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Starship Earth:The Big Picture 星际飞船地球:大局

August 14,2021 2021814


I'm hours behind in the news and was offline and couldn't check out the details of the Haiti earthquake,etc.I'll have to pick up the pieces tomorrow and jump in where I began before I lost my connection to the world.


I'd say the reverse programming of Humanity is in high gear.When this"experiential learning"is complete,we will know the truth about most things,and will never trust the medical quackery,the media,science and physics blindly ever again.We may not even believe our eyes.


Humanity will hopefully take on a dramatically more hands-on approach to community and country.The People will have to step up and represent their community's best interests for short periods of time.No more"career politicians"because that breeds corruption.There will no doubt be term limits for those in office.There will be transparency,as well.


We haven't even got to the"religion"part and the relationship of"church and state"created by the psychopaths.There really is no separation.


In this rather long but interesting dialogue below we get to meet Jetson White,the man and the mind behind the brilliant videos we've been sharing about how Humanity will be sprung from our cage so we can skip GO and proceed directly to 5D and our Golden Age.

在下面这段冗长而有趣的对话中,我们将见到杰特森·怀特,他是我们一直在分享的精彩视频背后的男人和思想,这些视频讲述了人类将如何从我们的笼子里跳出来,我们可以跳过围棋,直接进入5 d 和我们的黄金时代。

Tom Numbers makes the striking connections within Gematria to so much that is happening and the key players within this matrix.

汤姆摩尔斯将 Gematria 内部发生的许多事情以及这个矩阵中的关键人物联系在一起。

Jetson talks about the media and echoes my belief.I've asked before…"Who REALLY controls the media?"I believe the White Hats do because we've seen or heard things that clearly illustrate they are sending us messages to that effect.


Romana Didulo has spoken recently of the degree of CGI in our world.It may be more extreme than you thought.It might also account for the White Hats'ability to control the situation and the"script".See her poll on Telegram.

罗曼娜·迪杜洛最近谈到了我们这个世界的电脑成像程度。这可能比你想象的还要极端。这也可以解释白帽子能够控制情况和"脚本"。看看她在 Telegram 上的投票。


They also discuss the"space force"and the possible meanings of"space".It's vague,to say the least.And of course who is behind The Plan?Trump,JFK Jr.and Senior,Juan O'Savin,and other actors in this"movie".


The Kung Flu BS is so over-the-top our heads are about to explode but some people say they got it,or someone in the family got it but if they did,it's not life-ending.The vaccines,however,are another story.

功夫流感 b 是如此的夸张,我们的头脑就要爆炸了,但是一些人说他们得到了它,或者家里有人得到了它,但是如果他们得到了,它不是生命的终结。然而,疫苗就是另一回事了。

From my perspective,the reports we're getting of all the deaths from the jab are either the satanic ones being eradicated,or it's purely White Hat propaganda to facilitate our deprogramming so we will not trust pharmaceuticals and will seek alternatives.It could be both.


What we have seen is a large number of natural,safe,effective preventives for the Wu flu or the common cold,and which will enable our body to block/purge potential damaging agents from vaccines and other toxic substances.


We've learned the importance of a strong immune system,the need for powerful in-house antioxidants like Vitamin C and D,we've learned how to make our own Hydroxychloroquine and pine needle tea,we've learned about Nano Soma(more on that below),and Ivermectin,Zinc,Azithromycin,Regeneron,and other products which,used appropriately,appear safe and effective.

C和D,我们已经学会了如何制作我们自己的羟氯喹和松针茶,我们已经学会了 Nano Soma(更多关于以下),以及伊维菌素,锌,阿奇霉素,Regeneron,和其他产品,适当地使用,显得安全和有效。

In future,I believe disease will be a thing of the past because the elements leading to disease will have been removed.No more bioweapons,no more psychological experiments on our minds,no more toxic food or water,no more EMF pollution or dangerous frequencies,and no psychopaths or greedy puppets in labs mucking about with viruses,bacteria,black goo or other schemes to make us sick or kill us.


The real genocide is for the satanic bloodline families.They are the ones who will become extinct.The joke's on them.We will leave them in the dust and go on to enjoy a joyful and inspiring life in service to others and live as we were intended;enjoying the Creator's bounty and beauty in our new world.


But for now,we have to endure the nightmare curriculum the Earth Alliance deems it necessary to immerse us in.Lesson One:Follow the money.


Judge Jeanine adds her perspective for those who are unaware:


When the pandemic began there was 1 person worth$100 billion


Now there are 9


When the pandemic began the 10 richest people had$695 billion


Now they have$1.36 trillion


While people struggle to put food on the table amid the pandemic,billionaires are getting richer.


The day when people realize this is a business,it'll be too late.Wake up,people.Let's save our world2021年8月14日:为你准备|星际飞船地球


First it was one jab,then a booster,now three and five…we told you.It's not about"immunity"it's about manipulating the genetics of Humanity,population control,and profit.That's what the control freaks sought to do.


Swedish professor:People will need FIVE vaccine doses for immunity,and if you don't submit,you'll no longer qualify as"fully vaccinated"


I think you'll find this interesting.Alpha,Beta,Delta,Lambda…5G…I don't believe the scenarios in the article below have been allowed to unfold,only the illusion of them to get the attention of those still in the hypnotic trance.


It ought to be abundantly clear by now that OPERATION COVID-19 VARIANT has multiple objectives as well as carefully concealed nefarious purposes.


Not only is this particular black operation and complex psyop designed to keep the Covid Plandemic hoax going indefinitely,OPERATION COVID-19 VARIANT is being run as a covert global experiment on all of humanity.


Exactly how is this Nazi-like experiment being carried out across the planet by the New World Order globalist cabal?


Here's how they're stealthily testing each different COVID-19 variant in those nations targeted by these very secret and perilous experiments.


This fellow patriot delivers intelligent,thoughtful,and accurate commentary.In this update,in addition to other commentary he raises a couple of issues with the predictions and analyses of Clif High which are in line with my personal interpretation of what we can expect in the coming months.There is definitely a Quantum Financial System,for example.That we can say with every confidence.



This is very late because my other half decide today was the day to hook up the stereo after all the painting and decided to go a little different route which meant the cable/wifi was unhooked for a few hours and I was without connectivity.


LT did another fantastic update for us.

LT 为我们做了另一个奇妙的更新。

8.14.21:This WAR is picking up STEAM!The beginning of the end started in S.Dakota!PRAY!


8.14.21: This WAR is picking up STEAM! The beginning of the end started in S. Dakota! PRAY!

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It's nice to be back,but now it's dinner time.This post is short as a result and no nice memes or graphics.I'll be back tomorrow for the Sunday Digest.~BP




  • 本文由 发表于 2021年8月15日13:49:49
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