2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

2022年4月29日11:25:09新人阅读2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球已关闭评论5722字数 5196阅读17分19秒阅读模式


 April 28, 2022 2022年4月28日

2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

The world is waking up and the signs are everywhere. Humanity’s heart is beating stronger and minds are opening and seeking. Innate wisdom is rising to the surface and together we are changing our world. The higher harmonics from our collective frequencies are buoying us upward and beyond the deepest, darkest evil infesting our reality, widening the gap between good and evil.


Tanzania: 60 Million Follow ‘Murdered’ President’s Independent Spirit and Reject COVID Vax and Policies

坦桑尼亚: 6000万人追随被谋杀总统的独立精神,拒绝冠状病毒疾病疫苗和其他政策

2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

This new documentary will help fuel the awakening process.


The docu-series begins on May 4th and each daily episode is free to watch. See the trailer and register now at TheTruthAboutCancer.us

该纪录片系列将于5月4日开始播出,每日一集免费观看。看看预告片,现在在 thetruthaboutcancer.us 登记

New Docu-Series “Propaganda Exposed” launched by the courageous creators of The Truth About Cancer – starts May 4th


We’re slowly getting to the crux of the matter; the hard truths and “conspiracy theory”. Funny how all the “conspiracy theories” turned out to be factual.

我们正在慢慢找到问题的症结所在: 残酷的事实和“阴谋论”。有趣的是,所有的“阴谋论”最后都变成了事实。

Here’s the SMOKING GUN PROOF that COVID and the plandemic are all about population control


Link to Telegram for the following:


2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

For those advanced in their research and discernment, a new article from Dr. Michael Salla on Exopolitics.org. There could be multiple reasons for putting this out. You decide.


Remote Viewing ET manipulation in Russia Ukraine War


From Telegram… Tribunals for Justice channel

来自 Telegram... 司法法庭频道

2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

28.04.22 Switzerland: The parallel flight over Geneva was terminated.

28.04.22瑞士: 飞越日内瓦的平行航班终止。



来源: # pit/skywatcher

FOR YOUR INFO: GENEVA ESPECIALLY THE DISTRICT WHERE UN, WHO etc are located is independend from Switzerland And is considered a special administrative zone with its own diplomatic passports… compare City of London…

供参考: 日内瓦特别是联合国、世界卫生组织等机构所在的地区是独立于瑞士的,被认为是一个拥有自己的外交护照的特别行政区... ... 比较伦敦城... ..。

Also see the info from last October

也可以看看去年10月的信息-> > > https://t.me/dumbsandunderground/27428?single


Trump continues to control the narrative and bust the propaganda from the fake news at his rallies and the next one will be in Nebraska on April 29. [tomorrow]


Network problems; looks good on ’em. How do you justify a salary of 9 million a year to spin reality? We are witnessing the fall of fake news and fake journalists.

网络问题; 看起来不错。你如何证明一年900万美元的薪水可以用来编织现实?我们正在见证假新闻和假记者的衰落。

The Post reported that some at CNN believed the network had “overspent on talent” to support the streaming platform. Wallace’s salary was said to be approximately $9 million per year.

《华盛顿邮报》报道称,CNN 的一些人认为,该电视网为了支持这个流媒体平台,已经“在人才方面超支”。据说华莱士的年薪大约为900万美元。

Chris Wallace Breaks Silence on CNN+ Collapse, Unsure of What’s Next


2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

North of the 49th parallel in the Great White Gulag, the media is having a field day with the latest study; as reported by Rebel News. The establishment is desperate to keep us separated, at odds with each other, fearful. They don’t want us unified so they keep pumping out the FEAR; False Evidence Appearing Real.

据义军新闻报道,在大白色古拉格的北纬49度线以北,媒体正在对最新的研究进行实地报道。当权派不顾一切地想把我们隔离开来,彼此争斗,恐惧。他们不希望我们团结一致,所以他们不断制造恐惧; 虚假证据出现真实。

Assumptions — not science — go viral in legacy media, in frantic push for unvaccinated segregation


A new and deeply unscientific ‘study’ has been widely propagated by the mainstream media, allegedly justifying the segregation of vaccinated and unvaccinated Canadians.


2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

Please tell me no one will donate. LCBO is the Liquor Control Board of Ontario or the beer/wine/liquor stores in that province. Link to Telegram.

请告诉我没有人愿意捐献。LCBO 是安大略省的酒类管理委员会或该省的啤酒/葡萄酒/酒类商店。链接到 Telegram。

LCBO is taking donations for the EVERGREEN CANADA FOUNDATION – Can’t make this stuff up!

LCBO 正在接受长青加拿大基金会的捐款-不能编造这些东西!

2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

For Phil phans… here is the Ewaranon Part two analysis Phil did this morning. Way too early for me to take it in but I will do so first chance I get because it’s always interesting to hear the research Ewar unearths. When Q says “everything is connected”, they say it true.

对于菲尔 · 范斯来说,以下是菲尔今天早上做的第二部分分析。这对我来说太早了,不过我一有机会就会这么做,因为听到 Ewar 发现地球的研究总是很有趣。当 q 说“一切都是相连的”时,他们说这是真的。

The Master Key – Ewaranon, Vol. 2 Episode 2 – April 28th, 2022

万能钥匙 -Ewaranon,第二季第2集-2022年4月28日

Laura Walker’s riveting Oracle Report for April 27, 2022 is available at the link below. 18 min audio only.


2022年4月28日: 新事实,新真相,新信念 = 新现实|星际飞船地球

Neptune’s Purge 


The Kryon video about our Pleiadian roots is this one below, which I felt is relevant and suggests we are ready to hear this—perhaps not for the first time. I don’t see it on Kryon’s official channel. Too many ads in this.


Kryon Explains What Happens When Your Pleiadian Akash Starts to Download

克里昂解释当你的昴宿星 Akash 开始下载时会发生什么

I hear Trump is posting on Truth Social. He said “covfefe”. Link to Telegram.  Santa also reports that Biden is having a mal. Link to Telegram.

我听说特朗普正在“真相社交”上发帖。他说“ covfefe”。链接到 Telegram。圣诞老人还报告说,拜登有一个毛病。链接到 Telegram。

That’s the end for today, folks. Quite the movie, eh?  ~ BP

今天就到这里吧,伙计们。电影很精彩,是吧? ~ BP

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