered the poisonous syringes.


没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟Mass awakening will bring the reversal. All those who are insufficiently awake will be systematically removed from planet Earth, they will have to repeat the 3rd dimension all over again on another planet, until they have learned their lessons. Earth has been an educational planet to higher realms. Those who plan to ascend to 5D are advised to reread this article a few times, before planet Earth moves permanently to 5D and higher.

大规模的觉醒将带来逆转。所有那些不够清醒的人将被系统地从地球上移走,他们将不得不在另一个星球上重复第三维度,直到他们吸取教训。地球已经成为一个教育的星球,进入了更高的领域。那些计划提升到5D 的人被建议重读这篇文章几次,在地球永久移动到5D或更高之前。

The earth’s frequency is slowly raised to about 40 Hz, to prepare the awake among us for the 5D world. Extra-terrestrials present on our planet such as the criminal Dracos and Grays cannot live at a frequency higher than 8 Hz and are thus automatically eliminated.


The cabal is defeated, what is still taking place are rear-guard actions by puppets who do not yet know that their leadership has been definitively eliminated, so they too have lost. Nothing stands in the way of the purification and transformation of our planet anymore.


The speed of completion of this final phase depends on the timing and extent of our mass awakening, the turning point is actually in our hands.


If one does not fight for one’s own liberation, freedom has no value for humanity. Great upheavals will take place on planet Earth. Many new technologies will be introduced and new professions created.


没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟Our Consciousness and Oneness are direct obstacles for the Deep State plans. Millions of puppets and criminals have already been executed without any fuss. The most famous figures that are still walking around are clones, to keep the sheep population calm.


When they realise that they have voluntarily allowed themselves to be poisoned by Covid injections, the state of Marshall Law comes into force to keep chaos to a minimum. An exciting and unique time is about to begin.


Our Exterrestrial correspondent Vital Frosi tells us more.

我们的外地通讯员维特 · 弗洛西告诉我们更多。

The last lesson of the ancient third dimension


Beloved ones!


Those who have passed through the School of Souls in the Third Dimension are about to ascend to Higher Dimensions. The clock is ticking, as the New Earth appears on the horizon. A long cycle of trials and penances is being completed. The Great Master Sananda, who incarnated two thousand years ago as Jesus of Nazareth, has left us a legacy and assurance:

那些已经通过第三密度灵魂学校的人们将要提升到更高的维度。时钟滴答作响,新地球出现在地平线上。一个漫长的审判和忏悔周期正在完成。2000年前化身为耶稣的大师 Sananda 给我们留下了一份遗产和保证:

“There will be a New Earth


This New Earth will be part of the Higher Worlds, there will be no more pain or suffering. At the end of the Old Cycle there will be two destinations for humanity: – The humble and the pure in heart will inherit the New Earth.


Those who have not yet reached the required frequency will have to leave, because their consciousness has not yet grasped all the teachings made available. This is the concept of metaphor concerning the separation of the wheat from the chaff.


In the past few weeks we have seen much activity concerning this end of times. Of that, I will try today to convey to you who are with me that which has struck me most. I have given it a title to develop the text, but I could have used any other definition. I will interpret it as


THE LAST LESS LESSON of the old 3D world.

旧3D 世界的最后一课。

没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟I don’t know what the situation is today in the schools where you or your children study. But in the days when I was a student, even those who had already learned their lessons had to take a series of tests at the end of the school year to prove that they were qualified to climb a higher rung on the ladder of learning. In short, to test the pupil’s abilities and see if he or she can move on to the next level.


Nothing could be more different in a School of Souls, as the Earth has been until now. The cycle of limited consciousness in the Third Dimension is closing, and nothing will be limited as before, for in 5D and above, consciousness will be vastly expanded. So much so that a 3D mind cannot even imagine the capacity of 5D consciousness.


There will be a certain moment or even several events that will finally lift the veils, and then a new landscape of consciousness will emerge. This will be the moment when our anemic (blood) version will integrate with its higher version. This integration will unite the learning of the 3D fractal with a higher dimensional fractal. The union of these sciences will merge so that they become one, but at a frequency compatible with the dimensions of 5D to 9D.

将会有一个特定的时刻,甚至是几个事件,最终揭开面纱,然后一个新的意识景观将会出现。这将是我们贫血(血液)版本与更高版本整合的时刻。这种集成将把对三维分形的学习与更高维度的分形结合起来。这些科学的结合将会合并,使它们成为一体,但是频率与5D 到9D的维度相容。

The part of humanity that enters this frequency of 5D must pass the ultimate test. It has to leave behind the 3D vibrations that are still present in every consciousness. It is not just a detail, but a sum of “packages” that are part of the baggage of the soul.


I have written in previous texts that these packets are emotions, beliefs and habits from the Old 3D Earth. Fear, anger and guilt are undoubtedly the heaviest. This access must be healed. These energies are impediments to passage through the 5D gateway.  But there are others that can still resonate in every incarnation. And it is there that we will be tested, as the title of this text says.


Let us deepen the teaching and then put it into practice. All of us who are in this Earthly School have the unconditional support of the Ascended Masters and also of the Brothers of the Higher Spheres in the higher dimensions.


Do these Helpers care about the different stages of each incarnated soul? Do they distinguish between a higher and a lower being? Do they set people against each other, because of the differences and disagreements that may exist, as we can see between people today? Is the “us against them” that is so prevalent today, the altruistic helpers practising that against the incarnated?


Therefore, if our helpers do not care about our differences and do not stop hanging around, even those who are known to have already failed in this ascension, should we consider that, all those who will now ascend, will also become Ascended Masters? As they climb this step, they will also be able to help the souls who are learning in other worlds of decay and trial, including that part of humanity that will be taken to those worlds.


This makes it easier to understand and deduce that if you do not accept the limitations of others now, how can you be an Ascended Master tomorrow? Of course, the consciousness is still preparing itself for this, but you should put it into practice as soon as possible, for this vibration that remains in the consciousness may even prevent your own ascension.


There is no need to infringe on what others do that we consider wrong. This would be, for example, co-authorship in a crime. But we can look at it with pity, because the rung of the ladder is still at the bottom, and we have long since passed it. When we see others making mistakes, we must realise that they have not yet taken those lessons. But the day will come when they too will stand at the door of understanding, even if it takes thousands or millions of years.


Understanding, acceptance, compassion for the other’s delay, and above all not judging, not insulting, and not exposing your own limitations, are always a way. It has already been said that everyone co-creates their own reality, because they need it.


We cannot expect everyone to be in the same consciousness, i.e. to have the same understanding as us. Can you remember when the Ascended Masters asked this of us?


Respect, compassion and unconditional love are the levers that catapult souls who are ready for 5D.


Compassion is what I have described here. Respect, on the other hand, means not interfering with the lessons the other person still has to learn. Lead him only when he himself asks for help. This is where solidarity and charity come in. To understand that they still have to learn the lessons that have been missed is to show genuine respect.


Also to understand that no one is going through what they should not be going through. Therefore, when a family member or even a person close to us goes through a difficult ordeal, we should not get angry. On the contrary, understand that this is an opportunity to put into practice what we have learned so far. Remember that we are at the final test. Seeing the drama without being part of it is also a good alternative.


没有一个深州罪犯能逃脱|最后的警钟Respect is not only limited to humans, but to everything that exists on earth. Animals, plants and all other resources on Earth are energies from the same Source from which we come. Harmony between all kingdoms and between all that exists is also the understanding that we are all one. If I violate something, I violate myself. If I pollute nature, I pollute my own soul. Therefore, we are co-creators of our reality.


Understanding differences, situations, difficulties, challenges, our pains and those of others; knowing that to have privilege, it is necessary to take something from another; when one has much, others have less or nothing; the desire for privilege, power over necessity, satisfying the ego at any cost, destroying or damaging the property of others, public property or any other useful asset of anyone, is a rebuke to 5D.

理解差异、情况、困难、挑战、我们的痛苦和他人的痛苦; 知道要拥有特权,就必须从他人那里拿走一些东西; 当一个人拥有很多东西时,其他人拥有的东西就更少或者一无所有; 对特权的渴望、对必需品的权力、不惜一切代价满足自我、破坏或损害他人的财产、公共财产或任何其他有用资产,这些都是对5D。

Unnecessary attachment is a sign that there is still much fear within us and time demands that it be released, for we are approaching the great planetary change. We are in the final phase of the old 3D world.


One last effort is required, but this effort is not beyond one’s capabilities and limits. If you have come this far, you can do it!


Trust me.


I am Vital Frosi and my mission is enlightenment!




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