
2022年1月22日19:45:34新人阅读世界自由集会日|星际之门通讯已关闭评论5391字数 2971阅读9分54秒阅读模式
This graphic is awesome - Worldwide Freedom Rally Day 22-23rd January. Look how strongly Aussie is represented, with towns not just big cities.
A Trump merchandize stand at the Auckland rally. Here Down Under, we love President Trump.
Ireland has joined the freedom club - banning all virus restrictions. Awesome.
Excellent video of a panel of doctors speaking the truth about the jab. Eight minutes, well worth it. 

It is good to see the medical professionals in the video openly talking about the sudden deaths of professional athletes, especially soccer players. A top French ruby player has 'died suddenly' at the age of 26. Maybe this will cause rugby-mad Aussies and Kiwis to 'wonder what is going on...' I live in hope. 

很高兴看到医疗专业人员在视频中公开谈论职业运动员,尤其是足球运动员的突然死亡。一位法国顶级红宝石球员在26岁时“突然去世”。也许这会让那些热衷橄榄球的澳大利亚人和新西兰人“好奇到底发生了什么... ...”我生活在希望中

Finally, I like James Gilliland's latest newsletter. I have always resonated with his viewpoint. He has a refreshing skepticism for gurus that I admire. 

最后,我喜欢James Gilliland的最新通讯。我一直对他的观点有共鸣。他对大师们有一种令人耳目一新的怀疑态度,我很欣赏。


I made a vow in my twenties to not follow gurus. I saw the damage that blindly following such people caused to the life of a family member.


I will always be grateful for my old-school journalism training which instilled a strong motivation to seek objectivity and truth, as much as possible. I don't always get it right - but then my aim is to present information for YOU to decide. Discernment is an important tool in the Light Warrior kit.


It's a short post. Today I enjoyed a catch-up with blog-reader Jayde - look for her guest post soon. No pressure, Jayde! I am keen for you to read the viewpoint of a young New Zealand Light Warrior. Then I spent the rest of the day with a friend and her children at the river. Far away from the global issues. Just hot sun, stunning scenery, two little girls and a big black playful dog. Hours passed, living in the moment. Great fun. 
这篇文章很短。今天我喜欢赶上博客读者 Jayde-寻找她的客座博文不久。不要有压力,杰德!我非常希望你能读到一位年轻的新西兰光明战士的观点。然后我和一个朋友及她的孩子们在河边度过了剩下的一天。远离全球问题。只有炎热的阳光,迷人的风景,两个小女孩和一只又大又好玩的黑狗。几个小时过去了,活在当下。非常有趣。
Keep smiling, Light Warriors. Nothing Can Stop What is Coming - and The Best Is Yet To Come. These two phrases come hand in hand as we press forward relentlessly towards victory and full liberation for humanity.
Thank you for reading this post. You are welcome to share it as long as you re-post it in its entirety, including the link to my blog site.
Where We Go One We Go All.
Love and Light 

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