
2022年5月2日19:55:12新人阅读织女星伊沃|真相上的残酷真相已关闭评论7121字数 19456阅读64分51秒阅读模式

织女星伊沃|真相上的残酷真相Sharon: The fact is the truth behind what’s going on now can’t be revealed to us. Ashtar has said that the truth has to be anchored, step by step, in several different timelines. There are many different people on this planet, many differing levels of consciousness, so what’s truth for one is reason for another to be afraid.

莎伦: 事实是,现在发生的事情背后的真相是不能向我们揭示的。阿斯塔说过,真相必须被锚定,一步一步地,在几个不同的时间线中。这个星球上有许多不同的人,许多不同的意识水平,所以一个人的真相就是另一个人害怕的理由。

It’s been said, “We can’t handle the truth,” and there is some truth to that because it’s like explaining grade 12 physics to a kindergartener. They’re not only not going to get it; they’re going to either laugh at you or resist it in some other way.

有人说,“我们不能接受事实”,这话有些道理,因为这就像是在向幼儿园老师解释12年级的物理。他们不仅不会得到它; 他们要么嘲笑你,要么以其他方式抵制它。

We have to go through an acceptance process of every bit of information we come across. Do we accept it or not? Will we be responsible to change it or not? We are intellectually and emotionally immature.  And that’s why the truth is fed to us in small chunks, never mind that there are many of us operating at many different levels of consciousness. The people who don’t want the truth, like my sister, aren’t going to be following Sharon and Ivo, that’s for sure.


Ivo: The truth of the matter is, my love, that Earth is undergoing a process of raising the collective consciousness. So many on the planet do not even understand what that is, are not interested in it, and would scoff at it because this is a typical reaction of someone who feels they are being made to look foolish. They chest beat whenever they hear something that is true that they do not believe in themselves, in order to falsify the truth bringer. This is an extremely childish, and I might add reptilian, reaction to the truth.


Your social media is not filled with people who are movers and shakers. The people out there who are doing something spend minimal time on social media and maximum time out in the swamp, trying to change the nature of life. The people who are on social media are people who are informing each other, yes, and we have taken advantage of your propensity to sit on your backsides and search the internet for someone to relate to in order to make this ascension event work. Were it that you would spend as much time learning to relate to yourself rather than trying to find someone in this world you are compatible with, the world would be so much better off.


Me: Yup. I’m on here a lot, sometimes all day, but now that I’m feeling better I’ve been getting outside more.

我: 是的。我经常在这里,有时是一整天,但是现在我感觉好多了,我经常出去走走。

Ivo: Which is the normal thing to do when one feels well, to go outside.  Now that so many people are on their electronics all day, it would be safe to assume they are not feeling well.


Me: Yes, they’re being connected to the internet by the bad guys. The next step is getting you implanted so your chip connects you to the internet. That’s why all the satellites across the world, folks. They want to monitor and implant thoughts directly into your minds! Is this what you want? Then get off of that thing and start living a real life. Refuse to succumb to their system!

我: 是的,他们正在被坏人连接到互联网上。下一步是植入你的芯片,这样你的芯片就可以连接到互联网。这就是为什么世界上所有的卫星。他们想要监视你的思想,并将它们直接植入你的大脑!这就是你想要的吗?然后放下那件事,开始过真正的生活。拒绝屈服于他们的体系!

Ivo: And there are several other points as well, my love. Firstly, the people of Earth have been heavily traumatized. Yes, you are all traumatized. You will, of course, argue with me and say that you feel fine. Yes, perhaps you feel fine, but what you are feeling fine at is being a lesser version of who you truly are, or in some cases a version of yourself that is fake and has been taught to you. You are suppressing the wholeness of yourself by fitting into a world that seeks to control you. So if you feel fine in being this way, I feel compassion for you.


The other point I wish to make is that many of you, as we just pointed out, are still succumbing to their plan, rather than wholly rejecting any shred of compliance. You do not want to comply here but you still comply there. You call for the arrest of Trudeau and Bill Gates but the assemblage of people was conducted through the internet – which is also seeking to enslave you.

我想指出的另一点是,正如我们刚才所指出的,你们中的许多人仍然屈从于他们的计划,而不是完全拒绝任何一点遵守。你不想在这里遵守,但在那里你仍然遵守。你们要求逮捕特鲁多和比尔 · 盖茨,但是人们的集会是通过互联网进行的——互联网也在试图奴役你们。

You desire freedom but comply with tyranny in so many other ways. What would happen if we gave you the whole truth all at once? You would die of heart failure; that is what would happen. So many of you are not aware of the fact that this world is a creation of your collective minds.


In order to change the world, we must change your minds first. This is a quantum truth. And this is a reality based upon energy. There is no such thing as mass. There is only energy and what you perceive as solid is not solid, only slower energy than you are. That is why you can sit on your couch and touch computer keys.


The truth can only be given to the people of Earth as the people are ready to accept it. Some will never accept it, and that is their choice, but your choices must be clear.


This entire Ascension process must be made in steps. There is no grand revelation of truth to come because, yes, another truth so many do not understand is that you must accept the truth in order to be able to live it. And this is obvious because what is the first thing you do when someone speaks a truth and you do not believe it – many reject it. Do you wish to live or in fact die, in a grand flash of rejection of the truth of God and reality? The truth of life itself?   No, we have been feeding this information to you over many, many years through our contacts on Earth and we will continue to do so because you would have a heart failure if you knew the entire truth and how much of a lie your lives actually are.


Me: You said grand flash of truth, Ivo. Is that what the Event is? The day that enough people, perhaps a quorum, can lift Earth into the fifth dimension?

我: 伊沃,你说的是真理的闪光。这就是事件本身吗?那一天足够多的人,也许是法定人数,可以提升地球进入第五维度?

Ivo: That would be a sufficient explanation, my love.


We need to get you to a certain point in order to reveal more. Sharon does not have all the information and we cannot give it to her because she too, has not reached that point.


You want the truth but you do not even accept the true nature of life and reality. You believe that love is something to be taken. How many songs do you hear, “Give it to me, baby!” yet love is something to be given.


Yet so many people learn from these songs. And the reason they learn this way – from what society teaches them, is because their parents are not adequate to the task because they have been traumatized. So the children look outside of the home for tutelage. They find the matrix there as well.


The truth is, you have no idea how much your society must change in order to embody heavenly godliness within it again. No idea.


The reason the Alliance works under cover is multifold. For one thing, what would the people of Earth do if the Alliance were revealed to the public? They would either love them or hate them. They would believe them or they would fear them. They would idolize them as the new Hollywood or they would lambaste them.


The fact is, the changes to be made on planet Earth now are changes that are being made behind the realization of your awareness. Why? Because many of you believe, and this is also erroneous, that you are to react to your surroundings, that you do not create them. The creators we work with but so many people on Earth believe that life is fed to them and they must react to it. So we have the situations created for you to register in your minds and continue to anchor as your reality. However, the DS [deep state] also does the same – as you can see with their attempts to start world war 3.


Me: Many people believe that the MSM [mainstream media] should go down.

我: 很多人认为 MSM (主流媒体)应该下降。

Ivo: It is turning, but it is turning as you anchor that idea. If nobody anchors that idea – if no one puts their energy against the MSM and into a new system of communication, we cannot change the system. Now many are turning away and watching the truthers. The DS is trying to censor the truthers, but the MSM now is being overtaken by Lightworkers and it will turn.

伊沃:它正在转动,但是它正在转动,当你锚定那个想法的时候。如果没有人坚持这个想法——如果没有人把他们的精力投入到一个新的交流系统中,我们就不能改变这个系统。现在,许多人转过身去,看着那些真相揭露者。DS 正在试图审查真相,但是 MSM 现在正在被光之工作者超越,它将会转变。

It is an axiom of life that you must rise in frequency, one level at a time. So it is with Earth – one thing after the next must change. It is a process. So many want an event. We cannot give you an event – you must undergo the process and learn to become discerning of truth in the meanwhile because this is crucial to anchoring more light.


The fact is, Mr T is a Jesuit. He is also of the bloodlines with his own agenda. And yes, he is a thirty-third degree mason! (1) Right now so many believe in him because they see he has power. What is happening throughout this entire process is that evil is being worked with by the Light in order to create good.

事实是 t 先生是个耶稣会士。他也是有自己计划的血统。是的,他是一个三十三度的泥瓦匠!现在有那么多人相信他,因为他们看到了他的力量。在这整个过程中所发生的是,邪恶正在被光所操纵,以便创造善。

There is no such thing as a politician who is of absolute light. They are human, they are all fallible, and given to being greedy and destructive, the same as any other human. What you have on Earth right now are warring factions of DS. They all want to have their agenda prevail over you. But it is all a control agenda. We are taking their contributions to free you from their control.

没有绝对光明的政治家这种东西。他们也是人,他们都会犯错误,和其他人一样,他们也有贪婪和破坏性。你们现在在地球上看到的是 DS 的敌对派系。他们都想让自己的议程压倒你。但这一切都是控制议程。我们接受他们的贡献是为了让你们摆脱他们的控制。

You put blind faith into a man who has gotten rich by paying people minimum wage. He enjoys his employees and they applaud him but they are not in his shoes, are they? This is the lie. You can be in his shoes – as wealthy as he is, with much less toil and effort, but he will not tell you that. However, we will. These are the secrets the occultists keep from the people.


You tell him, “Yes, I want to work! I want to work harder at a job I despise! Please give me more jobs!” We shake our heads. You are still brainwashed into believing you even need to work! When there is true equality among the people, true equality, then you will understand you need no leaders to profit by you. You have much growth to do yet.


Those who did not want to work a regular job, such as musicians, they wanted to work selling their music and doing concerts. Do you not think the DS would not find a way to exploit them as well? What ended up happening? Those musicians who are rich, the few at the top, are part of their occultist group, the poor ones at the bottom, the ones they stole from, are not! Do you not see yet? Open your eyes, please for your own sakes!

那些不想做固定工作的人,比如说音乐家,他们想做的是推销自己的音乐和举办音乐会。难道你不认为 DS 也会找不到一种方法来利用他们吗?最后发生了什么?那些富有的音乐家,少数在顶端的人,是他们神秘主义团体的一部分,而底部的穷人,他们从中偷窃的人,则不是!你还不明白吗?为了你自己,请睁开你的眼睛!

Do you not see the rank and file of life? There are the numbers and only a few make it to the top. Why do they make it to the top when others who are more talented fail? Ask yourselves that please.


You lament the fact that life is not fair. As it is practiced now upon Earth, it obviously is not. But was it designed to be fair? Does universal law support fairness? Does universal law support love for all? Does universal law support benevolence, mastery and abundance for all? It most certainly does! But will Mr T tell you this? He will not. He still does not want you to know. He is no leader. He is an exploiter of humanity, the same as the rest.

你哀叹生活是不公平的。因为它现在在地球上实践着,显然不是。但是,它的设计是公平的吗?普遍规律支持公平吗?宇宙法则支持对所有人的爱吗?宇宙法是否支持所有人的仁爱、掌控和富足?当然是这样的!但是 t 先生会告诉你这些吗?他不会的。他还是不想让你知道。他不是领导者。他和其他人一样,是人性的剥削者。

Sharon is more of a leader to people than anyone in position in your governments.


Me: Oh, don’t do that!

我: 哦,别这样!

Ivo: You see my point, though, do you not?


Me: I do. It’s about empowering people

我: 是的。这是关于赋予人们力量

Ivo: Yes. You lament the fact your leaders do not disclose alien existence to you. Do you see why now? You would look at the alien worlds and see they live so much better than you do. They want you to believe you are alone and have no help. Otherwise you would overthrow their power over you. They fear your knowing this and they fear us because we will tell you the truth. We can do nothing else or become like them ourselves.


They know we understand the rules of the universe better than they do. So when we speak to them, we can be on the level with them. We call them out for what they are doing to the people and we can stand in the way as they attempt to enslave you further. But ultimately, it is up to you to decide if you want total freedom or not. You must all choose individually and as a collective. This is the process you are undergoing now.


The faction of the elite who will ultimately succeed is the one with the least malevolent agenda for you which would be a grand improvement over where you are now. But it is not the final stop! Through working with these negative factions, we will install the Galactic Codex upon Earth; thence be able to help you ourselves.

最终成功的精英派系是那些对你们来说有着最少恶意议程的派系,这将是一个比你们现在所处的位置更大的进步。但这不是终点站!通过与这些负面派系合作,我们将在地球上安装银河法典; 从那里我们能够帮助你们自己。

What you have heard about “good generals concerned for the benefit of humanity” is a lie. This is not how the Alliance was started. Nobody gets into high power positions on Earth by being a good person. You have been lied to again by the DS. The ones who have worked with us are the ones who have been complicit with these plans initially and were then turned to the Light through higher contact. This is what has made them turn.

你所听说的“关心人类利益的好将军”是一个谎言。联盟不是这样建立的。在地球上,没有人能通过做一个好人而获得高层职位。你又被 DS 欺骗了。那些与我们一起工作的人们,就是那些最初与这些计划串通一气,然后通过更高的接触转向光的人们。这就是他们转变的原因。

We told them what would happen to them if they continued on their path of compliance with the DS. We have turned many people to the Light this way. What benevolence can be seen in a person who complies with the killing of even one human being, never mind launching an attack on innocents? Please! You must learn to see the truth of war, and what your militaries are doing!

我们告诉他们,如果他们继续遵守 DS,将会发生什么。我们已经用这种方式使许多人转向光明。一个人甘愿牺牲一个人,更不用说对无辜的人发动袭击,这样的人还有什么仁慈可言?求你了!你必须学会看到战争的真相,以及你的军队正在做什么!

When one makes the position of general in the military it is because they have learned absolute obedience and compliance. They become informed of the agenda and indoctrinated before they get their stripes! They are in compliance otherwise they would not be promoted or they would suffer some other fate. Generals are completely brainwashed and in need of deprogramming in order to work with us.


Your belief that there are good generals in the Military is another deception. MacArthur was not. The DS has used the military to overtake other DS factions for many many years. Initially the military was aligned with the Roman Catholic church but then it became the power of the governments as the church lost power over the people in the Age of Intellect, which you are now in.

你认为军队里有好的将军是另一种欺骗。但麦克阿瑟不是。多年来,DS 利用军队压倒其他 DS 派系。最初,军队与罗马天主教会结盟,但后来,它成为政府的权力,因为教会失去了对人民的权力,在智力时代,你现在是在。

If there were good generals in the military they would be killed unless they are protected by us. Those, such as former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Hellyer, were turned to the Light and protected. They would fear someone of that power against them. They would do away with them. If they are alive now, they are complicit and not to be trusted unless they are working with us. However they can still work a negative agenda while they are working with the Alliance.

如果军队里有好的将军,他们会被杀死,除非他们受到我们的保护。那些人,比如前加拿大国防部长保罗 · 赫尔耶,转向光明并受到保护。他们会害怕有那种力量的人反对他们。他们会把它们处理掉。如果他们现在还活着,他们是同谋,除非他们和我们一起工作,否则他们不值得信任。然而,他们在与联盟合作的同时,仍然可以制定一个消极的议程。

Me: So there’s one I’m thinking of and we don’t really know. How can they work a negative agenda while they’re working with you?

我: 所以有一个我正在想,但我们并不真正知道。当他们和你一起工作的时候,他们怎么可能有一个消极的议程呢?

Ivo: For exposure of others and the truth. You must learn to become discerning, as I said. As for that one, we do know, my love. The Light is making use of their darkness. Eventually they will be exposed.


What do you think would qualify a person to become an army general? The ability to kill, my love, is what qualifies them. This is proven ultimately in their indoctrination process. The supposed greatest generals are the worst killers. The ones who do it with no compunction make the best generals, these are the biggest sociopaths! These are the requirements in your militaries. The ones with a conscience who suffer from their time in war, the ones who are traumatized, have the greatest conscience.

你认为一个人有什么资格成为一名将军?杀人的能力,亲爱的,正是他们的资格。这最终在他们的教化过程中得到了证明。所谓的最伟大的将军是最坏的杀手。那些毫无顾忌的人就是最好的将军---- 他们是最大的反社会者!这些是你们军队的要求。那些在战争中受过良心折磨的人,那些受过精神创伤的人,都有着最伟大的良心。

Me: Sounds like MK Ultra.

我: 听起来像 MK Ultra。

Ivo: Arguably, your entire world is!

伊沃: 可以说,你的整个世界都是!

Me: So none of them are starseeds who could resist being brainwashed?

我: 所以他们中没有一个是能够抵抗被洗脑的星际种子?

Ivo: No. Not at that level, my love. You do, however, see them in the P [Patriot?] movement.


What must be removed is the power to deceive you! Do you not see this?! It is imperative that you cannot be lied to any longer! You must clearly be able to see the truth.


Until you do, they will retain functionality and control over you.


You simply have not outgrown this reality as a species. The Alliance is working with those who are in power to create goodness from their greed, benevolence from their power hunger, and love for all from their selfishness. This is how the Alliance works with those of the Universe – they utilize the power of those you call leaders to actually create a world worth living in for all.


Mr T is not going to last forever. Eventually he will have his fall from grace but another leader, one of a higher frequency, will step up to replace him. And so it will go, with the people anchoring all of the positive changes – as they can.


Because we know that positive changes cannot be anchored by all right now as many of you are very negative.


This is why it is imperative that the people get involved. Without their anchoring positive change, and their insistence upon it, nothing will change. They must become aware of the reality they are creating.


Were it that a Pleiadian or a Vegan or a Lyran should step up to lead your world, so many of you would not be able to comply with this leadership. You are simply not ready yet to be so empowered.

如果昴宿星人、纯素者或者 Lyran 应该站出来领导你们的世界,那么你们中的许多人将无法遵从这种领导。你只是还没有准备好如此强大。

The reason you are being lied to by the Alliance, truths being held back, is that you are still closer to those that have owned and controlled you in nature than you are to the Lyran or Pleiadian.

你们之所以被联盟欺骗,真理被牵制,是因为你们在本质上仍然更接近那些曾经拥有和控制过你们的人,而不是 Lyran 或昴宿星人。

This is a lot to accept and many of you will think I am joking. You will despise this message and wonder if I got out of the wrong side of bed today. I did not. It is the simple truth. You have much growth to do and it will be fed to you a spoonful at a time.


Me: Thank you, Ivo. I’m going to give this its own special page on our website. This needs to be seen.

我: 谢谢你,伊沃。我将在我们的网站上给它一个专门的页面。我们需要看到这一点。

Ivo: Thank you, my love. You are in a collective growth process. Some are learning faster than others, but you are generally still a negative reactive species that has done little personal growth and for this you are being tricked and deceived. You also have an enormous backlog of karma that must be re-balanced. This is why you must undergo a growth process.


**Channel: Sharon Stewart

* * 频道: Sharon Stewart



  • 本文由 发表于 2022年5月2日19:55:12
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