

April 23, 2022 2022年4月23日

Here is that date 5:5 again. Hmmm. As always, please use your discernment - but feel free to speculate...!

又是那个5点5分的日子。嗯... ... 一如既往,请用你的洞察力——但是随意猜测... ... !


Tarot by Janine does an interesting 'deep dive' into the food processing plants being destroyed, and food shortages.



This will be a short post today.


This afternoon I spent time with my friend Emma. We discussed how the 'sleepers' are starting to slowly awaken to the truth of life on Earth. It wasn't that long ago that people respected [B]iden, Prince Andrew and many other [D]eep [S]tate figures. The truth is being disseminated in a measured fashion so that 'sleepers' can accept and assimilate it gradually. Drip, drip, drip, like water on stone. As Emma said, people are becoming conditioned to things like the [Q]ueen being described as a lizard/reptilian, and the Catholic Church's long history of pedophilia. Those concepts would have been unthinkable ten years ago.


In a shop today, a jabbed shop assistant told an un-jabbed Light Warrior, 'I think you guys had the right idea all along...' 

今天在一家商店里,一个神经兮兮的店员对一个没有神经兮兮的光战士说: “我认为你们一直都有正确的想法... ...”

This admission was met with grace from the Light Warrior. Many of us will hear similar admissions as the truth continues to pour out. The grace comes from a simple response of, 'Thanks for letting me know...' There is nothing to gain from, 'Well, I did try to tell you but you wouldn't listen...' Too late. That ship has sailed. Compassion, compassion, compassion. 

这个承认得到了光明战士的恩典。随着真相不断涌现,我们中的许多人也会听到类似的承认。这种优雅来自于这样一个简单的回答: ‘谢谢你让我知道... ...’没有什么好处,‘好吧,我确实想告诉你,但你不听... ...’太晚了。那条船已经起航了。同情,同情,同情。

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Where We Go One We Go All.


Love and Light 




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