X22报道|第2963集: 特朗普设置了经济陷阱吗? 深层政府已经失去控制 

2023年1月4日15:30:46最新动态X22报道|第2963集: 特朗普设置了经济陷阱吗? 深层政府已经失去控制 已关闭评论360字数 1284阅读4分16秒阅读模式


X22报道|第2963集: 特朗普设置了经济陷阱吗? 深层政府已经失去控制 

Ep. 2963a – Did Trump Set Economic Traps For The Biden Administration?


Ep. 2963b – The [DS]/[D]s Have Lost Control, Patriots In Control, Did Trump Just Hint At Something? Boom

[ DS ]/[ D ]s 失去控制,爱国者在控制,特朗普刚刚暗示了什么吗



Inflation is making very difficult for the American people. Inflation is going to get worse and fuel prices are going to start to move up again. 23 states needed to increase minimum wage just to keep up with inflation. Trump set traps in his tax cut policy where the tax cuts expire.



The [DS] has lost control, they do not control the narrative, they investigation and information is coming at them from all directions. The [DS] is now panicking. Trump his hinting that there might be another party needed if the establishment does not fall in line. Election fraud is being pushed out into the public realm and more and more evidence is being produced. Booms are coming. 



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